
Company Introduction

30 Employees
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萬達人工智慧科技股份有限公司 (Wonders.ai Technology Co., Ltd.) 是台灣領先的人工智慧陪伴開發商,於2024年在ChinaJoy獲得最佳產品獎。成立於2017年,總部設在台灣,旨在探索和開發AI解決方案,並提供客製化的AI應用開發和技術服務。公司的業務範圍包括影像辨識、聲音辨識、自然語言處理、大數據分析等領域,並應用於遊戲、智慧導購、智慧城市、金融科技、醫療保健等產業。 Wonders. AI 擁有來自台灣、中國、日本和美國的全球合作夥伴,致力於為企業和消費者提供AI陪伴解決方案。公司專注於開發自有的AI模型和端到端解決方案,以滿足不同客戶的需求。我們致力於透過人工智慧技術的創新和應用,為客戶提供更智能、更高效、更安全的解決方案。 Wonders.ai Technology Co., Ltd. is a leading AI companionship developer in Taiwan, having won the Best Product Award at ChinaJoy 2024. Founded in 2017 and headquartered in Taiwan, the company focuses on exploring and developing AI solutions and providing customized AI application development and technical services. Our business scope includes image recognition, voice recognition, natural language processing, big data analysis, and is applied across various industries such as gaming, smart retail, smart cities, fintech, and healthcare. Wonders.ai has global partners in Taiwan, China, Japan, and the USA, dedicated to providing AI companionship solutions for both enterprises and consumers. The company focuses on developing its own AI models and end-to-end solutions to meet diverse customer needs. We are committed to leveraging AI technology innovations to offer smarter, more efficient, and more secure solutions.

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AI Buddy 專為溫暖 、 尋求沉浸式、引人入勝的數位媒體體驗的個人而設計的互動性生成式AI模型、引入了個性學、故事、互動小說、視覺小說、電影、遊戲與深刻的人物互動和陪伴感。 Wonder Suite: 客製化生成式AI模型的架構,語音辨識、Real-Time RAG、智慧、聲紋、落地生成式AI模型的建立與應用。 AI Buddy is an interactive generative AI model uniquely designed with warmth and empathy, offering an immersive and engaging digital media experience. It incorporates elements of personality traits, storytelling, interactive novels, visual novels, movies, games, and deep character interactions and companionship. Wonder Suite: A framework for customized generative AI models, including voice recognition, real-time retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), intelligence, voiceprint, and the development and application of deployed generative AI models. 萬達是人工智慧(AI)陪伴領域的開拓者,我們正在尋找熱衷於創造未來人工智慧與人類互動的工程師,並且具備人工智慧與機器學習技能。 我們的使命是將AI友伴無縫整合到日常生活和各行各業中,包括手機遊戲、客戶零售資訊亭,以及在旅遊、醫療保健、設計、內容創作、製造、零售和教育等領域,通過XR媒介擴展企業應用程式。我們不僅是在創造技術,更是在建立深層次的聯繫。 我們的AI友伴設計具有人類般的個性、回應能力、主動性和知識,使其有別於傳統AI。 萬達的AI服務涵蓋包括台灣、中國、日本、美國在內的精英客戶,涉及的行業橫跨遊戲、零售、製造和醫療等亞洲前20名的企業。萬達擁有最先進的資源,包括A100和H100 GPU,由30名專業人士組成的團隊提供支持。我們正在尋找那些與我們有共同願景的工作夥伴,他們將人工智慧視為伙伴,而非僅僅是工具,與我們一起將人工智慧轉變為跨媒介的合作夥伴。 Wonders.ai 是AI陪伴領域的領導者,在2024年ChinaJoy中榮獲最佳AI陪伴產品獎。我們的市場涵蓋動畫、漫畫、遊戲以及美國、日本、台灣、中國等地區。Wonders.ai 與全球夥伴合作,正在打造下一個全球性AI陪伴應用的巔峰之作。公司已經為今年年底的全球產品發佈做好準備,現正擴大團隊規模。 我們正在尋找對創新充滿熱情,並願意全身心投入的個人,與我們一起實現3D角色與人類即時互動的未來。這是一個讓你充分發揮創造力並獲得豐厚回報的絕佳機會。如果你渴望參與這項具有巨大潛力和挑戰性的工作,請立即訪問我們的網站 [www.wonders.ai/news],了解更多公司成就與案例。 1. (https://www.forbes.com/sites/rodberger/2023/02/17/new-wonderverse-pushing-boundaries-of-reality/?sh=5d4cab5c7bc4) 2. (https://gritdaily.com/wonders-ai-revolutionizing-ar-vr/) --- Wonders.ai is a pioneer in AI companionship, and we are seeking engineers who are passionate about shaping the future of human-AI interaction and possess strong skills in AI and machine learning. Our mission is to seamlessly integrate AI companions into everyday life and various industries—including mobile games, customer retail kiosks, and enterprise applications that expand across XR media in fields such as tourism, healthcare, design, content creation, manufacturing, retail, and education. We are not just creating technology; we are building connections. Our AI companions are designed with human-like personalities, responsiveness, initiative, and knowledge, setting them apart from traditional AI. Wonders.ai serves elite clients across Taiwan, China, Japan, and the United States, with industries ranging from gaming and retail to manufacturing and healthcare, including Asia's top 20 companies. We are equipped with cutting-edge resources, including A100 and H100 GPUs, supported by a team of 30 professionals. We are looking for like-minded partners who view AI not just as a tool but as a companion, to join us on this journey of transforming AI into cross-media partnerships. Wonders.ai is a leader in AI companionship, having won the Best AI Companionship Product award at 2024 ChinaJoy. Our market spans animation, comics, games, and regions including the United States, Japan, and China. Wonders.ai collaborates with global partners and is building the next global AI companionship application. The company is gearing up for a global product launch at the end of this year and is expanding its team. We are looking for individuals who are passionate about innovation and willing to fully dedicate themselves to realizing the future of real-time interaction between 3D characters and humans. This is an excellent opportunity to unleash your creativity and receive substantial rewards. If you are eager to be part of this high-potential, challenging endeavor, please visit our website [www.wonders.ai/news] to learn more about our achievements and case studies.


【交通便利】◆近捷運站6分鐘(中山國中站) 【薪資與福利】 ◆年終獎金 ◆年度調薪(視公司營運狀況與個人調薪而定) 【請 / 休假制度】 ◆特休假 : 配合勞基法規定 ◆週休二日 ◆依據法規到職即投保勞保、健保 ◆公司體恤員工的辛勞,規劃多樣休閒活動 ◆免費供應現煮研磨咖啡、飲品、點心餅乾 ◆每季一同舉辦慶生會吃好吃滿 ◆不定期下午茶 ◆不定期部門聚餐 ◆不定期各節慶活動 ◆重視夥伴們的成長與職涯學習,不定期舉辦內訓、講座課程,並鼓勵員工自我進修。 ◆年度教育訓練、員工內部職涯發展。 ◆我們注重員工福利與工作品質,並提供優良舒適辦公環境,並在茶水間備有享受不盡的咖啡、餅乾和點心,歡迎加入我們一起開創更美好的工作與生活。


自然語言處理工程師 / NLP engineer . Natural Language Processing 萬達人工智慧科技股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 80,000~120,000
1. 開發聊天系統語音合成、開發歌聲合成系統。 2. 熟悉現在熱門資料庫、爬蟲、資料搜尋。 3. 熟悉TRANSFORMER、PROMPTING、PRETRAINING (預訓練不是微調!)、INSTRUCT TUNING。 4. 熟悉Python、Pytorch、Keras,機器學習(machine learning)的各類算法,並有實際項目使用經驗。 5. 熟悉其中一門架構Bert、Attention、Transformer、decoder ONLY、Vocoder、Unsupervised Learning、K means比較。 6. 熟悉資料處理比重調整、跑過模型預訓練、TOKEN 性質調整、STREAMIN、DUMMY、QUANTIZATION、CONTEXT WINDOW、調整LLM SERVING、向量相識度搜尋、RAG資料解鎖、Self-RAG、ATTENTION 調整: PAGED ATTENTION、WINDOW ATTENTION。 +++++主動積極,提出解決方案和改進建議,我們喜歡這樣的團隊成員!+++++ 1. Develop chat system voice synthesis, and singing voice synthesis systems. 2. Familiar with popular databases, web scraping, and data searching. 3. Proficient in TRANSFORMER, PROMPTING, PRETRAINING (pretraining, not fine-tuning!), and INSTRUCT TUNING. 4. Skilled in Python, Pytorch, Keras, and various machine learning algorithms with practical project experience. 5. Proficient in one of the architectures such as Bert, Attention, Transformer, decoder ONLY, Vocoder, Unsupervised Learning, and K-means comparison. 6. Experienced in data processing weight adjustment, model pretraining, TOKEN attribute adjustment, STREAMIN, DUMMY, QUANTIZATION, CONTEXT WINDOW, LLM SERVING adjustment, vector similarity search, RAG data unlocking, Self-RAG, ATTENTION adjustments: PAGED ATTENTION, WINDOW ATTENTION. +++++Be proactive; we love people who are proactive and suggest solutions and improvements in the team's work!+++++
10/09 Updated
資深 機器學習工程師 / Senior Machine Learning Engineer 萬達人工智慧科技股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 100,000~140,000
(具有至少五年以上工作經驗,並且能夠有效管理與指導團隊成員是至關重要的) 1. 計算機科學,計算機工程或電氣工程或深度學習,機器學習和自然語言處理相關領域的碩士或博士學位。 2. 熟悉日語和動畫/角色行業。 3. 使用 Docker 的經驗。 4. 使用深度學習框架,如TensorFlow和PyTorch的經驗。 5. 使用RAG,SelfRAG,VectorDb,GraphDB的經驗。 6. 熟悉Python和數據工具,如Pandas,Matplotlib,Numpy。 7. 開發經驗數據分析,特別是LLM和多模式基礎模型。 8. 在以下領域應用過AI的經驗 : AI角色對話、AI日程規劃師和個人助理、VITS情感語音生成、大型動作模型和視覺演進。 9. 廣泛的端到端機器學習渠道活動,包括框架AI問題,數據挖掘/結構化/收集/預處理/探索,模型開發/評估,模型部署/監控。 10. 與不同地區的不同軟體、研究和硬體團隊合作,創造新的體驗並解決關鍵問題。 11. 瞭解和分析硬體和軟體架構在未來應用程序中的相互作用。 12. 注重細節和較強的閱讀和寫作能力。 13. 您將成爲一個不斷增長的AI團隊的關鍵成員,該團隊可以架構,分析,開發,原型和交付深度學習端到端系統。 14. 熟悉大容量、模型服務和量化。 15. 使用llama Index或Langchain或同等經驗。 16. 熟悉ONNX 格式. +++++我們喜歡積極主動的人,積極主動地提出解決方案和改進團隊的工作! +++++ (Having at least 5 years of experience, the ability to effectively manage and mentor team members is crucial.) 1. A master's or Ph.D. in computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, or related fields such as deep learning, machine learning, and natural language processing. 2. Familiarity with Japanese language and the animation/character industry. 3. Experience with Docker. 4. Experience with deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch. 5. Experience with RAG, SelfRAG, VectorDb, GraphDB. 6. Proficiency in Python and data tools like Pandas, Matplotlib, Numpy. 7. Development experience in data analysis, particularly with LLM and multimodal foundational models. 8. Experience applying AI in areas such as AI character dialogue, AI scheduling assistants, VITS emotional voice generation, large action models, and visual evolution. 9. Extensive end-to-end machine learning pipeline activities, including framing AI problems, data mining/structuring/collection/preprocessing/exploration, model development/evaluation, and model deployment/monitoring. 10. Collaborating with different software, research, and hardware teams across regions to create new experiences and solve critical problems. 11. Understanding and analyzing the interaction between hardware and software architectures in future applications. 12. Attention to detail and strong reading and writing skills. 13. You will be a key member of a growing AI team that can architect, analyze, develop, prototype, and deliver end-to-end deep learning systems. 14. Familiarity with high-volume, model serving, and quantization. 15. Experience with llama Index or Langchain or equivalent experience. 16. Familiar wtih ONNX Format +++++Be proactive, we love people who are proactive and suggest solutions and improvements in the team's work!+++++
10/09 Updated
後端工程師 / Go Engineer 萬達人工智慧科技股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 60,000+
1. 開發、維護、整合APP核心雲服務系統。 2. 參與專案流程,與其他部門合作討論,並提出解決方案及技術文件撰寫。 3. 串接Restful API WebSocket Socket 介接前端。 4. 負責 Golang API設計及功能開發。 5. 維護現有產品程式碼及除錯。 6. 其它主管交辦事項。 +++++主動積極,我們喜歡那些能主動提出解決方案並改進團隊工作的人!+++++ 1. Develop, maintain, and integrate the core cloud service system of the APP. 2. Participate in project processes, collaborate with other departments to discuss solutions, and write technical documentation. 3. Connect Restful API, WebSocket, and Socket to interface with the frontend. 4. Responsible for Golang API design and feature development. 5. Maintain existing product code and debug issues. 6. Handle other tasks assigned by the supervisor. +++++Be proactive; we love people who are proactive and suggest solutions and improvements in the team's work!+++++
Mid to Senior Level
10/09 Updated
技術美術 / Unity Technical Artist 萬達人工智慧科技股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 65,000~80,000
1. 熟悉Python、C++、C#。 2. 具備Unity Engine C#開發經驗。 3. 具備GUI開發經驗,如PySide。 4. 擁有圖學(Computer Graphics)知識尤佳。 5. 有使用Git的經驗。 6. 能夠建立自訂的blendshape管道。 7. 具備在遊戲引擎運行期間進行圖像生成的經驗。 8. 精通VFX特殊效果、粒子效果、燈光、優化等技術。 9. 具備Toon shader(我們使用nilotoon)的自訂化與優化經驗。 10. 熟悉Maya並具有開發Maya動畫工具的能力,有Maya API相關經驗尤佳。 我們期待與那些對3D角色互動和AI遊戲開發充滿熱情的個人合作共同創造卓越的遊戲體驗。 +++++主動積極,我們熱愛那些主動提出解決方案和改善團隊工作的人!+++++ 1. Proficient in Python, C++, C#. 2. Experience with Unity Engine C# development. 3. Experience in GUI development, such as PySide. 4. Knowledge of Computer Graphics is a plus. 5. Experience with Git. 6. Ability to create custom blendshape pipelines. 7. Experience with image generation during game engine runtime. 8. Expertise in VFX special effects, particle effects, lighting, and optimization. 9. Experience in Toon shader (we use nilotoon) customization and optimization. 10. Familiar with Maya and capable of developing Maya animation tools, with Maya API experience being a plus. We are excited to collaborate with individuals who are passionate about 3D character interaction and AI game development, working together to create outstanding gaming experiences. +++++Be proactive—we love people who are proactive and suggest solutions and improvements in the team's work!+++++
Mid to Senior Level
10/09 Updated
資深 Unity 工程師 萬達人工智慧科技股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 80,000~140,000
(具有至少五年以上工作經驗,並且能夠有效管理與指導團隊成員是至關重要的) 1. 以Unity/C#為平台,開發日文、中文及英文版的MR/AR/VR人工智慧產品。 2. 構建最先進的混合實境及擴增實境方案,例如用於Mobile AR、Hololens、HTC Vive及手機。 3. 開發及支援高品質、可靠度高的互動性應用。 4. 配合團隊提供數位資產、工作流程及研發的最佳實施架構。 5. 對於專案設計流程及工具提出建議及改善方案。 6. 參與創意性腦力激盪討論,開發創新的VR/AR/MR體驗。 7. 對於如何構建有效率的產品製作流程提出建議與經驗。 8. 能夠與產業當中最新趨勢同步,並可提出技術創新想法。 9. 能夠與不同功能團隊配合工作,確保進行的專案能夠及時完成。 10. 配合Unity進行IOS/Android底層開發。 +++++積極主動是我們的核心價值之一,我們喜歡那些能夠積極主動,並在團隊工作中提出解決方案和改進建議的人!+++++ (Having at least 5 years of experience, the ability to effectively manage and mentor team members is crucial.) 1. Develop MR/AR/VR AI products in Japanese, Chinese, and English on the Unity/C# platform. 2. Build cutting-edge mixed reality and augmented reality solutions, such as for Mobile AR, Hololens, HTC Vive, and smartphones. 3. Develop and support high-quality, highly reliable interactive applications. 4. Collaborate with the team to provide the best implementation framework for digital assets, workflows, and R&D. 5. Suggest and implement improvements for project design processes and tools. 6. Participate in creative brainstorming sessions to develop innovative VR/AR/MR experiences. 7. Offer suggestions and share experiences on how to build efficient product development processes. 8. Stay up-to-date with industry trends and propose technical innovation ideas. 9. Work with cross-functional teams to ensure projects are completed on time. 10. Collaborate with Unity to develop iOS/Android underlying systems. +++++Being proactive is one of our core values; we love people who are proactive and suggest solutions and improvements in the team's work!+++++
10/09 Updated