
Company Introduction

26 Employees
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協鑫成立於民國57年,位於基隆市中正區,是一家中小型企業,專注於國內市場。 擁有穩定的客戶群,並獲得客戶、航運公司、海巡署、關務署、海軍和各船級協會的讚譽和信任。 除了提供專業的技術,更注重提供優質的整合及售後服務。 在2022年3月獲得DNV挪威船級協會的ISO9001品質系統認證。 Hsieh Hsin Shipbuilding was established in 1968 and is located in Zhongzheng District, Keelung City. It is a small to medium-sized enterprise that focuses on the domestic market. It has a stable customer base and has been praised and trusted by customers, shipping companies, the Coast Guard Administration, the Customs Administration, the navy, and various ship class associations. In addition to providing professional technology, they place more emphasis on providing quality integrated and after-sales services. In March 2022, we received ISO 9001 quality system certification from DNV Norway Ship Class Association.

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協鑫造船提供多項服務,包括船舶維修、新船建造、設備安裝、機械維護、機電整合以及零配件銷售。我們專業的技術團隊,能夠提供完善的船舶維修服務,如船用高速柴油引擎、發電機、減速機、各式推進系統大修以及船舶歲修。我們的服務對象包括:海巡巡邏艇、海關偵緝艇、各類遊艇、高速艇以及高速客輪。 The business scope covers ship repair, shipbuilding, installation of various equipment, machinery repair, integration of mechanical and electrical systems, and sales of spare parts. The repair projects include high-speed diesel engines, generators, reduction gears, overhaul of various propulsion systems, and annual maintenance of ships. The service targets include coast guard patrol boats, customs enforcement boats, various yachts, high-speed boats, and high-speed ferry.


◆ 獎金/禮品類 01. 每年三節均有獎金或禮品發放 02. 五一勞動節將會有獎金或禮品慰勞員工 03. 年底將會發放年終獎金 04. 根據公司營運狀況以及個人績效發放績效獎金 ◆ 保險類 01. 提供勞保、健保、勞退、團體意外險保障 ◆ 制度類 01. 規定員工穿著制服工作 02. 提供完整的教育培訓制度 03. 提供依據勞基法規定的特休天數 04. 每週休息兩天 ◆ 福利及補助類 01. 提供國內旅遊福利 02. 定期舉辦員工聚餐、烤肉活動 03. 提供員工進修補助 04. 結婚禮金慰助 05. 住院期間提供慰問金 06. 急難救助補助 07. 免費定期員工健康檢查 08. 提供零食/咖啡供應。 ◆ Bonus/Gift Category 1. Bonus/Gift for three major festivals 2. Labor Day Bonus/Gift 3. Year-end bonus 4. Performance bonus based on company's operation and individual performance ◆ Insurance Category 1. Labor insurance, health insurance, labor pension, group accidental insurance ◆ System Category 1. Employee uniform 2. Comprehensive education and training 3. Paid vacation days based on the Labor Standards Act 4. Two-day weekend ◆ Welfare and Subsidy Category 1. Domestic travel 2. Employee gatherings and barbecues 3. Employee education subsidy 4. Wedding bonus 5. Hospital condolence money 6. Emergency aid 7. Free regular employee health checks 8. Free snacks/coffee

Company & Workplace


船艇維護人員 協鑫造船股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 45,000+
01. 負責船艇外觀的維護和塗裝。 02. 具備金屬焊接、鋁合金銲接等相關專業技能。 03. 負責船舶相關設備安裝和設計。 04. 具備機械、焊接、加工相關科系背景者優先錄取。 05. 有造船經驗者優先錄取。
9/15 Updated
機電維修人員 協鑫造船股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 45,000+
01. 電機、設備檢修。 02. 具備配線等相關技能。 03. 往客戶場地出差進行維修作業和試車驗收。 04. 提供維修技術服務。
English Required
9/15 Updated