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美國貝克斯數位媒體有限公司Channel Bakers Taiwan Ltd. Channel Bakers is an Advertising and Marketing Agency that specializes in helping Brands develop Full-Funnel Advertising Strategies leveraging Data to grow sales within specific shopping channels. Our team's background has over 100 years combined experience in developing the Retail and Digital Shelf sales channels in the Outdoors, Apparel, CPG, and Consumer Electronics industries. We believe that through effective Advertising, brands, together with the retailer, can target specific consumer audiences within the retailer and educate them on their products. In doing so they can create new customers for themselves as well as their retailer partner. Whether you're looking for help with Amazon's Paid Search Platform or their Retail Merchandising Programs, Retail POP Displays, Internet Retail Merchandising strategies on how to grow your market share within your accounts, or just need help developing your Brand Marketing, Channel Bakers can help.

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◆ Amazon/Walmart/TikTok Advertising Advertising, Creative Best Practices, Video, eCommerce Management... ◆ eCommerce & Retail Solutions Managed Strategy, Merchandising... ◆ Creative Services Amazon Stores, Custom Landing Pages, Detail Page Optimization...


★彈性工時制度 ★試用期滿即享特別休假 ★員工生日當月專屬壽星假期 ★節日禮品/聚會/下午茶、心靈(零食)補給站 ★完善內外部教育訓練 ★員工安心健康檢查福利

Company & Workplace


(Associate) Advertising Specialist廣告專員(Japan & Asia Market) 美國貝克斯數位媒體有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,000+
【職務內容】 -利用數據分析構建和優化營銷活動 -營銷活動構建(包括創意起草和關聯、細分創建、產品評論等) -關鍵字開發,關鍵字組合更新 -活動上線 -開發行動呼籲(CTA) -管理最佳化規則 -執行品牌和產品研究 -參加客戶電話和會議並跟進所有行動項目 -與客戶就所有行動項目進行溝通 -支援客戶經理、策略客戶總監和策略客戶主管完成客戶交付項 -支持並協助我們的媒體合作夥伴進行賬戶管理、數據收集和報告(例如,支持Amazon GPM進行數據收集) -保持您的角色在任何平台或合作夥伴必要或被要求的相關認證的有效性 與Channel Bakers 內部其他部門(包括財務、工程、創意和人文等)以及利害關係人進行溝通與合作 【職務說明】 廣告專員是整個客戶成功部門的根基,沒有您,我們將無法實現客戶、夥伴及同事的成功。 您是客戶團隊中的關鍵人物,與客戶經理和客戶主管一起工作。您的主要重點是研究消費者行為,利用數據和見解來開展廣告活動並優化可見性和效果。您能夠勝任起草和執行包括 Meta、Google、Tiktok 等在內的主要媒體平台以及包括搜索活動、需求方平台 (DSP)、STV、Twitch 等在內的亞馬遜廣告平台。。 無論何種溝通形式,您都能遊刃有餘,清晰地傳達資訊。您準確並及時的提供團隊其他成員完成工作所需的資訊,使他們得以做出正確的決定。 您可以精準預測成果以及未來的趨勢,並擁有廣泛的知識及視野。您具備足夠的知識和技能,以提出高水準的工作成果。 您能夠有效地應對變化,並懂得適時進行調整。 您具備快速學習的能力,並且會嘗試不同辦法來找到解決方案。您總能成功地超出預期,並堅定地推動自己和他人達標。 您致力於達成公司設定的目標,並始終以客戶為中心。 如果您有自信能夠迅速瞭解一個新的產品,並且時常覺得「產品這樣做會更好」或者「如果是我,一定能夠更有效地推廣這個產品」,那麼這份工作對您來說再合適不過! Advertising Specialists are the foundation of the entire Client Success function. Without you, we would not be able to collectively create the wins for our clients, channel partners and our fellow Bakers. You are a key player within the Account Team, working alongside the Account Manager/s and Account Executive. Your primary focuses are to study consumer behavior, utilizing data and insights to be able to build advertising campaigns and optimize for visibility and performance. You competently draft and execute major media platforms including Meta, Google, Tiktok, etc and Amazon advertising platforms including Search Campaigns, Demand Side Platform (DSP), STV, Twitch, etc. You can communicate clearly and succinctly in a variety of communication settings and styles and can get messages across that have the desired effect. You provide the information the rest of your team needs to do their jobs and to feel good about being a Channel Bakers employee. You provide accurate and timely information to others so they can make accurate decisions. You can anticipate future consequences and trends accurately and have a broad knowledge or perspective. You have the functional and technical knowledge and skills to do the job at a high level of accomplishment. You can effectively cope with change and know how to pivot when needed. You learn quickly and will try anything to find solutions. You can be counted on to exceed goals successfully and steadfastly push yourself and others to get over the line. You are dedicated to meeting the expectations and reeds of all stakeholders and always act with the client in mind. If you are confident in your ability to understand products and often think to yourself “The product could be better in this way” or “I could totally do a better job marketing that product” then you’d fit right in here.
Partially Remote
10/18 Updated