
Company Introduction

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From development candidates to clinical PoC is the decree of Anbogen Therapeutics (ABT). Anbogen aimed at developing precision oncology medicines by targeting driver genes in cancers with unmet therapeutic needs. Founders are experienced scientists with successful R&D track records from Eli Lily, Merck & Co., and National Health Research Institutes in Taiwan. We are seeking for potential partnership and collaboration. Our ABT-101 targets to treat non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients harboring HER2 exon 20 insertion (HER2e20i). ABT-101 holds the best-in-its-class drug premises owing to early safety data in human and a series of head-to-head studies with competitor compounds. Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) has approved a Phase 1b/2 clinical trial for ABT-101 to treat NSCLC with HER2e20i. This trial is the start of a global development program. ABT-201, targeting KRAS, is superior to sotorasib with respect to its enzyme inhibitory capability toward KRASG12C. In accordance to results from a completed Phase 1 trial, ABT-301, a histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi), has the most assuring safety/PK profile among its class. Phase 2 trials will be focusing on assessing the ability of ABT-301 to enhance current therapeutics in cancers with biomarkers reflecting pathologic aberrations amenable to ABT-301 intervention.

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【抗癌藥物ABT-101】 - HER2外顯子20插入突變標靶藥物 - ABT-101為一酪氨酸激酶抑製劑(TKI),用於治療擁有在HER2外顯子20插入突變的非小細胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者,這一類患者目前並無有效標靶藥物可供治療 。相對於其他競爭者開發中的藥物,ABT-101具有絕佳藥物潛力,並具優良的安全性。對於現今未滿足之HER2外顯子20插入突變肺癌標靶治療藥物提供最佳的新藥選擇。 【抗癌藥物ABT-201】 - KRAS標靶藥物 - 面對KRAS標靶新時代的浪潮,KRAS抑制劑與其它標靶治療藥物一樣,抗藥性終究會是一個大問題。病理研究顯示,病患使用Sotorasib® 和 Adagrasib®,已產生新型態抗藥性基因突變,導致抗藥性的產生,迫切急需第二代KRAS抑制劑還對付抗藥性基因突變。ABT-201為安邦生技獨家共價結合藥物設計及結構生物學藥物設計平台,鎖定非小細胞肺癌和其他實體瘤致癌驅動基因(driver gene) KRAS G12C等眾多的突變點 (如G12C/Y96D雙突變, G12D, G12V等),所開發的第二代KRAS抑制劑標靶藥物。同時,對KARS的未來的產品可提供市場不同的族群多元的選擇,於開發上具多元彈性。目標將發展成為市場上最佳(Best-in-class)及最快(Fast in class)之KRAS第二代抑制劑,滿足KRAS抑制劑的醫療市場。 【抗癌藥物ABT-301】 - 組織蛋白去乙醯酶抑制劑 - ABT-301為小分子組織蛋白去乙醯酶(histone deacetylase inhibitor, HDACi)抑制劑抗癌藥物。藉由癌細胞會表現較高的組織蛋白去乙醯酶活性,進而調整染色體致密性來阻斷某些抑癌基因的表現之特性。施用該類抑制,將利於抑癌基因表現,有助於改變癌細胞生長、停滯及分化,並促進癌細胞凋亡,最終抑制腫瘤細胞生長,達到治療癌症效果。ABT-301 於此類藥品中極具安全性,且不具心臟毒性。這使得ABT-301在此類藥品中獨具優勢。臨床前研究數據也顯示,相較於競爭對手ABT-301 於多數的實體腫瘤中,極具治療競爭力。


1. 週休二日   2. 享勞、健保、勞退、團保 3. 三節獎金 4. 優於勞基法特休 面議. We can offer • Challenging and rewarding work in a startup biotech • The sense of building and expanding innovation idea • Competitive salary and stock option • Real development and trainings within the great working environment.


稽核主管 安邦生技股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 45,000+
1. 內部控制制度及內稽制度之訂定與推動 2. IPO專案推動與執行 3. 年度稽核計畫的訂定與執行、內控自評、追蹤內控缺失與異常並改善 4. 協助董事會、股東會事務與其他各項法規遵循與監督 5. 推動、溝通、協調及解決各部門間之流程或作業問題及配合內部控制制度進行自評作業 6. 主管交辦事項
9/19 Updated