
Company Introduction

46000 Employees
Contact Person
Stella International is a leading developer and manufacturer of premium quality footwear and leather goods. A trusted partner to many of the world’s most sought-after and prestigious brands, it offers a unique proposition of unparalleled craftsmanship, production flexibility, and strong speed-to-market and commercialisation capabilities, supported by a broad, diverse and proven manufacturing base across China and Southeast Asia. Stella International has been listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange since 2007 as 1836.HK. 九興(Stella International)是優質鞋履及皮革產品的領先開發商及製造商,於2007年在香港聯合交易所有限公司上市。我們為品牌客戶提供結合產品開發、商品化及製造的一站式服務。 九興(Stella International)旗下不斷擴展的產 品系列包括優質高端時尚、高檔、休閒以及越趨繁多的運動時尚鞋履。客戶包括全球領先運動品牌及休閒鞋履 公司,分別為Merrell、Nike、Timberland、Under Armour及UGG,以及領先的時尚鞋履品 牌,如Cole Haan、Kate Spade、Michael Kors及Tory Burch等。 我們亦為多個高端時尚品牌開發及製造鞋履,如Alexander Wang、Balenciaga、Balmain、chloé、Maison Marigela、Off-white、Prada及Stella McCartney。 基於善用生產專業知識,以及九興的產品廣受接納及獲得同業公認,我們於2006年以自有品牌Stella Luna 推出品牌業務。該品牌已成功進入中國及歐洲鞋履零售市場。 相關媒體報導:

Industry Sector

Main Products

FOOTWARE BUSINESS MODEL & STRATEGIES Stella is widely known within the footwear industry for its unparalleled product design and commercialisation capabilities, ‘artisan level’ craftsmanship, uncompromising commitment to quality, speed-to-market, and small-batch production flexibility, supported by a broad, diverse, and proven manufacturing base located in Vietnam, China, Indonesia, Philippines and Bangladesh. We pursue a margin-accretive business model within our footwear manufacturing business that is highly responsive to growth opportunities in the market, particularly the booming ‘athleisure’ trend being led by major Sports brands – the largest of which count among our clients – and into which more and more Luxury and Fashion brands are seeking to enter. To best capitalise on these growth opportunities, we are progressively expanding our production base in Southeast Asia while concentrating on winning designs for differentiated and complex products with a higher average selling price, particularly from customers in the Luxury, Fashion and Sports categories. At the same time, we are constantly improving our operational and management efficiency, while strengthening our cost efficiency and use of working capital to drive future improvements in our profitability. Stella’s footwear products are categorised into: LUXURY, SPORT, FASION, CASUAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Our industry-leading R&D capabilities make us the partner of choice for brands looking to introduce or enter new product segments, including the ‘athleisure’ market. We are also an industry leader in applying automation and innovation, powered by a wholly centralised operational structure that brings together the complementary skills, know-how and experience garnered from a long history of working with different brands in the Sports, Fashion, Luxury and Casual categories. From design and prototype to commercialisation and delivery, we are uniquely placed to add maximum value and innovate for our customers in a fast-changing market environment. BRAND PARTNERS We work with world-leading sportswear and casual footwear brands including Nike, Saucony, Under Armour, Merrell, Timberland and UGG. We also design, develop and manufacture footwear for leading fashion brands including Cole Haan, Kate Spade, Michael Kors and Tory Burch, as well as high-fashion icons such as Balenciaga, Balmain, Chloé, Lanvin, Moncler, Off-White, Prada and Stella McCartney. HANDBAGS AND ACCESSORIES BUSINESS MODEL & STRATEGIES Stella acts as a total solutions provider for premium customers through its leather goods manufacturing business, creating bespoke and high-quality handbags and other fashion accessories at facilities located in Vietnam and the Philippines, supported by our R&D centre in China. We are currently investing heavily in our design and development capabilities while proactively carrying out lateral expansion strategies to tap synergies from within our footwear manufacturing business, as well as future sources of growth. COMPETITIVE EDGES Our leather goods manufacturing business stems from a heritage of serving some of Europe’s most prestigious brands, particularly in the premium handbag category. The unique skills garnered from this heritage have been incorporated into our overall operations, enabling us to serve luxury and high-fashion customers in creating high-quality leather goods, from accessories to handbags. BRAND PARTNERS We design, develop and manufacture handbags and accessories for luxury and high-fashion brands including Balenciaga, Alexander Wang, Coach and Rimowa.


【法定項目】 員工體檢 【其他福利】 年終獎金、三節獎金/禮品、員工宿舍、員工餐廳、健身器材、不扣薪病假、不扣薪事假、結婚禮金、交通津貼補助、健身房、停車位、優於勞基法特休、伙食津貼 【薪酬獎勵】 1. 年薪約13-15個月 2. 績效獎金 3. 紅利獎金 【補助福利】 1. 三節禮品/開工紅包 2. 生日禮品 3. 婚喪喜慶禮金/慰問金 4. 內部推薦獎金 5. 教育訓練課程 【保險福利】 1. 法定保險 2. 團保: 僱主責任險和團體意外險和全球意外險 【制度福利】 1. 每月限額內不扣薪事、病假 2. 人才多元培訓計畫 3. 海外晉升機會 【員工生活/活動類】 1. 籃球場、操場、健身房 2. 員工健康檢查 3. 福委會福利: 節慶活動、禮品、旅遊補助 《派駐海外員工福利》-依各廠區略有不同   1. 返台假48天 (派駐孟加拉:53天) 2. 餐費補助 (每月約USD 85) 3. 交通補助 (每月USD 180-550 依照實際派駐地點補助) 4. 免費員工宿舍 (提供個人& 家庭房,包水電,每日管家房間打掃,洗燙衣、垃圾清理)  5. 免費購物與旅遊專車 (每周更換不同路線) 6.本集團海外據點均依當地法令提供不同的保險照顧 ※備註:以上所載之薪資福利事項,悉依聘雇合約書及工作規則辦理。爾後如有調整,依調整後規定辦理。

Company & Workplace


專案規劃人員Project Management specialist 香港商九興服務有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
主要職責Key Responsibilities 1.業務協調:協助高階主管與各部門、各廠間進行溝通和協調,確保信息流暢傳遞。負責協調跨部門項目的推進,確保項目按照預定計劃進行。 Business Coordination: Assist senior management in communication and coordination with various departments and factories to ensure smooth information flow. Responsible for coordinating cross-departmental projects to ensure they progress according to the scheduled plan. 2.數位化專案規劃與參與: 因應市場趨勢或客戶需求,參與公司業務數位化相關項目,包括但不限於數位工具的引入、數據管理系統的優化、新數位業務模式探索等,協助制定數位化策略並推動相關實施,與各部門密切合作,確保數位化項目的成功落地,收集並分析數位化過程中的數據和反饋,提出改進建議 Digitalization Project Planning and Participation: In response to market trends or customer demands, participate in the company's business digitalization projects, including but not limited to the introduction of digital tools, optimization of data management systems, and exploration of new digital business models. Assist in formulating digitalization strategies and promoting their implementation, working closely with various departments to ensure the successful execution of digitalization projects. Collect and analyze data and feedback during the digitalization process and provide improvement suggestions. 3.市場調研與競業分析:收集並整理市場、產品及競爭對手的相關信息,提供給高階主管參考。協助準備相關報告,為決策提供支持。 Market Research and Competitor Analysis: Collect and organize relevant information on the market, products, and competitors to provide references for senior management. Assist in preparing related reports to support decision-making. 4.日常管理支持:協助高階主管管理日常事務,包括日程安排、會議籌備及安排。負責記錄會議紀要,跟進會議決議的實施情況。 Daily Management Support: Assist senior management in managing daily affairs, including scheduling, meeting preparation, and arrangement. Responsible for recording meeting minutes and following up on the implementation of meeting resolutions. 5.高階主管交辦的事項。 Tasks Assigned by Senior Management.
Senior Level
English Required
9/12 Updated
供應鏈管理中心Supply Chain Management Talent (海外) 香港商九興服務有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
1. 負責新供應商開通、評估管理。 2. 新材料工藝開發及詢價比價議價管理。 3. 供應商系統評估分析。
Senior Level
English Required
9/12 Updated
精實生產績效管理主管 Lean Manufacturing Manager (印尼) 香港商九興服務有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
【About Stella】 Stella International is a leading developer and manufacturer of premium quality footwear and leather goods. A trusted partner to many of the world’s most sought-after and prestigious brands, it offers a unique proposition of unparalleled craftsmanship, production flexibility, and strong speed-to-market and commercialization capabilities, supported by a broad, diverse and proven manufacturing base across China and Southeast Asia. People are our most important asset. Our work culture is based on caring, sharing and learning. Having a skilled and engaged work staff is essential for our ongoing development and expansion. As such, we continuously arrange regular voluntary training opportunities for our employees that help them contribute to a safe and fair working environment, continuously upgrade their skills, and foster new talent. We also proactively provide managerial and leadership skills training to our managers to further develop their strengths and professionalism for supporting workplace cohesiveness and driving our business growth. 【What You'll Do】 As the Lean Manufacturing Manager, you will play a pivotal role in optimizing our manufacturing operations, reducing waste, and enhancing overall efficiency. Your mission is to lead, plan, and implement Lean principles throughout our production processes to achieve higher productivity, cost reduction, and improved product quality. • Develop, lead, and execute Lean manufacturing initiatives, strategies, and projects. • Understands the business strategy and can translate this into focused areas for transformation. • Create and implement Lean methodologies, such as 5S, Kaizen, Value Stream Mapping, and JIT, to eliminate waste and streamline production. • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to identify process improvement opportunities. • Analyze manufacturing processes, identify bottlenecks, and recommend solutions for process optimization. • Improve factory site management includes lean manpower utilization and personnel skills management, rational use of space, and efficient planning of process time and transportation operation time. • Monitor and report on KPIs to assess the effectiveness of Lean initiatives. • Train, mentor, and coach employees at all levels on Lean principles and best practices. • Continuously review and update Lean manufacturing standards and procedures to reflect industry best practices. • Ensure safety, quality, and compliance standards are maintained and improved in alignment with Lean principles.
Senior Level
English Required
Partially Remote
9/06 Updated
廠務儲備幹部 Manufacturing management trainee (印尼) 香港商九興服務有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
Responsibilities • Receive training and have job rotation in such as Manufacturing, Operations, Supply Chain Management, Business Development etc. • Learn various knowledge of footwear and staff management from each function, including operations, management viewpoints, and company policies and practices affecting each phase of business. • Perform routine duty which is set by upper management and meet goals and objectives set upon the position • Report to manager on the progress of learning and task progress • Observe experienced workers or peers to acquire knowledge of methods, procedures, and standards required for performance of departmental duties • Provide support as needed in the various departments, including reporting, data-entry, presentation creation, customer service as needed • Participate into projects required by manager to gain related products/process/improvement knowledges
Mid to Senior Level
9/06 Updated
業務專員business specialist(印尼) 香港商九興服務有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
1、與工廠、開發部及相關部門對接業務 2、建立BOM,管理色卡、生產進度跟進 3、與客戶對接交期,跟進訂單、出貨事宜 3、完成上級經理下達的其他工作任務
9/06 Updated
品質主管QA Assistant Manager(印尼/菲律賓) 香港商九興服務有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
1.負責品質系統管理,追蹤處理各項品質問題. 2.客戶會議/ 稽核/ 客訴處理. 3.落實監督QA管理制度. 4.規劃品質系統相關之教育訓練.
9/06 Updated
供應鏈管理中心-採購專員SCM Purchasing specialist(台中) 香港商九興服務有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
1.Inquiry for purchasing materials for mass production orders、bargain、purchase order operation. 2.Abnormal handling of material quality. 3.Material inventory and account reconciliation. 4.New supplier data organization. 1.量產訂單材料採購詢價、議價、採購下單作業 2.材料品質異常處理 3.材料入庫帳款整理 4.新供應商資料統整 備註:入職前三個月需至越南地區進行工作培訓。
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/06 Updated
資材專員Procurement (海外) 香港商九興服務有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
參與銷樣/新型体新材料注意事项整理与追踪; 新材料外觀/物性標準設定的進度跟進; 整理材料交期配套進度,管控生產進度; 通處理材料交期/品質/RSL/驗收異常处理 供應商管理與請扣款作業;
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/06 Updated
會計專員Accounting specialist(台中) 香港商九興服務有限公司台灣分公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,000~45,000
1. 處理境外公司、工廠及台灣公司一般會計帳務 2. 執行(應收、應付、總帳)作業。 3. 按月、季、年編制各項管理報表。 4. 年度會計專案業務執行與推動
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/06 Updated
業務訂單儲備幹部 Planning specialist (越南/印尼) 香港商九興服務有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
1、與工廠、開發部及相關部門對接業務 2、建立BOM,管理色卡、生產進度跟進 3、與客戶對接交期,跟進訂單、出貨事宜 3、完成上級經理下達的其他工作任務
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/06 Updated
生產工程專員 Manufacturing engineering specialist (印尼) 香港商九興服務有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
1. 主導型體的試做,包括進度的掌控,安排,試做異常的處理,試做問題點的跟進,與研發中心的溝通 2. 各類樣品試做的安排和跟進,異常處理 3. 新型體上線的流程/品質稽核,定期的品質走線 4. 試做相關英文報告的製作和上傳 5. 客人相關專案/報告的跟進處理
English Required
9/06 Updated
印尼語翻譯 Translator (印尼) 香港商九興服務有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
1. Interpretation support in production and business meeting with local government 2. Translation for documents in production or related laws and regulations 3. Be responsible for translation of production document from Indonesian to Chinese or English 4. Be responsible for translation of email and letter, and documentation 5. Translation in meeting to local employees
Mid to Senior Level
9/06 Updated
產品工程師 Product engineering (東南亞) 香港商九興服務有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
1.接收客戶的產品資訊,內部溝通制定時間表 2. 內外部溝通,追蹤樣品開發試做進度 3. 為開發流程提供技術建議 4. 製作PE報告及技術包裹 5. 技轉至工廠,確保量產過程順利
English Required
9/06 Updated