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Andra Capital美國安卓樂資本創投基金,自基金成立以來績效皆穩居美國或全球創投或私募基金的全球前端。係由史丹佛大學、哈佛大學、賓州大學華頓商學院校友,包括思科Cisco企業發展總裁,也是華平資本(Warburg Pincus)合夥人Charles Carmel、 美商巨積半導體LSI/C Cube Microsystem執行長,也是博通Broadcom資深副總裁Padval Umesh,IBM總部負責 AI與AlphaGo研發的創新長Ricahrd Jhang、蘋果公司的Siri發明人、AT&T美國電話電報公司財務長、矽谷連續成功上市創業家Haydar Haba,高盛紐約總行投資銀行部董事總經理、雷曼兄弟和摩根士丹利投資銀行部主管等幾位出身華爾街投資銀行,主導過高通、博通、中芯半導體、美商飛捷半導體、沃爾瑪和臉書上市併購的合夥人創立,專注投資全球各軟體和科技產業裡前兩大的企業。 全球軟體科技產業中之前兩大領先公司為安卓樂資本Andra Capital基金之主要投資對象,尤其在資訊科技領域如人工智慧、企業用軟體、雲端架構、邊緣運算與金融科技等次產業類別,其中已經投資之各領域全球前兩大領導性公司之大型投資指標性案件包括馬斯克生態系的全球第二大獨角獸SpaceX和星鏈公司Starlink、馬斯克的人工智慧公司xAI,全球第四大獨角獸Stripe、Anthropic、Rubrik、Carta、GrubMarket、Cybereason、Tanium、OneTrust、Automation Anywhere、Snyk等,重大投資已獲利出場項目則包含美國最大之人工智慧大數據公司Palantir與美國領導性的線上銀行控股公司SoFi等。其中Palantir已全部出場,上市時市值高達美金300億元,其總投資收益倍數達3.19x,年化內部報酬率則為63.16%;而SoFi於2021年以市值美金80億元上市後,亦已出場處分完畢,實現之總投資收益倍數高達3.32x,年化內部報酬率更高達375.35%。 Andra Capital is a Silicon Valley-based late-stage, pre-IPO technology fund that invests in disruptive, technology market leaders. https://www.andracapital.com/

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特助兼辦公室經理(Executive Assistant and Office Manager) 安卓樂資本股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.安排並協調被投資公司高階主管行程,確保行程流暢 2.整理簽核文件及發送,並負責追蹤執行狀況,隨時掌控進度 3.跨部門溝通整合與協調,負責高階主管工作行程之規畫安排 5.協助行政事務流程之溝通、整合與規劃,配合主管及團隊臨時工作項目 此職位是公司內部高階管理人員的重要助手,擁有協助主管執行決策並輔佐各項專案的工作,此職位發展前景廣闊,是一個重要的職涯發展機會。 如果您符合以上要求並對此職位有興趣,請盡快申請,我們期待與您共創美好事業。
Partially Remote
10/08 Updated
分析師 安卓樂資本股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
美國安卓樂資本 Andra Capital is a Silicon Valley-based late-stage, pre-IPO technology fund that invests in disruptive, technology market leaders. Andra Capital is seeking an Analyst to work with the investment team and business development team. The ideal candidate will display a demonstrable interest in private markets and have prior experience in investment banking, consulting, private equity, or venture capital. Job Functions The Analyst will be expected to:  Identify, analyze, and evaluate potential investment opportunities  Build financial models to perform extensive valuation analyses  Prepare investment memos on potential investments for the Andra Investment Committee  Assist in the deal execution process from start to finish during an investment transaction  Conduct industry and company specific research using publicly available information and proprietary databases to identify, quantify, and analyze trends  Monitor the performance and support existing portfolio companies  Prepare necessary marketing materials for the business development team  Manage databases for the investment and business development teams and keep them updated  Assist with day-to-day operations Desired Qualifications  Strong, demonstrable analytical capabilities, including strong quantitative and financial modeling skills  Ability to synthesize large amounts of information and distil key insights to share with the Andra team  Ability to work in a dynamic environment with managers of diverse backgrounds and working styles  Excellent organizational, interpersonal, written, and verbal communication skills  Attention to detail, strong proofreading and editing skills  Discretion in protecting confidential information  Result-oriented mentality with the ability to make recommendations for operational improvements  Thrives under pressure and embraces a fast-paced working environment Requirements  Bachelor’s degree from a top college or university  1 - 3 years of investment banking, consulting, private equity, or venture capital experience, preferably in technology related verticals  Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)  Experience using PitchBook preferred
English Required
Partially Remote
10/08 Updated