
Company Introduction

150 Employees
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永聯物流開發(Ally Logistic Property, ALP)具備專業的地產知識,握有豐富的金融資源,擁有跳脫框架的人才團隊。透過佈局串聯全台灣的物流產業的「智慧化物流基礎設施」來實踐改變產業的理想。 從地產開發開始,透過快速嘗試創新,打破傳統倉儲的思維,進而提出串聯物流產業上下游的「基礎設施即服務」之商業模式。透過產業聚集的效益來開發專倉,並整合物流服務、導入符合需求的自動化設備及智慧科技,提供客戶最佳的供應鏈解決方案,進而成為現在的永聯。 十年來,永聯秉持著改變產業的決心,開發了全台第一座現代化的智慧物流園區,也是目前全台灣最大的物流園區!搭配科技島上本身的豐富資源,目標在台灣投資新台幣300億的資金開發物流園區,截至目前已營運逾50萬平方米的倉儲空間,其中超過六成的空間服務國際知名客戶。永聯也陸續建立了六座物流園區來實現藍圖,為台灣物流產業的建設打好基礎。 我們用台灣的成功經驗來孵化物流地產開發的商業模式,現在已準備好南向,在東南亞設立跨國辦公室並與當地集團進行戰略合作,並持續讓物流產業更簡單、更聰明、更永續! _ ALP (Ally Logistic Property, Co., Ltd.), is the first and largest institutional logistics property developer in Taiwan, providing sustainable modern logistics facilities which comply with the highest international standards. ALP's mission is to make the logistics industry become simpler, smarter, and more sustainable. ALP has set up the goal to invest US$1 billion in the logistics facilities in Taiwan, and now we are halfway through. As the first institutional logistics property developer in Taiwan, ALP has built and is now managing more than 500,000 sqm of warehouses. During these 10 years, ALP has constructed and is now managing 6 logistics parks in Taiwan. With over 90% of warehouses occupied, more than 60% is leased by multinational companies that include retail and commercial brands, channels and third-party logistics service providers and more. Treating Taiwan as an incubator, ALP has gained comprehensive knowledge and experience in optimizing logistics solutions and service, integrating with automation and robotics. In 2020, ALP started to expand to Southeast Asia and set up a subsidiary in Malaysia. With the successful business model, knowledge base and multinational customer base built up in Taiwan, ALP aims to replicate our success model into other countries including Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and more.

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《關於我們怎麼定義自己,了解更多關於永聯》 1.永聯物流開發官方網站:https://www.alp.global/ 2.產品影片:https://youtu.be/3kV8MaEdGTw?si=XIJiE_7hZMtEvQ3P 3.What is OMEGA?:https://youtu.be/hEASFTN0gos?si=-V4kVxse1SvU7Twc 4.電商專倉影片:https://youtu.be/vt4rrSc-WLo 《關於我們公司文化,讓我們的員工來分享》 1. Behind the Change 系列員工專訪:https://youtu.be/ykKg7CispPM?si=xe0eZSB4nJoRpcwr 2. 尾牙活動精彩片段:https://youtu.be/bvScxO0p49o?si=HtCzBtDR-EPMkmlB 《關於外界怎麼看永聯,聽聽別人怎麼說》 1. 三立inews:全台最大智慧物流園區曝光! https://youtu.be/Udh_CzMTWow 2. 天下雜誌:「他把物流業變性感!瑞芳山區倉庫像美術館,迪卡儂、H&M都進駐」  https://ppt.cc/fKVDRx 2.INSIDE:「你知道台灣倉儲界的『AWS』,就深藏在瑞芳山區裡嗎?」  https://ppt.cc/f1P1gx 3.中央通訊社:物流革命/科技讓物流更sexy 8年級生勇敢追夢挑大梁  https://ppt.cc/f2bQmx


改變讓【同仁發展】更好 - 新人訓練舉辦設計思考(Design Thinking)工作坊 - 舉辦ALP Talks提升工作能力之內部知識分享活動 - 提供指派/自主訓練補助,鼓勵員工不斷精進學習 - 於東南亞設有據點並且持續佈局中 - 客戶及合作夥伴皆為知名跨國品牌 改變讓【工作環境】更好 - 具設計感且舒適的辦公環境 - 多元背景&多國籍同事 - 免費午餐與下午茶、補給零食櫃,供應ALPer消耗腦力的熱量 改變讓【團隊合作】更好 - 尾牙、仲夏夜及聖誕節活動,凝聚同仁感情 - 部門聚餐與社團活動補助 (登山/釣研/郊遊/抱石社團) - 不定期員工大會與團隊凝聚活動 - 集團內跨公司之推薦獎金制度 改變讓【工作日常】更好 - 四個彈性班別出勤制度供辦公室夥伴選擇 - 彈性公司假期,部分補班日不補班 - 優於勞基法休假天數,到職三個月即可享有特休假5天 - 所有ALPer享有帶薪病假5天 - 年度績效獎金制度 - 端午、中秋、生日禮金 改變讓【員工健康】更好 - 除基本勞健保,為每位同仁加保意外險 - 定期駐廠護理師服務 - 員工兩年一次健康檢查 改變讓【家庭生活】更好 - 提供結婚、生育、托兒、喪葬津貼 - 提供團保(含父母、配偶、子女)

Company & Workplace


法務丨Legal Specialist 永聯物流開發股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
About the role... Ally Logistic Property is seeking a Legal Specialist with 2-3 years of relevant work experience to assist in contract review and management, and to provide daily legal support. The ideal candidate should have a positive attitude, excellent communication skills, and solid legal knowledge, with the ability to complete tasks meticulously and responsibly. What you will do... 1. Assist in reviewing and drafting various types of contracts, including but not limited to construction contracts, commercial contracts, lease agreements, and employment contracts 2. Provide daily legal support, assist in handling legal and corporate governance documents, and other legal-related paperwork 3. Assist in handling legal disputes and prepare litigation materials 4. Assist in updating company legal documents and policies to ensure compliance with the latest legal requirements 5. Collaborate with external lawyers and legal advisors to ensure the provision of high-quality legal services 6. Participate in internal legal training sessions Who you are... 1. Positive personality with a serious and responsible work attitude 2. Excellent communication and coordination skills, able to effectively collaborate with various departments 3. Good time management skills and the ability to work under pressure What skills are required... 1. Bachelor's degree or above in a law-related field 2. 2-3 years of legal work experience, with a preference for candidates with contract review experience 3. Familiarity with Taiwanese laws and regulations, with strong legal research and analytical skills 4. Proficiency in Microsoft 365 5. Proficiency in English communication is preferred
English Required
10/11 Updated
人資事業夥伴丨HR Business Partner 永聯物流開發股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
About the role... The Human Resources Business Partner (HRBP) will act as a strategic partner to multiple departments, facilitating talent management, recruitment, onboarding, and other HR-related functions. The HRBP will collaborate closely with department managers to ensure the effective implementation of HR strategies and policies, aligning with the company's overall business objectives. What you will do... Talent Management: Partner with department management to assess and develop talents, ensuring robust succession planning. Design and implement comprehensive employee development programs to enhance skills and career progression. Talent Recruitment: Develop and execute strategic recruitment plans to meet departmental staffing needs. Oversee recruitment processes to attract and secure top talents. Manage the interviewing, evaluation, and selection process for prospective employees. Talent Onboarding: Manage the onboarding process to ensure seamless integration of new hires. Collaborate with departmental leaders to create tailored training and induction programs for new employees. Employee Relations: Address and resolve employee issues and complaints promptly, maintaining a positive work environment. Develop and implement employee communication and engagement strategies to enhance overall satisfaction. Performance Management: Support departments in conducting thorough performance evaluations and providing constructive feedback. Assist in developing and monitoring performance improvement plans to foster employee growth and productivity. Policies and Procedures: Ensure consistent application and compliance with HR policies and procedures. Provide expert advice on HR policies and legal requirements to ensure regulatory compliance. Additional HR Functions: Manage various HR initiatives and projects to support organizational goals. Support departments in organizational development and culture-building activities.
English Required
10/11 Updated
Financial Analyst 永聯物流開發股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
About the role... ALP has been evolving and pioneering in comprehensive automated logistics solutions in Taiwan and has started its expansion in Southeast Asia in Malaysia, Thailand, etc. In the current dynamic business environment, our decision-making heavily relies on timely and accurate information with insightful analysis. As a financial analyst, you will assist in compiling information for the senior management team, including the CEO and COO. In addition to the numerical and analytical skills, your interpersonal communication skills with different BUs and overseas affiliates/ subsidiaries will be crucial for this position. What you will do... 1. Assist in cash flow management and monitoring financing status 2. Analyze the monthly financial performance of the company and domestic/ overseas affiliates 3. Compile and analyze the rolling annual budget of each BU 4. Provide timely and accurate information from the bank statement to the accounting team 5. Assist in fundraising and investment activities and compile the investors’ requested information 6. Assist in the preparation of financial projections 7. Analyze the financial feasibility of new projects/ new businesses and assist in structuring 8. Ad hoc tasks assigned by the management Who you are... 1. Good understanding of accounting and finance 2. Self-motivated, proactive, and able to work independently 3. Detail-oriented 4. Logical, analytical with good numerical skills 5. Good interpersonal/ communication skills 6. Adaptive to changes; ability to work within a fast-paced, hyper-growth environment
10/11 Updated
建築規劃專案丨Architectural Project Designer 永聯物流開發股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
About the role... 永聯以地產起家,努力為產業實踐理想的物流園區。在公司思考新的商業策略的同時,我們也需要產品開發團隊來思考未來更多建築空間的可能性,讓園區倉庫建築的規劃與設計,成為實踐公司願景「翻轉物流產業」的關鍵。 這個職位隸屬公司的「產品開發部門」,團隊主要是負責進行海外建築規劃設計、工程發包、工程管理、園區管理等相關工作。 What you will do... 海外建築設計發展業務: - 建築配置圖說繪製及檢討、外觀設計模型建置及模擬 - 海外複委託團隊、廠商設計協調及檢核 - 海外合作夥伴溝通協調及設計追蹤 - 相關設計說明簡報、管理進度報表製作 國內建築設計業務: -協助智慧物流園區OMEGA相關案件圖面繪製及檢討 -協助建照申請文書準備 -相關日常行政雜務 Who you are... 你是那個勇於挑戰,擁有創新基因,不受限於框架的人嗎? 對於既有建築設計領域的工作模式已經感到疲憊無動力? 歡迎加入我們成為打造新世代智慧倉儲園區的一員! - 勇於溝通、喜歡與人互動 - 誠信踏實,做事積極正面 - 邏輯清晰、反應敏捷 What skills are required... 1. 在建築設計規劃上面敏銳觀察力 2. 具備建築規劃設計、不動產開發、都市規劃經驗 3. 擅長資料蒐集、組織與分析 4. 具BIM相關實作經驗 5. 曾參與過海外建築專案,或國外工作經驗為佳 6. 具備英文聽說讀寫專業能力,能參與海外投資人會議 7. 具物流產業相關知識加分
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/11 Updated