Company Introduction
Contact Person
VICI Holdings 威旭資訊:引領量化交易技術
VICI Holdings 威旭資訊於2015年創立,憑藉超過十年高頻交易的專業經驗,致力於顛覆傳統金融格局、突破極限,開拓高頻交易新時代。
公司名稱源自拉丁文**「VENI, VIDI, VICI」,意即「我來,我見,我征服」**,象徵著無畏挑戰、勇於突破及追求卓越的企業精神。
近期發現有不肖人士冒用**「VICI Holdings 威旭資訊」**名義,透過網路或社交平台進行非法投資詐騙活動。
• 本公司從未成立任何網路投資群組,亦不會透過社交軟體主動私訊民眾提供投資理財服務。
• 若發現可疑訊息,請立即聯繫警政署反詐騙專線165或當地警察機關,以保障自身權益。
VICI Holdings: Leading in Quantitative Trading Technology
【Our Vision and Mission】
VICI Holdings was founded in 2015, leveraging over a decade of expertise in high-frequency trading. We are committed to disrupting the traditional financial landscape, pushing boundaries, and driving "High-Frequency Trading New Era"
Our company name is derived from the Latin phrase "VENI, VIDI, VICI" – meaning "I came, I saw, I conquered" – symbolizing fearless determination, relentless pursuit of excellence, and the courage to break boundaries.
Embracing the bold spirit of Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon, we aspire to leave an indelible mark on the global financial markets, drive industry transformation, and set new benchmarks for Quantitative Trading Technology excellence.
****Important Notice ****
Recently, there have been fraudulent activities where individuals impersonate "VICI Holdings" on social media and online platforms to promote illegal investment schemes.
Our company has never established any online investment groups and does not actively contact individuals through messaging apps for financial services or investment advice.
If you encounter any suspicious activity, please immediately contact your local authorities or the Anti-Fraud Hotline at 165 to protect your rights and interests.
Join VICI Holdings – Where innovation meets ambition, and the future of Quantitative Trading Technology is built.
Main Products
- 股票
- 期貨
- 衍生性金融商品
VICI Holdings utilizes proprietary capital for trading, spanning a diverse range of financial instruments across domestic and international markets, including:
- Stocks
- Futures
- Derivatives
****加入我們,開創未來 – 一個讓人才發光發熱的職場****
- 開放透明的企業文化:鼓勵開放溝通,建立信任與歸屬感。
- 彈性的工作環境:激發創造力與高效產出。
- 簡單高效的組織結構:縮短決策流程,促進協作。
- 先進硬體設施:配備最頂級的人體工學設備、升降桌椅以及其他高級辦公配備,為員工打造高效、舒適且先進的工作環境,全面支持卓越表現。
- 著重人才成長與發展:協助員工實現短中長期職涯規劃。
- 績效獎金:根據個人及公司表現發放高額績效獎金。
- 年度調薪:每年依市場趨勢及公司業績進行薪資調整。
- 員工推薦獎金:鼓勵內部推薦優秀人才,提供推薦獎金。
- 卓越表現獎勵:定期表揚績優員工,肯定努力與付出。
- 年度教育補助(每年NT$10,000–20,000)
- 技術讀書會
- 季度專題演講
- 個人發展計畫
- 優渥的年假政策:年假12天起跳
- 年度個人旅遊補助(每年NT$10,000–20,000)
- 年度健康檢查補助(每年NT$10,000起)
- 員工旅遊活動
- 部門聚餐
- 季度慶生會
- 員工社團活動
- 無限量提供多種類零食與飲料
- 年終尾牙活動
- 節慶與團隊活動
- 公益活動與志工服務
- 發展行動計畫 (Development Action Plan)
- 跨部門合作
- 儲備幹部培養計畫
- 國際輪調機會
- 家庭友善政策
*生育賀金每胎 NT$70,000,支持每位同仁在職涯發展與家庭生活間取得良好的平衡。
- 多元社團與活動
- 健康與安全
- 放鬆空間
- 多元社團與活動
Company & Workplace
Browsing History