
Company Introduction

30 Employees
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JxFintech,是一間致力發展金融科技服務的資訊顧問公司。 我們組織一流的風險管理師、設計師、工程師、數據分析師等專業人士, 提供企業及品牌傑出的行銷和品牌營運服務。 以全方位的一站式服務滿足合作對象對於的各式需求。 從數位行銷策略規劃、數據分析、視覺 / 動態影像設計到活動執行與管理流程優化, 我們深知要與行業巨頭展開競爭非常具有挑戰性, 但我們一直都有自己的願景,憑著最佳和最新的專業技術,加上創新設計和服務, 致力以數據導向的思維策略解決種種行銷難題。 我們提供雲端服務(SaaS)、軟體(Software)及客製化解決方案, 客戶對象包括金融業、企業、運營商等,JxFintech秉持「真誠、創新」的精神, 追求完善的規劃制定發展方向,貼近客戶的需求與掌握全球最新科技的資訊, 擁有專業人才,優良的服務品質,給予超越客戶期望的服務。 JxFintech提供彈性的工作環境,強調「自主管理」及「目標導向」為核心精神, 希望未來和我們一起合作的你是積極主動、反應靈敏且擅長溝通交流的人才。 我們更期待你能夠享受在快節奏的工作步調中發現並解決問題的過程, 並樂於提供各方專才創意發揮的空間,共同相輔以追求永續成長若你剛好學習動機強烈, 且不畏嘗試以創新方式推導解決方案,現在、立刻、馬上聯繫我們吧!

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【貼心的休假福利】 1.符合勞基法規定的特休/年假 2.優於勞基法的全薪病假,每年8天(正式員工享有) 3.有薪家庭照顧假,每年3天(正式員工享有) 4.生日假 5.聖誕假 【豐厚的獎金】 1.年終獎金 2.績效獎金/業績獎金 3.生日禮金 4.三節禮金(端午、中秋,正式員工享有) 5.輪班津貼 6.員工推薦獎金 7.開工紅包 【完善的制度】 1.勞健保提撥外加團體保險,提供更全面的醫療保障 2.彈性上下班時間(避免高峰時段通勤) ●上班時間9:00-18:00,前後各提供30分鐘彈性工時 3.補班日直接休假 4.久任員工獎金 【友善的職場環境】 1.女性同仁生理假 2.女性同仁產檢假 3.舒適且便利的辦公環境 【多彩多姿的生活】 1.部門聚餐 2.每月慶生會,讓你滿滿飽足感 3.無限量供應咖啡 4.年度尾牙饗宴 6.每月安排一個週五Happy hour 供應下午茶,讓你帶著好心情迎接美好週末! 【多元的補助】 1.婚喪喜慶禮金 2.生育津貼 3.住院慰問金 4.差旅補助 5.員工體檢(服務滿半年以上的員工享有)

Company & Workplace


(資深)財務會計專員 嘉興科技顧問有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 60,000~80,000
Manage all accounting transactions Prepare budget forecasts Publish financial statements in time Handle monthly, quarterly and annual closings Reconcile accounts payable and receivable Ensure timely bank payments Compute taxes and prepare tax returns Manage balance sheets and profit/loss statements Report on the company’s financial health and liquidity Audit financial transactions and documents Reinforce financial data confidentiality and conduct database backups when necessary Comply with financial policies and regulations
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/15 Updated
Product Manager (PM) 嘉興科技顧問有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 70,000~80,000
Translate business strategy into product strategy Own the product roadmap Execute product strategy Drive action throughout the organization to get products to market Plan and carry out product launches Manage product profitability and commercial success – own the business case Provide insight to stakeholders on the product and market Provide product marketing with insights on key differentiators and messages Write high-level requirements Support the Product Owner and Product Marketer with any questions they may have Manage all aspects of in-life products, including customer feedback, requirements, and issues
Senior Level
English Required
10/14 Updated
資深招募 嘉興科技顧問有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 65,000~70,000
Global Recruitment as priority Might support Performance review
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/11 Updated
行政專員 嘉興科技顧問有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 36,000~37,000
公司文件檔案的建立及管理 協助會議、活動籌備、準備統計報表、書面報告、簡報等資料 負責辦公室用品採購發放 負責平日零用金管理 維護辦公室環境與設備之整潔 (視各公司規定) 協助行政人員處理主管所交辦的其他事項 資料處理、影像掃描及目錄建檔 書信撰寫 檢查整理檔案
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/01 Updated
國際中英文客服專員 Global Customer Support Specialist 嘉興科技顧問有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 36,000~50,000
我們正在尋找經驗豐富的中英文客服人員 工作內容 1. 處理電話、文字客服、電子郵件等訊息回覆 2. 問題解決與客戶溝通 3. 解決客戶對於平台的問題,例如系統登錄問題 4. 熟悉公司產品,並向客戶有效介紹 5. 與各部門溝通與協調,收集客戶反饋,並向相關部門反饋和解決問題 6. 處理客戶後台設置與相關查詢 7. 維護內部檔案 條件要求 1. 優先考慮經濟、金融、企業管理或其他相關專業文憑 2. 具金融行業1年(含)以上客服相關經驗者優先考慮 3. 具客服經驗,金融業尤佳 4. 熟悉運用操作Windows Office軟體 5. 具團隊合作精神、服務熱忱及良好的溝通協調能力 6. 良好的邏輯思維,能夠快速理解問題並做出回應 具備良好中英文溝通能力,需能接受配合輪班。 We are looking for experience Customer Service Executive - Mandarin Speaker. Responsibilities 1. Manage incoming customer calls, live chats, and emails in a responsive manner. 2. Professionally addressing clients’ inquiries and complaints. 3. Responsible for identifying and resolving clients' general platform issues, such as platform login problems. 4. Get familiar with company's products and introduce them to customers. 5. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the company's products and effectively introduce them to clients. 6. Communicate and coordinate issues with various departments, collect feedback, including escalating customer service issues that requires attention or resolution from other teams 7. Perform Introducing Broker (IB) setting related and enquiries. 8. Perform sales profile maintenance. Qualifications 1. At least Diploma in Economics, Finance, Business Administration, or any other related majors are preferred. 2. Min. 1 year of working experience in financial industry’s customer service is preferred 3. Experience in supporting client’s enquiries and technical problem in the financial services, Forex and Futures industry is an added advantage. 4. Prominent level of ability in Microsoft office with strong numerate and analytical skills. 5. Excellent teamwork awareness, service awareness and normative awareness. 6. Good logical thinking, able to quickly understand the problems and respond to it. 7. Proficient in reading, writing, and speaking English and Mandarin 8. Willing to work flexibly and shift arrangement including weekends and holidays.
9/28 Updated
國際中英文營運專員 Operation Associate 嘉興科技顧問有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 36,000~50,000
我們正在尋找經驗豐富的中英文營運專員   工作內容 1. 處理電話、文字、電子郵件等訊息回覆 2. 問題解決與支援各國同事及溝通 3. 解決銷售部門回報的問題,如客戶資料修正 4. KYC資料審核,KYT資料審核 5. 與各部門溝通與協調,收集銷售反饋,並向相關部門反饋和解決問題 6. 處理客戶後台設置與相關查詢 7. 維護內部檔案   條件要求 1. 優先考慮經濟、金融、企業管理或其他相關專業文憑 2. 具金融行業1年(含)以上客服相關經驗者優先考慮 3. 具客服經驗,金融業尤佳 4. 熟悉運用操作Windows Office軟體 5. 具團隊合作精神、服務熱忱及良好的溝通協調能力 6. 良好的邏輯思維,能夠快速理解問題並做出回應 具備良好中英文溝通能力,需能接受配合輪班。 We are looking for an Experienced Mandarin Chinese/English Operation Executive Responsibilities 1.Resolving customer calls, live chats, and emails in a responsive manner.    2.Addressing clients’ inquiries and complaints professionally , and communicate or support colleagues from countries. 3.Identifying and resolving clients' general issues, such as account login issues or correct client’s information. 4.Able to perform KYC/KYT 5.Communicate and coordinate with other departments, collect feedback from sales, including escalating issues from customer service that requires supports from other departments. 6.Resolve enquiries related to client’s account or configuration, and set up IB configuration in the CRM. 7.Maintenance sales profile and other internal documents. Qualifications 1.Diploma in Economics, Finance, Business Administration, or any other related majors are preferred. 2.Has 1 year of working experience in financial customer service is preferred 3.Has experience of resolving client’s enquiries and technical problem in the financial services, working experiences in Forex and Futures industry is an added advantage. 4.Prominent level of ability in Microsoft office with strong numerate and analytical skills. 5.Excellent teamwork, service, and normative awareness. 6.Good logical thinking skills, able to understand problems and respond to it quickly. 7.Proficient reading, writing, and speaking skills in both English and Mandarin Chinese. 8.Able to work in flexible hours and shifts, including weekends and holidays.
English Required
9/25 Updated