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40 Employees
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本所王麗雲教授建置「教育治理與政策科學研究室」(Education Governance and Policy Science Lab)以整合運作相關專案及產學合作計畫。研究內容結合調查法、資料科學、評鑑理論與實施,期望開創及推動國內教育治理與政策研究。研究範圍則涵蓋各教育階段政策研究、各級學校辦學品質之改進方法、國家重大教育政策及方案評估。近年為配合國家雙語教育政策推動,研究範圍亦納入教育國際化等議題。 產學研究室(1辦):106 臺北市大安區基隆路三段130號 嚴慶齡工業研究中心(218室、222室、337室) 教學研究室(2辦):106 臺北市大安區和平東路一段129號 教育學院大樓9F(928室)

Industry Sector

Main Products

一、調查與資料科學(Survey and Data Science) 二、教育品質保證(Education Quality Assurance) 三、雙語及國際教育人才引進(Talents Recruitment for Bilingual and International Education)


專任/正職員工福利: 1.年終獎金1.5個月 2.員工紅利/酬勞(獨立發放,不與年終獎金重複) 3.三節獎金/禮品 4.不定期員工旅遊 5.彈性上下班、經主管核准可遠端辦公 6.健檢優惠 7.三校聯盟合作之特約商店優惠 8.校區圖書館免費借閱 9.校區汽機車停車優惠

Company & Workplace


Foreign English Teaching Assistant (Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program) 國立臺灣師範大學_教育政策與行政研究所
Monthly Salary NT$ 48,000~48,000
The TFETP (Taiwan Foreign English Teaching Program) is a government sponsored program launched by the Ministry of Education (MOE), recruiting qualified English teachers and teaching assistants to teach in public elementary and secondary schools. Job Description: Foreign English teaching assistants work under the guidance of Taiwanese teachers to create a positive, diverse, and immersive English learning environment that encourages proactive English learning amongst students, thus raising overall English ability. The main job duties for foreign English teaching assistants are listed below: 1. Service hours are 5 days a week, 8 hours a day. 2. Assist Taiwanese teachers during class for up to 20 periods a week. 3. Assist in various school activities, presentations, exhibitions, performances, and projects. Create a rich immersive English learning environment via diverse approaches to enhance students' overall English ability, learning interests, and confidence. 4. Participate in English teaching meetings, professional development activities, extracurricular activities, competitions, exhibitions, performances, and other related projects. 5. Prepare lessons with colleagues or independently, including writing lesson plans, preparing teaching materials, grading assignments, and assessing evaluations. 6. Accept assignments from the school to participate in English teaching professional development activities, competitions, exhibitions, performances, and other related affairs organized by the government. Monthly Salary: NT$48,000 Location: 22 cities and counties in Taiwan. Applicants' preferences will be considered but not guaranteed. Basic Qualifications/Requirements: • A native English speaker who comes from a nation where English is the official/common language • Hold a bachelor's degree or higher Please visit the TFETP official website for more information (https://tfetp.epa.ntnu.edu.tw/) Please apply through our website (https://tfetp.epa.ntnu.edu.tw/). We do not accept applications through 104.
English Required
10/15 Updated
Foreign English Teacher (Taiwan Foreign English Teacher Program) 國立臺灣師範大學_教育政策與行政研究所
Monthly Salary NT$ 62,720~91,420
The TFETP (Taiwan Foreign English Teaching Program) is a government sponsored program launched by the Ministry of Education (MOE). Currently recruiting qualified English teachers to teach in public elementary and secondary schools. Job Description: Foreign English Teachers are to cooperate with Taiwanese teachers to enhance the quality of English curriculum, teaching, and assessment in a way to strengthen English professional standards, provide students with positive and immersive English learning environment, and strengthen the student's overall English abilities. The main job duties for foreign English teachers are listed below: 1. Work hours are 5 days a week, 8 hours a day. 2. Conduct co-teaching with Taiwanese teachers up to 20 periods a week. 3. Provide a positive English learning environment for students by taking part in various school activities, exhibitions, performances, and projects. Create a rich immersive English learning environment via diverse approaches to enhance student's overall English ability, learning interests, and confidence. 4. Participate in English teaching meetings, professional development activities, extracurricular activities, competitions, exhibitions, performances, and other related projects. 5. Prepare lessons with colleagues or independently, including writing lesson plans, preparing teaching materials, grading assignments, and assessing evaluations. 6. Accept assignments from the school to participate in English teaching professional development activities, competitions, exhibitions, performances, and other related affairs organized by the government. Monthly Salary: NT$62,720 to NT$91,420, depending on education level and teaching experience. Location: 22 cities and counties in Taiwan. Applicants’ preferences will be considered but not guaranteed. Basic Qualifications/Requirements: • A native English speaker who comes from a nation where English is the official/common language • Hold a state-issued teaching license or certificate • Hold a bachelor's degree or higher *Please visit the TFETP official website for more information: tfetp.epa.ntnu.edu.tw *Please apply through our website (https://tfetp.epa.ntnu.edu.tw/). We do not accept application through 104. Application timeline: Stage.1 from January, 2022 to March 31st, 2022 *For inquiries, please contact: tfetp.info@gmail.com
English Required
10/15 Updated
專案行政管理人員(2030雙語政策-海外攬才專班支持計畫) 國立臺灣師範大學_教育政策與行政研究所
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,165~48,542
本職務係於國家「2030雙語政策」推動下,執行教育部國民及學前教育署委託「公立國民小學及國民中學海外攬才子女專班(含轉銜課程)支持計畫」,負責工作如下: 1.國內外文獻之蒐集、整理與研究。 2.負責訪談與會議之業務與其聯繫,以及資料製作及紀錄撰寫。 3.協助訂定設班申請計畫及入學申請文件之審查要點,並辦理審查作業。 4.協助規劃並辦理專班教師及行政人員增能研習內容及活動。 5.協助國中小學教師與行政人員,以及為子女申請入學之外籍人士,回應問題並撰擬QA。 6.專案進度管控、檔案整理、報告撰寫、經費核銷等。
English Required
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專案行政管理人員(2030雙語政策-ELTA計畫北區中心) 國立臺灣師範大學_教育政策與行政研究所
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,200~48,541
支援2030雙語政策推動,負責部分工時外籍英語教學助理(北區中心)專案管理,工作內容如下: 1. 負責部分工時外籍英語教學助理(北區中心)業務子後勤管理; 2. 負責行銷及招募部分工時外籍英語教學助理,對象為在臺之外籍人士,工作內部包括擬定招募策略、製作招募海報、電子文宣、簡報、說明手冊等; 3. 負責辦理職前培訓工作坊、在職回流專業發展課程; 4. 負責申請文件管理、辦理招募面試; 5. 負責專案各式業務會議議程、會議紀錄、進度管控、檔案管理、問題回應及報告製作; 6. 協助聯繫部分工時外籍英語教學助理,協助認識在台生活及入校服務相關QA服務,以及後續教學現場追蹤輔導; 7. 薪資依學經歷調整,學士起薪35,200元;碩士起薪40,200元。請參考國立臺灣師範大學產學合作計畫專任助理人員工作酬金支給標準表最新公告。https://shorturl.at/Vvm72
10/15 Updated
統計及資料分析員(教職人力資料庫計畫) 國立臺灣師範大學_教育政策與行政研究所
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,165+
一、專案管理:計畫性質為教育研究、教育政策取向 (一)提案:計畫書撰寫。 (二)文書處理、業務聯繫、檔案管理。 (三)專案執行與進度、成本管控等。 (四)結案之簡報、期中、期末報告書撰寫。 二、資料填報及問卷調查實施: (一)執行學校校務資料填報作業。 (二)執行師生問卷調查作業。 (三)系統測試與回饋,網路填報設定。 三、資料庫(含調查)資料處理與分析: (一)線上填答/填報原始資料之清理、彙整、比對及資料品管。 (二)資料庫(含調查)資料之統計與服務。 四、成果推廣: (一)協助專題研討、教育訓練或說明會、工作坊、大型研討會等活動辦理。 (二)發行電子報、製作統計年報及分析報告等。 (三)延伸資料庫應用於跨資料庫整合或調查研究
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