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勤業眾信(Deloitte & Touche)係指Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited(“DTTL”)之會員。Deloitte為各行各業的上市及非上市提供審計、稅務、風險諮詢、財務顧問、管理顧問及其他相關服務。Fortune Global 500大中,超過80%的企業皆由Deloitte遍及全球逾150個國家的會員所,以世界級優質專業服務,為客戶提供因應複雜商業挑戰中所需的卓越見解。如欲進一步了解Deloitte約245,000名專業人士如何致力於”因我不同,惟有更好”的卓越典範,歡迎瀏覽我們的Facebook、LinkedIn、Twitter專頁。 勤業眾信共有逾3,800名專業人員,服務據點涵蓋台北、新竹、台中、台南及高雄,共同秉持「誠正篤實」、「提供客戶卓越的價值」、「信守彼此間的承諾」、「來自多元文化的優勢」的主要核心信念,以恪守誠信與專業實務經驗為利基,透過Deloitte資源整合,提供客戶全方位整合的專業服務,包括赴海外上市或籌集資金、海外企業回台掛牌、IFRS導入服務、中國大陸投資等。勤業眾信持續致力於輔導海外企業來台掛牌之業務推廣,除配合主管機關來台上市櫃之業務拓展外,並同時成立海外企業來台上市櫃小組,針對不同國家與不同產業之客戶需求,指派專業服務會計師,以提供當地企業應對最多元業務所需之最完整且最即時的資源及服務。 集團成員包括勤業眾信聯合會計師事務所、勤業眾信管理顧問股份有限公司、勤業眾信財稅顧問股份有限公司、勤業眾信風險管理諮詢股份有限公司、德勤財務顧問股份有限公司、德勤不動產顧問股份有限公司、及德勤商務法律事務所。 勤業眾信以卓越的客戶服務、優秀的人才、完善的訓練及嚴謹的查核於業界有著良好聲譽。一直以來,提供高附加價值之服務自許透過自身企業永續發展與企業社會責任的實踐,獲得企業長期對勤業眾信之支持,及來自政府、金融專業機構、國內外媒體的肯定;勤業眾信連續兩年榮獲經濟部頒發『創造就業貢獻獎』。勤業眾信首度參與由台北市勞工局舉辦「台北市第二屆-幸福企業獎」徵選,在共有六十多家企業互相角逐競爭下,勤業眾信在獲頒幸福企業最高等級三顆星的肯定!勤業眾信榮獲Cheers雜誌調查評選為台灣管理學院學生最嚮往的企業第1名。Deloitte之專業服務亦被Emerson會計專業雜誌評鑑為業界之領導者,且數度榮獲Fortune雜誌全美前100名最佳雇主,美國Business Week三年內兩次評選Deloitte為新鮮人展開職涯最熱門企業第1名。 【全球榮譽肯定】 •連續兩年榮獲經濟部頒發『創造就業貢獻獎』 •Universum:頒布亞太區商學院學生票選「最具吸引力雇主」第二名 •Emerson會計專業雜誌:評鑑Deloitte之專業服務為業界領導者 •Fortune雜誌:榮獲全美前100名最佳雇主(今年第十五度榮獲此殊榮) •Fortune雜誌500大企業中,八成以上皆為Deloitte各部門服務之客戶 •Business Week三年內兩度評選為新鮮人展開職涯最熱門企業第1名 •International Securitization Report:最佳會計師事務所 •Accounting Age:最佳會計師事務所 •Gartner:Deloitte為全球最佳企業營運顧問 •證交所頒發:外國企業輔導並通過審查案件數評定第一 •櫃買中心頒發: 查核簽證申請上(興)櫃公司家數第一 •International Tax Review (ITR)稅務雜誌:台灣最佳移轉訂價服務                    台灣最佳稅務服務事務所 •Forrester Wave 獨立研究報告 :全球企業風險管理服務之領導品牌 在勤業眾信,我能有什麼樣的機會與成就? At Deloitte Taiwan, how can I grow?  ●在勤業眾信,卓越是被期待的   Where exceptional is expected  ●在勤業眾信,獨特的優勢得到重視與發展    Where unique strengths are celebrated and developed  ●在勤業眾信,領導人得以在各方面發揮   Where leaders thrive at every level  ●在勤業眾信,我的工作與生活是有價值的   Where my work and life is valued Make an impact: 勤業眾信透過創新與熱忱發揮影響力,解決客戶複雜的問題。 Connect strengths: 勤業眾信打造一個支持與互助的工作環境。 Inspire leader: 勤業眾信投資領導者,協助員工在自己的崗位成長,且最大化領導者的貢獻與影響力。 Accelerate ambitions: 勤業眾信看見員工在組織內及組織外創造價值的能力。 勤業眾信官方粉絲團:

Main Products

【Strategy, Analytics and M&A】 Achieving your business outcomes and continued growth demands a strategic roadmap and smarter insights. The solutions you implement today will help pave the way for success tomorrow. For more information, visit the SAM&A About Guide • Strategy & Business Design • Analytics & Cognitive • Supply Chain • Mergers & Acquisitions - 【Core Business Operations】 Technology does not stand still. It takes innovative approaches to transform, modernize, and run existing technology platforms. The key is knowing when to take advantage of the new technologies to drive product and service enhancements, improve financial performance, and accelerate speed to market. For more information, visit the Core Business Operations About Guide • Operations Transformation • Systems Engineering • Cloud Engineering • Industry Solutions – 【Customer and Marketing】 Brands that grow know that each customer interaction is an opportunity to connect. We call this elevating the human experience. It’s where best for brand meets best for customer. For more information, visit the Customer and Marketing About Guide • Digital Customer • Customer Strategy & Design • Marketing & Commerce • Digital Foundry & Operations 【Human Capital】 When reimagined, work can be more than a process. It can be an outcome that drives productivity, value and impact by unlocking human potential and creating an organization that is resilient to risk, fit for the future and grounded in meaning for workers whose identity will drive sustained results. For more information, visit the Human Capital About Guide • HR Transformation • Organization Transformation • Workforce Transformation • Actuarial 【Enterprise Technology & Performance】 Achieving maximum impact and value from investments in finance, supply chain, and IT operations requires a holistic view of key business functions from strategy through process design and technology enablement. For more information, visit Enterprise Technology & Performance Sales Guide • Technology Strategy & Transformation • SAP • Oracle • Emerging ERP Solutions • Finance & Performance • Supply Chain & Network Operations


【招募與聘用政策】 我們相信多元化的團隊組成和共融性的創新思維是最大的競爭優勢之一;因此,我們致力於展現Deloitte多元與共融的價值觀,有了多元的視角,結合共融的心胸,創造無限的可能。 我們重視每位員工的獨特性,承諾致力於提供多元、平等、共融的工作環境。我們確保在招聘過程中,每位應聘者都將根據其能力和資歷獲得平等的考慮,無論其種族、社會階層、語言、思想、宗教信仰、黨派、籍貫、出生地、性別、性傾向、年齡、婚姻狀態、容貌、五官、身心障礙、或以往工會會員身分。 【福利制度】 ★本事務所聘任之正職人員得享有以下福利 ★工讀生/約聘人員之福利則依本事務所其他相關規定辦理 ◎彈性的上下班時間  ● AM 8:30~9:00 / PM 5:30~6:00,以利同仁兼顧家庭照顧                              ◎優於勞基法的休假制度                          ● 預給年假休假制:員工到職即享有休假,不受限於年資屆滿方可休假之限制。  ● 溫書假:最多可有2個月溫書假    ◎完善的保險規劃  ● 政府法令規定之保險:勞保、健保及勞工退休金提撥。  ● 完整的團體保險:事務所全額負擔,提供同仁全方位的團體保險,包含:   1.壽險/意外險/意外醫療險/住院醫療險/癌症醫療險   2.眷屬優惠費率自費方案:可選擇加保配偶及子女(子女不論人數,均以1人計費)   3.出國出差期間再享高額的旅行平安險:含意外險及意外醫療險,提高同仁差旅時之人身照護保障   4.國際SOS緊急醫療服務:提供24小時全球各城市旅行安全電話諮詢,及國際SOS緊急醫療服務   5.個人保險諮詢:保險專業人員每月定期至事務所提供個人保險諮詢服務   ◎專業工作的支持與補助  ●專業證照獎勵金及協會會員費之補助  ●行動通訊費補助及VPN超優惠費率  ●夜歸計程車車資補助  ●個人配置筆記型電腦/網路電話  ●同仁專屬coffee bar  ●保健活動   1.健康檢查:安排免費健檢,除事務所簽約之特約醫院/健診中心外,亦可依同仁意願自行選擇受檢醫療院所   2.流感疫苗接種活動   3.企業按摩師服務  ●員工協助方案:協助員工及時處理個人/生活/和工作相關的議題,包含   1.免費諮詢專線   2.專業第三方諮商師針對工作/生活/法律/理財/醫療提供一對一免費、保密的諮詢服務   3.名人講座   4.主動關懷活動,讓每位同仁都能擁有健康的身心,並可兼顧工作與生活 ●醫護諮詢室:落實同仁的健康福利與教育訓練,營造更健康安全的職場環境  ●貼心舒適的哺集乳室  ●各組高額活動補助:補助員工餐敘、旅遊活動等  ●婚喪禮金  ●生育禮金 ◎工作與生活平衡-最多元的活動  ●年度高額補助各類社團活動   1.羽球社/籃球社/排球社/慢跑社/瑜珈社/順氣社/郊山社/百岳社/單車社/攝影社/BEST Club(英文俱樂部)等   2.鼓勵同仁發展休閒興趣,發起成立新社團  ●藝文活動   1.舉辦多項藝文欣賞活動&購票補助   2.電影票發放  ●運動嘉年華會,運動推廣及團隊向心力的展現  ●Family Day活動,邀請勤業眾信的親朋好友一同參加。  ●其他活動   1.尾牙聚餐摸彩   2.忙季慶功活動、舞會   3.校外聯誼球類比賽   4.新春開工日活動   5.客戶產品團購優惠訊息                        ◎教育訓練與人才發展計畫  ●專業訓練-新進同仁第一年接受超過100小時的財會、產業、法令、審計方法及管理相關之專業訓練  ●管理訓練-依各職級進行能力重點發展計畫  ●語言訓練-語言課程補助及多元化的英語課程  ●線上學習-IFRS線上學堂/Deloitte全球 E-Learning/LinkedIn Learning/Udemy Business/哈佛商學院課程等 ◎Deloitte全球發展計畫(Global Mobility)  ●透過Mobility在職訓練計畫加強服務全球化客戶的能力。為拓展同仁的國際視野,我們提供跨國界的人才流動機會,讓優秀同仁可以有機會轉調至全球各地Deloitte會員事務所,展開為期1-3年的工作計劃。  ●因應兩岸發展與合作之趨勢,為促進人才發展,積極培養大中華地區市場開發與回台上市專業服務之優秀人才。

Company & Workplace


Analyst/ Consultant - Actuarial Audit - Deloitte Actuarial & Insurance Solutions - Consulting DELOITTE CONSULTING_勤業眾信管理顧問股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
About Deloitte Global Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (“DTTL”), its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) does not provide services to clients. Please see to learn more about our global network of member firms. Deloitte provides audit & assurance, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory, tax and related services to public and private clients spanning multiple industries. Deloitte serves nearly 80 percent of the Fortune Global 500® companies through a globally connected network of member firms in more than 150 countries and territories bringing world-class capabilities, insights, and high-quality service to address clients’ most complex business challenges. To learn more about how Deloitte’s approximately 263,900 professionals make an impact that matters, please connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter. Work you'll do: • 精算審計相關業務(IFRS4財報精算審計) • IFRS 17接軌Pre_audit相關業務 • 精算模型專案 • 資產負債管理諮詢 • 其他與精算相關諮詢服務(例如:現金流量導入)
10/18 Updated
Analyst/ Consultant – Deloitte Actuarial and Insurance Solutions – Human Capital– Consulting – Taipei DELOITTE CONSULTING_勤業眾信管理顧問股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Join Deloitte Consulting Year after year, the most influential market analysts endorsed Deloitte Consulting as owning the intersection of business and technology. Deloitte Consulting is the world's largest management consulting practice. In global, we have over 121,800 professionals spreading in over 100 countries/locations with $19.8 billion revenue. Deloitte Consulting is ranked No.1 in global consulting marketplace by revenue by Kennedy, a leading publisher of consulting marketplace analysis products. Deloitte ranked No.1 in Consulting by Gartner. Human Capital Deloitte’s Human Capital professionals help organizations drive productivity, value and impact through the organization, Human Resources and the workforce. Our professionals leverage research, analytics, technology solutions and industry insights to help: • Create an organization that is adaptable to change that can respond to the increasing need for transparency in the era of the Social Enterprise • Compose a workforce that drives productivity and value—today and in the future • Design all aspects of work in a way that allows the worker to find meaning and esteem in the work they perform • Provide business & people insights through data analytic & actuarial consulting Actuarial & Insurance: The actuarial function is a core component of any insurance operation. Retirement benefit is also typically part of an essential package of employee benefits. In these areas, actuarial capability is required. Actuaries also expand their quantitative skills into the advanced data analytics to provide insights into underwriting, claims management, risk management and human resources management. Work you will do • Working with other staff and managers to efficiently deliver high quality projects. There are opportunities to be staffed on a large variety of projects including but not limited to: • Product and market entry strategy • Asset-Liability model development and review • Customer and distribution model revamp • International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 17 implementation • Advisory of risk-based capital regime • Actuarial model development and review • Data analytics • Merger and acquisition • Risk management consulting • Regulatory consulting • Reserve and Embedded Value calculation and review • Actuarial audit on the financial statements of insurance companies or pension schemes of employers • Working with our professionals in different geographical locations across the Asia Pacific region including China, Korea, Japan, Australia and other South East Asian countries • Providing assistance on internal research, marketing and product development • Collaborating with professionals in the Deloitte network
English Required
10/18 Updated