
Company Introduction

15 Employees
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TUGA葡萄牙餐廳不僅提供道地的葡萄牙料理,更提供了上百款葡萄牙各產區的葡萄酒,為了將日常餐酒文化帶進台灣,餐廳內的所有葡萄酒皆能以零售的價格於店內品飲。 因此我們的日常便是在介紹葡萄牙餐點、及協助客人挑選葡萄酒款中渡過,我們就像一群小蜜蜂,穿梭於客人與酒窖之間,藉此拉起台灣與葡萄牙的友好之情。 We are a Portuguese restaurant located in Da’an. Our food is focus on “traditional home style cooking”. As a small brief of our restaurant history, TUGA Taipei was established in Taipei on May 2015 and after 8 years of operation has a solid reputation for the quality of the food and wines offered, all from Portugal. And 3 years ago, we also opened another Tuga in Singapore with the same business model having now a similar sucess. Portuguese food is mediterranean, but it is very specific and different from the cuisines of Spain, Italy or the Greece. Portugal has benefit as well from the influence of the Arabs, who left us their traditions and their unique cooking techniques that are still today part of our culture. In a global context, and during a period that goes from the 16th to the 18th century, Portugal was the European country with the most important role in the development of new maritime trade routes that will allow it to foster international administrative trade. And derived from this, and with the introduction and diffusion of different crops and spices that were taken from/to different continents, its gastronomy naturally absorbed new flavors, new culinary styles, making today its gastronomy unique. And TUGA is all about that…

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- 葡萄牙料理 - 葡萄牙葡萄酒 - 葡萄牙罐頭及美食產品 - Authentic Portuguese Cuisine - Portuguese Wines - Portuguese Gourmet Products


【休假制度】 1.固定休假:週休二日,一年算下來還比上班族多1天。 2.國定假日:依政府(12天)。 3.特休天數:依政府,年資滿一年再+2天 4.生日假期:帶薪生日假一天。 ※上述未休完之假期可轉以薪資形式領取,公司加碼兩成發放。 【固定福利】 1.用餐/外帶葡萄酒享7折優惠。 2.健康檢查補助,滿3年再加碼做精密檢查。 3.勞健保補助,年資滿2年即可開始實領薪資,公司代付員工的自負額。 【彈性福利】 意旨如遇重大之營運變故(如疫情),公司得視情況取消,但不追討已核發之福利。 極少發生,營業近10年,僅疫情期間停發三個月左右。 1.工作獎金:每月2000元 2.通勤津貼:每月1000元(年資滿3個月) 3.生日禮金:每次5000元(年資滿1年) 4.端午、中秋禮金:每次2000元 5.年終獎金:依該年度營運狀況及個人表現而定。 6.吃喝玩樂津貼:每年10000元(年資滿1年) 7.進修補助:每年10000(年資滿1年) 【其他類】 1.員工休息區/按摩椅。 2.制服統一由公司送洗。 3.供員工餐。 4.如客人提早離開,可提早下班不用補時間。 【Vacation】 ❶ Regular Vacations: 2days/week ; 105days/year. ❷ Public Holidays: Follow government announcements(12days). ❸ Annual Leaves: For those who have worked with us for more than a year, the number of annual leave days is determined by the government plus 2 days. ❹ Birthday Leave: All employees are entitled to one day of paid birthday leave. 【Fixed Benefit】 ❶ All products are 30% off. ❷ Health checkup subsidy. ❸ Healthy and Labor Insurance Subsidy. 【Flexible Benefits】 "Flexibility" means the company has the right to cancel benefits in response to major operational changes, such as COVID-19, without recovering issued benefits. ❶ Work Performance Reward The maximum monthly amount is 2,000 NTD. ❷ Transport Allowance The monthly limit is 1,000 NTD. (3M) ❸ Birthday Reward Amount: 5,000 NTD. (1Y) ❹ Dragon Boat Festival and Moon Festival Reward Amount: 2,000 NTD. / time ❺ Year-End Bonus It will be based on the annual operating status and individual employee performance. ❻ Happy Subsidy Amount: The annual limit is 10,000 NTD. (1Y) ❼ Study Subsidy Amount: The annual limit is 20,000 NTD. (1Y) 【Other Benefits】 ❶ Employee rest area/massage chair. ❷ Uniform cleaning. ❸ Staff food. ❹ If the guest leaves early, you can also leave work early without having to make up the time.

Company & Workplace


TUGA葡萄牙餐廳|外場兼職(晚班)|學生打工、上班族兼差、喜葡萄酒、工作輕鬆 TUGA葡萄牙餐廳_航海者貿易有限公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 200~234
我們除了提供正宗的葡萄牙料理外,我們也供應上百種葡萄牙的葡萄酒,如果你對葡萄酒有興趣,想學些葡萄酒的基礎知識,或是用員工價購買葡萄酒XD 歡迎來我們這邊打工~ 工作不難,沒有很重的餐盤要端,也沒有內場工作需要cover,工作內容包含但不限於: 1.基本餐飲桌邊服務 2.與同事一起關店或開店 3.協助餐廳各式庶務 4.簡易飲品製作 5.基礎侍酒(無須協助選酒) 不算是太粗重的餐飲工作,但希望能找到態度親切且負責任的人加入我們 🙂 目前缺的是晚班時段: 18:00-23:00 (時間可前後調整) 假日如想額外打工亦可丟排班需求~ PS.如超過4小時,則需休半小時,無計薪,含員工餐。 初始薪資:$200/時 可以協助點餐後:+$10/時 月排班超過70小時: +$10/時 每月工作獎金:+$1000/月 以排滿70小時且無重大失誤來看的話,時薪最高可來到234元。 且工作真的不難也不太累~
10/17 Updated