
Company Introduction

68 Employees
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Angeline Tseng
優納比 (UnaBiz),讓大規模物聯網解決方案走進現實世界的專家。 優納比在全球各地部署、運作的物聯網裝置超過千萬顆;從日本關東百萬多顆智慧瓦斯表,到南半球澳大利亞洲的啤酒桶追蹤;從新加坡樟宜機場內的環境感測到法國超市的冰櫃冷鏈監測器;從台北市的智慧水表,到桃園市的智慧瓦斯讀表器等等,通通來自優納比。 2016年7月,優納比在亞洲誕生,六年來,我們在新加坡、台灣、日本、法國等等,從東方到西方,設有六個營運據點,產品服務銷售範圍更遍及全球70多個國家。 優納比不僅是亞太區第一家經過市場驗證的大規模物連網解決方案供應商,更在2022年4月,順利收購法國 Sigfox SA 暨 Sigfox SAS,從區域營運商晉昇為技術所有權人,和全球優納比深諳低功耗廣域網路的優勢,更知道如何善用 0G 網路的優點;優納比提供最適合客戶需求的各式客製化物聯網解決方案,為客戶協助硬體設計製造、0G 網路傳輸、IoT Gateway 以及數據平台 UnaConnect 一條龍解決方案,為客戶打造最符合其需求的物聯網解決方案,協助企業數位轉型,落實淨零,走向永續。 ✓ 我們在找不一樣的人,一起走不一樣的路! ✓ 團隊成員來自台灣、法國、新加坡與各地,因為看見這塊土地的創意與科技能量,決定以台灣和新加坡做為邁向全球市場的根據地。 ✓ 我們堅信物聯網的浪潮,我們會一起改變世界,將物聯網應用真正帶入人們生活。 ✓ 如果你對於新創、科技、物聯網也有無可救藥的熱情,如果你也相信物聯網可以改變世界~ ✓ 如果你致力於和大家一起突破傳統,創造不同的 IoT 文化,那麼歡迎你投下你的履歷,讓我們看見不一樣的你! - Forbes富比世 亞洲最值得關注100大新銳企業 https://shorturl.at/nIK13

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UnaBiz 是一家提供端到端 IoT 解決方案公司,也是第一家在亞洲推出全國性網路的物聯網。我們的使命是在重要的垂直產業領域 (如航空、設施管理、餐飲、醫療保健、物流、供應鍊和智慧城市) 實現大規模物聯網,價格合理、節能且易於部署。 關鍵垂直產業 - 智慧讀表器 - 資產定位追蹤 - 智慧停車 - 設備管理 - 資產管理 優納比將持續在物聯網領域保持領先的4個原因 ✓ 熟練的專業技術 : 過去幾年我們開發出各樣式的產品及專案管理經驗,都可以應用在其他 LPWAN 技術! ✓ 擁有大規模部署經驗 : 我們是第一個擁有大規模部署經驗,並能解決產業鏈中相關問題的 IoT 最佳解決方案提供者,使我們在競爭中獲取先機! ✓ 專業軟體開發套件 : 我們的研發團隊師具備豐富開發經驗,可提供更具前瞻性的軟體開發套件。 ✓ 嚴謹的供應鏈管理 : 以台灣為基地,加上合作夥伴充分支持,以產出高品質 IoT 產品提供至全球客戶為傲!


✓ 遠端工作政策 (Work From Anywhere):一台筆電、一個耳機、一杯咖啡,在無限空間中開始展開一個 UnaBiz 雲端工作,開發出絕對工作上效益! ✓ 彈性工作時間:讓你可以使用最佳工作時間充分發揮工作效能及腦力激盪的時間 ✓ 自由的用餐與休息時間:位於台北優質城市內湖的內湖科學園區的我們,害怕人擠人的用餐時間和環境,就調配一下用餐時間去避開擁擠的人潮吧! ✓ 忠誠假:為了你在 UnaBiz 努力的工作獻上一份值得擁有的特別假日! ✓ 你可以享用無限零食、飲料和咖啡! ✓ 在多元化的工作環境,享受何謂 CQ! ✓ 不定期的內訓課程持續展開,例如英文課程、中文課程、其他培訓課程等 ✓ 不定期的部門聚餐、BBQ、團體腦力激盪活動、團體競賽,有別於不同傳統的活動,讓你勇於挑戰新創的活動安排! ✓ 健康一起照顧,舉辦休閒運動 (羽球、壁球、桌球)、聚餐、KTV (公司內建 KTV 交誼廳)、 ✓ 年終、績效獎金 ✓ 除了應有的勞保、健保和勞退制度符合台灣法規,真正的保險福利制度來自於我們為員工全額負擔團體保險費用,幫員工多一分保障!

Company & Workplace


Electrical Engineer - UnaBiz_優納比科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Key job responsibilities: • Minimum 10 years of technical working experience, and knowledge of consumer, enterprise, and handheld product design • Expertise in embedded system design, system PWR architecture, and related electrical design skillset & knowledge • Expertise in electrical engineering and knowledge of multiple related areas (e.g. SoC architecture, DCDC power design) • Expertise in electrical engineering and knowledge of multiple related areas (Signal Integrity/Power Integrity, and various communications protocols such as I2C, UART, SPI, USB, MIPI, I2S, etc. • Familiar with battery knowhow experience, and power budget estimation. • Experience and familiarity with lab equipment including oscilloscopes, current/voltage probes, power meters, data loggers, and electronic loads.
Executive Level
English Required
10/17 Updated
Senior Product Validation Engineer UnaBiz_優納比科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
•Work closely with the design team to define specifications and test plans •Execute the test plan, including test development, reference model design, and failure debug •Verify the design, materials, and components of devices for various product generations at both component and system levels (e.g., sealing, connectors, plastic, PCBA) •Develop and integrate test methods across different verification environments, and write validation reports, ex: knowledge of accelerated life testing theory and methods •Define product usage models, develop reliability tests, and enhance test coverage to detect potential risk at the earlier phase •Lead cross-functional collaboration in executing validation plans, troubleshooting issues, and documenting results to ensure product design quality and ecosystem performance •Second source qualification, cost-down design validation, and manufacturing efficiencies •Lead contract manufacturing (CM) partners and suppliers on transitioning products from concept to mass production and partner with Engineering team leaders to assess the technical feasibility of the system program schedule
Executive Level
English Required
10/17 Updated
韌體工程師(Firmware Engineer) UnaBiz_優納比科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Key job responsibilities: •8+ years of experience in embedded software development •Experience with design and programming in C or C++ for development, debugging, testing, and performance analysis •Strong debugging and troubleshooting skills on complex issues involving multiple components in hardware and firmware •Experience with embedded micro-controllers such as ARM Cortex M0/M3/M4 architecture and their boot mechanisms •Experience with peripherals such as USB, SPI, I2C, UART, GPIO etc. and their interrupt priorities •Experience developing, debugging, and shipping software products on large code bases that span platforms and tools •Optimize product performance and functions •Design automation testing script and maintain quality •Demonstrated experience working collaboratively in cross-functional teams. •Life cycle firmware developement experience to bring a high volume product from design to mass production •Experience in supporting large volume electronics manufacturing
English Required
10/16 Updated
Design Engineer, Antenna UnaBiz_優納比科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Key job responsibilities: • Define antenna concepts and requirements during product definition • Antenna design, optimization, implementation and validation across products • Achieve all regulatory and performance goals for OTA performance • Support the operations team for Antenna manufacturing test
English Required
10/16 Updated
Design Quality Engineer UnaBiz_優納比科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
分析可靠度問題,負責安規驗證測試及認證工作 與RD團隊合作,執行產品設計審查、測試驗証評估、以及制訂驗收標準 IK08, Ingress Protection 執行驗證, 關鍵零件壽命測試與承認, ex: 電池 追蹤並解析專案測試中出現的異常問題,與RD改善品質異常, 並協同找出解決方案 提供客戶所要求的各項品質驗證技術與品質統計資料報告 負責環境測試工作, 可靠性設備之維護保養、校正 負責新產品驗證和產品客訴處理 負責實驗文件編寫、報告產出, 執行DFMEA, MTBF 評估
English Required
10/15 Updated