
Company Introduction

50 Employees
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TalentPlus Consultants is a highly specialized recruitment firm in the Asia Pacific and Greater China region. We are focused in the areas of IT/Software, Semiconductor/IC Design, Chemical, Electronics, Healthcare & Consumer and Professional Services Functions (HR, Finance & Accounting, Legal, MIS). We cover functions including technical professionals in their respective fields, as well as middle to upper management roles in project management, sales & marketing, and senior level executives. Leading with our sophisticated & thorough recruiting methods, networks and stringent screening process, our expert consultants provide strong industry insight & experience, and a highly customized search solution based on our client’s specific requirements. With our extensive experience in the region working directly with global industry leading corporations as well as fast growing start-ups, TalentPlus understands the demanding environment and challenges every organization faces and how vital an effective recruitment partner can be to ensure our clients’ future success.

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Main Products

- TalentPlus Consultants offers executive search services through teams of professional consultants, who specialize in providing recruitment services to clients across different industries. - We provide project-based recruitment services to meet the high volume hiring needs of our clients. - Our team participates in customer discussions at the early stage of identifying manpower needs, providing job and budget advice, and sharing market information to meet customer needs. - We assist clients in designing appropriate organizational and compensation plans to achieve mission objectives and strategic goals within the shortest possible time. - We provide customized recruitment solutions to meet specific customer needs, such as confidential replacement or succession planning.


+獵人的福利+ 在眾多競爭激烈的獵頭顧問公司中,TalentPlus至2022年已成立10年。 我們營造的文化是:內部齊一心志共同合作、互相幫助學習與交換情報,再一起去面對外部每一個即將而來的任務。 TalentPlus總是有不定期的聚餐和下午茶; 有時連假前會提早下班讓同仁不用在返鄉時人擠人塞車; 當月關案量到達設定目標的顧問也可以享有額外的達標假期; 達標的團隊會在每季辛苦工作後去一趟按摩行程,再去大家去票選的熱門餐廳小酌慶祝; 萬聖節、聖誕節等節慶也會不定期舉辦化妝舞會或餐會; 年度達標的優秀顧問能夠參加海外的獎勵旅遊,北海道的下雪的露天溫泉、關島清澈見底的蔚藍海岸喝啤酒看夕陽、置身在蘇梅島或峇里島的五星飯店按摩喝新鮮椰子水做日光浴等… …成為顧問們心心念念、眼睛發亮的年度盛事。 我們希望在辛苦努力拿到好成績後,有付出的你就值得收穫與享受。

Company & Workplace


客戶服務工程師 FAE [Field Application Engineer] 德倫思管理顧問有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 50,000~60,000
工作內容 1. 雷射製程設備組裝及維修,並記錄維修相關資訊 2. 提供雷射製程設備售後製程應用技術諮詢 3. 釐清、分析客戶端的製程應用問題,並回饋給相關單位,協助產品開發及規格溝通 4. 維修品之詢價、報價,並管理維修備品 #需至客戶端外派、出差 #需了解產品製造流程及相關技術知識
10/15 Updated