
Company Introduction

8 Employees
Contact Person
本公司成立於1976年,主要從事進出口窗簾成品、零件、布料、家飾、傢具、燈飾用品及各項精品設計開發與製造生產,在美國有分公司。 Christopher expertise of product sourcing, development, design and manufacturing will continuously evolve to meet market demands. Through problem-solving research and design, the company seeks to develop innovative solutions that truly meet our customer’s needs for a better living and working environment.

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Main Products

室內傢飾:傢俱、燈飾、窗簾零件/成品、布料、陶瓷玻璃製品及各式車縫類製品等,專賣歐美設計師、連鎖店及製造商。 Contemporary Home/office furniture, casegood, table/floor lamp, pendant, wall sconce, window treatment, window shade components, textiles, gifts, accessories, etc,.


1. 美式管理風格 2. 三節獎金 3. 不定期員工聚餐 4. 彈性上、下班 5. 健康檢查 6. 生日禮金 7. 勞保、健保、勞退

Company & Workplace


國貿人員/業務助理(家俱/燈飾) 龍國企業有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,000~40,000
1. 對木頭,戶外,複合式材質家具/室內外燈飾,LED產業有興趣 2. 了解公司銷售之產品及服務項目內容 (具國外家具/燈飾銷售經驗為佳) 3. 熟悉公司規章作業流程 4. 國內、外訂單處理 (包含 : 產品開發/詢價報價/接單/安排訂單生產/出貨/交期進度控管/驗貨/出貨安排,船務,一條龍獨立作業) 5. 配合不定期出差拜訪國內外客戶及廠商 6. 與客戶及工廠維繫穩定合作關係,保持良好溝通管道 7. 市場訊息的蒐集與分析、客戶銷售方案的策劃與執行 8. 客戶關係的維護與需求的滿足 9. 客戶問題的解決與解答及售後滿意度維持 (如: 客訴抱怨及問題反應處理、維持客戶對公司及業務員信賴度) 10. 意見回饋以供公司改善參考依據 11. 定期與主管做業績、績效檢討、回報進度 12. 完成公司及主管交辦事項 13. 業務須配合國內外出差,看展等 • Passion for wooden, outdoor and mix material furniture along with indoor/outdoor decorative lighting categories are strong plus • Excellent communication, interpersonal and negotiation skills with multitasking abilities • Knowledge of logistics that included: Air/Ocean process • Able to execute a PO from start to finish • Articulate Chrisco's value proposition to ideal customers in the North American and European market • Maintain and build a strong relationship with all customers, positioning yourself as a trusted and dependable resource for their business • Promote the company's services addressing how they will solve a customer's supply chain needs • Demonstrate comprehensive product knowledge • Self-Motivated – Drive events to achieve objectives and goals. You work best without close supervision and takes personal satisfaction in job performance • Utilize effective selling techniques to build multiple sales and increase productivity • Prepare responses for proposals (RFPs) and quotation requests (RFQs) • Cultural fit, strong work ethic, and driver to succeed • Confident decision-making skills • Other duties as assigned Requirements: • Proven work experience and success as a sales representative in the industry • Knowledge in MS Office, email and reporting practices • Ability to build business relationships and open doors in a productive manner • Highly motivated, goal orientated, target driven individual • Excellent communication, selling and negotiation skills • Time management and organizational skills are a must • Planning the path for success, maintaining outlook calendars, pre authorizations on expenses, visualizing and deliver desired outcome • Ability to travel domestically and internationally
Senior Level
10/05 Updated
國貿人員/業務助理(窗簾零件/成品/布料) 龍國企業有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 32,000~38,000
1. 對窗簾成品/窗簾零件/布料產業有興趣 2. 了解公司銷售之產品及服務項目內容 (具國外窗簾/窗簾零件/布料銷售經驗為佳) 3. 熟悉公司規章作業流程 4. 國內、外訂單處理 (包含 : 產品開發/詢價報價/接單/安排訂單生產/出貨/交期進度控管/驗貨/出貨安排,船務,一條龍獨立作業) 5. 配合不定期出差拜訪國內外客戶及廠商 6. 與客戶及工廠維繫穩定合作關係,保持良好溝通管道 7. 市場訊息的蒐集與分析、客戶銷售方案的策劃與執行 8. 客戶關係的維護與需求的滿足 9. 客戶問題的解決與解答及售後滿意度維持 (如: 客訴抱怨及問題反應處理、維持客戶對公 司及業務員信賴度) 10. 意見回饋以供公司改善參考依據 11. 定期與主管做業績、績效檢討、回報進度 12. 完成公司及主管交辦事項 13. 業務須配合國內外出差,看展等 • Passion for the finished window blinds, components, machineries, and fabric categories are strong plus • Excellent communication, interpersonal and negotiation skills with multitasking abilities • Knowledge of logistics that included: Air/Ocean process • Able to execute a PO from start to finish • Articulate Chrisco's value proposition to ideal customers in the North American and European market • Maintain and build a strong relationship with all customers, positioning yourself as a trusted and dependable resource for their business • Promote the company's services addressing how they will solve a customer's supply chain needs • Demonstrate comprehensive product knowledge • Self-Motivated – Drive events to achieve objectives and goals. You work best without close supervision and takes personal satisfaction in job performance • Utilize effective selling techniques to build multiple sales and increase productivity • Prepare responses for proposals (RFPs) and quotation requests (RFQs) • Cultural fit, strong work ethic, and driver to succeed • Confident decision-making skills • Other duties as assigned Requirements: • Proven work experience and success as a sales representative in the industry • Knowledge in MS Office, email and reporting practices • Ability to build business relationships and open doors in a productive manner • Highly motivated, goal orientated, target driven individual • Excellent communication, selling and negotiation skills • Time management and organizational skills are a must • Planning the path for success, maintaining outlook calendars, pre authorizations on expenses, visualizing and deliver desired outcome • Ability to travel domestically and internationally
Senior Level
English Required
10/05 Updated