Smollan Taiwan_馬來西亞商思謀能有限公司台灣分公司

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思謀能(SMOLLAN)為目前臺灣第一大零售市場整合行銷公司,在全球擁有超過85,000名充滿熱忱的員工,服務於超過89萬家零售店點。提供通路管理、店頭業務管理、商化陳列服務、稽核與神秘客、通路展銷活動與派樣規劃執行及品牌形象、包裝與通路輔銷物設計製作及會展展覽規劃執行等全領域服務,因應國內與跨國客戶需求提供具體且有效率的整合行銷操作與市場執行管理,以創新科技提升執行效能,並重視客戶與人才的培育。 服務客戶包括: Google、紐西蘭奇異果、大潤發、花王、寶僑、愛茉莉太平洋、漢高、嬌生、舒適、花仙子、馬玉山、台灣億滋、聯華食品、佳格、金百利克拉克、高德美、費森尤斯卡比、撒隆巴斯、拜耳、輝瑞、武田、昕諾飛、蔻仕麗、愛爾康、晶鑽生醫、妮維雅、牛爾、興農、明治等全球知名消費品牌。 **About Smollan Smollan is an international retail solutions company delivering growth for clients across five continents by covering every aspect of how a Brand is managed at the point of sale. With extensive industry experience, an exceptional human platform and sophisticated systems, Smollan has provided consistent excellence in operational execution to retailers and manufacturers for three generations. Smollan delivers growth by acting as an extension of our clients’ brands by: - Ensuring perfect representation on shelf through outsourced sales forces, and in-store merchandising, stock management and promotional implementation; - Engaging shoppers to create an experience that delivers on the client’s brand promise; and - Providing actionable insights into the trade through Smollan’s technology offering of category management, dashboard reporting and a custom mobility platform. From a traditional sales agency, founded in South Africa in 1931, Smollan has grown into an international retail solutions company with over 80,000 employees. CEO, David Smollan says, “Companies should think of us as an execution engine for some of the below-the-line ideas they might have. We link up the marketing discipline and the sales discipline in a more horizontal way.

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【商化執行與業務管理】提供商品貨架管理與陳列服務,以科技SMART system輔助專案執行。 【品牌促動行銷】專業的零售通路消費者活動,品牌大使、通路展銷、Tradeshow 會展特展與Events活動服務。 【品牌創意執行】為客戶活動與通路輔銷物提供創意設計服務、展場設計服務。 【通路客戶管理服務 】主要客戶管理服務,包括:全聯通路營銷服務、藥妝通路、通路合約談判服務等。 HELPING OUR CLIENTS INFLUENCE KEY LEVERS OF GROWTH IN RETAIL ENVIRONMENTS As retail becomes more complex through multiple points of buying and shoppers demanding more value across multiple channels, for less, translating brand strategies into strong retail strategies is more important than ever before. HOW WE INFLUENCE THE SHOPPER JOURNEY 01 ADVISORY SERVICES Strategic sales and marketing advisory Tailored sales and marketing solutions informed by an extensive global network, that can be fully integrated into in-store execution excellence and impact. 02 SALES & RETAIL EXECUTION In stock, on shelf, all the time Optimising the availability and visibility of your brand through building and leveraging relationships at store level. We make it easier for the shopper to pick your brand by ensuring fundamental sales metrics are in place. 03 MARKETING SOLUTIONS Creatively inspiring shopper brand choice Influence the shopper’s brand choice at the point of buying through effective brand education and experiences that drive sales and repeat purchase. 04 TECHNOLOGY Measure, manage, optimise Providing global retail information through data driven technology solutions and services.


◆ 獎金(Variable Bonus) 1. 保障年終獎金 2. 績效達成獎金(依職位) ◆ 保險類(Insurances) 1. 勞保 2. 健保 3. 退休金提撥 4. 員工團保(含眷屬)由公司全額負擔 ◆ 請 / 休假制度(Leaves) 1. 彈性的上下班時間 2. 第一年特休10天依比例計算,到職即給假。 3. 有薪病假5天。 4. 遇補班日休假。 5. 每週可申請2日WFH(依單位) ◆ 人才發展(People Development) 1. 完整的教育訓練。 2. 個人發展計畫。 ◆ 職工福利(Employee Welfare) 1. 三節禮券。 2. 勞動節禮券。 3. 結婚/生育禮金。 4. 尾牙/春酒/不定時聚餐。 5. 每月臨場健康諮詢。 6. 不定期旅遊補助 ◆ 其他福利(Other Benefits) 1. 不定期員工購物優惠。 2. 每2年一次員工健康檢查(補助6000元+全薪健檢假1日)。 3. 咖啡無限免費供應。(原豆研磨咖啡機) 上述薪酬福利與休假制度依馬來西亞商思謀能有限公司台灣分公司及年度福委會規劃而異。 (The above rules and policies, benefits and welfare schemes may vary depending on annual welfare committee planning and operating conditions of each company in the Smollan Group.)

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【長期兼職】文書處理人員 Smollan Taiwan_馬來西亞商思謀能有限公司台灣分公司
Hourly Wage NT$ 200~200
10/14 Updated