Nordic Unique Travels

Company Introduction

芬蘭Maakuntakatu 29-31. Rovaniemi 96200 Finland
Contact Person
Nordic Unique Travels is a local travel agency in Rovaniemi, the capital of Finnish Lapland area. It is a world famous tourist attraction which draws tens of thousands of travelers from around the world each winter. We aim to provide our customers the most unforgettable memories, the greatest experiences and the warmest services. If you are a highly motivated, organized and adventurous person also a good driver, come and join us! Let’s create an amazing winter together in the Arctic Circle! 想徜徉在冰雪的世界裡?想邊玩邊工作?我們的工作範圍遍布北極圈! Nordic Unique Travels是Rovaniemi的在地旅行社,Rovaniemi是芬蘭拉普蘭區的首府,每年冬天都會吸引世界各地的旅遊愛好者來這裡體驗北歐風情。 我們的員工皆是熱愛旅行的嚮導,工作是帶領來自世界各地的旅客暢遊北極圈。我們的員工也來自世界各地,儘管他們在不同的國家成長、說不同的語言、有著不同的膚色,但大家都熱愛大自然也喜歡與人群相處。 我們成立的宗旨是提供旅客難忘的旅遊體驗,讓旅客感受最真誠的服務和最道地的旅遊行程。來吧!跟著我們的腳步,一起走進這雪白的童話國度! 我們想要邀請喜歡旅行的你,加入我們,一起參與我們精心規劃與推薦的北歐景點之旅,體驗北歐各種最真實寫意的風光與生活。

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A local tour operator in Rovaniemi which offering tours in Finland and other Nordic countries. Specialize in in-depth customized tours. Provide professional guiding service in each tour.



Company & Workplace


Japanese Tour Guide Nordic Unique Travels
Salary negotiable
フィンランドのロヴァニエミに設立された旅行会社で、 「旅行オペレーションコーディネーター」職を募集中! 【業務内容】 ◎ロヴァニエミ(フィンランド)の歴史、地理、文化の説明。 ◎各ツアーのガイド ◎宿泊施設からツアー会場までの往復運転 ◎ツアー前後の備品の準備・清掃 ◎必要に応じて他の作業の補助 *Basic Duties and Responsibilities: - Making sure that the tours are entertaining, informational, and memorable - Explaining the history, geography and culture of Rovaniemi (Finland) - Guide for each tour in requested time - Driving guests from accommodation to the tour site and back - Prepare/ clean the equipment before and after the tour - Assist other works when needed 【応募条件】 ◎マニュアル運転免許(車両およびスノーモービルの運転) ◎フィンランド語およびフィンランドのラップランド文化に関する相応の知識があること ◎ガイドまたは同様の職務経験があること ◎体力に優れていること ◎悪天候(極寒)の中で長時間働けること *Requirements: - Manual car driving license - Fluent in English and Japanese, third language is considered as a big asset - Excellent physical fitness - Be able to work for long periods of time in inclement (extremely cold) weather - Positive attitude in all situations - Outgoing personality - Strong problem-solving skills - Good time management
Mid to Senior Level
10/11 Updated
Human Resource Coordinator Nordic Unique Travels
Salary negotiable
*Basic Duties and Responsibilities: - Supporting the administrative part of the new hire process - Helping out where necessary during the pre-boarding and onboarding of employees, i.e. staying in touch with them, answering their questions, sending them relevant material, and so on - General administration and coordination - Answering all internal and external HR-related queries and requests - Other miscellaneous affairs might be assigned *Requirements: - Bachelors degree in human resources or related - Proven experience as or similar executive role - Excellent written and verbal communication skills - Effective HR administration and people management skills - Positive attitude in all situations - Must be organized, detail oriented, and able to prioritize work on multiple projects simultaneously - Experience working in a fast-paced environment - Fluent in English - Preferably candidates with working experience related to tourism
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/11 Updated