
Company Introduction

Contact Person
JT International (JTI) 是一個兼具日本與歐美血統的公司。 Japan Tobacco Inc (JT) 日本菸草產業株式會社,起源自1898年大藏省專賣局。1949年,專賣局被合併為日本專賣公社,扮演國營菸草與鹽製品之專門製造及供應商。1985年,日本專賣公社經過民營的過程之後正式成立為日本菸草產業株式會社。JT 以其最受歡迎之旗艦品牌 Mevius (原Mild Seven),在日本市場成為香菸製造的領導者。 美國 R.J. Reynolds 公司19世紀末成立於美國,並在國際菸草市場上以重要品牌 Winston 與 Camel 聞名。1999年,JT 為強化其在全球市場之地位,併購美國 R.J. Reynolds 公司國際市場業務。並以 JT International 的嶄新面貌呈現於全球消費者面前。合併之後的日本菸草集團,是今日全球第三大的菸草集團。 JT International 是日本菸草產業株式會社 (JT) 的海外營運分支機構,並負責日本市場以外的菸草事業運作。JTI 的營運總部在瑞士的日內瓦,並於全球40餘個地區有營運據點。全球設立了25個生產基地,擁有27,000名員工;旗下擁有90個香菸品牌,銷售範圍遍及120多個國家。 集團網站 www.jti.com

Industry Sector

Main Products



◆ 獎金 / 禮品類  1. 獎勵計畫:按公司營運績效及組織目標成效給與獎金。  2. 三節禮金/禮品  3. 久任獎勵 ◆ 保險類  1.勞、健保  2.員工團保(員工、員工配偶及子女享有免費團體保險) ◆ 請 / 休假制度  1.優於勞基法之特休制度(新進員工到職當月即享有特休假(依第一年服務期間比例給予特休))  2.充電假  3.全薪病假(須提供相關佐證資料) ◆ 其他  1.年度健康檢查  2.員工用餐免費、提供免費咖啡  3.醫務室,具專業護士駐廠並有駐廠醫師定期問診  4.生日禮金、生育及婚喪賀奠  5.設有各式公司社團及社團經費補助  6.舒壓區:桌上足球台、按摩椅、書報雜誌  7.不定期的公司活動 (節慶活動、Team Building…)  8.員工旅遊補助 【 部分福利僅全職人員適用 】


Environmental Specialist 日煙國際製造股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Responsible for handling the factory's Environmental operations including Energy-related improvements, reports, projects, and programs. The position also requires identifying environmental issues and recommending solutions. Coordinates with local government, EP authorities, and other related third party. Provides administration and technical support for environmental and energy systems (ISO systems) with the aptitude to understand and interpret data.  As the Environmental Specialist, you will:  - Environmental Investigation - Prepare, review, and update environmental investigation and recommendation reports - Capture the following environmental data from a range of sources through site assessments (BMS system), environmental monitoring, and third-party/local authority reports: - Waste - Wastewater - Air pollution prevention equipment - Greenhouse gas emissions mitigation - Utility consumption (Energy Administrator for local government requirements) - Environmental Evaluation - Evaluate the environmental impact of the project, hazard, or commercial operation. And collaborate with environmental authorities, planners, waste technicians, engineers, other specialists, and guides in law and business to address environmental problem - ISO System - Responsible for maintaining ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 effectiveness and being the coordinator (system owner) for external third-party certification.  - Obtain, update, and maintain ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 plans, permits, and standard operating procedures. - Project Support - Develop proposed project objectives and targets, and report to the management team on progress in attaining them. - Supervise and evaluate the environmental equipment operation periodically and the progress of environmental improvement programs and regular report to management team. - Regular check industrial and municipal facilities and programs to evaluate operational effectiveness and ensure compliance with environmental regulations - Provide administrative support for projects by collecting data, providing project documentation, training staff, and performing other general administrative duties. - Supervise and work together with Waste Center 3rd party Operator under JTIM working conditions. - Regular administration work (Energy report / Purchasing request / Goods receiving…etc.) - EHS - Ensure health and safety aspects at work and learn about potential hazards, know and maintain required control measures to keep the workplace healthy and safe. - Ensure compliance with the JTI health and safety requirements associated with the work hazards, align with all applicable health and safety rules and procedures as well as collaboration on the continuous improvement process. - Demonstrate safe behavior, report incidents and near misses to supervisor/manager, report identified unsafe conditions and behaviors to the supervisor/manager, and carry out any measures to eliminate them.
10/11 Updated