
Company Introduction

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我們是一家生物醫藥公司,主要透過代理以及開發自有品牌,來服務我們的醫師。 我們銷售醫療美容、細胞再生、疾病預防以及疾病治療四大類別產品,與所需搭配該四大類別項目的醫療儀器設備。此外,我們的核心競爭力,來自透過產學合作方式將生物技術成果應用於自有產品開發,滿足醫師所需要的安全有效、臨床與科學數據要求。 公司於2013年在台灣成立Chphilia公司,並陸續在日本、新加坡、菲律賓等地成立分公司,深耕各地醫療美容市場。 As a leading pharmaceutical organization, we are fully committed to developing our brand globally. We also distribute medical, health and well-being products worldwide to a wide range of medical professionals and experts. The products we distribute are targeted four many areas: esthetic medicine, cell regeneration, disease prevention, and disease therapeutics. We also retail medical equipment related to these categories. We have built a strong set of core competencies based on collaboration between industry and academia. The company has an developed a strong track record marketing and promoting medical and healthcare product throughout the Asian region. Since 2013, the organization has expanded into the Japanese, Singaporean and the Philippine markets. Main headquarters: Taiwan Branch office: Singapore, Philippines Production and Development: Japan, Taiwan Clinical trials and Research: Germany, Japan, Taiwan

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疾病預防 我們採用25年來專注於5600種菇菌類研究的菌種中心(台灣第一)的原料,為了評估原料功效,我們特別派駐藥學博士針對功效性(藥理活性)、差異性(加乘功效),及人體安全性臨床測試等三項訴求,建立屬於Chphilia公司的預防慢性疾病原料開發系統,以有效管控產品出廠品質。 為了使公司在『疾病預防』的產品項目上做到最好,公司不斷透過期刊、醫師以及學術醫療單位,來評估多種機能性輔助食品效用; 並透過代理與醫師介紹方式,以嚴謹的醫學臨床數據檢視所要代理經營之產品,並確認原廠在理念、訴求與品牌經營方針上的完善性,確實保障我們的醫師及病患售後服務需求。 We collected raw materials from the Fungus Research Center (ranked No. 1 in Taiwan) that has 25 years of research on 5,600 kinds of mushrooms. To evaluate the effect of these raw materials, we assigned a doctor of pharmacy to investigate the efficacy (pharmacological activity) and discrepancy (synergistic effect) of these materials, as well as the safety considerations for clinical testing. The establishment of CHphilia’s raw material development system for the prevention of chronic diseases to effectively control the quality of products produced from the factory. In order to achieve the best disease prevention services, our company continuously evaluates the effect of a variety of functional supplements by gathering information from journals, physicians, and medical institutions. CHphilia reviews and determines the suitability to adopt a product based on the recommendations provided by physicians, distributors, as well as clinical data. We further ensure the intentions of the original manufacturer, whether their intentions satisfy the demands of our customers, as well as the ability for physicians and patients to receive adequate after-sales services when required. 醫療美容 我們於2014年委託台大醫院與台北醫學大學開發可『透過肌膚細胞達到自體修復』並且『加速皮膚細胞生長癒合』兩樣特性的敷料產品。於2017年克服製程放大測試後,同年推出適用於減緩燒燙傷與二期糖尿病傷口癒合需求的『S-CDM1⁺』與『LACTOLAB PRO』產品,臨床上特別適用於皮膚炎、痘痘肌膚、醫療美容創傷和紅腫的受損肌膚修復。 In 2014, we appointed National Taiwan University Hospital and Taipei Medical University to help us develop dressing products. These products can facilitate skin cells to achieve self-repair and accelerate skin cell growth and healing. After overcoming the process amplification test in 2017, in the same year, "S-CDM1⁺" and "LACTOLAB PRO" were successfully launched. They are suitable for alleviating burn wounds and facilitating wound healing in type II diabetes. Clinically, these are particularly suitable for dermatitis, acne, and repair of damaged skin as a result of esthetic procedures. 疾病治療 在德國治療疾病的臨床經驗以及創新溫和方式,令我們驚艷。公司透過代理相關治療儀器,讓病患將不再只有依靠藥物控制的選擇,而是能溫和無負擔的有效控制或是恢復健康。 我們認為革新的醫療技術旨在用溫和有效的治癒方式。為減少痛苦並加快康復速度,治療上盡可能透過物理性的運作系統,促進自身免疫力提升來增強輔助其他治療系統的策略,我們相信這是目前對於患者最有益處的最佳解決方案。 After witnessing the clinical testing conducted in Germany, their use of innovative and non-invasive methods to treat diseases has surprised us. Acting as the distributors for these medical products, patients now have alternative options other than relying on their conventional drugs. This allows them to effectively recover through the means of non-invasive and effective treatment options. We believe that innovative medical treatments should be aimed towards non-invasive and effective treatment methods. To reduce pain and accelerate the recovery process, we aim to use physical methods to promote self-immunity and provide strategies that help assist in other treatments. We believe this is currently the best solution that is most beneficial to patients.


◆ 邁向更好的自己,公司補助 1.每月國際最新AI資訊運用,教育訓練。 2.公司提供國際抗老醫藥產品員工價。 3.每月療程1次免費做。 4.滿三個月後,可享有每季3000元產品購物金。 4.滿一年,公司提供同事2萬元個人內在成長課程。 5.滿二年,公司提供主管3~10萬,個人領導力系列外部訓練課程。 ◆ 權利義務: 1.薪水符合勞健保制度,不高領低報情況。 2.退休金提撥6% ◆ 請 / 休假制度 1.週休二日 2.全年三天不扣薪病假 3.其餘按勞基法規定 4.生日假 5.工作滿2年,享有全年請假不限制、不扣薪制度。 ◆ 獎金/禮品類 1.年終獎金 2.中秋禮品 3.目標達成績效獎金 4.銷售激勵奬金 5.國內外員工旅遊 6.員工聚餐 7.尾牙摸彩

Company & Workplace


銀座醫美診所店經理(百萬年薪) 喬翡利亞醫藥有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 110,000~140,000
我們是一間位於日本銀座抗衰老醫美診所(Artisan Clinic Hibiya),致力於提供最先進的療程,幫助客戶延續青春、改善健康。我們正在尋找一位充滿熱忱、具有卓越溝通技巧並能夠提供貼心服務的診所店長,加入我們的團隊,與我們一同為客戶帶來幸福和健康! 診所名:Artisan Clinic Hibiya 工作地點:東京都千代田区有楽町1-2-15 工作內容 1. 成為客戶與日本醫師的溝通橋樑 2. 同步翻譯說明療程內容,讓客戶感受到專業和安心感。 3. 聆聽並協助解決客戶問題,提供專業的諮詢服務。 4. 現場管控及內部人員的溝通協調順暢。 5. 具備靈活應變能力,確保現場問題能夠迅速且有效地解決。 我們希望你具備 * 日中雙語能力:能流利地進行日文和中文的口頭及書面溝通。 * 卓越的溝通與協調能力:善於與不同背景的客戶與團隊成員溝通,靈活應對突發狀況。 * 服務熱忱:關懷客戶、耐心傾聽,並能夠提供專業且真誠的諮詢服務。 * 具備靈活應變能力:確保現場問題能夠迅速且有效地解決。
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