
Company Introduction

Contact Person
Vicky Chou
【詐騙提醒】 近日屢屢接獲反應,有不肖人士使用Line帳號冒用Talentvis達人威名稱及相關logo,以人力仲介媒合之名要求受害者付款、投資或工作未給薪。本公司在此聲明並無Line官方帳號,亦不會向個人要求收取費用,此為不肖業者之冒用,請求職者注意。若您對於接獲之訊息有疑慮,請與Talentvis官網email, 電話確認,以免成為求職詐騙之受害者。詳細請參: https://www.talentvis.com/en-sg/recruitment-scam-tw Talentvis is a leading human resource consultancy with a growing presence across Asia-Pacific. With our expertise in harnessing potential and developing talent through our solutions and strategies, Talentvis partners organisations and professionals to continue achieving success in an ever-changing world. Talentvis是一家領先的人力資源顧問公司,在亞太地區的業務不斷成長。我們以專業的潛力開發和人才培養為基礎,透過我們的解決方案與策略,與各組織和專業人士合作,在瞬息萬變的世界中繼續取得成功。

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專業正式人才招募 Permanent position recruitment 職涯諮詢規劃 Career consulting 人力資源諮詢規劃 Human resource consulting


*優於勞基法的特休,另有生日假及入職周年假 *地點佳、環境舒適寬闊的辦公空間 *優渥的薪資與業績獎金(每月發放) *每月生日會、節日聚餐活動、禮品 *團體保險 *跨國團隊合作與發展機會

Company & Workplace


FP&A Manager _ FMCG & F&B Industry / (ERP系統導入) (財務規劃與分析 達人威人力資源管理顧問有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. Assist in the preparation of financial monthly management reports and support on monthly closing tasks and reporting. 2. Monthly review and analysis of financial performance - Provide reliable data and analysis to be used in decision-making and support business growth 3. Provide P&L simulation of proposed activities and financial feasibility assumptions 4. Evaluate the performance of crucial projects and marketing activities; conduct the simulation of the business incentive program. 5. Prepare annual budget and business plan 6. Prepare monthly Rolling Forecast 7. Manage Capex project for PP&E investment review and acquisition plan. 8. On-going support of management information request and special project assigned. 9. Other Ad hoc tasks assigned
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Account Manager 達人威人力資源管理顧問有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 1,600,000+
工作內容 - 負責並主導季度業務回顧(QBR)、需求信息請求(RFI/RFQ)、報價、需求預算、客戶行動計劃及相關活動 - 與銷售、項目管理、研發、工廠及其他功能團隊協作,以實現客戶目標 - 管理客戶需求、維持長期的客戶關係 其他條件 - 具備成熟的客戶管理經驗 - 熟悉ODM/JDM工作模式 - 優秀的問題解決能力 - 流利的英語溝通和寫作能力 - 具備10年IT相關行業工作經驗 - 具有tier1客戶管理和專案管理經驗者優先 如果還需要其他幫助,請隨時告訴我! #歡迎科技業具備客戶和PM經驗的人才
English Required
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FMCG Home Appliance - Service/Technical Manager 達人威人力資源管理顧問有限公司
Salary negotiable
Main Responsibilities: To oversee and ensure the achievement of a profitable, efficient and effective of Brand retail network and its development covering all existing corporate stores based on Brand strategies and objectives. 【工作內容】 1.營運策略制定與執行: 負責制定和實施公司整體營運策略,確保各部門協同運作,達成公司目標和業績指標。 2.客戶成功與服務品質: 監督客戶成功組,確保提供卓越的客戶服務,並不斷優化客戶體驗,建立長期客戶關係。 3.營運流程優化: 定期盤點營運流程,進行持續優化,瞭解市場需求,制定相應營運策略,特別強調對無接觸支付串接流程的深入理解。 4.數據分析/財務報表解讀與解決方案提出: 具備閱讀財務報表與數字分析的能力,從中找出問題與落差,提出有效的解決方案,確保公司營運順利運行。 5.團隊領導與協調: 領導和協調營運部門的團隊,促進良好的合作氛圍,確保團隊達成業務目標。 6.危機應變與同時處理多任務: 能夠從營運、客服互相串聯中找出優化方案,面對同時發生的多個事件,迅速做出明智的決策。 大小家電售後服務維修 (電機或電子科系畢優) 1. 回覆客戶應用技術的問題,提供產品技術諮詢。 2. 提供客戶維修檢修服務,無需出外勤,在公司和線上提供服務。 3. 協助接聽技術相關客服電話,回應並處理產品相關問題。 4. 分析產品功能異常狀況,建立資料庫。 5. 負責維修報表之建檔與管理。 6. 維修零件庫存管理 *Sales Management - Oversee and ensure the sales target achievement. - Plan and achieve the overall profitability and expenses control of the corporate stores operations as per sales and inventory strategies. - Formulate and maintain the annual budget and the revised forecasts for the whole retail operations in line with the Brand mission. *Personnel Management & People Development - Assist ROE to update training materials giving training to retail staff and wholesale key account customers. - Monitor and motivate ROE, Shop Manager, Counter Chief, and Sales to achieve sales target and company goal, both quantity and quality targets. - Communication with Sales, Counter Chief and Shop Manager in compliance with Brand HQ guideline and strategy implementation. *Retail Strategic & Network Development - Assist chairman to plan and execute retail distribution for the brand in terms of no. of POS, location, and corporate store. - Assist to evaluate possible location for POS relocation or new opening. - To plan and conduct retail trade promotion for stores with marketing team. - Assist chairman to prepare LNR/CER proposal for new project. *Customer Service and Client Development - Manage brand customer care to oversee customer service standards and monitor CS procedures from operational level. - Maintain corporate store lease contract & condition. - Build up good relationship with landlords and management of department stores. - - Be a communication window with department store manager for event or promotion execution. *Inventory Management & Operational Management - Monitor inventory and sales status for product allocation. - Prepare, review & ensure implementation of the standard operations procedure & guideline. - Ensure the expenses are controlled in line with budget
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Sales Representative經銷業務代表/10家店以上/知名運動品牌/歡迎各大Retail零售經驗 達人威人力資源管理顧問有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 與品牌方合作的經銷通路key store管理sales-out KPI 以及業績達成。 2. 管理及帶領經銷商通路Sales。 3. 對於各大經銷商sales教育訓練、制定KPI以及策略性管理 4. 目前管理經銷Key Store各區約10-15間。 #歡迎各大Retail經驗候選人 #只要有實體門店/專櫃即可
Mid to Senior Level
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