
Company Introduction

2500 Employees
Contact Person
東元電機創立於西元1956年,初期從事馬達生產,至今東元集團已跨入重電、家電、資訊、通訊、電子關鍵零組件、基礎工程建設、金融投資及餐飲、服務等多面向的發展領域,更積極參與國家重大工程建設,目前事業版圖橫跨全球五大洲四十餘國、百餘城市。未來,東元將持續深耕核心事業,將以願景「節能、減排、智能、自動」為發展主軸,強化數位轉型目標,精實營銷及生產智動化,並健全商業智能系統(BI),以提升精準市場營銷進而引導成長,建構一個宏觀、高品質的世界級品牌。 【願景】 節能 減排 智能 自動 【價值觀ACTION】 ● 企圖心Ambition:樂於接受挑戰,勇於超越 ● 顧客導向Customer Focus:瞭解顧客需求,並超越期待 ● 團隊精神Team Work:團隊合作,彼此支援,互信、協調 ● 誠信正直Integrity:信守承諾,公正廉潔,不做違法的事 ● 創新InnovatiON:勇於挑戰舊有思維,提出新的解決辦法 【榮耀事蹟】 ● 東元 2023年奪得6項台灣精品獎 ● 東元 蟬連4年入選DJSI道瓊永續指數新興市場類別 ● 東元 第1名機電業入選DJSI新興市場 ● 東元 蟬連4年入選標準普爾永續年鑑 ● 東元 蟬連8年公司治理評鑑前5% ● 東元 蟬連9年天下企業公民獎 ● 東元 蟬連10年獲TCSA台灣企業永續獎 ● 東元 蟬連2年獲臺灣永續指數成分股企業 ● 東元 榮登「精密機械類」前20大幸福企業 ● 東元 榮獲2023年「幸福企業銀獎」

Industry Sector

Main Products

東元電機初期從事馬達生產,至今已跨入重電、家電、資訊、通訊、電子關鍵零組件、基礎工程建設、金融投資及餐飲等多角化領域,更積極參與國家重大工程建設。 東元電機已擁有高效節能馬達、重電、伺服機電、家電、綠能、及物聯網服務等多角化領域相關產品,可以提供客製化和解決方案,先進的綠色動能,以節能、減排、智能、自動作為積極發展方向,並致力於高科技事業,及國際新興市場之開拓。


東元十分重視員工的訓練發展,由專業又活潑的訓練團隊規劃與執行全公司年度訓練課程,我們設有內部的學習平台「東元E學院」,讓同仁能夠即時、快速線上查閱可報名的課程及過去學習紀錄,並結合績效評核管理及個人發展計畫(IDP),不僅讓員工規劃自己的訓練藍圖,還有各式各樣的學習性社群討論: ● 新人訓練:認識集團文化、培養基本技能、建立工作心態 ● 管理才能訓練:基層、中階及高階管理訓練 ● 專業技術訓練:針對技術類人員規劃馬達、電控、器具、電力、冷凍空調五大類技術學程 ● 內部講師培訓:傳承公司內部知識/技能,有效提升教學品質 ● 專業訓練課程:行銷業務類、研發類、生管類、品保類等專業訓練 ● 通識訓練課程:針對全體員工開辦溝通協調、創意思考、問題解決等課程 ● 公司培育政策:品管、財管、法務、環安、IT訓練、規章制度等專業訓練 ● 國際化人才培育:邀請知名學者,傳授時勢最熱門之議題與經驗,並有許多機會參加各領域專家的演講 東元是一個大家庭,為每一位家庭成員提供無微不至的福利照護是東元應盡的責任。東元不僅在食、衣、住、行、育、樂等方面關愛員工,更是設置了職工福利委員會,努力為員工創造最大福祉: ● 員工餐廳團膳伙食 ● 交通車、廠區同仁享單身宿舍 ● 特約商店購物優惠 ● 結婚禮金、喪葬、配偶分娩、傷病慰問金、住院補助 ● 語言學習補助、申請語文書籍購置費補助 ● 三節福利金(品)、生日假、禮金、生日蛋糕賀禮 ● 設有汽機車停車位 ● 多元社團活動、團購優惠 ● 錢水木先生紀念獎學金 ● 享員工團保,自費享有眷屬團保 ● 員工旅遊補助

Company & Workplace


Business Development & Marketing Specialist (East Java, Indonesia) 東元電機股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
TECO is looking for talents to join our affiliates in Vietnam! This role will require strong ownership to lead & execute Financial Performance & Strategy in building highly performing LV/ MV motor, drives, and mechatronic related in renewable power source, energy saving opportunities of regional area and building customer relationship with better customer outcome. 1.Manage opportunities and funnel, using applicable CRM sales funnel tools and reports for their products/solutions/services in their assigned territory/accounts. 2.Collaborate with internal BUs (Motor, Gear-motor, Aircon) while working on development of specification. Coordinate with regional domain experts to drive success rate in winning projects. 3.Diligently develop, generate and maintain opportunities for a healthy funnel. Lead strategy calls with customer decision maker to make right decision and increase winning rate. 4.Establish healthy working relationship with Key customer and internal supporting BU's through collaborations by conducting meeting/visits on periodical basis, keeping abreast of their business update/ requirements as well as identifying new opportunities for conversion for the RA products, solutions and services. 4.Acquire the needed technical competency to hold at least preliminary technical presentations and discussions with customers, so as to understand and fulfil their needs and requirements with Rockwell Automation products, solutions and services. 5.Create buy-in for the product vision and develop marketing strategies for solutions/services both internal and with key external partners
Senior Level
English Required
10/07 Updated
Business Development & Marketing Specialist (Selangor, Malaysia) 東元電機股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
TECO is looking for talents to join our affiliates in Vietnam! This role will require strong ownership to lead & execute Financial Performance & Strategy in building highly performing LV/ MV motor, drives, and mechatronic related in renewable power source, energy saving opportunities of regional area and building customer relationship with better customer outcome. 1.Manage opportunities and funnel, using applicable CRM sales funnel tools and reports for their products/solutions/services in their assigned territory/accounts. 2.Collaborate with internal BUs (Motor, Gear-motor, Aircon) while working on development of specification. Coordinate with regional domain experts to drive success rate in winning projects. 3.Diligently develop, generate and maintain opportunities for a healthy funnel. Lead strategy calls with customer decision maker to make right decision and increase winning rate. 4.Establish healthy working relationship with Key customer and internal supporting BU's through collaborations by conducting meeting/visits on periodical basis, keeping abreast of their business update/ requirements as well as identifying new opportunities for conversion for the RA products, solutions and services. 4.Acquire the needed technical competency to hold at least preliminary technical presentations and discussions with customers, so as to understand and fulfil their needs and requirements with Rockwell Automation products, solutions and services. 5.Create buy-in for the product vision and develop marketing strategies for solutions/services both internal and with key external partners
Senior Level
English Required
10/07 Updated
Business Development & Marketing Specialist (Dong Nai, Vietnam) 東元電機股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
TECO is looking for talents to join our affiliates in Vietnam! This role will require strong ownership to lead & execute Financial Performance & Strategy in building highly performing LV/ MV motor, drives, and mechatronic related in renewable power source, energy saving opportunities of regional area and building customer relationship with better customer outcome. 1.Manage opportunities and funnel, using applicable CRM sales funnel tools and reports for their products/solutions/services in their assigned territory/accounts. 2.Collaborate with internal BUs (Motor, Gear-motor, Aircon) while working on development of specification. Coordinate with regional domain experts to drive success rate in winning projects. 3.Diligently develop, generate and maintain opportunities for a healthy funnel. Lead strategy calls with customer decision maker to make right decision and increase winning rate. 4.Establish healthy working relationship with Key customer and internal supporting BU's through collaborations by conducting meeting/visits on periodical basis, keeping abreast of their business update/ requirements as well as identifying new opportunities for conversion for the RA products, solutions and services. 4.Acquire the needed technical competency to hold at least preliminary technical presentations and discussions with customers, so as to understand and fulfil their needs and requirements with Rockwell Automation products, solutions and services. 5.Create buy-in for the product vision and develop marketing strategies for solutions/services both internal and with key external partners
Senior Level
English Required
10/07 Updated
[Incubation program] Business Developer/Product Manager 東元電機股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
TECO is expanding the business and accelerating growth in new markets. We are hiring talents who can incubate new businesses in the electrification, green energy or E-mobility territories. We offer solid training, rotation program and challenging assignments. You have the opportunity to be on the fast track at the company. This role requires being based in TW HQ, but traveling overseas frequently to penetrate the market. Joining the Incubation program can make you become a professional Business Developer/Product Manager in the fields, and your R&R will be: 1. Serve as a core team to incubate New Businesses、New Markets and New Products. 2. Bring TECO products and solutions to the new market (SEA is preferred, but not limited to) and set up successful cases in the industries. 3. Conduct market and competitor analysis to dig into the product needs and drive the financial result. 4. Define product/solution roadmap and spec to meet customer needs.
Senior Level
English Required
10/07 Updated
業務助理 東元電機股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 33,000~40,000
一、出貨處理 二、負責所屬銷售單位之銷售業務訂單處理 三、貨款回收控管 四、所屬單位產品庫存管控 五、協調處理產品交付顧客過程中之問題點
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/07 Updated
AutoCAD繪圖工程師(有工程圖面繪製經驗者佳) 東元電機股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 38,000~42,000
1.空調設備CAD圖面繪製 2.空調工程圖面繪製 3.支援一般行政業務 4.完成主管交辦事項
Senior Level
10/07 Updated
Overseas Sales馬達產品海外業務專員 東元電機股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.負責業務地區(歐美地區)之產品銷售及服務支援務 2.訂單進度處理、確保訂單交期、協助產品進入市場,達到目標業績業務 3.產品詢、報價 4.業績統計報告 5.了解各關企端之取單、銷售及庫存變化,以利掌握下單狀況之協調與追蹤 6.協助客戶端處理非標準品抱怨與品質問題 7.其他主管交待事項
Mid to Senior Level
10/07 Updated
生技工程師(印尼) 東元電機股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 生產製程規劃與改善 2. 生產準備(模、治工具繪圖請製, 雜項請購) 3. 自動化生產技術規劃、改善及設備導入 4. 生產技術基準制訂與維護 5. 不良品分析及改善測試
Senior Level
10/07 Updated
機電產品Product Manager 東元電機股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 產品線規劃與管理,包含產品迭代與開發,產品技術與規格擬定,產品定價分析,銷售策略規劃、產品上市前準備工作等 2. 規劃新產品功能及Roadmap並與工程團隊確認可行性、初步成本分析 3. 執行新產品開發階段各項會議策劃、召集、記錄及進度跟催等工作 4. 產品銷售訓練及技術訓練 5. 掌握產品銷售區域相關法規 6. 蒐集產品市場發展趨勢及客戶需求相關訊息 7. 定期與關鍵零組件供應商會議了解零組件供應商Roadmap
Senior Level
English Required
10/07 Updated