
Company Introduction

2000 Employees
Contact Person
神準科技股份有限公司於民國96年5月31日登錄興櫃、民國102年12月30日公開上櫃(代號3558),主要從事無線通訊網路產品之製造及行銷,致力於外銷自製產品,包含企業無線通訊系統(ERS)、企業網路安全伺服器(ESS)、網狀網路系統(MNS)及無線網路用戶端(CPE)等產品之設計開發、製造及銷售。 神準科技具國際大廠研發製造(ODM/OEM)的經驗,提供客製化之服務及商品外,另多年投資自有品牌(EnGenius),在各自的領域及市場創造價值。總公司位於林口華亞科技園區,為因應公司營運的蓬勃發展,我們持續招募研發優秀人才,並在台北南港增設研發辦公室。目前在美國(洛杉磯)、荷蘭(安荷芬)、加拿大(安大略)、新加坡設有子公司,為當地客戶提供快捷服務和即時支援。 本公司擁有優秀的經營團隊及強大卓越的研發陣容,每年投入大量研發費用,秉持著『無所不通、無所不在、無微不至』的經營理念,追求企業永續經營及成長。 我們擁有完整的教育訓練規劃、人性化的管理制度、順暢的升遷管道、盡情發揮的舞台,歡迎各界傑出人才一同加入神準大家庭!

Industry Sector

Main Products

◆無線網路系統產品(Wi-Fi):  ◎戶外型網狀無線基地台、中繼器  ◎用戶端網狀無線基地台、橋接器  ◎無線網卡  ◎無線網路路由器(Router)  ◎智慧型雲端整合閘道器(Gateway)  ◎企業級無線網路管理軟體  ◎天線(Antenna) ◆有線網路系統產品(Switch):  ◎易用型/智慧型網路交換器  ◎Layer2/3網管型網路交換器  ◎管理型網路交換器  ◎中大型企業用網路安全伺服器  ◎中小型企業用網路安全伺服器  ◎PoE網路線供電設備 ◆網路安全監控系統產品(IP-Camera):  ◎企業級有線網路攝影機  ◎企業級無線網路攝影機  ◎企業級無線網狀網路攝影機  ◎多功能家庭智慧攝影機  ◎網路監控錄影系統 ◆企業無線通訊系統產品:  ◎單線高速跳頻數位長距離企業無線通訊機  ◎四線多母機高速跳頻數位長距離企業無線通訊系統 ◆計劃開發之商品/服務  ◎企業級安全監控系統  ◎雲端管理伺服器  ◎數位家庭自動化整合性產品  ◎物聯網傳感器(Internet of Things)  ◎戶外無線LTE橋接基地台  ◎高效能多核心處理器平台的網路安全伺服器  ◎網路設備管理服務與控制平台(AP Controller)  ◎長距離無線電話整合IP Base之商品  ◎整合型900MHz數位無線對講手機


Legal Items
1. 年終獎金、員工分紅/營運績效獎金(視當年度營運及個人表現績效而定) 2. 勞保、健保及免費員工團保(壽險、意外、癌症、醫療)、自費眷屬團保 3. 完整的教育訓練、順暢的升遷管道、勞退金提撥 4. 優於法令休假制度:給有情人終成眷屬的同仁最佳祝福—訂婚假 5. 免費員工交通車(台北車站往返林口總部)、接駁車(林口長庚醫院捷運站往返林口總部) 6. 定期員工健康檢查及醫生駐診,關心員工身體健康 7. 設置員工餐廳、補助同仁餐費,並提供多樣而豐富的餐飲服務 8. 空中花園、便利商店與零食區,補給工作動能,便利生活 9. 福委會提供多采多姿的活動,提供員工各式紓壓管道: *補助員工旅遊活動,增進員工互動關係 *提供各式年節禮金、禮券、禮品 *補助員工社團活動,與同好相互學習成長 *提供結婚禮金、生育津貼、住院、喪殯慰問金,共度人生重要時刻 *設有免費運動器材、韻律教室 *免費的視障按摩師駐廠服務,放鬆心情 *簽訂特約商店,提供員工購物優惠 *每年舉辦旺年會,邀請優質明星演唱 *生育托兒補助津貼,與大家的寶貝一同成長

Company & Workplace


Senior Product Engineering Manager (Coordinate with a US-based AI chip design company, offering a competitive salary) 神準科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
We are currently seeking a Senior Product Engineering Manager to be based in Taiwan. This role will be responsible for managing and overseeing our collaboration with Taiwanese ODM/OEM factories, ensuring that our products meet the highest quality standards throughout the entire product lifecycle. The ideal candidate will have deep knowledge and experience in various manufacturing processes, including SMT, DIP, assembly, testing, and packaging. [Key Responsibilities] • Manage and supervise the product engineering processes at Taiwanese ODM/OEM factories, ensuring that processes such as SMT, DIP, assembly, testing, and packaging comply with our quality and reliability standards. • Work closely with design teams to conduct design reviews and process characterization during the development phase to ensure mass production readiness. • Establish and enforce critical quality control points, monitor process data such as CpK values, and collaborate with ODM/OEM factories to drive process improvements that enhance product quality and reliability. • Evaluate and implement new materials and technologies in collaboration with ODM/OEMs to ensure significant improvements in manufacturing practices and processes. • Work with contract manufacturers and ODM/OEMs to continuously improve production practices and processes, ensuring products meet high customer reliability requirements. • Conduct technical research and development (R&D) as needed to meet and exceed product performance and customer requirements. • Regularly visit ODM/OEM factories to assess production status and assist in resolving process-related issues.
Executive Level
English Required
9/20 Updated
Senior Manufacturing Test/Quality Engineer(Coordinate with a US AI chip design company, offering a competitive salary) 神準科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
We are seeking a highly skilled Senior Manufacturing Test and Quality Engineer to manage and oversee the development and production processes from the R&D phase through to manufacturing. The successful candidate will work closely with Taiwanese ODM/OEM factories, ensuring that all manufacturing, testing, and quality control processes meet the required standards. This role involves extensive collaboration with cross-functional teams within the factories, including manufacturing, testing, and quality personnel, to drive product development and ensure the highest quality output. [Key Responsibilities] •Manufacturing Test Development: Design, implement, and oversee testing procedures to ensure product quality and reliability throughout the manufacturing process. •Quality Control Management: Establish and maintain quality control processes, including defect analysis, corrective actions, and adherence to industry standards. •Cross-Functional Collaboration: Work closely with manufacturing, testing, and quality teams within ODM/OEM factories to ensure seamless integration of processes from R&D to production. •Issue Resolution: Identify potential issues in the manufacturing, testing, and quality processes, and work proactively to resolve them to maintain project timelines and quality standards. •Process Optimization: Continuously evaluate and improve manufacturing and testing processes to enhance efficiency, reduce defects, and ensure consistent product quality. •Documentation and Reporting: Maintain accurate records of testing procedures, quality control activities, and process improvements. Prepare reports and present findings to management. [Qualifications] •Technical Skills Strong knowledge of testing methodologies, quality control standards, and process improvement techniques. Proficiency in data analysis tools and software, such as Six Sigma, SPC, or similar. •Language Skills: Fluency in English and Mandarin is required. •Interpersonal Skills: Excellent communication, problem-solving, and organizational skills, with the ability to work effectively with cross-functional teams and external partners. [Preferred Qualifications] •Experience in the electronics or hardware manufacturing industry. •Familiarity with Taiwanese ODM/OEM factory operations and quality management practices. •Strong problem-solving skills and a proactive approach to managing project challenges. [Working Conditions] •Based in Linkou, Taiwan, with occasional travel to ODM/OEM factory locations. •Collaborative work environment with opportunities for professional growth and development.
English Required
9/20 Updated
(1020)會計專員-林口(歡迎越南僑生) 神準科技股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000+
1. Responsible for general accounting-related transaction processing and communication for the Vietnamese overseas subsidiary. 2. Verification of accounts payable and accounts receivable, and preparation of financial statements. 3. Assistance with customs clearance-related processes. 4. Collaboration with auditors for auditing procedures. 5. Tasks assigned by supervisors.
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(2010)越南工程儲備幹部(歡迎越南僑生) 神準科技股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 33,000+
★對電子業PE、FE、IE、TE、MPM、IQC/OQC、SFCS工作有興趣者皆可投遞 ★此職缺工作地點在越南河南省,前半年將在林口總部進行專業培訓,歡迎有意願至越南發展的在台僑生 【PE】歡迎電機電子背景 1. 生產文件製作及修改 2. 分析製程異常,解決及預防異常發生 3. 新產品技術轉移驗證及導入 4. 治工具及設備導入 【FE】歡迎電機電子背景 1. 監控生產與精進量產品質良率。 2. 設備妥善率監控。 3. 設備評估與維修。 【IE】歡迎工業工程背景 1.評估製程專案計劃,訂出最適化的製造流程。 2.建立標準操作動作,製訂SOP 3.建立標準工時,異常工時分析, 標準化作業流程, 提高生產稼動率。 4.分析生產瓶頸,改善生產流程,提高生產效率。 5.負責新產品製程的導入,使新產品能夠穩定生產且符合相關標準。 6.成本效益分析,分析製造成本,設定目標review及進行優化。 【TE】歡迎電子電機/資訊工程背景 1. 新產品測試程式開發 2. EMS/OEM新機種測試移交 3. 測試程式維護 4. 生產異常處理 5. 開發自動化治具 6. 生產測試流程改善 7. 導入SFIS自動化測試程式 8. 協助RD進行產品測試驗證 9. 協助PE試產測試 10. 產線測試程式LOG檔整理備分 【IQC/OQC】歡迎電子電機/工業工程背景 1. 參與產品之測試程式驗證 2. 建立測試環境,執行產品測試程式並驗證其可靠度及穩定度 3. 測試問題點彙整記錄,撰寫及發行驗證報告 4. 測試程式問題之追蹤 【MPM】歡迎電子電機/工業工程/商管背景 1.工廠內部資源的統籌及跨部門的溝通協調。 2.工廠相關產品生產流程、生產線及環境建立之工作。 3.工廠對外與客戶溝通的橋梁,並滿足客戶對產品生產出貨需求。 4.負責確認NPI每個階段的準備事項,並確保產品出貨。 5.研發階段工廠端產品新機種的導入、問題收集、分析、追蹤及改善。 6.當客戶來訪時,需負責準備相關資料及報告。 7.與客戶或廠商保持良好的溝通管道,解決生產問題。 【SFCS】 1. 負責MES系統之開發與維護(SFC/WMS/PDA等) 2. 使用者教育訓練與操作問題解決或異常排除 3. 依需求分析之結果編寫程式、撰寫手冊及系統建置等文件檔案以及產出測試報告
9/20 Updated
(2210)越南廠PE工程師(歡迎越南僑生) 神準科技股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 33,000+
【歡迎有意願至越南河南省工作之在台越南僑生】 1.生產文件製作及修改 2.分析製程異常,解決及預防異常發生 3.新產品技術轉移驗證及導入 4.治工具及設備導入
9/20 Updated
(10A0) Product Planner (Overseas Assignment in the U.S.) 神準科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Job Overview: We are seeking a highly motivated and talented Product Line Manager to join our team in Taiwan. This position offers a unique opportunity for the right candidate to undergo 1-3 years of comprehensive training in various roles, including System Architecture (SA), Field Application Engineering (FAE), Software (SW), and Firmware (FW). After a one-year observation period, the candidate may be offered an overseas assignment in the United States, where they will engage in market research, presales presentations, and technical sales. Key Responsibilities: -Participate in extensive product education and training programs across multiple engineering roles (SA, FAE, SW, FW) to gain in-depth knowledge of our products. -Conduct market research to understand customer needs and market trends. -Present presales presentations to clients, showcasing the technical advantages of our products. -Engage in technical sales activities, providing technical support to potential customers. -Undergo a one-year observation period to assess performance and suitability for overseas assignment. -If selected for overseas assignment, commit to a contractual agreement and work closely with the company for U.S. visa application and relocation arrangements.
English Required
9/18 Updated
(2010)Kỹ sư PE (Làm việc tại Việt Nam) 神準科技股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 33,000+
【Hoan nghênh các sinh viên Việt Nam có mong muốn làm việc tại tỉnh Hà Nam, Việt Nam.】 1.Lập và sửa đổi tài liệu sản xuất 2.Phân tích, giải quyết và ngăn ngừa sự cố bất thường trong quy trình sản xuất 3.Xác nhận và triển khai chuyển giao công nghệ sản phẩm mới 4.Chuẩn bị dụng cụ và thiết bị sản xuất
9/18 Updated