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1960年6月1日,在胡水旺、徐千田兩位醫學博士,以及熱心醫學教育人士的奔走下創辦。從三間鐵皮屋開始,小自書本、玻璃管,大至土地、房舍,皆是由私人捐資而來。走過篳路藍縷的半世紀,北醫歷經了18屆董事會、9任董事長、10任校長,他們胼手胝足地開創北醫大各項非凡成就,相信在現任董事長陳瑞杰及校長吳麥斯的傳承下,將引領本校邁向國際! <願景> 成為國際一流醫學大學 <宗旨> 本校以培育兼具人文關懷、創新能力,及國際觀的醫療生技人才,從事醫療保健、生命科學研究,及服務社會之目標為宗旨 <學校定位> 以醫學教育為本,生醫臨床為用,具社會影響力的創新型大學 定義: 注重實際問題解決的教學與研究,具領先創新研發和強烈創業精神;能快速因應變化並獲取外在資源,使北醫成為社會與經濟發展動力。 內涵及目標:   教育:人文關懷、跨域多元、培養具廣度生醫人才。   研究:生醫轉譯、聚焦特色、厚植前瞻性研發量能。   生技:醫療創新、產業鏈結、建構生醫創業生態系。   醫療:智慧醫療、全人照護、引領精準大健康趨勢。 <核心價值>  人文關懷(Humanity) :以人為本,尊重生命,厚植人文與專業教育。  誠信正直(Integrity) :誠實為上,正直當責,堅持互信的組織文化。  創新卓越(Innovation) :勇於創新,承擔風險,追求卓越以引領時代。  團隊合作(Collaboration) :尊重多元,跨域協作,共創永續發展的目標。  社會服務(Service) :熱忱服務,影響社會,促進人類健康與福祉。

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醫學科技學院國際神經醫學碩士學位學程誠徵助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至113.10.31截止) 臺北醫學大學
Salary negotiable
醫學科技學院國際神經醫學碩士學位學程誠徵助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至113.10.31截止) ​*學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.) 神經醫學或生命科學相關領域 (Medical neuroscience or life science-related fields) 科系畢業 *徵才條件: 1.具備優良英語能力、教學及研究熱忱、具良好溝通能力 English proficiency, enthusiasm for teaching and research, and strong communication skills. 2.需有至少兩年以上博士後研究經驗或其他工作經驗 At least two years of postdoctoral research training or related working experience. 3.具有藥物研發專長尤以神經疾病相關藥物研發經驗為佳 Those with expertise in drug development, particularly with experience in developing drugs for neurological diseases. 4.具有將研發成果商品化之能力,有參與過相關培訓如生醫育成加速器為佳 Having the ability to commercialize research and development outcomes, along with participation in relevant training, such as an incubator or accelerator program. 5.具團隊合作及跨領域研究能力 Demonstrated ability in teamwork and interdisciplinary research. *需提供資料: 除本校人力資源處網頁\聘任作業\教師聘任升等所刊之表件外,另需提供以下資料 1.個人履歷表及自傳 curriculum vitae and autobiography 2.學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證) a photocopy of education and working experience diploma (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 3.著作目錄及重要著作 publication list 4.可授之課程及內容大綱 a statement of teaching interests with course outlines 5.過去教學之課程綱要 previous teaching portfolio/outlines 6.推薦函二封 two letters of recommendation 聯絡人:何小姐 連絡電話: 02-66202589 分機11217 E-MAIL:yuling0208@tmu.edu.tw 1.申請新聘專任教師請先至系統登錄教師新聘資料本校首頁>人力資源處>教師聘任升等作業系統 (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) 2.依本校人力資源處網頁>聘任作業>教師聘任升等作業規定,檢附所需表件於期限內郵寄至235台灣新北市中和區圓通路301號(雙和校區) 教學研究大樓12樓 (註明欲應徵系/所/科/學程)
9/26 Updated
醫學科技學院國際轉譯科學博士學位學程誠徵助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至113.07.20截止) 臺北醫學大學
Salary negotiable
醫學科技學院國際轉譯科學博士學位學程誠徵助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至113.07.20截止) ​*學歷需求: 具博士學位且有腫瘤代謝重新編碼、腫瘤免疫學、免疫細胞治療研究表現卓著者。 *徵才條件: 1.具博士學位且有腫瘤代謝重新編碼、腫瘤免疫學、免疫細胞治療研究表現卓著者。 Candidates must have a Ph.D. and a distinguished research record in tumor metabolic reprogramming, tumor immunology, or immunocellular therapy. 2.具爭取校外相關研究計畫,並能參與英語授課者。 Ability to secure relevant research projects externally and participate in English-taught courses. 3.具執行相關領域研究計畫經驗為佳。 Experience in executing research projects in related fields is preferred. 4.生物或醫學相關專長之博士畢業,需至少2年以上博士後研究經歷。需有外國研究及國際團隊合作經驗為佳。 Ph.D. in a biological or medical-related field with at least 2 years of postdoctoral research experience. International research and collaboration experience is highly desirable. *需提供資料: 除本校人力資源處網頁\聘任作業\教師聘任升等所刊之表件外,另需提供以下資料 1.個人履歷表及自傳 curriculum vitae and autobiography 2.學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證)  a photocopy of education and working experience diploma (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 3.著作目錄及重要著作 publication list 4.可授之課程及內容大綱 a statement of teaching interests with course outlines 5.過去教學之課程綱要 previous teaching portfolio/outlines 6.推薦函二封 two letters of recommendation 聯絡人:林小姐 連絡電話: 02-66202589 分機10906 E-MAIL:peisyuan@tmu.edu.tw 1.申請新聘專任教師請先至系統登錄教師新聘資料本校首頁>人力資源處>教師聘任升等作業系統 (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) 2.依本校人力資源處網頁>聘任作業>教師聘任升等作業規定,檢附所需表件於期限內郵寄至235台灣新北市中和區圓通路301號(雙和校區) 教學研究大樓9樓 (註明欲應徵系/所/科/學程) Assistant/Associate/Full Professor, Ph.D.Program for Translational Medicine Taipei Medical University College of Medical Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan Type: Full-time Application Due: Jul. 20, 2024 Qualifications: Candidates must have a Ph.D. and a distinguished research record in tumor metabolic reprogramming, tumor immunology, or immunocellular therapy. Summary:   1. Candidates must have a Ph.D. and a distinguished research record in tumor metabolic reprogramming, tumor immunology, or immunocellular therapy. 2. Ability to secure relevant research projects externally and participate in English-taught courses. 3. Experience in executing research projects in related fields is preferred. 4. Ph.D. in a biological or medical-related field with at least 2 years of postdoctoral research experience. International research and collaboration experience is highly desirable. Required Materials: In addition to filling out the required documents listed on the website of Human Resource, the applicant also need to provide the materials as follows: 1. Curriculum vitae and autobiography 2. a photocopy of education and working experience diploma (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 3. Publication list 4. A statement of teaching interests with course outlines 5. Previous teaching portfolio/outlines 6. Two letters of recommendation Contact: Ms. Lin Tel: +886-02-66202589 ext. 10906 E-mail:peisyuan@tmu.edu.tw For the application of our new fulltime positions, the interested applicants please register at the faculty employment and promotion operating system first (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) and then make a hard copy of your curriculum vitae. Compose this hard copy, as well as the forms accompanying  “The Procedure of Teachers ' Employment and Promotion ” and mail the package to the department/course you are to apply within due time.  Please notify the unit/department, instead of any individual receiver, on the envelop for your delivery. The address of our university is: 9F.,Education & Research Building, Shuang-Ho Campus, No. 301, Yuantong Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
9/26 Updated
Research Assistant Position in Graduate Institute of Mind, Brain and Consciousness at Taipei Medical University 臺北醫學大學
Monthly Salary NT$ 33,800+
The Computational Ethology lab at Taipei Medical University is seeking a dedicated full-time Research Assistant to join our team, directed by Dr. Christoph D. Dahl (Graduate Institute of Mind, Brain, and Consciousness and PhD Program in Neuroscience of Cognition and Consciousness). The research assistant will be involved in an interdisciplinary project. The foci of the project are: • Computational modeling of multiple types of experience-dependent network changes in and across the visual system, reaching from single neuron dynamics to behavioural levels. • Experimental assessment of multisensory integration of voice and face in human infants and adults. Responsibilities: • Conduct research in computational vision sciences, focusing on computational modeling neural changes in plasticity in an early sensitive period of life, modeling neural activity changes during perceptual learning, and modeling life-long adaptation. • Collaborate with faculty and students to design experiments, participant management and recruitment, analyze data. • Contribute to coding, algorithm implementation, and performance evaluation of computer vision systems. • Conduct administrative tasks Requirements: • Bachelor's or Master's degree in computer science, neuroscience, psychology, biology, or related fields. • Proficiency in computer programming. • Analytical and problem-solving skills, ability to translate theory into practical solutions. • Excellent knowledge of Chinese language and sufficient knowledge of English language. • Strong organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills. Workplace: Graduate Institute of Mind, Brain and Consciousness, Taipei Medical University (TMU Shuangho Campus: 5F., No.301, Yuantong Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235, Taiwan) Salary: According to TMU research assistant compensation standard plus health insurance and other benefits. Compensation commensurate with qualifications and experience, and subject to annual increase. Applicants are invited to contact and send their resume to Dr. Christoph D. Dahl at christoph.d.dahl@gmail.com.
9/05 Updated
公共衛生學院全球衛生暨衛生安全碩士學位學程誠徵助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至114.01.31截止) 臺北醫學大學
Salary negotiable
公共衛生學院全球衛生暨衛生安全碩士學位學程誠徵助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至114.01.31截止) *學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.) 公共衛生醫療相關 Public health or medical related 科系畢業 *職務條件: (一)以下領域者皆可 Meet at least one of the following requirements: 1.全球衛生安全、傳染性疾病 Global Health Security、Infectious Diseases 2.傳染病流行病學 Infectious Disease Epidemiology 3.國際援助 Development Assistance for Health 4 氣候變遷的健康影響 Impact of Climate Change on Health 5 數位健康 Digital Health (二)條件或經歷 Conditions or experience: 1.有英文授課經驗為佳 Having experience teaching in English is preferred. 2.具2年博士後或全球衛生相關工作經驗優先考慮 Preferably two years post-doctoral fellowships, or work experience in global health related field. *需提供資料(Material needed): 除本校人力資源處網頁\聘任作業\教師聘任升等 所刊之表件外,另需提供著作錄及重要著作、可教授課程及內容大綱、過去教學之課程綱要、推薦函二封 1. 個人履歷表及自傳 Curriculum vitae and autobiography 2. 學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證) Photocopy of education diploma and relative experiences (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 3. 著作目錄及重要著作 Publication list 4. 可授之課程及內容大綱 A statement of teaching interests with course outlines 5. 過去教學之課程綱要 Previous teaching portfolio/outlines and a teaching statement 6. 推薦函二封 Two letters of recommendation 聯絡人:黃小姐 連絡電話: 02-66202589 # 16006 E-MAIL:h112088@tmu.edu.tw 1.申請新聘專任教師請先至系統登錄教師新聘資料本校首頁>人力資源處>教師聘任升等作業系統 (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) 2.依本校人力資源處網頁>聘任作業>教師聘任升等作業規定,檢附所需表件於期限內郵寄至235 新北市中和區圓通路301號 (註明欲應徵系/所/科/學程) For the application of our new fulltime positions, the interested applicants please register at the faculty employment and promotion operating system first (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) and then make a hard copy of your curriculum vitae. Compose this hard copy, as well as the forms accompanying “The Procedure of Teachers ' Employment and Promotion ” and mail the package to the department/course you are to apply within due time. Please notify the unit/department, instead of any individual receiver, on the envelop for your delivery. The address of our university is:No.301, Yuantong Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235, Taiwan
9/05 Updated
醫學工程學院生醫光機電研究所誠徵助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至113.10.31截止) 臺北醫學大學
Salary negotiable
醫學工程學院生醫光機電研究所誠徵助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至113.10.31截止) *學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.) 生物醫學工程/光電工程/機電工程相關 科系畢業 Biomedical Engineering, Optoelectronic Engineering, or Electromechanical Engineering related Ph D. Degree *職務條件: 1.生醫光電與生醫感測Biophotonics and biosensing 2.AI晶片技術 Artificial intelligence (AI) chip technology 3.生醫機電Biomechatronics engineering 4.智慧生醫機械與製造Smart biomachinery and manufacturing 5.具備國際交流與國際合作經驗Experience with international communication and collaboration *需提供資料(Material needed): 除本校人力資源處網頁\聘任作業\教師聘任升等 所刊之表件外,另需提供著作錄及重要著作、可教授課程及內容大綱、過去教學之課程綱要、推薦函二封 1.個人履歷表及自傳 Curriculum vitae and autobiography 2.學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證) Photocopy of education diploma and relative experiences (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 3.著作目錄及重要著作 Publication list 4.可授之課程及內容大綱 A statement of teaching interests with course outlines 5.過去教學之課程綱要 Previous teaching portfolio/outlines and a teaching statement 6.推薦函二封 Two letters of recommendation 7.其他other:有利審查之資料related documents for evaluation 聯絡人:彭小姐 連絡電話: (02)66202589#15615 E-MAIL:joycepeng5@tmu.edu.tw 1.申請新聘專任教師請先至系統登錄教師新聘資料本校首頁>人力資源處>教師聘任升等作業系統(http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) 2.依本校人力資源處網頁>聘任作業>教師聘任升等作業規定,檢附所需表件於期限內郵寄至235 新北市中和區圓通路301號生醫大樓6樓 (註明欲應徵系/所/科/學程) For the application of our new fulltime positions, the interested applicants please register at the faculty employment and promotion operating system first (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) and then make a hard copy of your curriculum vitae. Compose this hard copy, as well as the forms accompanying “The Procedure of Teachers ' Employment and Promotion ” and mail the package to the department/course you are to apply within due time. Please notify the unit/department, instead of any individual receiver, on the envelop for your delivery. The address of our university is: No.301, Yuantong Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235, Taiwan.
9/05 Updated
通識教育中心一般通識組誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至113.08.17截止) 臺北醫學大學
Salary negotiable
通識教育中心一般通識組誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至113.08.17截止)     *學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.) 哲學相關科系畢業 (A Ph.D. in Philosophy.) *職務條件: 1.具哲學領域專長 Candidates must have a specialty in the areas of Philosophy. 2.具推動醫學人文與人文關懷經驗者 Candidates have experience in promoting medical humanities and humanistic care. *需提供資料(Material needed): 除本校人力資源處網頁\聘任作業\教師聘任升等 所刊之表件外,另需提供著作錄及重要著作、可教授課程及內容大綱、過去教學之課程綱要、推薦函二封 1.個人履歷表及自傳Curriculum vitae and autobiography 2.學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證) Photocopy of education diploma and relative experiences (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 3.著作目錄及重要著作Publication list 4.可授之課程及內容大綱 A statement of teaching interests with course outlines 5.過去教學之課程綱要 Previous teaching portfolio/outlines and a teaching statement 6.推薦函二封Two letters of recommendation 7.其他 Other:  (1) 參考本校通識教育中心網頁,撰寫對本校通識教育發展的建議,文長八百字內。 Candidates should compose an article (within 800 words) on recommendations for TMU’s  curriculum development, with reference to Center for General Education on TMU website. (http://geducation.tmu.edu.tw/) (2) 應徵者需填寫本校通識教育中心教師研究論文著作積分表,並提供著作之審查證明、國 內外期刊分級證明。 Candidates should fill in the Publication Score Form of TMU Center for General Education,  and provide proofs for paper reviews and journal index lists.     聯絡人:李先生 連絡電話:(02)2736-1661 ext.2663 E-MAIL:chiahao@tmu.edu.tw     1.申請新聘專任教師請先至系統登錄教師新聘資料本校首頁>人力資源處>教師聘任升等作業系統 (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) 2.依本校人力資源處網頁>聘任作業>教師聘任升等作業規定,檢附所需表件於期限內郵寄至110臺北市信義區吳興街250號 (註明欲應徵系/所/科/學程) For the application of our new fulltime positions, the interested applicants please register at the faculty employment and promotion operating system first (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) and then make a hard copy of your curriculum vitae. Compose this hard copy, as well as the forms accompanying “The Procedure of Teachers ' Employment and Promotion ” and mail the package to the department/course you are to apply within due time.  Please notify the unit/department, instead of any individual receiver, on the envelop for your delivery. The address of our university is: 250 Wu-Hsing Street, Taipei City, Taiwan.
9/05 Updated
醫學科技學院醫學資訊研究所誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至113.07.31截止) 臺北醫學大學
Salary negotiable
醫學科技學院國際神經醫學碩士學位誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至112.01.31截止) 醫學科技學院醫學資訊研究所誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至113.07.31截止)   *學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.) 醫學工程/生物資訊/醫學資訊領域  科系畢業 (Ph.D degree in Biomedical engineering/Bioinformatics/Medical informatics)  *職務條件: 具博士學位且於醫學工程/生物資訊/醫學資訊領域,尤其在醫療資訊系統、人工智慧精準醫療相關研究表現卓著者。 A PhD degree with outstanding academic achievements in the field relating to Biomedical engineering/ Bioinformatics/ Medical informatics, particularly in Medical information system, Artificial intelligence precision medicine related. 具爭取校外相關研究計畫,並參與研究所課程之授課者。Demonstrated ability to apply for research grants and teach graduate courses. 具執行相關領域大型研究計畫經驗為佳。With research experiences in conducting large projects. 英語流利 With high level of proficiency in English. *需提供資料(Material needed): 除本校人力資源處網頁\聘任作業\教師聘任升等之表件外,另需提供著作目錄及重要著作、可教授課程及內容大綱、過去教學之課程綱要、推薦函二封 個人履歷表及自傳Curriculum vitae and autobiography 學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證)Photocopy of education diploma and relative experiences (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 著作目錄及重要著作Publication list 可授之課程及內容大綱 A statement of teaching interests with course outlines. 過去教學之課程綱要 Previous teaching portfolio/outlines and a teaching statement 推薦函二封Two letters of recommendation 聯絡人:錢小姐 連絡電話: 66202589 Ext.10922 E-MAIL:peggy@tmu.edu.tw 1.申請新聘專任教師請先至系統登錄教師新聘資料本校首頁>人力資源處>教師聘任升等作業系統 (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) 2.依本校人力資源處網頁>聘任作業>教師聘任升等作業規定,檢附所需表件於期限內郵寄至 235新北市中和區圓通路301號 教學研究大樓9樓(北醫大雙和校區) (註明欲應徵系/所/科/學程) For the application of our new fulltime positions, the interested applicants please register at the faculty employment and promotion operating system first (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) and then make a hard copy of your curriculum vitae. Compose this hard copy, as well as the forms accompanying  “The Procedure of Teachers ' Employment and Promotion ” and mail the package to the department/course you are to apply within due time.  Please notify the unit/department, instead of any individual receiver, on the envelop for your delivery. The address of our university is: 9F, Education & Research Building, Shuang-Ho Campus, No. 301, Yuantong Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235603 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
9/05 Updated
研發處級個人化疫苗暨腫瘤新抗原分析核心實驗室誠徵專任研究人員­­1名(含)以上1名 (公告至113.07.31截止) 臺北醫學大學
Salary negotiable
*學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.):國內外醫藥相關(Ph.D. degree in medicine or pharmacy from domestic or international institutions)科系畢業 *職務條件: 1.具有五年以上生醫領域研究工作經驗,並具良好免疫學研究、HLA與TCR實驗分析、分子生物實驗技術能力(須提供推薦函)。 Over five years of research experience in biomedical science with expertise in immunology research, HLA and TCR analysis, and molecular biology (recommendation letter required). 2.藥學系畢業並具藥師執照者尤佳(須提供佐證)。 Priority consideration given to candidates graduated from the Department of Pharmacy with a pharmacist license (supporting documentation required). 3.具有大型基因資料庫分析之專長者優先考慮(須提供推薦函)。 Prior experience in data analysis of large-scale genomic databases is a plus (recommendation letter required). 4.具有申請國家型研究計畫及IRB相關經驗者優先考慮(須提供推薦函)。 Candidates with experience in national research projects and IRB application will be given priority consideration (recommendation letter required). 5.具備良好溝通協調能力及跨單位溝通協調能力,細心有責任感,能團隊合作者。 With strong communication and cross-departmental coordination skills. As a detail-oriented, responsible, and a collaborative team player. 6.中文和英文能力佳,具備國際合作協調能力。 Proficient in Chinese and English, with strong skills in international cooperation and coordination. *需提供資料(Material needed): 1. 個人履歷表及自傳 Curriculum vitae and autobiography 2. 學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證) A photocopy of education and working experience diploma (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 3. 著作目錄及重要著作 Publication list 4. 推薦函二封 Two letters of recommendation 5.其他:檢核表(請下載後一同郵寄) 聯 絡 人:陳小姐 連絡電話:(02)2736-1661 #6188 E - MAIL:a03256@tmu.edu.tw 地址:11031臺北市信義區吳興街250號
9/05 Updated
醫學科技學院醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系誠徵助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至113.07.31截止) 臺北醫學大學
Salary negotiable
醫學科技學院醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系誠徵助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至113.07.31截止) ​*學歷需求: 生命科學或醫學生物科技相關系所 博士 Life Science or Medical Biotechnology related fields Ph.D *徵才條件: 1.具生物技術學專長 Biotechnology 2.能教授臨床血液學或臨床生理學 Clinical Hematology or Clinical Physiology 3.具醫檢師執照、生技產業經驗或國外研究經驗 Medical Technologist license, industrial or oversea research experience 4.能以全英文授課 English skills for teaching *需提供資料: 除本校人力資源處網頁\聘任作業\教師聘任升等所刊之表件外,另需提供以下資料 1.個人履歷表及自傳 curriculum vitae and autobiography 2.學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證) a photocopy of education and working experience diploma (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 3.著作目錄及重要著作 publication list 4.可授之課程及內容大綱 a statement of teaching interests with course outlines 5.過去教學之課程綱要 previous teaching portfolio/outlines 6.推薦函二封 two letters of recommendation 7.其他other:醫檢師執照 聯絡人:張小姐 連絡電話: 02-66202589 分機11013 E-MAIL:ivywei@tmu.edu.tw 1.申請新聘專任教師請先至系統登錄教師新聘資料本校首頁>人力資源處>教師聘任升等作業系統 (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) 2.依本校人力資源處網頁>聘任作業>教師聘任升等作業規定,檢附所需表件於期限內郵寄至235台灣新北市中和區圓通路301號(雙和校區) 教學研究大樓10樓 (註明欲應徵系/所/科/學程) One faculty positions available Assistant/Associate/Full Professor, Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology Taipei Medical University College of Medical Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan Type: Full-time Application Due: Jul. 31, 2024 Qualifications: Ph. D. in Life Science or Medical Biotechnology related fields Summary: 1. Biotechnology 2. Clinical Hematology or Clinical Physiology 3. Medical Technologist license, industrial or oversea research experience 4. English skills for teaching Required Materials: In addition to filling out the required documents listed on the website of Human Resource, the applicant also need to provide the materials as follows: 1. Curriculum vitae and autobiography 2. A photocopy of education and working experience diploma (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 3. Publication list 4. A statement of teaching interests with course outlines 5. Previous teaching portfolio/outlines and a teaching statement 6. Two letters of recommendation 7. Other: Medical Technologist license (optional) Contact: Ms. Chang Tel: +886-02-66202589 ext. 11013 E-mail:ivywei@tmu.edu.tw For the application of our new fulltime positions, the interested applicants please register at the faculty employment and promotion operating system first (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) and then make a hard copy of your curriculum vitae. Compose this hard copy, as well as the forms accompanying “The Procedure of Teachers ' Employment and Promotion ” and mail the package to the department/course you are to apply within due time. Please notify the unit/department, instead of any individual receiver, on the envelop for your delivery. The address of our university is: 10F.,Education & Research Building, Shuang-Ho Campus, No. 301, Yuantong Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
9/05 Updated
醫學院醫學系生物化學暨細胞分子生物學科誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至113.05.31截止) 臺北醫學大學
Salary negotiable
醫學院醫學系生物化學暨細胞分子生物學科誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至113.05.31截止) *學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.) 生物醫學 (Biomedical-related) 科系畢業 *職務條件: 1.生物或醫學相關專長之博士畢業 Ph.D. with expertise in biology or medical related development 2.於相關領域具至少兩年博士後研究員經驗 At least 2-year postdoctoral training in related fields 3.教授生物化學課程,需具備完整英文授課能力 English teaching ability in Biochemistry course 4.研究表現優異 Excellence in research. 5.具優良溝通、團隊合作及國際交流合作能力 Great communication skills, teamwork ability, and capacities in international cooperation *需提供資料(Material needed): 1.個人履歷表及自傳 curriculum vitae and autobiography 2.學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證) photocopy of education diploma and relative experiences (any foreign diploma should be notarized in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 3.著作目錄及重要著作 publication list 4.可授之課程及內容大綱 a statement of teaching interests with course outlines 5.過去教學之課程綱要 previous teaching portfolio/outlines 6.推薦函二封 two letters of recommendation 聯絡人:李小姐 連絡電話:(02)2736-1661 ext.3281 E-MAIL:lmc@tmu.edu.tw 1.申請新聘專任教師請先至系統登錄教師新聘資料本校首頁>人力資源處>教師聘任升等作業系統 (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) 2.依本校人力資源處網頁>聘任作業>教師聘任升等作業規定,檢附所需表件於期限內郵寄至110 臺北市信義區吳興街250號 醫綜大樓後棟11樓 (註明欲應徵系/所/科/學程) For the application of our new fulltime positions, the interested applicants please register at the faculty employment and promotion operating system first (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) and then make a hard copy of your curriculum vitae. Compose this hard copy, as well as the forms accompanying “The Procedure of Teachers ' Employment and Promotion ” and mail the package to the department/course you are to apply within due time. Please notify the unit/department, instead of any individual receiver, on the envelop for your delivery. The address of our university is: No.250, Wuxing St., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan.
9/05 Updated
護理學院高齡健康暨長期照護學系誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上2名(公告至113.05.31截止) 臺北醫學大學
Salary negotiable
護理學院高齡健康暨長期照護學系誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上2名(公告至113.05.31截止) ​*學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.) 健康相關 科系畢業 (Ph.D degree in health) *徵才條件(須能授課或符合下列二項以上): 1.具健康相關科系博士 Ph.D degree in health 2.具高齡或長照相關經驗 Gerontological nursing or long-term care experience 3.具資訊科技、管理專長尤佳Informatics, technology or management specialty 4.具英文授課能力尤佳 English proficiency *需提供資料: 除本校人力資源處網頁\聘任作業\教師聘任升等 所刊之表件外,另需提供著作目錄及重要著作、可教授課程及內容大綱、過去教學之課程綱要、推薦函二封(http://tmu-hr.tmu.edu.tw/zh_tw/pl1) 1. 個人履歷表及自傳 curriculum vitae and autobiography 2. 學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證) a photocopy of education and working experience diploma (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 3. 著作目錄及代表性相關研究著作/Publication List 4. 可授之課程及內容大綱 a statement of teaching interests with course outlines 5. 過去教學之課程及內容大綱 previous teaching portfolio/outlines 6. 推薦函二封 two letters of recommendation 聯絡人:陳先生 連絡電話:(02) 27361661分機6338 E-MAIL:ab0305@tmu.edu.tw 1.申請新聘專任教師請先至系統登錄教師新聘資料本校首頁>人力資源處>教師聘任升等作業系統 (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) 2.依本校人力資源處網頁>聘任作業>教師聘任升等作業規定,檢附所需表件於期限內郵寄至110臺北市信義區吳興街250號 (註明欲應徵系/所/科/學程) For the application of our new fulltime positions, the interested applicants please register at the faculty employment and promotion operating system first (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) and then make a hard copy of your curriculum vitae. Compose this hard copy, as well as the forms accompanying “The Procedure of Teachers ' Employment and Promotion ” and mail the package to the department/course you are to apply within due time. Please notify the unit/department, instead of any individual receiver, on the envelop for your delivery. The address of our university is: 250 Wu-Hsing Street, Taipei City, Taiwan.
9/05 Updated
神經醫學研究中心誠徵專任研究人員(含)以上1名 (公告至113.04.30截止) 臺北醫學大學
Salary negotiable
神經醫學研究中心誠徵專任研究人員(含)以上1名 (公告至113.04.30截止) *學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.):生命科學或生物資訊學相關(Department of Life Science or Bioinformatics)科系畢業 1.博士學位並擅長神經膠質瘤研究 Ph.D. degree and specialized in GBM research 2.熟悉實驗動物及代謝病症相關調控因子分析。 Familiar with experimental animal studies and analysis of regulatory factors related to metabolic disorders. 3.熟悉細胞訊息傳導分析與臨床研究經驗。 Familiar with cell signal transduction analysis and clinical research experience. 4.於相關領域具至少三年博士後研究員經驗。 With at least 3-year postdoctoral training in related fields. *需提供資料(Material needed): 1. 個人履歷表及自傳 Curriculum vitae and autobiography 2. 學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證) A photocopy of education and working experience diploma (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 3. 著作目錄及重要著作 Publication list 4. 推薦函二封 Two letters of recommendation 5.其他:檢核表(請下載後一同郵寄) 聯 絡 人:黃小姐 連絡電話:(02)6620-2589 #11225 E - MAIL:chuning25@tmu.edu.tw 地址:235 新北市中和區圓通路301號 教研大樓12F
9/05 Updated
藥學院新藥研發產業博士學位學程誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至113.02.29截止) 臺北醫學大學
Salary negotiable
藥學院新藥研發產業博士學位學程誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至113.02.29截止) *學歷需求:  博士(Ph. D.) 藥學相關科系畢業之博士 (Ph.D. in a Pharmaceutical-Related Discipline) *職務條件: 1.505b2新劑型新藥研發之專長 (Expertise in 505(b)(2) New Drug Formulation and Development) 2.大分子及小分子藥物控制釋放研發專才(Expertise in the Development of Controlled Release for Macro and Small Molecule Pharmaceuticals) 3.至少一年博士後研究員經驗 (At least one year of Postdoctoral training) 4.具優異溝通、團隊合作及領導能力 Excellent communication skills, teamwork ability, and leadership   *需提供資料(Material needed): 1.個人履歷表及自傳 curriculum vitae and autobiography 2.學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證)  a photocopy of education and working experience diploma (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 3.著作目錄及重要著作 publication list 4.可授之課程及內容大綱 a statement of teaching interests with course outlines 5.推薦函二封 two letters of recommendation 聯 絡 人:陳小姐 連絡電話:(02)27361661#6189 E - MAIL:claudia123@tmu.edu.tw
9/05 Updated
醫學院醫學系公共衛生學科誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至113.01.15截止) 臺北醫學大學
Salary negotiable
醫學院醫學系公共衛生學科誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至113.01.15截止) *學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.) 國內外公共衛生、流行病學 (Domestic or foreign degree of Public Health or Epidemiology) 相關科系畢業 *職務條件: 1.熟諳流行病學、生物統計、傳染病學、統合分析、實證醫學、AI與生物醫療大數據分析等相關領域,有教學研究經驗者優先 Well versed in the field of epidemiology, biostatistics, infectiology, meta-analysis, evidence-based medicine, AI & big data analytics in biomedicine, or other related fields. Candidates with teaching and research experiences are preferred. 2.有博士後經歷、具業界或相關實務工作經驗者優先 Postdoctoral experience or relevant practical work experience is preferred. 3.有AI應用或實驗室分析經驗尤佳 Experience in AI applications or laboratory analysis skills is preferred. 4.具備英語授課能力者優先 Capable of teaching courses in English is preferred. *需提供資料(Material needed): 1.個人履歷表及自傳 curriculum vitae and autobiography 2.學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證) photocopy of education diploma and relative experiences (any foreign diploma should be notarized in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 3.著作目錄及重要著作 publication list 4.可授之課程及內容大綱 a statement of teaching interests with course outlines 5.過去教學之課程綱要 previous teaching portfolio/outlines 6.推薦函二封 two letters of recommendation 聯絡人:李小姐 連絡電話:(02)6620-2589 ext.16004 E-MAIL:fangyu@tmu.edu.tw 1.申請新聘專任教師請先至系統登錄教師新聘資料本校首頁>人力資源處>教師聘任升等作業系統 (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) 2.依本校人力資源處網頁>聘任作業>教師聘任升等作業規定,檢附所需表件於期限內郵寄至235新北市中和區圓通路301號生醫大樓10樓 (註明欲應徵系/所/科/學程) For the application of our new fulltime positions, the interested applicants please register at the faculty employment and promotion operating system first (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) and then make a hard copy of your curriculum vitae. Compose this hard copy, as well as the forms accompanying “The Procedure of Teachers ' Employment and Promotion ” and mail the package to the department/course you are to apply within due time. Please notify the unit/department, instead of any individual receiver, on the envelop for your delivery. The address of our university is: 10F Biomedical Technology Building, No.301, Yuantong Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235, Taiwan.
9/05 Updated
通識教育中心一般通識組誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至112.12.15截止) 臺北醫學大學
Salary negotiable
通識教育中心一般通識組誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至112.12.15截止)     *學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.) 資訊傳播、新聞傳播及資訊工程相關科系畢業 (A Ph.D. in Information and Communication, Journalism and Communication, Information  Engineering, or closely related disciplines.) *職務條件: 1.具資訊傳播、新聞傳播、資訊工程等領域專長 Candidates must have a specialty in the areas of Information and Communication, Journalism and Communication, Information Engineering, or closely related disciplines. 2.能開設媒體識讀課程及程式設計者 Candidates can develop and teach courses related to “Media Literacy” and ”computer coding”. 3.具通識教育教學經歷且教學表現優良 Candidates must have excellent teaching experiences and performance in general education. 4.能執行個人教育部/科技部研究計畫或校級大型計畫者尤佳 Candidates with the ability to work on individual MOE/MOST projects or large-scale programs are preferable. *需提供資料(Material needed): 除本校人力資源處網頁\聘任作業\教師聘任升等 所刊之表件外,另需提供著作錄及重要著作、可教授課程及內容大綱、過去教學之課程綱要、推薦函二封 1.個人履歷表及自傳Curriculum vitae and autobiography 2.學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證) Photocopy of education diploma and relative experiences (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 3.著作目錄及重要著作Publication list 4.可授之課程及內容大綱 A statement of teaching interests with course outlines 5.過去教學之課程綱要 Previous teaching portfolio/outlines and a teaching statement 6.推薦函二封Two letters of recommendation 7.其他 Other:  (1) 參考本校通識教育中心網頁,撰寫對本校通識教育發展的建議,文長八百字內。 Candidates should compose an article (within 800 words) on recommendations for TMU’s  curriculum development, with reference to Center for General Education on TMU website. (http://geducation.tmu.edu.tw/) (2) 應徵者需填寫本校通識教育中心教師研究論文著作積分表,並提供著作之審查證明、國 內外期刊分級證明。 Candidates should fill in the Publication Score Form of TMU Center for General Education,  and provide proofs for paper reviews and journal index lists.     聯絡人:傅小姐 連絡電話:(02)2736-1661 ext.2660  E-MAIL:chfu1225@tmu.edu.tw    1.申請新聘專任教師請先至系統登錄教師新聘資料本校首頁>人力資源處>教師聘任升等作業系統 (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) 2.依本校人力資源處網頁>聘任作業>教師聘任升等作業規定,檢附所需表件於期限內郵寄至110臺北市信義區吳興街250號 (註明欲應徵系/所/科/學程) For the application of our new fulltime positions, the interested applicants please register at the faculty employment and promotion operating system first (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) and then make a hard copy of your curriculum vitae. Compose this hard copy, as well as the forms accompanying “The Procedure of Teachers ' Employment and Promotion ” and mail the package to the department/course you are to apply within due time.  Please notify the unit/department, instead of any individual receiver, on the envelop for your delivery. The address of our university is: 250 Wu-Hsing Street, Taipei City, Taiwan.
9/05 Updated
管理學院大數據及管理研究所誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至112.12.02截止) 臺北醫學大學
Salary negotiable
管理學院大數據及管理研究所誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至112.12.02截止) *學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.) 醫資料科學或相關領域之博士(如具有管理科學背景尤佳) Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree in data science、management or a directly related field.科系畢業 *職務條件: 1.資料科學或相關領域之博士(如具有管理科學背景尤佳) Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree in data science、management or a directly related field. 2.申請人之研究應具連續性,並具執行整合性研究之能力。 The applicant's research should be continuous and capable of carrying out integrated research. *需提供資料(Material needed): 除本校人力資源處網頁\聘任作業\教師聘任升等 所刊之表件外,另需提供著作錄及重要著作、可教授課程及內容大綱、過去教學之課程綱要、推薦函二封 1.個人履歷表及自傳 curriculum vitae and autobiography 2.學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證) a photocopy of education and working experience diploma (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the oversesas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 3.著作目錄及重要著作 publication list 4.可授之課程及內容大綱 a statement of teaching interests with course outlines 5.過去教學之課程綱要 previous teaching portfolio/outlines 6.推薦函二封 two letters of recommendation 7.其他other:其他有利資料 Other favorable information 聯絡人:黃小姐 連絡電話: (02)6620-2589 ext. 16130 E-MAIL:chenyu@tmu.edu.tw 1.申請新聘專任教師請先至系統登錄教師新聘資料本校首頁>人力資源處>教師聘任升等作業系統 (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) 2.依本校人力資源處網頁>聘任作業>教師聘任升等作業規定,檢附所需表件於期限內郵寄至23564 新北市中和區圓通路301號 生醫科技大樓11F (註明欲應徵系/所/科/學程) For the application of our new fulltime positions, the interested applicants please register at the faculty employment and promotion operating system first (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw /HRApply/default.aspx) and then make a hard copy of your curriculum vitae. Compose this hard copy, as well as the forms accompanying “The Procedure of Teachers ' Employment and Promotion ” and mail the package to the department/course you are to apply within due time. Please notify the unit/department, instead of any individual receiver, on the envelop for your delivery. The address of our university is: 11F, Biomedical Technology Building, No.301, Yuantong Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235, Taiwan.
9/05 Updated
醫學系分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科誠徵專任助理教授­­(含)以上1名 (公告至112.12.31截止) 臺北醫學大學
Salary negotiable
醫學系分子寄生蟲暨熱帶疾病學科誠徵專任助理教授­­(含)以上1名 (公告至112.12.31截止) *學歷需求:  博士(Ph. D.)  寄生蟲學或熱帶醫學或生物醫學等 科系畢業  (Ph. D. in Parasitology, Tropical Medicine or Biomedical Sciences) *職務條件: 1.五年內代表性相關研究著作至少2篇第一或通訊作者之SCI論文 (At least 2 publications as first or corresponding author in SCI journal within recent 5 years) 2.國外(不含台港澳)博士後至少1年研究資歷 (At least 1 year post-doctoral experience in facility located at overseas, excluding at Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau) 3.能配合短期至非洲等相關國家出差 (Willing to travel to African countries for short-term projects) 4.有醫用寄生蟲學教學經驗尤佳 (Teaching experience in Medical or Human Parasitology is preferred)   *需提供資料(Material needed): 1.個人履歷表及自傳 curriculum vitae and autobiography 2.學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證)  a photocopy of education and working experience diploma (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 3.著作目錄及重要著作 publication list 4.可授之課程及內容大綱 a statement of teaching interests with course outlines 5.過去教學之課程綱要 previous teaching portfolio/outlines 6.推薦函二封 two letters of recommendation 聯 絡 人:周小姐 連絡電話:(02)27361661#3122 E - MAIL:maychou@tmu.edu.tw
9/05 Updated
通識教育中心一般通識組誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至113.08.17截止) 臺北醫學大學
Salary negotiable
通識教育中心一般通識組誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名(公告至113.08.17截止)     *學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.) 資訊工程相關科系畢業 (A Ph.D. in Anthropology & Medicine, or closely related disciplines.) *職務條件: 1.具資訊工程等領域專長 Candidates must have a specialty in the areas of Information Engineering, or closely related disciplines. 2.能開設程式設計課程者 Candidates can develop and teach courses related to "computer coding". 3.具通識教育教學經歷且教學表現優良 Candidates must have excellent teaching experiences and performance in general education. 4.能執行個人教育部/科技部研究計畫或校級大型計畫者尤佳 Candidates with the ability to work on individual MOE/MOST projects or large-scale programs are preferable. 5.能教授媒體識讀課程者尤佳 Candidates can teach courses related to "Media Literacy" are preferable. *需提供資料(Material needed): 除本校人力資源處網頁\聘任作業\教師聘任升等 所刊之表件外,另需提供著作錄及重要著作、可教授課程及內容大綱、過去教學之課程綱要、推薦函二封 1.個人履歷表及自傳Curriculum vitae and autobiography 2.學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證) Photocopy of education diploma and relative experiences (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 3.著作目錄及重要著作Publication list 4.可授之課程及內容大綱 A statement of teaching interests with course outlines 5.過去教學之課程綱要 Previous teaching portfolio/outlines and a teaching statement 6.推薦函二封Two letters of recommendation 7.其他 Other:  (1) 參考本校通識教育中心網頁,撰寫對本校通識教育發展的建議,文長八百字內。 Candidates should compose an article (within 800 words) on recommendations for TMU’s  curriculum development, with reference to Center for General Education on TMU website. (http://geducation.tmu.edu.tw/) (2) 應徵者需填寫本校通識教育中心教師研究論文著作積分表,並提供著作之審查證明、國 內外期刊分級證明。 Candidates should fill in the Publication Score Form of TMU Center for General Education,  and provide proofs for paper reviews and journal index lists.     聯絡人:李先生 連絡電話:(02)2736-1661 ext.2663 E-MAIL:chiahao@tmu.edu.tw     1.申請新聘專任教師請先至系統登錄教師新聘資料本校首頁>人力資源處>教師聘任升等作業系統 (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) 2.依本校人力資源處網頁>聘任作業>教師聘任升等作業規定,檢附所需表件於期限內郵寄至110臺北市信義區吳興街250號 (註明欲應徵系/所/科/學程) For the application of our new fulltime positions, the interested applicants please register at the faculty employment and promotion operating system first (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) and then make a hard copy of your curriculum vitae. Compose this hard copy, as well as the forms accompanying “The Procedure of Teachers ' Employment and Promotion ” and mail the package to the department/course you are to apply within due time.  Please notify the unit/department, instead of any individual receiver, on the envelop for your delivery. The address of our university is: 250 Wu-Hsing Street, Taipei City, Taiwan.
9/05 Updated
醫學院醫學科學研究所誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上3名(公告至113.05.31截止) 臺北醫學大學
Salary negotiable
醫學院醫學科學研究所誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上3名(公告至113.05.31截止) *學歷需求: 博士(Ph.D.)  生物醫學相關領域 (Biomedical sciences or related disciplines) 科系畢業 *職務條件: 1.具生物醫學相關博士學位(Ph.D. degree in biomedical sciences or related disciplines) 2.一年以上博士後研究訓練並證明曾發表高影響力論文 (Successful candidates should have at least one year of postdoctoral research experience and a proven track record of high-profile publications) 3.其中一位以神經科學領域研究專長將優先考慮,另一位將開放所有生物醫學相關領域學者申請 (One of the positions is for candidates with expertise in neuroscience or relevant research areas, and the other position will open for broad biomedical research scientists) 4.具相關教學經驗者佳 (Candidates with teaching experience will be advantageous) *需提供資料(Material needed): 除本校人力資源處網頁\聘任作業\教師聘任升等 所刊之表件外,另需提供著作錄及重要著作、可教授課程及內容大綱、過去教學之課程綱要、推薦函二封 1.個人履歷表及自傳Curriculum vitae and autobiography 2.學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證) a photocopy of education and working experience diploma (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 3.著作目錄及重要著作Publication list 4.可授之課程及內容大綱 A statement of teaching interests with course outlines 5.推薦函二封Two letters of recommendation 6. 其他other 聯絡人:呂小姐 連絡電話: 02-27361661#3411 E-MAIL:lu99@tmu.edu.tw 1.申請新聘專任教師請先至系統登錄教師新聘資料本校首頁>人力資源處>教師聘任升等作業系統 (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) 2.依本校人力資源處網頁>聘任作業>教師聘任升等作業規定,檢附所需表件於期限內郵寄至110台北市信義區吳興街250號(註明欲應徵系/所/科/學程) For the application of our new fulltime positions, the interested applicants please register at the faculty employment and promotion operating system first (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) and then make a hard copy of your curriculum vitae. Compose this hard copy, as well as the forms accompanying  “The Procedure of Teachers ' Employment and Promotion ” and mail the package to the department/course you are to apply within due time.  Please notify the unit/department, instead of any individual receiver, on the envelop for your delivery. The address of our university is: No.250, Wuxing St., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan
9/05 Updated
新藥開發研究中心誠徵專任研究人員­­1名(含)以上1名 (公告至112.10.31截止) 臺北醫學大學
Salary negotiable
新藥開發研究中心誠徵專任研究人員­­1名(含)以上1名 (公告至112.10.31截止) *學歷需求: 博士(Ph. D.) 藥學相關 科系畢業 Ph.D. in pharmacy *職務條件: 1.藥學系畢業。 Bachelor degree of Pharmacy. 2.大分子體藥物控制釋放研發專才之博士 Ph.D. with expertise in controlled release for macromolecular drugs 3.大分子藥物新藥開發專才之博士 Ph.D. with expertise in macromolecular drug development 4.具優異溝通、團隊合作及領導能力 Excellent communication skills, teamwork ability, and leadership *需提供資料(Material needed): 1. 個人履歷表及自傳 Curriculum vitae and autobiography 2. 學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證) A photocopy of education and working experience diploma (any foreign diploma should be verified in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan) 3. 著作目錄及重要著作 Publication list 4. 推薦函二封 Two letters of recommendation 5.其他:檢核表 聯 絡 人:賴小姐 連絡電話:(02)27361661#7274 E - MAIL:mjl@tmu.edu.tw
9/05 Updated