
Company Introduction

800 Employees
Contact Person
宜鼎國際自工控儲存起家,不僅在全球市場取得領導地位,更進一步洞察產業智能革新契機,以軟硬整合為核心精神,在「Building an Intelligent World 創建智能化世界」的企業願景下,於一一一年正式發布發表「物聯創新,進化AI」集團策略,以「極致整合、深植應用、智慧賦能」三大優勢,全力投入AIoT智能應用市場、開發軟硬整合之產品解決方案。 在宜鼎國際,全體同仁都致力於服務我們的顧客與合作夥伴。憑藉極致服務與極致整合之企業核心精神,為全球客戶提供AIoT智能解決方案、工業用嵌入式儲存裝置、工業用動態隨機記憶體模組、嵌入式週邊及軟體解決方案,驅動產業智能轉型,加速全球智慧城市、智慧車載、智慧醫療、智慧零售、智慧工廠、能源及基礎建設智慧化等應用領域的部署與落地實踐。 我們持續專注於工控產業與AIoT智能應用,並以創新的企業精神,持續投注研發資源,保持技術領先地位;同時也將不斷提升全球客戶的服務滿意度,進而創造極致的服務價值。而除了營業與獲利成長,亦高度重視企業永續、落實ESG經營,全方位重視環境議題、實踐社會責任並強化公司治理。 同時,我們也持續留意產業競爭與法規變化,不僅恪遵法律,更對於未來可能的產業變化保持高度關注與彈性,以隨時擬定因應對策、培養及維持公司長期而穩定的競爭優勢。未來仍將本著公司經營理念往長期目標—成為國際級大廠—持續邁進。

Industry Sector

Main Products

・工業用嵌入式儲存裝置 固態硬碟SSD、SATA Slim、M.2 SSD、CFast記憶卡、mSATA、SATADOM、nano SSD(Micro SSD)、工業級CF卡、嵌入式Disk Card、SD卡/MicroSSD卡、USB/USB EDC、CFexpress ・工業用動態隨機記憶體模組 嵌入式系統系列、伺服器系列、寬溫與極寬溫系列、強固型高度客製系列 ・AIoT週邊擴充模組 嵌入式相機模組、虛擬I/O擴充模組、嵌入式儲存擴充模組、磁碟陣列(RAID)模組、嵌入式顯示模組、嵌入式通訊模組、嵌入式車用通訊模組


【激勵性的薪資獎酬制度】 年終獎金:依據公司當年度實際經營成果及個人績效表現發放年終獎金。 員工分紅:每年依公司獲利盈餘及個人績效表現配發現金紅利。 績效獎金:依部門屬性的不同,各有其績效獎勵,例如: 研發獎金、業績獎金等。 調薪制度:每年依公司營運成果及個人績效調薪。 【快樂職場】 三節(勞動/中秋/端午)及生日購物禮卷 結婚津貼、喪葬費用補助 新生兒0-6歲育兒津貼,每月補助薪資*6% 鼓勵生育津貼(第二胎以上)加發30,000元 妊娠期間交通補助 勞健保、團保、家屬保險優惠方案 員工急難協助方案 家遭變故學生助學金 女性生理假、產檢假;男性陪產檢假、陪產假 駐廠廠護及醫師健康諮詢、員工健檢 專用哺乳室及其相關設備 【生活育樂】 部門聚餐、家庭日活動、廠慶活動、盛大的年度尾牙活動 多元社團活動補助(漁趣社/ 籃球社/ 桌球社/ 桌遊社...) 各式競賽及獎金提供(攝影比賽/ 桌球比賽/ 籃球比賽...) 員工旅遊補助 音樂、藝術、理財、健康講座 藝文走廊

Company & Workplace


FAE_ Field Application Engineer (德國) 宜鼎國際股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Due to growth, Innodisk Europe is looking for Field Application Engineer(s) to support our EMEA customers from our German office. Are you a Computer/Electrical Engineer with 2-4 years of experience and a passion for the electronic market? Do you enjoy working in a customer-focused and multicultural environment? Then join our amazing Innodisk team for the Field Application Engineer role. 【Location】: This position is office-based in Ettlingen. We believe in fostering a collaborative and innovative work environment that encourages face-to-face interactions and teamwork. Joining our office in Ettlingen will give you the chance to experience our vibrant company culture firsthand and contribute to our success from a central location. 【Key Role Responsibilities】 · Identify and resolve technical problems for customers across Europe, with a focus on the DACH region. · Perform product testing and simulations to ensure product quality and functionality. · Provide field-site technical support, including customer visits when necessary. · Conduct in-house product testing to address technical issues encountered in the field. · Address customer complaints, troubleshoot technical problems, and provide product specifications, fostering a positive customer relationship. 【Desired technical skills and experience】 · University/HBO major in Electrical Engineering and/or Computer Engineering · Prior knowledge in mainboard solutions as well as storage devices such as RAID, SSD, DRAM is a plus. · Ability of writing 8D report with strong analytical skills. · Familiar with the process of PC production, RMA/DOA. · Familiar with soldering iron skills and schematic reading. · Experience with Linux OS and C / C++ / Python is preferred. · Experience in embedded system architecture X86/ ARM system porting and Linux. 【Others】 · Fluency in both German and English is an absolute must for this role. · Good presentation & interpersonal skills · Travel within DACH region can be required. · You live within a range of 50 km from Ettlingen 【What we offer】: · Full-time job in an international business environment and a customer focused company. · Working in an informal, young, and dedicated team with a drive to achieve success. · Package of good secondary employment conditions: 30 vacation days, to maintain a healthy work-life balance. · Pension provision.
Mid to Senior Level
9/20 Updated
PSM_ Product Sales Manager (荷蘭) 宜鼎國際股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
01.Providing solid state drive and embedded computing peripheral device product specifications for customers. 02.Dispensing general information on products related to the ues of product. 03.Providing product availability and pricing information to customers. 04.Review the project performance of assigned territories and customers. 05.Generating and maintaining a professional and friendly relationship with customers. 06.Travelling and representing at trade shows, including participation in set up and tear down of such events. 07.Maintaining constant communication with the Regional Sales Manager and other team members with regard to customer related issues within the EU territory. 08.Learning new computer hardware and software skills as required in office and technical/field environments. 09. Travelling to customer offices and job sites in order to fulfil any of the responsibilities listed above, as required. 10.The employer may entrust the employee with other duties if the employer's interests so require. 11. Constantly communicate with the product development team in HQ to unerstand product related information and give them feedback from the EU market.
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/20 Updated
Camera_Camera Driver軟體工程師 宜鼎國際股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
因應全球AI應用的發展,公司業務持續成長中,宜鼎國際正在尋找軟體研發人才加入我們的團隊!我們致力於服務我們的顧客與合作夥伴,鼓勵面對面的互動和團隊合作。如果您擁有Camera Driver相關工作經驗,並對科技產業充滿熱情,誠摯地邀請您加入我們優秀的團隊,親身體驗我們充滿活力的公司文化。 【工作地點】 此職位的辦公室設在交通便利的新北市汐止,距離 捷運南港展覽館站 或 汐止/汐科火車站 或 交流道 僅3-10分鐘車程,大樓就有停車位、Youbike及豐富的公車選擇,讓您的通勤更加便捷。辦公大樓過個馬路就到好市多Costco,中午或下班採買日用品超方便,使您的工作和生活更加平衡。 【主要職責】 1. MIPI Camera模組與嵌入式平台進行整合,平台種類以Intel X86與ARM (NVIDIA、NXP and Rockchip) 為主。 2. 配合客戶需求,進行影像品質的調教。 3. 工作上需與系統工程師、3A工程師與硬體工程師進行產品共同研發。 【我們提供什麼】 在全球AI解決方案與工業級儲存領導品牌的公司中實現自我!在「一群夥伴、一同經營」核心精神中,積極經營自有品牌,與公司一同成長,共享豐厚的發展機會和福利!加入宜鼎國際,一起寫下值得回憶的故事!
Senior Level
English Required
9/20 Updated
FAE_技術服務工程師/資深工程師(Flash) 宜鼎國際股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
宜鼎國際致力於服務我們的顧客與合作夥伴,鼓勵面對面的互動和團隊合作。因應全球AI應用的發展,公司業務持續成長中,如果您擁有1-3年相關經驗,並對科技產業充滿熱情,誠摯地邀請您加入我們優秀的團隊,親身體驗我們充滿活力的公司文化。 【工作地點】 -此職位的辦公室設在交通便利的新北市汐止,距離捷運南港站、汐止火車站或交流道僅3-10分鐘車程,大樓就有停車位、Youbike及豐富的公車選擇,讓您的通勤更加便捷。 -辦公大樓過個馬路就到好市多Costco,中午或下班採買日用品超方便,使您的工作和生活更加平衡。 【主要職責】 1. 提供技術服務給全球客戶 2. 複製問題提供研發單位解決 3. 提供客戶或代理商教育訓練 4. 整理FAQs & SOP 5. 定期產出Lesson learn給全球技術服務工程師 6. 定期回饋品質問題給研發單位/品保單位 【我們提供什麼】 -在全球AI解決方案與工業級儲存領導品牌的公司中實現自我。 -在「一群夥伴、一同經營」核心精神中,積極經營自有品牌,與公司一同成長,共享豐厚的發展機會和福利! 加入宜鼎國際,一起寫下值得回憶的故事!
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/20 Updated
DQE_系統驗證/測試工程師 宜鼎國際股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
因應全球AI應用的發展,公司業務持續成長中,宜鼎國際正在尋找測試工程師加入我們的團隊! 宜鼎國際致力於服務我們的顧客與合作夥伴,鼓勵面對面的互動和團隊合作。如果您擁有 1年相關經驗,並對科技產業充滿熱情,誠摯地邀請您加入我們優秀的團隊,擔任測試工程師,親身體驗我們充滿活力的公司文化。 【工作地點】 -此職位的辦公室設在交通便利的新北市汐止,距離 捷運南港站 或 汐止火車站 或 交流道 僅3-10分鐘車程,大樓就有停車位、Youbike及豐富的公車選擇,讓您的通勤更加便捷。 -辦公大樓過個馬路就到好市多Costco,中午或下班採買日用品超方便,使您的工作和生活更加平衡。 【主要職責】 1. 執行測試計畫,驗證產品軟硬體功能,如:相容性、效能、穩定性、可靠度、Electrical Signal integrity、power、 protocol Test等。 2. 驗證資料紀錄彙整,並撰寫測試報告 3. 協助測試環境建立 4. 異常問題回報與進度追蹤 5. 主管交辦事項 6. 備有軟體撰寫能力佳, Python, C/C++, matlab 7. 備有示波器/網儀使用經驗佳 ※依實際面談狀況及學經歷核薪※ 【我們提供什麼】 -在全球AI解決方案與工業級儲存領導品牌的公司中實現自我 -在「一群夥伴、一同經營」核心精神中,積極經營自有品牌,與公司一同成長,共享豐厚的發展機會和福利! 加入宜鼎國際,一起寫下值得回憶的故事!
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/20 Updated
MKT_Content Marketing 宜鼎國際股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Innodisk is a world-leading provider of industrial-grade flash storage and DRAM modules. As part of our continued growth and innovation, we are now setting our business strategy in developing Edge AI solutions for a range of industries. We are looking for a talented content writer who are passionate about marketing and are eager to develop their careers in this field. Join Innodisk and ARCHITECT INTELLIGENCE together! 【Responsibilities】 ● In charge of content writing, including product, technical and corporate-related projects. Include but not limited to Product Website, User manual, Whitepaper, Press release, Brochure, and Video script. ● Assist with proofreading English content. ● You will work closely with the product manager, R&D, sales, and other MKT team members to create clear, accurate, consistent content with your strong understanding of product and marketing insight. ● This position is deployed at Corporate Communication and Branding team in HQ to develop the communication strategy for the company and our product solutions. 【Requirements】 ● Experience or educational background in Computer Science, Electronics Engineering, or Electrical Engineering. ● Work experience in FAE is a plus. ● Fluency in English is a must. Candidates should either have lived in an English-speaking country for over 5 years, scored over 900 on the TOEIC test, or possess excellent English language skills. ● Having Mandarin language skills (mainly for verbal communication) ● Proven work experience in Marketing or Content Writing. ● Strong strategic thinking and a team player. ● Capable of efficiently managing multiple projects simultaneously.
English Required
9/18 Updated
FAE_ Field Application Engineer (荷蘭) 宜鼎國際股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Due to growth, Innodisk Europe is looking for Field Application Engineer(s) to support our EMEA customers from our Netherlands office. Are you a Computer/Electrical Engineer with 2-4 years of experience and a passion for the electronic market? Do you enjoy working in a customer-focused and multicultural environment? Then join our amazing Innodisk team for the Field Application Engineer role. 【Location】: This position is office-based in Eindhoven. We believe in fostering a collaborative and innovative work environment that encourages face-to-face interactions and teamwork. Joining our office in Eindhoven will give you the chance to experience our vibrant company culture firsthand and contribute to our success from a central location. 【Key Role Responsibilities】 · Identify and resolve technical problems for customers across Europe. · Perform product testing and simulations to ensure product quality and functionality. · Provide field-site technical support, including customer visits when necessary. · Conduct in-house product testing to address technical issues encountered in the field. · Address customer complaints, troubleshoot technical problems, and provide product specifications, fostering a positive customer relationship. 【Desired technical skills and experience】 · University/HBO major in Electrical Engineering and/or Computer Engineering · Prior knowledge in mainboard solutions as well as storage devices such as RAID, SSD, DRAM is a plus. · Ability of writing 8D report with strong analytical skills. · Familiar with the process of PC production, RMA/DOA. · Familiar with soldering iron skills and schematic reading. · Experience with Linux OS and C / C++ / Python is preferred. · Experience in embedded system architecture X86/ ARM system porting and Linux. 【Others】 · Fluency in English is an absolute must for this role. · Good presentation & interpersonal skills · Travel within Europe region can be required. · You live within a range of 50 km from Eindhoven 【What we offer】: · Full-time job in an international business environment and a customer focused company. · Working in an informal, young, and dedicated team with a drive to achieve success. · Package of good secondary employment conditions: 30 vacation days, to maintain a healthy work-life balance. · Pension provision.
Mid to Senior Level
9/18 Updated
SW_後端高級工程師 宜鼎國際股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
因應全球AI應用的發展,公司業務持續成長中,宜鼎國際正在尋找軟體研發人才加入我們的團隊!我們致力於服務我們的顧客與合作夥伴,鼓勵面對面的互動和團隊合作。如果您擁有後端開發相關工作經驗,並對科技產業充滿熱情,誠摯地邀請您加入我們優秀的團隊,親身體驗我們充滿活力的公司文化。 【工作地點】 此職位的辦公室設在交通便利的新北市汐止,距離 捷運南港展覽館站 或 汐止/汐科火車站 或 交流道 僅3-10分鐘車程,大樓就有停車位、Youbike及豐富的公車選擇,讓您的通勤更加便捷。辦公大樓過個馬路就到好市多Costco,中午或下班採買日用品超方便,使您的工作和生活更加平衡。 【主要職責】 -程式開發與維護: 1.參與專案型或公司內部產品開發和維護。 2.協助設計和實現高效、可擴展和穩定的後端服務。 3.架構規劃與建置雲端環境。 -資料庫管理: 1.管理和優化資料庫查詢,確保數據的一致性和完整性。 2.參與資料庫的設計和規劃。 -技術文件撰寫: 1.編撰技術文檔,包括但不限於 API 文件、系統架構等。 2.確保代碼的可讀性和維護性。 -團隊協作: 1.與PM、前端工程師和設計師密切合作,確保功能的順利實現。 2.對規劃討論、開發、驗證的協作流程提出建議。 【工作技能】 - RESTful API建置 - 具備資料庫管理經驗(PostgreSQL) - 熟悉Node.JS, Typescript程式語言 - 熟悉Docker Container技能 - 具備軟體架構經驗者 【其他條件/要求】 - 熟悉RabbitMQ,Kafka,GraphQL,Next.JS為佳 - 具備開發大型網站平台架構設計經驗為佳 - 具備系統架構規劃與維護經驗為佳 【我們提供什麼】 在全球AI解決方案與工業級儲存領導品牌的公司中實現自我!在「一群夥伴、一同經營」核心精神中,積極經營自有品牌,與公司一同成長,共享豐厚的發展機會和福利!加入宜鼎國際,一起寫下值得回憶的故事!
English Required
9/18 Updated