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關於巴斯夫 在巴斯夫,我們創造化學新作用——追求永續發展的未來。我們將經濟上的成功、社會責任和環境保護相結合。巴斯夫在全球約有 112,000 名員工,為遍佈全球各類產業客戶的成功做出貢獻。我們的產品分屬六大業務領域: 化學品、材料、工業解決方案、表面處理技術、營養與護理、農業解決方案。2023 年巴斯夫全球銷售額為 689 億歐元。巴斯夫的股票在法蘭克福證券交易所上市 (交易代號: BAS),並在美國發行存託憑證 (交易代號: BASFY)。欲瞭解更多資訊,請上網:。 關於巴斯夫大中華區 巴斯夫與大中華市場的淵源可以追溯到1885年,作為中國化工領域重要的外商投資企業,巴斯夫主要的生產基地位於上海、南京、重慶和湛江(建設中),上海創新園是全球和亞太地區的研發樞紐。2023年,巴斯夫在大中華區的銷售額約為94億歐元,截至該年底員工人數為12,115名。欲瞭解更多資訊,請上網。 巴斯夫在台灣 巴斯夫於1969年在台成立分公司,負責銷售進口及本地製造的各項化工產品。在台灣,我們提供塑料聚合物、化學品、農用產品、功能性與特性化學品以及解決方案給各行業,包括化工、建築、漆料及塗料、化妝品、包裝、造紙、紡織、皮革、農業、動物及人類營養品,更特別專注在電子產業。在臺北、桃園、彰化、高雄及屏東等多處設有營業據點及生產工廠服務台灣客戶與市場。 台灣巴斯夫股份有限公司: 台北市松江路87號16樓 觀音廠: 桃園市觀音區經建二路31號 彰化廠: 彰化縣鹿港鎮鹿工南五路18號 高雄廠: 高雄市大寮區大發工業區光華路6號 農業試驗站: 屏東縣九如鄉大坵村大坵路9巷6號 * 我們提供平等的就業機會,不允許任何基於國別、宗教、或其它個人特徵的歧視存在。

Ngành nghề

Sản phẩm chính

1.農業化學品及營養添加劑的製造、加工、銷售 2.化學品塑膠及人纖的製造、加工、銷售 3.色料及特用化學品及分散劑的製造、加工、銷售 4.紡織及皮革之染料及助劑的製造,加工、銷售 5.多元醇(POLYOLES)和聚異氨酸鹽(ISOCYNATES)反應而成之聚胺酯(POLYURETHANES PU)化學高分子塑膠 6.高純度製程化學品 7.農藥與西藥批發及零售 8.塑料添加劑、顏料、染料水質和紙張處理

Chế độ phúc lợi

Quy định pháp luật
1.教育訓練:有系統性的員工教育訓練制度及員工語文進修 2.保險:勞工保險、全民健保、團體保險、海外差旅平安險 3.休假:優於勞基法 4.福委會福利:三節獎金、員工災害補助、婚喪補助、生育津貼、年節慰勞、生日禮券、康樂活動、社團補助等 5.定期健康檢查 6.績效獎金 7.觀音廠提供交通車及免費員工餐廳服務

Cơ hội việc làm

Assistant Manager, Sales (Taipei or Changhua) 台灣巴斯夫股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
Objective • Responsible for local sales of TPU, including managing the local distribution channels. • Develop and expand sales for TPU in Taiwan, with a focus on applications in Consumer Electronics/Universal (CEU), Cable & Tubes, Furniture, and Adhesives in alignment with regional strategies and activities to achieve the mid and long-term business objectives of the A-PMA Performance Materials Business Unit. • Strengthen relationships with key stakeholders, such as brand owners, injection molders, fiber makers, and distributors, in order to drive TPU sales in CEU, Cable & Tubes, Furniture, and Adhesives applications. Identify and develop new business opportunities in these areas. • Work closely with various customers in CEU, Cable & Tubes, Furniture, and Adhesives. • Collaborate with T1 & T2 suppliers in FSL, CEU, and Compounding. Drive business development in the PPF sector. • Establish terms and conditions that align with BASF's finance discipline. Gather market intelligence on market development, competition, and tariffs to maximize BASF's profits by offering value propositions and utilizing site capacity. • Establish terms & conditions to meet BASF’s finance discipline; collect market intelligence of market development, competition and tariffs to maximize BASF’s profits by value proposition and utilizing of site capacity. Main Tasks Business & Market Development • Drives relationship management with account (all levels, all functions) with in-depth understanding of customer needs (along value chain), industry drivers, unique selling points in order to recommend the best solutions and new business model, leading to the achievement of value creation for the customers and BASF. • Leads and concludes business contracts and maintain business growth at designated customers. • Provides accurate sales forecasting and define annual budget (Volume, Net Sales, CM1) for selected accounts • Contributes to development and implementation of segment, application, product and customer strategies to achieve sales targets • Organizes and Conducts customer events such as Seminar, Technology Day and Technical Workshop for strategic customers to generate new business opportunities. • Provides prompt responses related to quality, technical and application inquiries and other customer related issues Distributor Sales Coordination • Direct, coordinate, and review sales and service accounting and record-keeping, as well as receiving and Order-to-Cash processes. Provide guidance to distributors regarding policies and operating procedures to ensure the functional effectiveness of the business. • Lead communication and negotiation with distributors for both external and internal decisions. • Support distributor’s business development through quarterly technical dialogue and yearly seminar. • Drive Paint Protective Film business development. Credit Management • Monitors the growth of the customers’ business, review and coordinate with credit control to make appropriate credit recommendations • Follow-up on payment collections and ensure on-time payment from the customers. Compliance • Coordinate both internal and external audits, establish agency and distributors agreements. • Compliance with QM in business conduction. • Anti-trust and any business transaction behaviors;
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