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【引領視覺創新的世界】 歡迎來到再現影像製作股份有限公司! 在再現影像,我們擁抱無限的想像力和創造力,以卓越的技術和獨特的視覺效果為影視作品注入生命力。 再現影像匯聚了一群來自影視開發、視覺特效、美術設計應用和科技研發的精英人才。以強大的技術實力和創新的思維,將創意轉化為真實的畫面呈現。我們以專業的影視 VFX 視覺特效製作聞名,團隊擁有豐富的製作經驗,除了不斷追蹤、學習最新的製作技術,也結合 LED虛擬製作和 VR、AR、MR 互動多媒體應用,提供多樣化的製作流程,讓每個創意都能以最佳方式呈現。 作為台灣影視特效業的先驅者,我們深信每個靈感都有無限的潛力,並勇於挑戰高難度的製作,致力於創造令人驚艷的視覺效果,將想像力變成真實! 【奪得獎項,綻放輝煌,成為視覺特效的傑出典範】 我們參與多部國內外知名電影的特效製作,並憑藉作品獲得了最佳視覺效果的榮譽,包括第 56 屆金馬獎、2020 年台北電影獎和第 14 屆亞洲電影大獎。我們的成就展現了我們團隊在視覺效果領域的卓越能力和專業水準。 【創意的舞台,展現無限可能】 再現影像擁有一個充滿創意力的工作環境,我們鼓勵團隊成員勇於嘗試新的技術和方法,追求藝術和技術的完美結合,為觀眾帶來震撼心靈的視覺體驗。年輕活潑的團隊組成和融洽的同儕關係,讓你與志同道合的夥伴一同創造出驚人的視覺效果。 【遇見專業導師,跨越國界,學習成就夢想,挑戰世界舞台!】 在再現影像,你將有機會與業界頂尖的大神合作,從他們身上學習到最先進的技術和最佳的實踐方法。此外,我們的團隊也參與了許多國際性的專案,這將給予你一個展示自己的平台,挑戰世界舞台,將你的才華和技能發揮到極致。 加入再現影像,開始你的奇幻之旅,一同引領視覺創新的世界! 【Leading the World of Visual Innovation】 At Reno Studios, we embrace boundless imagination and creativity, injecting vitality into films with outstanding technology and unique visual effects. Reno Studios brings together a group of elite talents visual effects, artistic design, and technological research, and renowned for our professional VFX production. We continuously learn the latest production techniques, combining LED virtual production with VR, AR, and MR interactive multimedia applications, offering diverse production processes to bring every creative idea in the best possible way. As pioneers in Taiwan's film and television visual effects industry, we are committed to creating astonishing visual effects, turning imagination into reality! 【Shining with award-winning brilliance, an exemplary in visual effects】 Our efforts and talents have been widely recognized, with our visual effects work receiving accolades for best visual effects in numerous renowned films, including the 56th Golden Horse Awards, the 2020 Taipei Film Awards, and the 14th Asian Film Awards. 【A creative stage, with unlimited possibilities】 At Reno Studios, we provide a work environment full of creative energy. We embrace innovation and encourage team members to explore new technologies and methods. With a vibrant team of young talents and harmonious peer relationships, you will collaborate with like-minded colleagues to create astonishing projects. 【Encounter professional mentors, learn and fulfill your dreams, challenge the global stage!】 At Reno Studios, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with top industry experts and learn cutting-edge techniques and best practices from them. Additionally, we participate in various international projects, providing you with a platform to challenge the global stage, and unleash your talent and abilities to the fullest. Join Reno Studios and embark on your magical journey to lead the world of visual innovation together!

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1. 影視特效製作:我們為影視業界提供全方位的特效製作服務,從前期概念設計、拍攝現場指導、到後期特效製作,運用最先進的技術和工具,為電影、電視和廣告創造驚人的視覺效果,讓觀眾享受震撼和身歷其境的視覺體驗,創造引人入勝的影視作品。 2. 廣告製作:我們擁有豐富的廣告製作經驗,能夠為品牌創建引人注目的廣告內容,提供獨特的視覺效果和創意解決方案。 3. 虛擬製作:我們提供拍攝場景、內容製作、技術指導、設備租借一站式完整虛擬製作服務的 LED 攝影棚,開拓影視製作無限的可能性。 4. IP 開發:我們致力於開發獨特的知識產權 (IP),包括角色、故事和世界觀,為故事和角色塑造獨特的視覺風格,打造有吸引力的IP作品。 5. 內容投資:我們積極參與投資優質影視內容,與合作夥伴共同創作出引人入勝的作品,推動影視行業的發展和創新。


Company & Workplace


FX TD 特效技術工程師 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,000~80,000
- 熟悉 Houdini - 熟悉Python, Vex, Hscript,並具備開發工具經驗 - 了解粒子、煙霧、爆炸、流體、破碎等特效製作 - 了解 Houdini、Maya、Nuke 等 CG 製作軟體 - 了解特效與CG流程 - 具備良好時間管理、解決問題與獨立作業的能力 - 善於溝通、有責任感與學習能力 - 了解Karma、USD流程者尤佳 - 美術或物理相關背景尤佳 - 有燈光、渲染、合成經驗尤佳 - 會撰寫 C++ 、Linux 尤佳 - Work with non-technical end users to help define requirements for novel tools and develop prototypes for systems that solve production problems. - Author tools and setups that are stable, tidy and as simple as possible. Be able to provide documentation and support to the artists using them - Experience in creating photo-realistic effects such as fire, explosions, clouds, water, and destruction. - Experience developing with Python, Vex and Hscript. - Programming skills with C/C++ along with knowledge of the Houdini HDK and/or Maya API is a plus. - Solid understanding of FX Element rendering is a plus. - Strong problem-solving skills - Art or photography background is a plus - Strong skill of communication and ability to work well within a team - Ability to work under pressure with tight deadlines. - Passion for all aspects of FX and 3D
9/03 Updated
Unreal Engine 工程師 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,000~50,000
• Work with producers, technical and creative leads to provide input for the budgeting process for real- time elements of a production • Help design and manage the pipeline from the artists through to deployment. • Create interaction and functionality using Unreal's Blueprints system. • Optimize content through profiling and enhancing performance with the help of diagnostic tools and instructing the artists on modeling and texturing best practices. • Collaborate with programmers to develop and test new features, prototype shader code, and provide useful feedback during R&D phases. • Setting up the project source control • Working with the technical artist to define the project organization • Work with the supervisor to identify need for custom, show-specific tools, for example review tools like laser pointer, measure, scrub playback etc. • Responsible for writing and distributing any tool plugins - must be an efficient developer able to rapidly prototype • Lead optimization efforts to maintain the show framerate at VR spec • Responsible for making builds and ensuring there is always a backup of working builds • UI Programming
9/03 Updated
Concept Designer 概念設計師 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~50,000
1. 角色、場景概念設計圖與分鏡圖繪製 2. 與2D和3D設計團隊緊密合作 3. 熟悉手繪、電繪軟體 4. 基礎3D建模概念 5. 具備角色設計與場景設計能力 6. 具備分鏡繪製能力 7. 熟悉光影、透視、色彩理論、構圖,並具備視覺敘事能力
9/03 Updated
CG Generalist [台南市] 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~55,000
- 具備多項VFX相關製作能力,包含但不限於Molding, Texturing, Shading, Lighting, Look Development, Matte Painting, Compositing等 - 熟悉 Maya 軟體操作 - 需有專業經驗,具備美感 - 具備影像相關製作經驗,熟悉影視與CG製作流程 - 抗壓能力高、具備責任感、細心、自我要求高、美感敏銳度高、善於團隊溝通 - 具備良好時間管理、解決問題與獨立作業能力 - 熱愛電影與CG產業,有上進心並有較強的學習能力,對影像視覺製作有高度興趣與熱忱 - 配合度高,有敬業精神,能因應公司專案需求調整工作時間 - 熟悉 Nuke, Mari, Arnold, V-Ray, Zbrush 者尤佳 - 具備 Layout 或 Animation 製作經驗者尤佳 - Proficiency with Maya - Proven ability in one or more CG techniques, including modeling, texturing, shading, lighting, look development, matte painting, or compositing - Ability to problemshoot and details . - Art or photography background is a plus. - Strong skill of communication and ability to work with team greatly. - Ability to work under pressure with tight deadlines.
9/03 Updated
3D Modeler 模型師 [台南市] 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 27,470~50,000
- 熟悉Maya,ZBrush軟體等及3D模型製作 - 熟悉MARI、Substance Painter及PBR貼圖流程 - 熟悉多邊形及曲面模型的佈線、UV拆解、拓樸 - 具電影模型專案、有使用Unity,UE4的經驗為佳 - 具備良好的溝通協調能力(需與Rigger及Animation及其他團隊成員密切合作) - 具備影像相關製作經驗,熟悉影視製作與CG流程 - 如有多擅長以下軟體者,列為優先考慮:Marvelous Designer、Mari、Maya XGen、Maya Yeti、Houdini - 具備良好時間管理、解決問題與獨立作業能力 - 熱愛電影與CG產業,有上進心並有較強的學習能力,對影像視覺製作有高度興趣與熱忱 - Knowledge of Maya and ZBrush. - Understanding of MARI , Substance Painter , PBR, and good development of textures - Extremely good and clean topology, good use of chamfers and smoothing groups, great UV layouts. - Unreal Engine a plus - Experience in Software: Marvelous Designer、Mari、Maya XGen、Maya Yeti、Houdini - Strong interpersonal skills to work well independently and collaboratively - Strong understanding on the visual effects pipeline
9/03 Updated
Matchmove Artist 追蹤師 [台南市] 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 27,470~45,000
- 2年以上追蹤製作經驗 - 能夠熟練使用 Syntheyes 追蹤軟體 - 熟悉 Maya, Nuke 軟體 - 熟悉 鏡頭相關原理,如 等效焦距, 鏡頭畸變(distortion), parallax等 - 能夠細心地發現、蒐集製作所需資訊,並具備獨立思考與判斷的能力 - 具備影視相關製作經驗、熟悉CG流程 - 抗壓能力高、具備責任感、細心、自我要求高、美感敏銳度高、善於團隊溝通 - 具備良好時間管理、解決問題與獨立作業能力 - 熱愛電影與CG產業,有上進心並有較強的學習能力,對影像視覺製作有高度興趣與熱忱 - 配合度高,有敬業精神,能因應公司專案需求調整工作時間 - 具備VFX相關製作能力者尤佳,相關製作能力包含但不限於Molding、Rigging、Animation等 - 具備 on-set 經驗尤佳 - 具備 anamorphic 鏡頭處理經驗者尤佳 - At least 2 years Matchmove production experience. - Working knowledge of Syntheyes. - Thorough knowledge and experience with Maya and Nuke. - In depth understanding of 3D camera principles such as lenses, distortion, parallax etc. - Understanding of VFX pipelines. - A good eye for detail and ability to work under pressure on potentially short turn around times. - Ability to problemshoot and details . - Strong skill of communication and ability to work with team greatly. - Ability to work under pressure with tight deadlines. - Onset experience is desirable. - Nice to have production experience with anamorphic lenses. - Produce tracked cameras / virtual sets from plate photography.
9/03 Updated
FX Artist 特效師 [台南市] 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 32,000~50,000
- 熟練使用 Houdini,懂基本的VEX或VOP - 會 Nuke 基本操作(能製作簡單的 precomp) - 會 Maya 基本操作 - 具備獨立作業能力(特效模擬以及基本的渲染、合成) - 了解特效流程、對CG流程有一定概念 - 能掌握寫實特效應有的呈現(各類物理特性、自然現象、寫實的動態與質感) - 美感敏銳度高,能掌握畫面應有的構圖、氛圍 - 具備良好時間管理、解決問題與獨立作業的能力 - 善於溝通、有責任感與學習能力 - 美術或物理相關背景為佳 - 有燈光、渲染、合成經驗為佳 - 懂VEX、Python為佳 - At least 2 years FX production experience. - An in depth knowledge of Houdini. - Knowledge of Nuke and Maya. - Understanding of VFX pipelines. - Understanding of physics, realistic motion, and natural phenomena. - Strong problem-solving skills. - Strong skill of communication and ability to work well within a team. - Ability to work under pressure with tight deadlines. - Art or physics background is a plus. - Compositing or scripting experience is a plus.
9/03 Updated
Compositor 視覺合成師 [台南市] 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~45,000
- 2年以上視覺合成相關工作經驗 - 熟悉基礎合成 Roto , Keying - 熟悉3D Compositing - 需熟悉合成軟體Nuke 或 Fusion - 知悉影像製作軟體After Effects,且熟悉Motion Graphic應用者佳。 - 對於構圖、顏色理論、圖像有深刻的理解,具備美感 - 具備良好的時間管理及團隊溝通能力 - 具備影像相關製作經驗,熟悉影視製作與CG流程 - At least 2 years compositing related work experience - Familiar with basic compositing Roto , Keying - Familiar with 3D Compositing - Extensive Nuke or Fusion knowledge and experience. - Knowledge of After Effects and familiarity with Motion Graphic applications is desirable. - A solid understanding of composition, color theory, and image properties - Strong skill of communication and ability to work with team greatly. - Strong understanding on the visual effects pipeline"
Partially Remote
9/03 Updated
Senior CG Lighting Artist 資深燈光師 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 45,000~70,000
- 5年以上燈光製作經驗 - 熟悉 Maya 製作軟體 - 熟悉 Arnold, Karma等渲染引擎 - 熟悉HDRI與physically based rendering - 能夠根據專案要求,獨立完成燈光設置與場景優化 - 具備影視相關製作經驗、熟悉CG流程 - 抗壓能力高、具備責任感、細心、自我要求高、美感敏銳度高、善於團隊溝通 - 具備良好時間管理、解決問題與獨立作業能力 - 熱愛電影與CG產業,有上進心並有較強的學習能力,對影像視覺製作有高度興趣與熱忱 - 配合度高,有敬業精神,能因應公司專案需求調整工作時間 - 美術或攝影相關背景為佳 - 熟悉ACES流程和色彩空間者尤佳 - 具備Nuke製作經驗者尤佳 - 具備Python程式撰寫經驗者尤佳 - 具備材質繪製經驗者尤佳 - At least 5 years lighting production experience. - An in depth knowledge of and experience with Arnold for Maya. - Working knowledge of HDRI and physically based rendering. - Ability to plan and execute 3D lighting scenes including working with layers and passes, doing complex comps and optimizing scenes and renders. - Understanding of VFX pipelines. - Able to follow or create lighting setup for shots. - Ability to problemshoot and details . - Strong skill of communication and ability to work with team greatly. - Ability to work under pressure with tight deadlines. - Art or photography background is a plus. - Nice to have production experience with Nuke. - Experience with Python scripting would be a plus. - Texture experience preferred.
9/03 Updated
Senior FX Artist 資深特效師 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 50,000~80,000
- 熟練使用 Houdini、5年以上相關經驗 - 會 Nuke 操作(能製作 precomp) - 會 Maya 操作 - 具備獨立作業能力(特效模擬以及基本的渲染、合成) - 了解特效流程、對CG流程有一定概念 - 能掌握寫實特效應有的呈現(各類物理特性、自然現象、寫實的動態與質感) - 美感敏銳度高,能掌握畫面應有的構圖、氛圍 - 具備良好時間管理、解決問題與獨立作業的能力 - 善於溝通、有責任感與學習能力 - 美術或物理相關背景為佳 - 有燈光、渲染、合成經驗為佳 - 懂VEX、Python為佳 - At least 5 years FX production experience. - An in depth knowledge of Houdini. - Knowledge of Nuke and Maya. - Understanding of VFX pipelines. - Understanding of physics, realistic motion, and natural phenomena. - Strong problem-solving skills. - Strong skill of communication and ability to work well within a team. - Ability to work under pressure with tight deadlines. - Art or physics background is a plus. - Compositing or scripting experience is a plus.
9/03 Updated
Senior CG Generalist 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 50,000~75,000
- 具備多項VFX相關製作能力,包含但不限於Molding, Texturing, Shading, Lighting, Look Development, Matte Painting, Compositing等 - 熟悉 Maya 軟體操作 - 5年以上工作經驗 - 需有專業經驗,具備美感 - 具備影像相關製作經驗,熟悉影視與CG製作流程 - 抗壓能力高、具備責任感、細心、自我要求高、美感敏銳度高、善於團隊溝通 - 具備良好時間管理、解決問題與獨立作業能力 - 熱愛電影與CG產業,有上進心並有較強的學習能力,對影像視覺製作有高度興趣與熱忱 - 配合度高,有敬業精神,能因應公司專案需求調整工作時間 - 熟悉 Nuke, Mari, Arnold, V-Ray, Zbrush 者尤佳 - 具備 Layout 或 Animation 製作經驗者尤佳 - Proficiency with Maya - Proven ability in one or more CG techniques, including modeling, texturing, shading, lighting, look development, matte painting, or compositing - Ability to problemshoot and details . - Art or photography background is a plus. - Strong skill of communication and ability to work with team greatly. - Ability to work under pressure with tight deadlines.
9/03 Updated
Senior Compositor 資深視覺合成師 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 45,000~75,000
- 5年以上視覺合成相關工作經驗 - 熟悉基礎合成 Roto , Keying - 熟悉3D Compositing - 需熟悉合成軟體Nuke 或 Fusion - 知悉影像製作軟體After Effects,且熟悉Motion Graphic應用者佳。 - 對於構圖、顏色理論、圖像有深刻的理解,具備美感 - 具備良好的時間管理及團隊溝通能力 - 具備影像相關製作經驗,熟悉影視製作與CG流程 - At least 2 years compositing related work experience - Familiar with basic compositing Roto , Keying - Familiar with 3D Compositing - Extensive Nuke or Fusion knowledge and experience. - Knowledge of After Effects and familiarity with Motion Graphic applications is desirable. - A solid understanding of composition, color theory, and image properties - Strong skill of communication and ability to work with team greatly. - Strong understanding on the visual effects pipeline"
Partially Remote
9/03 Updated
Associate VFX Producer 特效製片 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~45,000
1. VFX專案製作管理及統整周邊的工作,包含前製作業與後製作業。 2. 專案聯絡調度、拍攝現場執行、特效製作及後製進度控管。 3. 專案預算管理,更新和掌控預算狀況。 4. 協助主管收發客戶往來信件。 5. 處理主管交辦事項,定期和團隊舉行會議,協調專案各部門間之製作溝通,會議記錄。 6. 制定專案製作進度表、數據統計表及追踪進度表。 7. 每日更新並表列專案製作進度表,每周彙總製作報表。 8. 能獨立作業,具備良好整合及溝通合作能力及英文溝通能力。
English Required
9/03 Updated
CG Lighting Artist 燈光師 [台南市] 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~50,000
- 2年以上燈光製作經驗 - 熟悉 Maya 製作軟體 - 熟悉 Arnold, Karma等渲染引擎 - 熟悉HDRI與physically based rendering - 能夠根據專案要求,獨立完成燈光設置與場景優化 - 具備影視相關製作經驗、熟悉CG流程 - 抗壓能力高、具備責任感、細心、自我要求高、美感敏銳度高、善於團隊溝通 - 具備良好時間管理、解決問題與獨立作業能力 - 熱愛電影與CG產業,有上進心並有較強的學習能力,對影像視覺製作有高度興趣與熱忱 - 配合度高,有敬業精神,能因應公司專案需求調整工作時間 - 美術或攝影相關背景為佳 - 熟悉ACES流程和色彩空間者尤佳 - 具備Nuke製作經驗者尤佳 - 具備Python程式撰寫經驗者尤佳 - 具備材質繪製經驗者尤佳 - At least 2 years lighting production experience. - An in depth knowledge of and experience with Arnold for Maya. - Working knowledge of HDRI and physically based rendering. - Ability to plan and execute 3D lighting scenes including working with layers and passes, doing complex comps and optimizing scenes and renders. - Understanding of VFX pipelines. - Able to follow or create lighting setup for shots. - Ability to problemshoot and details . - Strong skill of communication and ability to work with team greatly. - Ability to work under pressure with tight deadlines. - Art or photography background is a plus. - Nice to have production experience with Nuke. - Experience with Python scripting would be a plus. - Texture experience preferred.
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CG Generalist 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~55,000
- 具備多項VFX相關製作能力,包含但不限於Molding, Texturing, Shading, Lighting, Look Development, Matte Painting, Compositing等 - 熟悉 Maya 軟體操作 - 需有專業經驗,具備美感 - 具備影像相關製作經驗,熟悉影視與CG製作流程 - 抗壓能力高、具備責任感、細心、自我要求高、美感敏銳度高、善於團隊溝通 - 具備良好時間管理、解決問題與獨立作業能力 - 熱愛電影與CG產業,有上進心並有較強的學習能力,對影像視覺製作有高度興趣與熱忱 - 配合度高,有敬業精神,能因應公司專案需求調整工作時間 - 熟悉 Nuke, Mari, Arnold, V-Ray, Zbrush 者尤佳 - 具備 Layout 或 Animation 製作經驗者尤佳 - Proficiency with Maya - Proven ability in one or more CG techniques, including modeling, texturing, shading, lighting, look development, matte painting, or compositing - Ability to problemshoot and details . - Art or photography background is a plus. - Strong skill of communication and ability to work with team greatly. - Ability to work under pressure with tight deadlines.
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Matchmove Artist 追蹤師 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 27,470~45,000
- 2年以上追蹤製作經驗 - 能夠熟練使用 Syntheyes 追蹤軟體 - 熟悉 Maya, Nuke 軟體 - 熟悉 鏡頭相關原理,如 等效焦距, 鏡頭畸變(distortion), parallax等 - 能夠細心地發現、蒐集製作所需資訊,並具備獨立思考與判斷的能力 - 具備影視相關製作經驗、熟悉CG流程 - 抗壓能力高、具備責任感、細心、自我要求高、美感敏銳度高、善於團隊溝通 - 具備良好時間管理、解決問題與獨立作業能力 - 熱愛電影與CG產業,有上進心並有較強的學習能力,對影像視覺製作有高度興趣與熱忱 - 配合度高,有敬業精神,能因應公司專案需求調整工作時間 - 具備VFX相關製作能力者尤佳,相關製作能力包含但不限於Molding、Rigging、Animation等 - 具備 on-set 經驗尤佳 - 具備 anamorphic 鏡頭處理經驗者尤佳 - At least 2 years Matchmove production experience. - Working knowledge of Syntheyes. - Thorough knowledge and experience with Maya and Nuke. - In depth understanding of 3D camera principles such as lenses, distortion, parallax etc. - Understanding of VFX pipelines. - A good eye for detail and ability to work under pressure on potentially short turn around times. - Ability to problemshoot and details . - Strong skill of communication and ability to work with team greatly. - Ability to work under pressure with tight deadlines. - Onset experience is desirable. - Nice to have production experience with anamorphic lenses. - Produce tracked cameras / virtual sets from plate photography.
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IT 工程師 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.建置、管理與維護公司系統。 2.開發MIS系統的功能,以符合企業需求。 3.Windows/Linux資訊系統及網路設備規劃、評估與維護 4.處理個人電腦軟硬體的故障問題。 5.管理與維護公司網路和資料,並進行備份工作。 6.機房設備維護 7.使用者端軟硬體之支援及維護 8.維護公司e-mail,DNS,web,Firewall等各項server 9.負責網路與電腦系統建置與管理規劃 10.執行主管交辦事項
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Pipeline Technical Director 技術工程師 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1) 大型軟體系統及工具開發經驗; 2) 熟練運用Python、C\C++、MEL等語言; 3) 具備GUI開發經驗,如PySide。 4) 熟悉Houdini HDK、Maya Api、Nuke等CG製作軟體; 5) UNIX、Lunix開發經驗; 6) 具備圖學(Computer Graphics)知識尤佳。 7) 有使用Git的經驗。
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Mattepaint Artist 數位繪景師 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~50,000
Environment Mattepaint Artist 背景美術 1.能從無到有,完整繪製擬真精細背景。 2.需具備紮實的美術基礎和構圖、空間透視能力。細膩和美感最為重要! 3.熟悉數位繪圖,素描基礎佳。對色彩敏銳度高,具備藝術感。
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3D Animator 動畫師 再現影像製作股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~55,000
- 熟悉Maya、3D MAX、blender其中之一套軟體操作,以Maya尤佳 - 具備基礎人體結構及力學知識-四肢如何運動、重量的影響、加速度等 - 具備良好美學風格及設計概念,並熟悉鏡頭運鏡、角色動作表演 - 具骨架綁定經驗者佳 - 具備影像相關製作經驗,熟悉影視製作與CG流程 - 具備良好時間管理、解決問題與獨立作業能力 - 對動畫抱有高度熱忱,有上進心並有較強的學習能力 - Familiar with Maya, 3D MAX, blender one set of software operation, preferably Maya - Understanding of anatomy and mechanics, how limbs move, the effect of weight, and acceleration - Good aesthetic style and concept design, and familiar with camera movement and role action performance - Experience working with rigs - Strong understanding on the visual effects pipeline - Strong interpersonal skills to work well independently and collaboratively
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