
Company Introduction

20 Employees
Contact Person
Established in 2009, ACT POWER is created by experienced engineers and marketing planners who have been in the industrial PC sector for many years. Given its specialization in customized design, production service, heart touching sales connections and unique marketing ideas in the industry. ACT POWER continues its DTOS (Design To Order Service) and OEM/ODM services, tailoring products to customers' requirements and assisting customers in the selection of the most cost effective and tailored solution. Our comprehensive product lines include Mini PC, Fanless Industrial Computer, Imaging Automation products ect. Now introduced a new intelligent connectivity and controls with solid IPC foundations. One of the keys to our success is having the flexibility to meet the exact needs of our customers, from one-off configuration to large production. ACT POWER adheres to exacting quality standards to meet the requirements of customers for complex product development. Our manufacturing facilities are certified by ISO-9001 quality management systems. We offer a full range of manufacturing services that include intensive testing processes, software and application installation with customer database control and logistic services. Our quality assurance processes can be tailored to the specific requirements of each customer. We are totally committed to achieving 100% customer satisfaction. We will move to our new invested facility in Neihu Science Park from 2Q 2024 and all new staffs will be expected to work at this top high tech area in Taipei, we will expect your enrolling to join with this growing company. 行動力國際股份有限公司已成立15年了, 業績每年都是穩定成長, 在2023年我們的業績又創下了歷史新高, 我們是一間值得您發展以及持續成長的工業電腦公司. 我們特別注重工業電腦的客製化服務設計以及製造這個業務, 客戶遍佈美國, 加拿大, 歐洲, 英國, 澳洲以及印度. 因為優越的設計以及製造品質所以近年來在強固型的電腦, 螢幕等的市場大有斬獲, 並持續獲得國際軍工大廠的訂單. 希望有願景您一起加入我們的行列. 請發信息留言給我們我們很快會對您答覆. 行動力在2023年底投資購買了位於台北市內湖科技園區的辦公室以此見證這間公司下一階段的使命, 預計2024年4月搬遷到台北市內湖區的購入的辦公室, 目前開放職缺的工作在2024年5月後都會在內湖科技園區上班(地址為台北市內湖區瑞湖街103號), 希望我們可以得到您踴躍的參與來一起成長.

Industry Sector
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Main Products

1) Embedded Systems. Arm based embedded system boards and Intel based system board design and manufacturing services, 2) Embedded software porting services, such as Linux or Android operating system porting services. 3) Product ID design, 2D/3D mock up creation and proto type sample services. We will design a working sample to meet client POC( Proof Of Concept) demand. 4) Design to Order Services and Build to Order services. 5) Industrial grade and military grade LCD kit. 6) Vehicle computers and monitors. 7) Medical computers and monitors. 8) Professional Audio and Video computers, decoders, encoders and display. 9) Worldwide OEM/ODM services.


◆ 保險類  1.勞保  2.健保 3.團保 ◆ 休閒類  1.慶生會 ◆ 制度類  1.績效獎金  2.完整的教育訓練  3.順暢的升遷管道 ◆ 請 / 休假制度  1.週休二日  2.特休/年假

Company & Workplace


專案經理PM 行動力國際股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Key Responsibilities 1. Will be responsible for the product/project planning and execution throughout the product lifecycle, including gathering and prioritizing product and customer requirements, working closely with PM leader, BD Manager, engineering, sales, marketing and technical support to ensure revenue and customer satisfaction goals are met 2. Develop effective marketing, product strategy, and expert domain knowledge of target markets in terms of product offering, technologies, and market positioning 3. Working with customers and cross-functional colleagues in all relevant departments across the organization to successfully manage standard and custom products 4. Manage the customer’s needs through understanding their business objectives and technology requirements and providing our solution offerings, product roadmaps, and resource capabilities 5. Develop customer-specific solutions with pre-sales and post-sales technical support, feasibility verification, product proposal, and project management throughout the entire development process 6. Lead cross-functional communication with internal teams and external vendors, when solutions require outsourced components. 7. Create and provide product/market training materials for sales and customers 8. Travel and participate in trade shows and customer visits 9. Work with the marketing and BD team on exhibiting theme and product planning for trade shows, online show, virtual presentation and marketing events. 10. Manager and in charge NPDP( New Product Development Process) with BOM management capability. 11. Assist resolving technical issues through effective collaboration with key stakeholders.
English Required
10/04 Updated
產品經理 行動力國際股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.整合 產品&專案開發之文件、含技術方案/規格/價格/時程/設計&品質驗證。 2.執行 產品&專案開發之規劃、設計及進度掌控、成本控制及結案程序。 3.管控各專案進度,協調公司內各部門達成專案開發時程,確保符合時程規劃。 4.公司/客戶/供應商 間的技術解決,協同設計單位替代方案評估與執行。 5.協助各部門及工廠及供應商推動開發專案之執行、管理、問題追蹤及解決。 6.產品技術文件及說明書撰寫。溝通協調跨部門問題。 有能力協助 業務與Marketing 提供產品方案者 與 有系統整合技術設計經驗者 優先錄取。
English Required
10/04 Updated
產品部門助理 行動力國際股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,000+
1. 協調各專案團隊,確保專案進度和成果符合公司要求。 2. 輔助專案經理與內外部利益相關者協調項目要求和期望,以確保專案成功。 3. 輔助專案經理間的溝通協調,以解決問題並促進專案進展。 4. 跟蹤專案進度並定期報告給管理層。 5. 輔助部門主管確保團隊成員之間的有效溝通和協作。 6. 根據公司要求,完成其他與專案相關的工作。 7. 本部門的文件表單主要發起以及生成的工作, 如專案請購單, 專案報表等, 報表對部門主管負責. 本職位的重要性在於文件生成與管控, 輔助主管協調專案團隊,確保專案進度和成果符合公司要求。這是一個發展前景良好的職位,能提供豐富的專案管理經驗和機會。 我們歡迎全職專業人士申請此職位,加入我們的專案團隊。如果您具備上述要求,請提交您的履歷表和一封求職信,表達您對這份工作的興趣。
English Required
10/04 Updated
行銷企劃專員 行動力國際股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 負責新產品行銷企劃案之撰寫、規劃與執行。 2. 蒐集市場情報,並擬定分析行銷策略。 3. 充分理解公司業務及行業特點,結合客戶要求以制定個別方案。 4. 配合本公司產品部門規劃與產出行銷工具。 5. 協助維護公司的網站以及各社群媒體的內容. 6. 籌備企劃以及主持本公司參加各展覽會的工作. 7. 配合本公司導入AI的政策, 企劃新型AI行銷工具.
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/04 Updated
電腦工程師 行動力國際股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
a. 大學理工相關科系畢業, 電機, 電子, 資訊, 自動控制科系畢業為佳 b. 對電腦硬體及軟體有應用及操作經驗 c. 對基本電腦網路以及伺服器架構有相當認識 d. 有操作過崁入式電腦系統及程式(Android,Lunix)的經驗更佳 e. 對英文讀寫佳, 若可聽說者優先考慮
Senior Level
English Required
10/04 Updated