

160 社員
立凱電能科技股份有限公司(Advanced Lithium Electrochemistry Co., Ltd.),簡稱立凱電或Aleees, 創立於(TWSE:5227) 2005年,營運、研發、生產位於台灣,是歷史最悠久磷酸系鋰電材料與鋰智財服務商,並且是中國以外少數擁有完整LFP鋰電池正極材料製造技術與專利的公司之一。Aleees製程包括自製磷酸鐵,可以獨立於中國供應鏈。此生產線採用模組化設計,也可向外部供應商購買磷酸鐵。我們在全球擁有150多項獨家專利,客戶為全球知名儲能和電動車電池廠商,遍佈歐、美、亞等地域。我們與全球百餘家客戶共同開發各類LFP、LMFP產品,生產高品質、高性價比、生命週期長的LFP正極材料。 立凱電成立19年來,Aleees LFP CAM已從台灣工廠出貨至亞洲、美洲、歐洲等地,並通過Kyocera、GS Yuasa、24M、Freyr Battery、FIB、Lishen等驗證,良品率達97% 。我們的生產過程無毒環保,取得ISO9001、ISO14001、ISO14064、IATF16949和企業社會責任AA1000等國際認證。 所有Aleees產品均為客製化產品,將在美國、歐洲、澳洲和印度生產。這將使全球供應鏈管理變得更加容易。授權客戶可以建立當地供應鏈並申請當地補助。我們正在與全球客戶和合作夥伴合作,建立本土化、一體化的磷酸鐵鋰電池材料供應鏈,增強本土磷酸鐵鋰電池供應鏈在全球的競爭力,共同建構價值和環保的未來。 First of all, about the origin of the name of Aleees, since Advanced lithium electrochemistry Co., Ltd (ALE) has been committed to promoting environmental solutions (EES) for the sustainable development of the world since its establishment in 2005. The sum of the two is the origin of Aleees. Aleees (TWSE: 5227), founded in 2005 with main office and factory located in Taiwan, is a lithium-iron phosphate (LFP) battery material manufacturer with longest history as well as an IP licensor in the world. Aleees is also one of the few companies outside Mainland China with complete LFP battery material manufacturing technology. Our processes include in-house iron phosphate synthesis which could be independent from Chinese supply chain. The production line is in modular design, which could also feed iron phosphate from 3rd party. We own more than 130 exclusive patents worldwide, with customers including world-renowned energy storage battery and EV battery customers across Europe, US, and Asia. Aleees co-develops various types of LFP, LMFP products with more than hundred of global customers, and produce high quality, cost-effective, and long-life cycle LFP cathode materials. In the past 18 years, Aleees LFP CAM with yield rate of 97% has been shipped from Taiwan facility to Asia, America, Europe and others, and verified by Kyocera, GS Yuasa, 24M, Freyr Battery, FIB, Lishen, etc. Our non toxic production process is environment friendly, we have obtained major international certifications including ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO14064, IATF 16949 and corporate social responsibility AA1000 and so on. All Aleees products are bespoken product but will be produced in US, Europe, Australia and India. That would make global supply chain management easier. Licensees could build local supply chain and apply for local subsidies. We are cooperating with global customers and partners to establish a localized, integrated supply chain of LFP lithium-ion battery materials, strengthen the competitiveness of the local LFP battery supply chain in the world, build the value and eco-friendly future together.



奈米級磷酸鐵鋰正極材料 立凱電掌握電池關鍵正極材料、創新研發能源技術,立凱電磷酸鐵鋰正極材料為不可分割化合物,藉由奈米金屬氧化物,提高能量密度、導電性佳、循環壽命長、環保安全,擁有高一致性品質,Cpk值逹1.33以上,業界最高性價比等優勢,為客戶創造更高的能量密度。 LFP-NCO Cathode Material Aleees holds the key cathode material technologies and innovative energy technology, the LFP cathode material is an inseparable compound. By using the nano metal oxide, we are create products with greater energy density, good electrical conductivity, longer product lifespan, and environmental safety guaranteed, consistent high quality and with a cpk value over 1.33, and able to provide higher energy density products with better cost performance value.


【學習及訓練發展】 「提升人的品質」是我們人力資源發展的核心,從各面向著手培養人才與人品,人才即人所擁有的專業技術與才能,人品則為道德品質,由人的心靈與行為培養員工倫理道德與社會關懷。 1. 完善的在職教育訓練 無論是新進員工或資深員工皆提供教育訓練機會,透過內部講師及外部訓練增進核心能力以及價值,一同與公司成長。 2. 多元的學習資源及制度 除了提供專業職能、職業安全等學習資源,也提供員工「戴爾卡內基」訓練機會,工作之餘提供自我。此外,由於立凱電積極佈局全球市場,訂有外語能力及專業證照獎金制度,鼓勵與刺激學習。 【健康及安全福利】 1. 健康與安全 每年安排全體員工健康檢查,年資滿5年以上之員工更提供高階健檢及CT檢查補助,並安排每位員工接受職業安全衛生訓練,以強化員工消防與防災意識。 2. 按摩舒壓 為協助員工釋放壓力及舒展筋骨,安排視障按摩師每週提供肩頸按摩服務。 3. 保險 除了法定保險外,提供員工免費完善的團體保險(壽險、意外險、癌症險及住院醫療險等),眷屬也能以優惠價格自費投保。 4. 旅遊 職工福利委員會不定期舉辦旅遊活動、社會關懷活動,促進員工關係。 【其他福利】 1. 福委會禮券及年終獎金 職工福利委員會於春節、端午節及中秋節提供節慶禮券,並有生日、生育及婚喪補助。並視公司營運發放年終獎金。 2. 彈性工時制度 體恤員工家庭作息、提供上下班浮動半小時的彈性,兼顧家庭與工作。 3. 休假福利 優於法令之休假制度,例如有薪颱風假、陪產假8天、有薪家庭照顧假。 4. 優渥的獎金制度 訂有外語獎金制度,持有英文Toeic800分以上/日文N2以上證照加薪10,000元/月; 並有專業證照獎金及專利獎金等。



專案工程師(派駐美國) 台灣立凱電能科技股份有限公司
【工作內容】 1.熟悉產品或業務上所需之相關工程知識。 2.回覆顧客應用技術的問題、回饋給相關單位,並提供產品技術諮詢。 3.撰寫並提供客戶正確的產品規格與應用資訊,以供客戶參考。 4.追蹤公司產品客戶端的進度,包括試用、試點、量產出貨等各階段客戶端的問題點,並加以收集、處理。 5.提供客戶測試工具,分析並解決量產時發生的問題 6.負責技術支援文件的更新維護。 7.專案或主管交辦事項。
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