
Company Introduction

15 Employees
Contact Person
Ceva Santé Animale (Ceva Animal Health)西華 是全球第五大動物保健公司,由經驗豐富的獸醫領導,其使命是為所有動物提供創新的健康解決方案,以確保最高水準的照護和福祉。 我們的產品包括預防醫學,如疫苗和動物照護產品,農場和寵物的製藥解決方案,以及為我們的客戶提供最佳體驗的設備和服務。 Ceva 西華 在 47 個國家 / 地區擁有 6,700 名員工,每天都在努力實現其作為One Purpose, One Ceva, One Planet, One Health 的公司願景「共同守護動物健康」。 我們的歷史: 我們在短時間內取得了重大的進步。1999 年,在管理層主導的四次收購中的第一次收購後,我們推出了 Ceva Santé Animale(Ceva Animal Health)。從那時起,在策略性的產品開發和強勁的銷售驅動下,並透過外部購併與西華本身業務成長,我們實現了兩位數的快速成長。現在,我們是領先的動物保健公司之一。一家由員工擁有的獨立公司,這是在我們動物藥品產業中獨一無二的。我們清晰的公司願景將我們所有的業務和產品結合在一起,齊心協力對我們的成功至關重要。我們提供團隊自由並以結果為導向,讓團隊以自己的方式實現我們的共同目標- 動物、人類和地球的健康是密不可分的,世界需要一種全面的健康,我們深刻了解,通過保護動物和環境的健康,我們保護了我們自己的健康和未來。 我們重視每一位員工,除了有良好工作環境、也提供學習及成長的空間,歡迎優秀的朋友一起加入西華動物藥品股份有限公司的工作行列。 Ceva Santé Animale (Ceva) is the 5th global animal health company, led by experienced veterinarians, whose mission is to provide innovative health solutions for all animals to ensure the highest level of care and well-being. Our History We have come a long way in a short time. In 1999, after the first of four management-led buy-outs, we launched Ceva Santé Animale. Since then, we’ve grown in double-digit leaps and bounds. We’ve grown both organically, driven by product development and sales, and through acquisitions. Now we’re one of the leading animal health players. An independent company owned by its people – something that's distinct in our industry. Our clear, company-wide vision unites all our businesses and products – working as one has been critical to our success. And we’re results-driven. We give the entrepreneurs who join us the freedom to work their way to achieve our shared goals Our Vision The health of animals, people and the planet are inextricably linked. The world needs a holistic approach to health, that understands that, by protecting the health of animals and our environment, we protect our own health and future.

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Main Products

 各類獸醫師處方用藥之業務暨行銷之服務,包括動物用疫苗,抗生素,保健產品。  主要用於家禽(雞)、家畜(豬)、反芻動物(牛)和寵物等產品。  另提供完整防疫計畫、輔導全套疫苗注射自動化設備,包含先進蛋內注射等先進儀器。


休假: *除法定勞基法相關假日外,新進員工優於勞基法的帶薪休假 15天 *優於勞基法不扣薪病假14天 *彈性工時 保險: *勞保、健保、退休金提撥制度 *提供員工與眷屬之團險包含意外、醫療、癌症險、雇主責任險 獎金調薪: 年度績效考核獎金、每年參照國家物價指數,依據績效評估穩定調薪制度、三節禮金、尾牙聚餐現金抽獎、員工年資忠誠度獎勵、員工結婚禮金、全同仁電話費津貼 其它: 員工健檢、員工旅遊、公司咖啡、飲料、餅乾全年供應、不定期聚餐 外勤同仁享公司租賃車與其它各項補貼 不定期參與國內外國際級專業研討會 APVS、VIV 等

Company & Workplace


Supplier Chain Specialist 西華動物藥品股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
JOB SUMMARY 1. In line with the business for a good customer satisfaction, sustain the end to end key processes order to cash, forecast to plan and procure to pay in order to meet Ceva short-term and long-term supply chain management requirements. 2. Follow Corporate Strategy & Policy Follow the strategy roadmap and participate to the validation of policies and tools. Continuously improve the customers satisfaction balancing supply requirements and available capacities, optimizing costs and managing the compliance. Cascade Local objectives at the country level. 3. Community management * Deploy and monitor KPI (sales forecast accuracy, Working Capital Ratio, DPS, transport costs) * Inform corporate teams about the countries challenges (voice of the customer and impact). 4. Product launch & life cycle *Coordinate the local launching in being in close contact with the business. *Challenge the local sales forecasts. Be sure that the right data management is done in the tools. 5. Inventory and equipment management, procurement & supply planning *Pilot the right stock management for a good customer satisfaction *Manage local allocations plan. *Ensure that right alerts are given to the zone, corporate and business teams for the business continuity. * Provide monthly inventory reconciliation and purchasing reports and DPS reports with following up actions from cross functions 6. Sales Order forecast *Collect SO data from sales team and deploy the right management among orders against inventory level and incoming shipment with expected timeline. *. Manage the 3rd party warehouse logistic service, contract and follow up). 7. Process improvement & Quality *Manage local projects in line with corporate and zone guidelines for continuous improvement. 8. Demand planning & forecasting * Collect and challenge local sales forecasts for a business continuity. * Monitor closely KPIs (sales forecasts accuracy, inventory coverage) * Check the consistency with the financial estimation for adjusting data. Manage the local data in the tools. TECHNICAL SKILLS REQUIREMENT 1. Business Acumen Global understanding of business & industrial flows. 2. Planning Supply Chain Ability to anticipate and plan. Ability to be proactive. Capacity to set in motion / lead relevant action plan. 3. Transport knowledge Capacity to manage a defined transport plan, project, action involving different modes of transportation. 4. Distribution & warehousing Ability to handle transportation process from A to Z. 5. Negotiation * Ability to engage negotiations with customers / suppliers based on given process. * * Basic knowledge of the negotiation techniques. 6. Analytical skills & result driven * Ability to perform parts of an analytical review, to define the analysis to be performed and how to design the right reports, tables and graphs for a summary, * and write relevant and synthetic comments. * Ability to develop scenarios to support decision making. * Adapt resources to achieve results and meet commitments. 7. Networking, conflict management & Interpersonal skills * Ability to interact constructively with colleagues. * Ability to anticipate some conflict and analyze the issues that are significant. * Autonomously solve their conflicts with others. * Ability to build trustful relationships with key actors in the organisation.
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/14 Updated