
Company Introduction

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Capella Taipei pause and embrace a realm of serene sophistication and understated luxury. Nestled in Taipei's pulsating Songshan district, Capella Taipei stands as a beacon of contemporary elegance amidst a city that seamlessly marries its rich heritage with modern vibrancy. Just a breath away from Taipei 101, Taipei Indoor Stadium and a short journey from Songshan Airport, the hotel is an oasis of tranquility in the urban landscape. Each of its 86 rooms, thoughtfully designed by André Fu Studio, narrates a story of refined luxury and personalised comfort. Here, in the heart of a bustling metropolis, Capella Taipei invites you to experience a unique blend of culture and relaxation, where every moment is a cherished memory in the making. 臺北嘉佩樂酒店坐落於臺北市核心的敦化北路上,靜擁蒼翠盎然的林蔭大道,將細膩的人文精髓和現代活力完美糅合,為賓客細意呈現無與倫比的奢華旅行新體驗。 臺北嘉佩樂酒店擁有86間典雅客房,由備受讚譽的André Fu設計事務所擔綱設計,獨具特色的匠心設計將豐富質感、藝術氛圍及時尚現代的格調精妙融合,傾力打造奢華優雅且別具一格的居停空間。酒店緊鄰松山機場,及臺北101大樓和小巨蛋體育館等多個文化藝術名勝和地標建築。居於繁華都市,遁入謐靜綠洲,浸潤於迷人風情,開啟非凡探索之旅。 About Capella Hotel Group 嘉佩樂酒店集團簡介: Capella Hotels and Resorts collection consists of properties in Singapore, Ubud, Bangkok, Hanoi, Sydni, Shanghai and Hainan. Future openings include exciting destinations such as Japan, Maldives, South Korea, Nanjing and Shenzhen. The exceptional hospitality group focuses on crafting authentic, cultural experiences for its guests, combining a legacy of thoughtful design with the highest level of personalized service. Capella Hotels and Resorts was named Best Hotel Brand in the World in the Travel + Leisure World’s Best Awards 2023. 嘉佩樂酒店及度假村旗下擁有位於新加坡、曼谷、河內、烏布、雪梨、上海和海南土福灣等地的多家度假酒店。在未來幾年內,還將在日本、馬爾代夫、韓國、南京和深圳等地陸續開設新的酒店。 嘉佩樂酒店及度假村榮獲由全球知名的旅行生活方式媒體Travel + Leisure漫旅雜志美國版頒發的"2023年度世界旅行獎最佳酒店品牌"的殊榮。卓越的酒店品牌專注於爲客人打造在地為本的文化體驗,將精心設計的傳奇建築與細緻周到的專屬匠心服務融爲一體。

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This “modern mansion” embodies the serene and vibrant spirit of Taipei. A 2-storey dynamic bar hub offers a melange of sophisticated and spirited experiences. Here, in the lush embrace of DunHua North Road, Capella Taipei is more than a destination; it's an enchanting journey through the soulful rhythm of a city where every moment is a poetic interplay of tradition and modernity in the city's heart. 時尚格調的空間,每一處細節都別具巧思,禮贊臺北特有的城市魅力。酒店還設有獨棟的餐飲娛樂空間,不同風格的活力特色酒吧,雅致溫馨的氛圍,是奢華旅行者及當地名流的歡聚聖地。 臺北嘉佩樂酒店,不只是格調旅行的目的地,更是探索臺北城市精髓和魅力文化的頌贊。


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行銷業務部 訂房專員 S&M Reservation Agent 臺北嘉佩樂酒店_國亨開發股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 32,000~38,000
以高效、準確的方式處理所有預訂,查詢和客人要求,負責客房庫存控制和銷售策略的執行。 1.處理所有通過電話、傳真、電傳、內部郵件、公司預訂中心或旅行社收到的預訂請求、更改和取消。 2.在確認任何預訂前確認房間是否可售。在售罄的日期建議客人預定其他日期。 3.提供準確的交通安排,酒店/水療中心/餐廳方向資訊。 4.與來電者核實所有預訂資訊以確保準確性。 5.向客人解釋擔保和取消政策。 6.熱情準確地描述住宿和所有設施、服務。 To process of all reservations inquiries, booking and customer service requests in an efficient, accurate manner, responsible for the execution of strategies in relation to inventory control and selling. 1.Process all reservation requests, changes and cancellations received by phone, fax, telex, mail internally, and through corporate reservations center or travel agencies. 2.Verify availability before confirming any reservation. Suggest alternate dates for sold-out dates. 3.Relay accurate information on transportation arrangements, directions to hotel/spa/restaurants. 4.Verify all reservation information with caller to ensure accuracy. 5.Explain guarantee and cancellation policies to callers. 6.Enthusiastically and accurately describe accommodations and all amenities, services.
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/16 Updated
餐飲部-餐廳酒吧營運總監 F&B-Director of BARs 臺北嘉佩樂酒店_國亨開發股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
餐廳酒吧營運總監負責協調和監督3 個酒吧的飲料服務和營運。個人負責確保卓越、創造力、維護品牌形像以及管理整個綜合體的獲利能力。 1. 為團隊成員提供鼓舞人心的領導力、清晰的願景和方向,以確保嘉佩樂品牌、價值觀和願景的交付,為我們的顧客和團隊成員創造令人驚嘆的體驗。 2. 傳達期望、認可績效並產生一致的預期業務成果。 3. 隨時了解飯店日常服務、活動、促銷和活動的最新資訊。就任何變更向所有團隊成員進行有效溝通和更新,以確保客人收到最新資訊。 4. 隨時了解城市和飯店週邊地區的最新動態,成為當地文化、遺產地和潮流的捍衛者,為客人提供建議和指導。 5. 確保所有團隊成員都認識到富比士標準對於提供卓越審計和服務績效的重要性。 6. 輔導和指導團隊成員的成長,確定短期到長期的目標,以實現並確保同事的高參與度和福利。 7.參與部門新人面試、繼任計畫等招募活動。 8. 監控團隊成員的績效,並及時提供有效的績效回饋以進行改善、認可和績效評估。 The Director of BARs is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the beverage service and operations of three different bars in one complex. The individual is responsible for ensuring excellence, and creativity, maintaining brand identity, and managing profitability of the overall complex. 1. Provides inspirational leadership, clear vision, and direction to team members to ensure delivery of the Capella brand, values, and vision, to create an amazing experience for our guests and team members. 2. Communicates expectations, recognizes performance, and produces consistent desired business results. 3. Maintain an up-to-date knowledge of the hotel's daily services, activities, promotions, and events. Effectively communicate and update all team members on any changes to ensure guests receive up-to-date information. 4. Be the champion of the local culture, heritage sites, and trends by keeping up to date with the city's happenings, and the area surrounding the hotel to provide recommendations and directions for the guests. 5. Ensure all team members recognize the importance of Forbes standards to deliver excellent audit and service performance. 6. Mentor and guide individual team members’ growth and identify short to long-term goals to achieve and ensure high colleague engagement and welfare. 7. Participate in recruitment activities such as interviewing new talents for the departments and succession planning. 8. Monitor the performance of team members and provide effective performance feedback for improvements, recognition, and performance appraisal as due.
Senior Level
English Required
9/12 Updated
工程部 工程行政助理 Engineering Administration Assistant 臺北嘉佩樂酒店_國亨開發股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,000~40,000
工程部行政助理負責協助與支援工程部總監和工程部門相關行政業務。 1.監控及追蹤各項會議記錄、部門單位間待辦事項、工單系統…等。 2.電話接聽,針對各事項與各部門代表或訪客聯繫。 3.準備每日表單、更新各待修繕項目狀態並視情況追蹤人力。繕打各式郵件及報告並統整各項表格、記錄、文件、統計資料與能源報告。 4.將各式清單更新到電腦中並每日維護檔案系統和統計數據。建立各項目的完整資料庫。 5.透過適當的選擇與分配工程人力,快速且有系統地完成各項修繕任務。 6.確保所有團隊成員充分了解富比士服務標準對於提供卓越審計和服務績效的重要性。 The Engineering Admin Assistant provides administrative support to the Director of Engineering and the Engineering department. 1. Monitors and follows up minutes of meetings, interoffice correspondence to various departments/sections concerned, and work order system. 2. Receives and screens phone calls, and liaises with all visitors as well as other departments’ representatives on a wide range of items. 3. Prepare daily checklists, updates of status/work completed, and follow up with the workforce as requested. Drafts/types e-mail, reports, etc., and maintains files, forms, records, documents, statistics, and energy reports. 4. Opens, reads, sorts, and forwards incoming topics to the staff concerned for action. Attends to office visitors, takes fullest details and messages. 5. Ensuring all office equipment, printers, and phones are maintained and fully functional. 6. Ensure all team members recognize the importance of Forbes standards to deliver excellent audit and service performance.
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/11 Updated
餐飲部 西餐主廚 F&B Western Kitchen Chef de Cuisine 臺北嘉佩樂酒店_國亨開發股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
西餐主廚負責監督管理餐廳的食品概念、品質和廚房運作。同時也負責開發與創新理念,不斷提高菜色的品質和顧客用餐體驗。 1.領導日常廚房運營,並確保各項餐飲政策、標準和程序皆被確實遵守。確保按照設定的概念有效管理廚房,並提供專業、高效和靈活的服務。 2.嚴格遵守已規範的營運費用,控制成本的同時兼顧品質、標準並滿足顧客期待。 3.確保同事們皆遵守《食品、健康、衛生和安全手冊》中所規定的健康、衛生和安全準則。 4.確保餐廳前後場皆保持整潔有序。 5.與廚師及餐務同事們共同制定且嚴格遵守清潔時間表。 6.確保所有團隊成員充分了解富比士服務標準對於提供卓越審計和服務績效的重要性。 7.賦予團隊成員自主權和責任感,以超越賓客的期望。分派任務並期望責任制與定期回饋。 8.負責監督團隊成員績效、提供回饋和執行績效評估。 9.參與招募、面試新人才和培育繼任者。 10.掌握個人的成長並參與團隊成員的職涯發展和培育繼任者。 11.能夠執行部門內的所有職務,並在必要時協助輪班。 Western Kitchen Chef de Cuisine manages and oversees the assigned restaurant’s food concept, quality, and operations of the kitchen. The Individual is also responsible for developing innovative menu concepts and constantly improving the quality and dining experience for the guests. 1. Direct and lead the daily kitchen operations and ensure compliance with all F&B policies, standards, and procedures. Ensures that the assigned Kitchen is managed efficiently according to the established concept statement, providing a courteous, professional, efficient, and flexible service at all times. 2. To strictly adhere to the established operating expenses and ensure that all costs are controlled while maintaining the quality, and standards and meeting the guests' expectations daily. 3. Ensures that all colleagues adhere to the Health, Hygiene, and Safety guidelines in the Food, Health, Hygiene, and Safety manuals. 4. To ensure that the outlet is kept clean and organized, both at the front as well as the back of the house. 5. To liaise and organize with assigned Stewards and the Chefs that the established cleaning schedules are strictly adhered to. 6. Ensure all team members recognize the importance of Forbes standards to deliver excellent audit and service performance. 7. Empower team members to take ownership and responsibility in going beyond to exceed guest expectations. Delegate responsibility and expect accountability and regular feedback. 8. Monitor the performance of team members and provide effective performance feedback for improvements, recognition, and performance appraisal as due. 9. Participate in recruitment activities such as interviewing new talents for the departments and succession planning. 10. Take ownership of the individual’s growth and be involved in career progression and succession planning of team members. 11. Be able to perform all tasks within the department and assist in shift coverage when necessary.
English Required
9/08 Updated
餐飲部 餐酒館副主廚 F&B Annex Sous Chef 臺北嘉佩樂酒店_國亨開發股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
協助廚藝總監管理廚房運營,透過規劃、組織、指導及控管廚房來確保其符合嘉佩樂酒店標準以提升顧客滿意度,成為獨立的利潤中心。 1.負責三個酒吧廚房制訂標準食譜,使餐廳在可接受的食品成本下運營,並確保實現每月所預測的食品成本。 2.參與年度營運預算的制訂,根據年度業務計劃的編制來確認餐廳的預估收入及支出和各項營運設備以及用品家具等需求。 3.擁有完整的工作知識和技能,能夠監督、糾正並展示各項職責以確保其符合標準。 4.成為一名親力親為的管理者,參與現場營運,並在忙碌時刻提供協助。 5.確實遵守各項營運設備及供應品項的庫存標準,並確保其數量足以滿足營運需求。 6.主持每日的班前簡報,向同事們講解各項事前準備、服務準則和菜單。 7.對於菜單內的各項餐點和飲品有全盤的了解,並能在必要時針對餐飲搭配做推薦以及推銷。 8.盡可能地在菜單中使用當地及當季產品。 9.發展符合市場需求且兼顧餐廳經營概念的菜單、自助餐、特餐和招牌菜色。 10.以有禮且有效率的方式處理顧客需求,若無法立即找到解決方案,則須向主管報告相關顧客投訴或問題,跟進並確實對顧客回報。 11.確保餐廳展現出熱情、專業和歡迎的形象。 12.確保餐廳內外場保持整潔有序,確實填寫 HACCP 表格並於辦公室內建檔。 13.參與制訂餐飲年度行銷計劃並執行有效的銷售和促銷活動,提高營收。 14.進行每月餐點營收分析,持續根據顧客的口味和喜好客製化菜單。 To assist the Director of Culinary in managing of the assigned kitchen operation as a successful independent profit center, ensuring maximum guest satisfaction consistent with the Capella standards, through planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the culinary operation and administration. 1. Responsible for managing three bars' kitchen and develop standard recipes which allow the restaurant to operate at an acceptable food cost and to ensure that the monthly forecasted Food Cost is achieved. 2.To participate in the formulation of the Annual Operating Budget in determining outlet projected revenues and expenses, operating equipment and FF&E requirements in line with the compilation of the Annual Business Plan. 3.To have a full working knowledge and capability to supervise, correct and demonstrate all duties and tasks in the assigned Place of Work to the standard set. 4.To be a hands-on Manager and be present at all times in the Operation, especially during busy periods. 5.To ensure that the par stocks for all operating equipment, supplies, inventoried items are strictly adhered to and that the outlet is adequately equipped. 6.To conduct daily pre-shift briefings to employees on preparation, service and menu. 7.To have a thorough understanding and knowledge of all food and beverage items in the menu and the ability to recommend Food & Beverage combinations and up sell alternatives as necessary. 8.To use, wherever possible, locally and seasonally available products in menus and "specials". 9.To develop menus, buffets (where applicable) and "specials" and signature dishes which meet the needs of the target market and are in line with the operating concept for the restaurant. 10.To handle guest enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner and report guest complaints or problems to supervisors if no immediate solution can be found and assure follow up with guests. 11.To ensure that the Outlet team projects a warm, professional and welcome image. 12.To ensure that the outlet is kept clean and organized, both at the front as well as the back of house and the HACCP forms are filled in and compiled in Chefs office. 13.To participate in the formulation of the Annual Marketing Plan and implement effective sales and promotional activities to maximize revenues. 14.To conduct monthly menu sales analysis so as to continuously tailor the menus to the customer's taste and preferences.
Senior Level
English Required
9/05 Updated
客房部-客務-客務經理 Rooms-Front Office-Front office Manager 臺北嘉佩樂酒店_國亨開發股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Reporting directly to the Director of Rooms, the Front Office Manager is responsible for assisting Management in the overall day to day operations of the hotel whilst on duty. At all times the Front Office Manager is expected to lead by example - their behaviors, speech and appearance must be without fault. Their treatment of staff must be courteous and discretionary. Their guest service standards must be the benchmark that sets the levels to be attained by all hotel colleagues. 1.As a representative of senior management, the Front Office Manager will be called upon to deal with guest problems and/or complaints. In dealing with these situations, the Front Office Manager must ensure that they use tact and diplomacy and remain within the organizational policy in rectifying the situation. 2.The Front Office Manager is responsible for receiving and escorting all VIP’s and ensuring that they feel comfortable and welcome on arrival to the hotel. 3.To assist as required/requested with the solving of any guest complaints/upsets. 4.The Front Office Manager is responsible for actioning fire and emergency procedures and for contacting Senior Management in case of a fire or emergency whilst on duty. 5.To ensure that you as Front Office Manager are constantly aware of and “up-to-date” with all happenings and operations within the hotel. It is vital that you have an obvious presence throughout the hotel, and be visible and moving through public areas and departments continually whilst on duty. 6.To ensure that you as a Front Office Manager are completely aware of all the hotel’s services and facilities, outlet operating hours and scope of service. 7.To acquire, through training provided, a comprehensive knowledge of the hotel Computer System, Telephone System, Paging System and In-House Movie System. 8.Oversees the daily movement of guest activities and be able to resolve any guest complaints and to establish an amicable relationship with guests, clients and customers of the Hotel. 9.To be responsible for the entire Front Office Department operation in the absence of the Director of Rooms. 10.Ensure all team members recognizes the importance of Forbes standards as to deliver excellent audit and service performance. 客務經理直接向客房部總監報告,負責當班期間協助管理層處理飯店的日常營運。客務經理在任何時候都應該以身作則-他/她們的行為、言語和外表必須沒有錯誤。他/她們對待員工必須有禮貌且謹慎。他/她們的賓客服務標準必須成為所有飯店同事應達到的水平基準。 1.作為高級管理層的代表,客務經理將被要求處理客人問題和/或投訴。在處理這些情況時,客務經理必須確保使用機智和外交手段,並在糾正這種情況時遵守公司政策。 2.客務經理負責接待和護送所有貴賓,並確保他們在抵達飯店時感到舒適及受歡迎。 3.根據需要/要求協助解決任何顧客的投訴/不安。 4.客務經理負責執行消防和緊急程序,並在值班期間發生火災或緊急情況時聯繫高級管理層。 5.確保您作為客務經理始終了解並「了解」飯店內的所有事件和營運情況。至關重要的是,您在整個酒店中都有明顯的存在,並且在值班期間不斷地在公共區域和部門中走動並保持可見。 6.確保您作為客務經理完全了解飯店的所有服務和設施、門市營業時間和服務範圍。 7.透過培訓,全面了解飯店電腦系統、電話系統、尋呼系統和室內電影系統。 8.監督客人活動的日常活動,能夠解決客人的投訴並與飯店的客人、顧客和顧客建立友好的關係。 9.在客房總監不在的情況下,負責整個客房部的運作。 10.確保所有團隊成員都知道富比士標準對於提供卓越稽核和服務績效的重要性。
English Required
9/05 Updated
行銷業務部 業務經理/團體及會議活動 S&M Sales Manager/MICE 臺北嘉佩樂酒店_國亨開發股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
業務經理/團體及會議活動負責帶領及管理各項與企業銷售業務和市場相關的業務行為。該職位為企業客戶的聯絡窗口,全力貢獻以增加業務,確保各項業務行為皆符合銷售策略,並滿足個人及酒店的業績分配與目標,以提高利潤。 1.規劃和管理國內和海外各企業客戶的業績目標。 2.根據業務總監及行銷業務副總經理的指示,制訂針對業務範圍內的各家企業與會展業務、協會和婚禮策劃的銷售行動計劃。 3.透過與知名客戶發展並維持良好關係來產生業務,強化公司的潛在收入,主動判別並招攬新業務,以實現個人和酒店業績目標。 4.開發建立目標市場內的關係,以加強並擴大客戶群以獲得銷售機會。 5.維護企業/聯絡人資料、重要資訊和銷售活動。確保及時更新各項資訊並安全保存。 6.搜尋並更新市場趨勢、競爭對手、客戶和顧客等相關知識。針對競爭對手的優勢和劣勢進行分析、實行業務計畫以獲得更高的市場占比。 7.確保銷售方案內包含餐飲、宴會、SPA及各項酒店服務。 8.協助達成年度營運目標,以滿足並超越預算預期。透過增加收入、控制開支並為業主和酒店提供投資回報來確保成功的績效。 9.隨時掌握酒店日常服務、活動、促銷等最新資訊。若有任何變更,需向團隊成員更新以確保顧客收到最新資訊。 10.處理並排解顧客訴願,在系統內登錄顧客意見回饋。確保問題及時解決,讓顧客滿意。 11.賦予團隊成員自主權和責任感,以超越賓客的期望。分派任務並期望責任制與定期回饋。 The Sales Manager/MICE is responsible for leading and managing all sales activities pertaining to corporate sales accounts and markets. The individual acts as the point of contact for corporate sales clients, highly contributing to business generation, ensuring that all direct sales activities aligns with the Sales strategies and that both individual and hotel's quotas and goals are met to maximize profit generation. 1.Plans and manages sales goals for all corporate accounts, both local and overseas. 2.Develop sales action plans to target corporate and MICE business, associations and wedding planners in the assigned area as discussed and instructed by Director of Sales and EAM of Sales & Marketing. 3.Proactively identify, qualify, and solicit new business to achieve personal and hotel revenue goals by building network and relationships with higher-profile clientele to generate sales leads, optimizing potential revenue for the company. 4.Develop relationships within target market community to strengthen and expand customer base for sales opportunities. 5.Maintains an updated company/contact profile, key information and sales activities. Ensuring that all information should be updated on a timely basis and kept securely. 6.Develop and maintain knowledge of market trend, competition, clients and guests. Perform competitive analysis on competitor's strengths and weaknesses to implement sales projects to gain higher market shares. 7.Ensure sales activities focus on all facilities including Food and Beverage, Catering, Spa, inclusive of all experiences. 8.Assist in achieving the annual operating budget to meet and exceed budget expectations. Ensure successful performance by increasing revenues, controlling expenses and providing a return on investment for the property owner and the hotel. 9.Maintain an up to date knowledge of the hotel daily services, activities, promotion, and event. Effectively communicate and update all team members on any changes to ensure guests receive up-to-date information. 10.Handling complaints and resolving service ‘Glitches', keep a record of all feedbacks under the appropriate system. Ensures that the issues are resolved in a timely manner to guests' satisfaction. 11.Assists the higher management in updating the Standard Operating Procedures in accordance to the hotel standards and business level by suggesting improvements to improve efficiency of work and performance.
Senior Level
9/04 Updated