
Company Introduction

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自1862年成立之日起,美國驗船協會(ABS)就一直以海事安全為核心使命。我們員工的創新思維、激情和專業精神,助力我們成為卓越和高效的船舶和海洋工程入級認證服務提供商。 ABS的使命是通過促進和保護生命財產安全和維護自然環境,保障公眾利益和滿足客戶需求。 ABS的職責是檢驗和認證船舶和海洋工程建築物在設計、建造和營運過程中是否符合相關標準和規範。我們的業務網遍及全球,在70多個國家設有200多個辦公點。公司以安全專業高效著稱,目前全球員工人數在7000人左右。歡迎具有創新思維、工作激情和專業精神的同仁加入。

Industry Sector


Project Engineer 專案工程師 台灣美利堅驗船有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 65,000~85,000
1. Remains knowledgeable of new scientific methods, building codes, and technical standards and developments affecting the technical scope of assigned responsibilities and makes recommendations for changes in engineering processes and programs as warranted by such developments. 隨時掌握新的科學方法、船舶建造法規和技術準則,了解最新發展對自己的工作範圍的 影響,並根據這些發展變化提出對應的工程流程和計畫的改善建議。 2. Devises new approaches to problems encountered and makes recommendations for changes in methods, procedures or design where necessary. 對遇到的問題提出新的解決方案,必要時提出調整方針、流程或設計的建議。 3. Applies intensive and diversified knowledge of engineering principles and practices in broad areas of technical responsibility. 運用廣泛的工程原則和實務知識,處理各種技術責任範疇的工作。 4. Participates in the development and/or changes of Rules related to specific marine structures or building types. 參與相關特定船舶結構或建造類型的規範制定和變更。 5. Performs engineering reviews and analyses when necessary. 在需要的時候,進行工程審查和分析。 6. Prepares written response to clients for review by the Principal or Senior Engineer and/or the Project Manager. 需準備書面報告回覆給客戶,該報告需先經總工程師或資深工程師和/或專案經理審核。 7. Maintains liaison with other engineering specialists, internally and externally. 與內部和外部的其他工程專家保持密切聯繫。 8. Monitors the performance, development potential and training needs of engineers assigned. Keeps Principal and/or Senior Engineer informed of workload and schedule. Identifies appropriate training programs for professional development. 管理指定工程師的表現、發展潛力和培訓需求,並隨時向總工程師或資深工程師報告工 作量和進度,並找出合適的專業發展培訓計畫。 9. Assists Principal and/or Senior Engineer in the development of qualification statements, proposals, bids and other presentation materials. 協助總工程師或資深工程師準備資格證明、提案、投標書和其他簡報資料。 10.Promotes ABS Quality System within an assigned group of engineers. 在指派的工程師團隊中推廣ABS品質系統。 Knowledge, Skill and Abilities Required (KSAR) 知識、技能與能力: 1. Must have a Marine Engineering or Mechanical Engineering Degree. 需為船舶工程或機械工程相關學位。 2. Have advanced practical industry related experience. 具備豐富的產業實務經驗。 3. Knowledge of related technical disciplines. 熟悉相關技術領域。 4. Knowledge of applicable Rules and Regulations and impact of Rule applications and interpretations. 熟悉適用的法規及其應用和解釋後續的影響。 5. The human relations skills necessary to maintain positive client contacts and provide leadership and motivation to subordinate staff and peers. 能與客戶維持良好互動並能帶領和激勵團隊合作的能力。 6. Ability to effectively communicate orally and in writing. 擁有優秀的溝通及寫作能力。 7. Ability to identify, analyze and solve complex or unique engineering problems. 能夠分析並處理複雜且技術性高的工程問題。 8. Ability to undertake short- and long-term planning to provide for efficient and effective scheduling of work assignments. 有能力進行短期和長期規劃,並能有效安排工作進度。
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