
Company Introduction

18 Employees
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台新藥(股票代號:6838)成立於2010年,為一家生物製藥公司,專注於臨床前與臨床階段之眼科、腫瘤科和抗感染用藥等治療領域的藥物開發,透過創新研發和多向風險分攤等開發策略來推動新藥上市,途徑包括505(b)(2)、生物相似藥以及全新藥(新成分)。 2017年8月,台新藥收購位於日本船橋的Activus Pharma,取得擁有廣大應用範圍的Activus Pure Nanoparticle Technology(APNT)平台技術及兩項臨床前期資產。藉由台新藥專有的APNT 奈米製劑平台,可達成提高候選藥物PK(藥物動力學)以及BA(生體可用率)的需要,因而在眼科疾病領域獲得了領導地位。在這些眼科的候選藥物中,APP13007 (適應症為眼科術後導致的發炎與疼痛)已取得美國藥證,並已完成多國授權案,即將邁入供貨全球的新里程碑。

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研發技術: 專有的 APNT 奈米製劑平台 開發抗體藥物複合體 (ADC)之技術 新藥開發: 眼科 (APP13007/APP13002) 腫瘤科 (TSY-0110/MPT0E028) 抗感染用藥 (TSY-0210)


【健康與保險】 1. 勞工保險與全民健保 2. 員工及員工眷屬(配偶、子女)免費團保 3. 員工親屬團保優惠加保 4. 員工免費年度健康檢查 【員工活動】 1. 三節禮金 2. 生日禮金 3. 同仁聚餐補助 4. 慶生會活動 5. 年終晚會 6. 企業社會責任相關活動 【獎金與退休規劃】 1. 年終獎金 2. 員工認股權 3. 服務年資獎金 4. 勞工退休金提撥

Company & Workplace


Assistant/Associate Researcher, Drug Formulation 台新藥股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
奈米化藥物劑型研發,藥物奈米化技術平台開發,及其它交辦的各項工作。 【Description】 Formosa Pharmaceuticals seeks an independent, motivated, and team-oriented researcher to learn and implement our proprietary APNT® formulation technology and join the team in Taoyuan. The successful candidate will be passionate about contributing to our ongoing growth and success. 【Responsibilities】 1. Develop and optimize APNT@ and pharmaceutical nanoformulations. 2. Practical implementation of drug delivery and formulation techniques for the purpose of generating novel and/or enhanced drug candidates. 3. Understand project strategy and work toward achieving company goals 4. Regular submission of progress reports and summaries 5. Prepare technical documentation for communication, including transfer and validation of pharmaceutical manufacturing processes. 6. Maintenance of a detailed lab notebook and clean lab bench/hood area 7. Foster teamwork, contributing to a positive and collaborative environment with employees both within and outside the group 8. Involvement in cross-functional aspects of projects and assist in the completion of any required tasks. 9. Report to Staff Scientist or Director of Nanotechnology 【Technical requirements】 1. Understanding of GMP regulations and extensive experience in pharmaceutical analysis techniques. 2. Experience in the usage of drug delivery and formulation techniques and instrumentation 3. Knowledge of biological consequences related to formulation is a plus.
10/01 Updated