
Company Introduction

145 Employees
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現觀科技的英文Groundhog是以美國東部和加拿大的『土撥鼠』為命名。在北美文化中,相傳土撥鼠能預測春天何時會到來(時間)的能力,而且能建構隧道系統(空間)。現觀科技擁有如同土撥鼠的技能,專注研發獨特的數學模型,探討時間、空間和移動的特徵,以洞悉和預測手機用戶在行動網路中的移動軌跡。 現觀科技成立於2001年,起源於美國麻省理工學院(MIT),成立前即獲得MIT創業競賽準決賽優勝。以台灣做為研發總部,基於四十項以上的專利,現觀的先進技術擁有多個世界第一,履獲國內外大獎,諸如國家產業創新獎⎯績優創新中小企業獎、兩次傑出資訊應用暨產品獎,國際上的Telco AI Summit Europe(歐洲電信AI論壇)最佳網路管理方案獎、Red Herring亞洲高科技新創企業一百強、全球二百強等。並加入O-RAN軟體領域服務聯盟,研發總部設在台灣。 現觀科技是全球第一個基於手機用戶的移動行為而研發行動通訊大數據技術的高科技公司,在地理定位(Geo-Location)及手機用戶行為的深度學習擁有獨特的競爭優勢,開啟各種創新的應用。現觀科技以台灣作為研發總部,具備全球領先技術優勢,聚焦國際市場,客戶遍佈五大洲,包括世界第三大電信業者Bharti Airtel、中東最大電信業者 Saudi Telecom Company(STC)、亞洲跨國電信巨擘SingTel等。公司的旗艦產品 CovMo 協助電信業者進行用戶洞察及網路優化,為全球最早推出且市佔率持續領先的產品;底層的平台 Mobility Intelligence Platform 基於手機用戶移動性的大數據分析,開創各式先進應用,也吸引了創新的電信業者對此藍海的重視。 現觀科技已於2024年1月15日掛牌上市(股票代號:6906),公司具備處理行動網路覆蓋範圍以及橫跨多種通訊技術的無線通訊純軟體的核心能力,擁有全球領先的獨家 AI 大數據分析和業界最高定位精準度技術,透過自主研發的CovMo行動網路優化定位平台與Mobility Intelligence行動智慧平台,可協助全球電信業者優化其網路,同時可分析手機用戶行為,協助電信業者將數據變現,搶占數位廣告的龐大市場,是台灣少數打入國際市場的無線通訊軟體公司,歡迎各領域的優秀菁英、具國際觀的人才、對挑戰性工作有興趣、積極創新、有熱忱、樂於挑戰的伙伴加入我們的行列! Named after the clever『groundhog』that inhabits the eastern United States and Canada, it is a master underground tunnel burrower (space) with a legendary ability to predict the seasonal change (time). Similarly, Groundhog Technologies has developed very sophisticated modeling techniques to understand and predict the mobility patterns of mobile telecom subscribers at a temporal and spatial level. Groundhog Technologies was founded in 2001 as a spin-off from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Since then, our Mobility Intelligence Platform has analyzed many of the busiest mobile networks in the world; saving operators millions of dollars, increasing customer satisfaction and generating new revenues. Groundhog Technologies applies a combination of Chaos Theory-based Geolocation models and Human Mobility Deep Learning Algorithms to transform raw network data into monetizable assets. With that knowledge we can help mobile operators improve business results across various departments: Network & Operations, Customer Experience, Sales & Marketing, Digital Services, and now being extended to the Public Health domain. Besides our flagship product CovMo™, our MI-DEP™, MI-DSP™ as well as RealMotion™ are widely-recognized by worldwide customers. Groundhog Technologies’ is a public company listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (No. 6906). As a company focusing on international market, supporting and partnering with global mobile operators while our system handles huge amount of data utilizing AI and advanced analytics, we welcome talents from all over the world to join us. If you want to know more about us, please visit https://www.ghtinc.com/tw/about-us-2/

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1. Groundhog Technologies Intro 現觀科技介紹 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwrf0XT-c7c&t=1s&ab_channel=GroundhogTechnologies 2. CovMo™行動網路優化定位平台 Technologies_CovMo Geolocation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0Y9lYS8UvM&ab_channel=GroundhogTechnologies 3. Mobility Intelligence Technology: DSP/ DMP AI程序化數位廣告與大數據分析 https://mi.ghtinc.com/zh/tw (1) MI-DEP™行動智慧數據分析平台 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnivykfX-P8&ab_channel=GroundhogTechnologies (2) MI-DSP™行動智慧即時競價平台 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnivykfX-P8&ab_channel=GroundhogTechnologies


▍工作和生活平衡的制度 彈性工作時間|8:30-10:30 、17:30-19:30彈性上下班制度,避開上下班人車潮,上班不必趕打卡,做滿8小時即可下班。 享受午間悠閒|13:00-14:00專屬的午休時間,避開擁擠的用餐時段,享受愉悅寧靜的悠閒時光。 新人假|依照勞基法新人到職6個月才會有3天特休假,貼心為新人考量希望能讓其安心工作,更好的安排好自己的事務,新人到職6個月會給予共5天的特休假。 不用補班|考量到大家每天工作的辛勞,政府規定的假日補班將一律不須補,使員工獲得充份的休息,為之員工的小確幸。 ▍優質的薪資待遇 競爭力的薪資|保障年薪 14 個月(包含三節禮金_端午節、中秋節及春節),各單位視營運情況另有績效獎金,業務單位另有業績獎金。 明確的調薪制度|每年度根據實際工作表現進行考核,每年3月固定調薪,薪資級距每年調研,跟上市場行情,你的努力反應在薪資上。 分紅配股|公司掛牌上市,分紅配股可期,共享公司經營成果。 加班費|公司沒有加班文化,但若因工作所需加班可申請加班費或補休。 ▍友善的工作環境 交通便利|明亮舒適寬大的辦公室位於中山站3 號出口走路即到辦公室。 辦公設備|辦公室空間寬敞,走簡約風,舒適和寬大的人體工學座椅及個人辦公區域使大家能在舒適的空間辦公。 哺乳室|公司備用哺乳室,工作之餘也可兼顧孩子健康。 國際化職場|多元及跨國文化組成的專業技術團隊,可以互相交流專業技術並增加國際視野及競爭力。 扁平公司架構|組織簡單,與主管及CEO溝通無障礙,每月定期會議,資訊流通無障礙,重視每個人的聲音。 抵抗空氣汙染|購入高效型空氣清淨機,保障員工呼吸乾淨空氣,需要時可以使用。 ▍貼心福利 內外訓共同成長|每季針對專業所需提供內部教育訓練,鼓勵員工自主學習,補助參加職務相關外部教育訓練,同時會不定期舉辦內部教育訓練及team building的互動型活動,讓同仁能在工作之餘彼此互動認識新朋友。 內部推薦獎金|介紹優秀人才入職,讓團隊一起成長,萬元以上獎金分成3個月試用後及滿1年2次領完。 團體保險|除了法定的勞保、健保外,優於勞基法的團體綜合保險,包含癌險,保障員工健康及分擔員工診療費用。 費用補助|福委會提供結婚、喪葬、生育、傷病、急難救助/貸款、災害輔助,開心難過的時刻都與員工同在。 節日禮卷|端午、中秋、春節、生日各2000元百貨禮卷外,生日當天還有500元現金及來自同仁真心的生日祝賀卡,讓同仁在生日當天備感溫馨。 零食飲料|各式零食、飲料、咖啡機讓您能享用到,使您在工作忙碌用腦之餘,也能隨時充電。 公司聚會|team building活動或節假日下午茶點心飲料,調劑上班心情,聯繫同仁情感。 部門聚會|公司每月都會撥部門聚餐經費每人百元,讓每個部門有機會互動,凝聚部門情感。 健檢補助|與合適的健檢中心配合,補貼員工3000元健康檢查費,加購檢查項目公司補助一半費用。 社團活動|每週一籃球及週四羽球社團,工作之餘也要運動讓身體健康。 員工旅遊|國內/外員工旅遊補助(視疫情調整旅遊地點) ▍強化職場防疫安全,不只照顧身體也照顧心理 防疫大作戰|辦公室內提供充足酒精、快篩劑、口罩......等物資。 準時準點消毒|每天固定安排辦公室全區消毒,減少病菌殘留。 專業現場醫護|每月2次,每次2小時的醫護或不定期家醫師到場的諮詢服務,讓同仁有機會隨時向專家針對身體的症狀提出諮詢,員工的身體才是公司的資本。 小傷隨時救|隨時備有保健盒,讓員工臨時小傷小痛不用擔心治療問題。 彈性具人性化的工作型態|員工染疫,在能工作的前提下,主管隨時視疫情狀況調整工作型態為WFH,染疫不用擔心工作收入,優於勞基法的全薪假別。 疫苗接種假|為提升員工自身保護力,支持員工接種疫苗,優於勞基法給予半薪。

Company & Workplace


【行動智慧研發處】Machine Learning Engineer 現觀科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
- Interaction cross-functionally with technical/non-technical departments - Ability to develop reliable and scalable data pipelines - Knowledge about Machine Learning technique (SVM, Boosting, Regression techniques) - Experienced in scripting programming (python, R) - Experienced in model design and model tuning
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/18 Updated
【行動智慧研發處】Big Data Processing Engineer (Spark) 現觀科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
For analyzing the lifestyles of mobile users based on big data from mobile operators, the candidate will work closely with Product team, as well as foreign mobile operators. 1. Software maintenance ensure daily ETL works stable. 2. Handles billions of records (location points) every day in mobile operator and drive subscriber mobility pattern, behavior and lifestyle. 3. Support project POC. 4. Handles overall data pipeline performance 5. Hands on capability on feature implementation and data manipulation.
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/18 Updated
【行動智慧事業處】Sales Director/Manager -- Business Development (Digital AD Solution) 現觀科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Secure deals from foreign mobile operators, through direct sales or channel sales. Buildup partnership with operators and companies in mobile advertising ecosystem.
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/18 Updated
【行動智慧研發處】Project Manager (Digital Advertising Solution) 現觀科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
The Project manager will be mainly responsible for project management, BD strategy support and administrative affairs related to AI advertising platform (MI-DSP) and Audience Insight Analytics Platform (MI-DMP). The role involves understanding marketing strategy research, promotional planning , execution with a mission to deliver projects and related financial and processing documentation maintenance. One must possess a unique blend of business and technical savvy; a big-picture vision, and the drive to make vision become reality. ___________________________________________________ Desired Skills and Experience: · A passion for data analytics, proposition creation, user experience collecting and story mapping, and proactivity on making things done. · Experience of market and competitor analysis, campaign execution, customer segmentation, especially on marketing planning or adOps, for Indonesia market is preferred. · Ability to document high-level requirements, analysis and definition for internal and third party specifications. · Fluent written and spoken English. · A strong team-player, has good coordination and communication skills · Detail-oriented, metric and results driven to make lean presenting of vision. ___________________________________________________ Preferred Skills and Experience: · DMP/DSP/Exchange/AD Networks experience is preferred · Experience of branding, official site management, social media account · management, is a plus. Experience of Indonesia market is more preferred. · Experience of SEO, Google Analytics/Appsflyer/Looker studio/Power BI/Gitlab etc., tools is a plus. · Have written government plans or subsidy experience is a plus.
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/18 Updated
【電信技術解決方案部】Telecom Solution Architect 現觀科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
The candidate will be responsible for technical pre-sales activities, supporting account team and customers in establishing, developing and closing business opportunities. Responsibility • Technical support on mobile geo-location solution selling, including customer engagement, tender response, customer requirement clarification, technical solution proposal writing...etc. ‒ Presenting the mobile network analytics solution and demonstrating the product to prospective customers. ‒ Conducting pre-sale activities by composing technical proposal, helping solution design, supporting trials, preparing documents, and training customers. ‒ Responding RFI/RFP from prospective customers. ‒ Identifying requirements from mobile operators and communicating with product team to evaluate and include the requirements on the product roadmap. ‒ PoC activity handling for the solution system. • Project delivery support, including customer network topology data arrangement, miscellaneous technical consulting from customer, support on acceptance activities...etc • Product development support, including algorithm rule defining, customization effort evaluation, 3rd party solution integration discussion...etc
Senior Level
English Required
10/18 Updated
【事業發展部】Manager / Director of Marketing and Communications 現觀科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
* Job Summary: Responsible for planning, development and implementation of the Company’s marketing strategies, marketing communications, and public relations activities, both external and internal. Oversees development and implementation of support materials and services in the area of marketing, communications and public relations. Directs the efforts of the marketing, communications and public relations missions and coordinates at the strategic and tactical levels with product and sales teams of the Company and its strategic partners. * Job Description: - Assume overall responsibility for developing the annual marketing plan for the organization; for strategic market planning, field force activities, and control of the marketing budget. - Prepare new product marketing plans for product introductions in cooperation with the management team. - Organize and direct marketing strategy meetings on a regular basis. Communicate with the product team to learn latest product directions or features, with the sales team to learn latest business progress, and transform the knowledge into marketing materials. - Deliver feedback from the market or prospective customers to relevant teams internally to improve sales engagement or product roadmap. - Organize marketing events or trade shows for the company. - Coordinate media interest and ensure regular contact with target media and appropriate response to media requests. - Conducts relevant market research and coordinate and oversee this activity. Monitor trends. - Develop ongoing liaison with key opinion leaders or partnering companies to ensure that significant developments in the field are identified and monitored. - Participate on relevant industry committees ensuring that the company has a high level of professional standing. - Assist the sales team in establishing pricing policies.
English Required
10/18 Updated
【業務營運處】Sales VP/Director/Manager 全球業務主管 現觀科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Secure deals from foreign mobile operators, through direct sales or channel sales, for the high-growth company in mobile network geolocation and Mobility Intelligence field.
English Required
10/18 Updated
【專案管理部】Project Manager 現觀科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Manage mobile network analytics and geolocation projects: 1.Manage project schedule, human resource, and cost. Project manager involves in a project from tender to product kickoff, delivery, acceptance stage. 2.Communicate with customers and partners; collect, discuss and negotiate the requirements with customers. 3.Coordinate the requirement and communicate internally across Sales, Product and Engineering Team. 4.Develop and manage partner relationships. 5.Occasional overseas travel or assignment to customer locations for on-site project management may or may not be applicable based on business needs. ================ Desired Skills and Experience: 1.Project manager experience of enterprise grade software product. 2.Excellent communication and documentation skills. 3. Work in a variant environment and handle/assign multi-task with various priority at the given time 4. Fast learner with understanding of software/telecom related technologies. 5.Strategic thinking and proactive/positive mind. Preferred Skills and Experience: 1.Experience in the telecom industry with an understanding of RF, cell planning, radio network optimization, OSS, or related products is a plus. 2. Basic understanding of technical skills such as SQL, Linux, scripts, etc. is a plus.
Senior Level
English Required
10/18 Updated
【研究發展處】Sr. Telecom Software Engineer/資深電信軟體工程師 現觀科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 與專案及研發團隊合作,確保團隊為客戶提供正確、有效的解決方案。 2. 能多面向思考且有效地構建解決方案。 3. 研究可優化產品系統的架構及單元。 4. 針對需求進行解決方案測試與驗證。 5. 良好的溝通能力,團隊合作精神,積極主動,有責任心
Senior Level
English Required
10/18 Updated
【研究發展處】Telecom Software Engineer/電信軟體工程師 現觀科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 與專案及研發團隊合作,確保團隊為客戶提供正確、有效的解決方案。 2. 研究可優化產品系統的架構及單元。 3. 進行解決方案測試與驗證 4. 良好的溝通能力,團隊合作精神,積極主動,有責任心。
English Required
10/18 Updated
【行動智慧事業處】Senior Architect 現觀科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 軟體產品研發:帶領團隊開發雲端與地端之軟體平台 2. 軟體生命周期管理:負責規劃軟體開發環境建置、軟體品質測試流程、迭代、DevOps等相關工作 3. 研發團隊管理:帶領研發團隊,並且協助夥伴持續深化研發的本質學能 4. 跨部門溝通與協作:與產品管理部門、業務單位協作,了解客戶需求,共同制定產品規格,並且透過軟體技術將產品功能實現 5. 定義與規劃自主研發的 AdTech 產品 6. 釐清使用者需求、定義需求 7. 因應市場回饋來調整與優化產品 8. 與其他產品單位協作,並參與商務開拓、業務協作
English Required
10/18 Updated
【行動智慧研發處】SRE/DevOps Engineer-系統可靠度工程師/開發維運工程師 現觀科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Are you an experienced Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) with a passion for cloud-native technologies, particularly within Google Cloud, and on-premise Kubernetes expertise? Join our team and play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our AdTech/MarTech solutions based on telecom data. Responsibilities: • Cloud Expertise: Leverage your proficiency in cloud technologies, particularly within Google Cloud, to manage our services efficiently and reliably. • Monitoring and Rapid Troubleshooting: Establish and maintain robust monitoring and alerting systems for log, metrics, and traffic. Swiftly identify and resolve system issues to minimize downtime. • Infrastructure as Code (IAC): Utilize Terraform to implement Infrastructure as Code (IAC) principles for streamlined and automated infrastructure management. • Database Deployment: Manage databases on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to ensure high availability and data integrity. • GitOps with Argo CD: Experience with Argo CD is a plus. Lead our GitOps practices to ensure smooth and efficient deployments, adhering to best practices. • CI/CD Pipeline: Collaborate with our development team to maintain and enhance our CI/CD pipelines for rapid and reliable software delivery. • Cloud Cost Optimization: Demonstrate proficiency in Google Cloud cost optimization, ensuring that our cloud resources are used efficiently and effectively. • On-Premise Kubernetes Mastery: Leverage your proficiency in on-premise Kubernetes to navigate the complexities of our development environment. You'll be responsible for optimizing our on-premise Kubernetes clusters. • System Architecture Optimization: Collaborate closely with our development team to optimize system architecture and performance. Join us if you are excited about the challenges of managing cloud-based databases, exploring cloud-native technologies, and implementing infrastructure as code. Your expertise will be instrumental in driving our mission to deliver cutting-edge AdTech/MarTech solutions with unmatched reliability and scalability.
10/18 Updated
【行動智慧事業處】Sales Director / Sales Manager (Digital Advertising Solution) 台灣數位廣告業務總監/業務經理 現觀科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/18 Updated