
Company Introduction

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Quanta Cloud Technology (QCT) is a global datacenter solution provider. We combine the efficiency of hyperscale hardware with infrastructure software from a diversity of industry leaders to solve next-generation datacenter design and operation challenges. QCT serves cloud service providers, telecoms and enterprises running public, hybrid and private clouds. Product lines include hyper-converged and software-defined datacenter solutions as well as servers, storage, switches, integrated racks with a diverse ecosystem of hardware component and software partners. QCT designs, manufactures, integrates and services cutting edge offerings via its own global network. The parent of QCT is Quanta Computer, Inc., a Fortune Global 500 corporation.

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QCT delivers benefits that datacenter operators care about -Innovative technology Working with the world’s best-in-class datacenter customers, QCT continues exploring the most innovative and advanced cloud technology. -Standard and open hardware QCT offers standard and open commodity hardware, so that datacenter operators are not locked in to a specific vendor. -Efficiency Hardware from QCT is designed for simplicity and the highest level of energy and cooling efficiency. -Scalability QCT systems are designed to scale from a single node to rack level and to deploy easily across different clouds/datacenters. -Flexibility QCT hardware is highly optimized with unified and flexible designs, providing excellent expandability and configurability for a diverse range of cloud services and datacenter infrastructure requirements. -Reliability Backed by Quanta, with more than 14-years of experience in datacenter equipment engineering and manufacturing, QCT is highly recognized by the world’s datacenter customers for delivering exceptional quality and reliability. -Manageability Systems and racks provided by QCT can be managed with a single management interface. -Optimized performance QCT provides flexible product configuration, integration, performance optimization and engineering consulting services to help datacenter customers gain the most optimized performance for their unique workloads. -Serviceability All QCT systems and racks are pre-configured, integrated and optimized for customers to quickly deploy and expand their services. -Pre-configuration for quick deployment All QCT systems and racks are pre-configured, integrated and optimized for customers to quickly deploy and expand their services. -Global supply chain, support, and services A global supply chain and services enable large-scale and rapid datacenter deployments across regions. -Affordability Designed for simplicity, efficiency, serviceability and ease of use and deployment, QCT systems offer ideal CAPEX and OPEX to datacenter customers. -Optimized performance QCT provides flexible product configuration, integration, performance optimization and engineering consulting services to help datacenter customers gain the most optimized performance for their unique workloads.


一、多樣全面的福利項目: 1)獎金福利:端午、中秋、年終獎金、員工分紅、資深員工獎金。 2)醫療保險及健康照護:員工團體保險(包含壽險、意外傷害險、醫療險、癌症險等) 、職災險、員工健康檢查、駐廠醫生服務及各式健康促進活動。 3)交通往來:免費員工交通車直達大台北與大桃園地區或交通津貼、免費汽機車停車位 4)各項津貼補助:伙食津貼、生日禮劵、婚喪喜慶補助、員工生育補助 5)眷屬福利:眷屬團保、親子藝文活動、戲劇包場活動、家庭日、特約糼稚園。 二、打造健康(Health)、快樂(Happiness)、希望(Hope)及關懷(Caring)的工作環境,致力促進員工工作與生活平衡  1)幸福美食街::中西式美食多樣選擇,7-11,Starbucks、洗衣坊、書店、員工享有專屬折扣。 2)員工休閒中心:聘有專業教練群駐館服務。健身房裡有上百種健身器材,TRX教室、有氧教室及飛輪教室天天有課程。另有籃球場、羽球場、桌球場、游泳池等。不定期開辦各式運動教學課程以及會員專屬活動。員工還可使用按摩椅,KTV室以及閱讀書坊,放鬆身心。 3)演藝廳:員工在公司內享受專屬戲劇欣賞,音樂聆賞,舞蹈表演。 4)多元社團活動:籃球社、羽球社、桌遊社、山野社、吉他社、美術社、攝影社…等30多個社團等 5)員工活動:廣達旺年會、家庭日、球類競賽、生活講座、藝文活動包場或贈票活動。 6)身心健康促進活動:減重比賽、抒壓按摩服務、EAP方案免費心理法律議題諮詢 三、廣達菁英學校:量身打造優質的環境,是台灣連續二年獲世界級培訓協會,最佳卓越學習組織奬的公司。 投注豐富的資源,共有專業,領導,創新,創意,創業五大學門,強化廣達人的競爭力,主管人員的管理能力,建構全方位的思考能力,貼近使用者的設計能力,進而能有市場敏感度,創造新的商業模式。也讓每個同仁在每個階段,都有屬於自己的學習藍圖,持續進階,成就自我。

Company & Workplace


AI/Cloud/Medical sales specialist 廣達集團_雲達科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Major job function: Execute the company sales strategies & sales plan of the assigned territory & project management to meet the sales quota, including the below tasks: 1. Develop the new customers, expand the existing customer’s contribution, manage and maintain the customer profiles. 2. Arrange pr-sales support and customer services. 3. Marketing & competitor information collect and analysis. 4. Accomplish the tasks assigned by management team 5. Short time international or domestic business travel for business need 6. Tender management.(Status , special price application and AVL validation control and regression arrangement) 7. NPI sample delivery/preparation and consolidation for customer. 8. RFQ checking and coordinate with related function team 9. NDA & contract reviewing and process. 10. Fulfillmemt operation included shipping schedule control and arrangement
English Required
10/18 Updated
5G Use Case Engineer 廣達集團_雲達科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Job description - Study and research new technologies of 5G use case - Develop application and SDK for customer requirement - Engage into customer implementation and Proof of Concept if needed Knowledge and Professional Skills - Know Media Analytics or Robot technology - Familiar with Linux - Good communication skills - Know OpenCV or OpenVX is plus - Know ROS or ROS2 is plus - Know Machine Learning framework is plus
English Required
10/18 Updated