
Company Introduction

200 Employees
Contact Person
網際威信集團為國際知名之資安軟體廠商,成立二十多年來皆獲利良好,永續經營並持續創新於網路交易付款安全機制之軟體解決方案及雲端服務,產品獲得VISA Mastercard 銀聯等國際卡組織認證,為所有二岸三地的大銀行所採用之外,也成功銷售到美國,英國,澳洲,東南亞及中東的各大金融機構。已成功研發人工智慧之身份識別產品並取得專利,也榮獲數位發展部2023 AI 數位創新領航計劃補助及肯定(https://moda.gov.tw/ADI/news/latest-news/8313),並且在台北金融展「2023數位沙盒主題式技術實證創新競賽」同時囊括金融共創優選獎與企業獎的雙冠王(https://www.fintechspace.com.tw/zh-hant/fintech_news/「2023數位沙盒主題式技術實證創新競賽」獲獎名單/)。增強網路交易安全並兼顧使用者體驗,亦可應用於企業資安,已被國際知名數位銀行所採用。 安全支付,AI ,資安及身份識別,是最有前景的產業。加入我們,一起開拓全球市場,共同成長。 HiTRUST is a leading secured payment and AI Fintech solutions & services provider. Customers includes not only all main banks and financial institutions in Greater China, but also several in US, British, Australia, Vietnam, Singapore, Philippine, Thailand, Indonesia and MENA to secure their credit card transaction complying with the mandate by VISA, Mastercard and other card schemes. Our AI identity solution with patent is a cutting edge technology adopted by international banks and big online merchants to prevent frauds seamlessly. We are the biggest winner of 2023 Taipei Fintech innovation contest and the one of few outstanding AI pioneers assigned by the Ministry of Digital Affairs. Always profitable since foundation and we are expanding our service to more overseas markets.

Industry Sector

Main Products

We offer a comprehensive range of products and services designed to facilitate secure e-commerce transactions. Our offerings include 3-D Secure, Online Payment, AI Fraud Detection, and Loyalty Services. As a pioneer in Asia's 3DS solutions, HiTRUST has established itself as a leading supplier of advanced 3DS systems to merchants, banks, and payment service providers in the world. Additionally, we collaborate closely with banks, card schemes, and payment institutions to ensure our solutions comply with critical global protocols and meet local deployment requirements and regulations. After two decades of service, our offerings have gained widespread adoption among a lot of banks and payment service providers and online merchants guaranteeing the security of their online transactions.


◎薪資獎勵 ■ 每月5號發薪。 ■ 激勵獎勵:每季或每年頒發激勵獎金與提供獎勵項目,鼓勵同仁不斷挑戰自我。 ■ 年終獎金:依據績效考核核發獎金,回饋同仁一整年的辛勞,共同分享經營成果。 ■ 人才推薦獎金:鼓勵內部同仁推薦人才,為網際威信找到更多優秀的好夥伴。 ◎安全保障 ■ 定期健康檢查:重視每位員工的健康,每一年進行定期健康檢查。 ■ 各式津貼、禮金或禮品:不論是重要節慶、生日、結婚、生育、生病慰問、喪葬慰問,都有津貼補助、禮金或禮品。 ■ 法定保險:勞健保、提撥退休金、員工團保、職災保險。 ◎成長與職涯: ■ 專業技能訓練:同仁根據自己的專業領域找到適當的課程,來提升專業技能,創造寬廣無限的職涯。 ■ 教育訓練補助:內部與外部之專業與技術課程,協助同仁學習新知、取得認證,證照考取。 ■ 技術交流分享會:透過內部技術交流分享會,讓你跟夥伴互相切磋,加速學習。 ◎工作與環境: ■ 七天全薪病假優於勞基法。 ■ 舒適辦公環境:明亮開放的舒適空間,用餐休息區當然不可少。 ■ 免費咖啡:高級咖啡機,一鍵讓你輕鬆提神。 ■ 交通便捷:近港墘捷運站,交通便捷。 ■ 電腦補助:公司提供筆電或自購筆電補助。 ◎休閒娛樂: ■ 員工旅遊:國內外員工旅遊補助,攜伴參加讓您開心出遊充電。 ■ 部門聚餐:部門與公司聚餐、專案慶功聚餐、年終尾牙大餐與抽獎。 ■ 家庭日:每年定期舉辦集團親子活動日。 ■ 節慶與特殊活動:舉辦員工凝聚力活動、萬聖節派對、聖誕節派對、交換禮物活動...等,增加工作樂趣。

Company & Workplace


Marketing communication 網威智慧科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
HiTRUST.COM is a leading secured payment and AI Fintech solutions and services provider with customers in Greater China (all main banks are clients) ,Vietnam, Singapore, Philippine, Thailand and AUS. EMV 3DS solution is a global standard and Banks and financial institutions around the world doing credit card transaction have to use this solution requested by VISA, Mastercard and other main card schemes. We are expanding our service to more overseas markets. Please visit our website www.hitrust.com. 1. Familiar with banking or payment software industry terminology. 2. Responsible for editing the introduction of company/products/ services and marketing materials in native English. 3. Responsible for the company website planning, editing, maintenance and marketing. 4. EDM planning and performance evaluation. 5. Social media marketing. 6. Assist sales to organize and prepare the document for conferences and meetings.
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/11 Updated
AI-系統分析設計師/主管 網威智慧科技股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 60,000+
工作內容: 1. 具有金融產業系統分析設計開發之工作經驗。 2.進行需求訪談、了解專案需求 3.規劃並撰寫系統需求規格、程式設計規格文件、資料庫規格開立、API規格開立等 4.解決專案流程或系統問題 5.系統整合測試,進行使用者驗證測試 6.跨部門協調、與外部廠商進行問題及需求溝通。
Senior Level
English Required
10/11 Updated