
Company Introduction

1200 Employees
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杜邦為全球數一數二的技術領導者,在全球約有23,000名員工,我們的營運版圖遍布將近50個國家,擁有23個技術中心與90個生產據點。領先的創新、深厚的材料科學專業知識和一流的製造技術使我們的客戶能夠使用下一代技術。現今的杜邦正轉型成為一家更專精的跨行業公司,專注於以下五個需求創新與可持續發展的高增長領域:電子科技、下一代汽車、水處理、防護與工業技術,持續追求新技術和高性能材料。每一天,我們都在解決客戶面臨的最大挑戰,並很榮幸成為他們的首選合作夥伴。 除此之外,我們十分看重永續發展,會以必要的創新,促使世界繁榮茁壯,兌現對社會的承諾。我們將在科學和創新中保持我們的熱情,並運用經認可的專業,創造永續發展的解決方案,以解決世界所面臨的複雜挑戰。 台灣杜邦 台灣杜邦公司成立於民國57年,目的在進口及行銷杜邦的產品,並為客戶提供技術支援。最先引進植物保護產品,其後電子、化學、聚合物、纖維尼龍特殊化學等產品逐一跟進發展,而台灣目前已是杜邦在亞洲投資額最大的國家。 杜邦公司不僅對台灣產業發展產生重要影響,更協助台灣產品成功地打入國際市場,在根生台灣、永續經營的展望下,穩健營運,著重地方與社區的發展,善盡企業的社會責任。 為配合區域性整合行銷及在台長期發展的策略,台灣杜邦現在有2個辦公室、1個實驗室與5個工廠 1個研發中心與1個創新中心,現有員工人數約為1200人。對工業安全及環保有嚴謹與高標準的管理,持續締造零傷害之工安記錄。 杜邦公司一直以來,與台灣經濟共同成長,早已將永續經營的理念落實,成為道地的本土企業,除了持續將結合生物科學、材料科學及資訊科學等三大領域之各項科技及高品質產品引進國內;積極與國內企業合作,共同開發國內及國際市場;以及朝向知識密集的產業發展。 如需更多公司相關資訊,請參觀杜邦官網: 【為維護身心障礙者就業權益,歡迎領有身心障礙手冊的人選主動應徵】

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電子科技: 實現互連、智慧科技與下一代半導體晶片和印刷電路板 下一代汽車: 推進電動汽車和先進的安全系統發展,加速未來交通轉型 水處理: 經由水淨化和永續利用的解決方案,幫助應對水資源挑戰 防護: 保護勞工並實現永續建築 工業技術: 應用於醫療健康、航空航太、防禦、清潔能源等嚴苛環境的特殊材料


-薪資獎金制度及保險事宜 優於市場的薪資架構,年薪十二個月+2個月年終獎金 激勵獎金計劃:按公司營運績效及組織目標成效給與 服務每滿五年之員工可獲得服務年資獎勵 除政府規定之6%提撥,公司額外替每位員工提撥退休金至杜邦個人專戶 健保、勞工保險 免費團體保險(含壽險、意外、住院、癌症醫療團體保險)。員工配偶及子女享有免費 團保住院醫療險、意外傷害醫療險、癌症醫療險。 -休假制度 新進員工到職當月即享有特休假(依到職日按比例計算), 每年額外有彈性休假 病假:加入公司第二年度起享有30天全薪病假 事假:提供優於勞基法之有薪事假 產假、陪產假: 女性員工於分娩前後,給予產假12週;員工於其配偶分娩時,享10日陪產假 育兒假:員工在杜邦服務期間生產,新生兒一歲前女性員工享有4週,男性10日之全薪育兒假 -員工福利 國際商務旅行提供國際SOS全球資源確保海外健康醫療安全 EAP員工關懷專案 定期提供員工健康檢查與免費疫苗施打 公司具有專業護理師人員並定期提供職業病專科醫師駐廠問診 福委會年度旅遊補助 設有各式公司社團及康樂活動 竹南廠區健身房具備健身器材並可容納提供多元的運動項目


Field Service Engineer 台灣杜邦股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Job Scope: • Product promotion with sales by providing product introduction, demo coordination and technical suggestions. • Project engagement of CMP pad with customers by supporting on-site demo and after-sales technical customer service. • Product performance issue resolution and trouble-shooting by communicating with internal stakeholders and customers and to drive for quality improvement to meet customers’ expectation. • Customer intimacy and relationship Development and Sustain • Deep dive in market trend, customer intelligence and competitive landscape. • Flexible working hours to support urgent cases at customers’ site. Requirements and Education: • Master's Degree and above in engineering related field. • At least 3 years experiences work experience in Semiconductor industry or even in CMP field is a plus. • Fluent in Mandarin and English. Familiar with office system such as Excel, Word, Power point and even JMP. • A person with good communication skills and a disciplined and self-motivated team player is preferred. Value the skills to handle multiple and challenging tasks.
Partially Remote
10/17 Updated
RD Chemist 台灣杜邦股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
• Develop next generation conductive ink or adhesive for smart phone display or automotive display or other applications • Explore new adhesive platforms through patent landscape analysis, fundamental understanding, experiment design, data analysis, and result interpretation • Establish new methodology development and improvement to simulate customer in line test results/ issue, formulate products to solve customer technical challenges and communicate with customers • This role is responsible for collaborating with different functions including Application/Quality/scale-up Engineering/Manufacturing/EHS, etc., to deliver new products
English Required
10/17 Updated
CMP Slurry Formulation Scientist 台灣杜邦股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
*Job Description: • This position will be responsible for leading slurry segment research works to build broader and comprehensive slurry product portfolio, delivering technical solutions of CMP slurry applications to achieve customer engagement success and support slurry business growth. It involves customer’s pathfinding / R&D / mass production / centralized units in the area of global semiconductor industry. • The main responsibilities of this role include initiating fundamental researches and innovating on experimental methodologies, leading formulation design and product development activities, facilitating communication with customers on both chemistry and CMP process, consolidating technical progress documentation and patent writing, presenting DuPont’s product and technology externally. • This position will be collaborating with multiple functions through the entire slurry product development cycles, including global R&D team, application engineering, scale-up, sales, raw materials & product quality engineering, manufacturing and marketing, to ensure product commercialization with robustness and sustainability in alignment with business strategy.
Senior Level
English Required
10/17 Updated
Production Technician (輪班生產技術員) 台灣杜邦股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 38,000+
Job Description: • Monitors and operates equipment and facilities, including field equipment, ensuring quality and compliance with standard operating procedures. • Maintains safety standards at all times and initiates and follows emergency procedures when necessary. • Performs basic repair and maintenance on area equipment. May perform advanced maintenance activities as qualified. • SOP review & modify, MOC issue and change implement. Qualification: • Education : College degree or above • Day / Night shift rotates are required. • Work experience in manufacturing at least 1 year. chemistry experience will be plus • Basic English reading skill.
Mid to Senior Level
10/15 Updated
Product Stewardship and Regulatory Analyst 台灣杜邦股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 800,000~1,100,000
Responsibilities  Supports business units and/or corporation in product stewardship and/or regulatory activity by gathering, organizing and analyzing regulatory and product stewardship data.  Gathers and analyzes data required for product stewardship reviews, business impact analysis, and other regulatory requirements.  Implements Hazard Communication (HazCom) program for AP region on the MSDS/ label generation and related HazCom inquiries.  Coordinates regional regulatory compliance activities like First Standard Order Process (FSOP), etc.  Maintains regulatory intelligence system and infrastructure development.  Supports business units in regulatory and/or product stewardship activity by maintaining regulatory databases, providing appropriate documentation, and conducting vendor surveys. Works in collaboration with other regulatory and product stewardship community. Expected background/knowledge  BS or Masters on Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, or Science related area.  Strong skills in Microsoft Office including Word, Excel, Power Point and Outlook.  Good knowledge of chemical management in general. Competency: Core Competency  English written and verbal communication skill  Sense of urgency, establishing course of action to work efficiently and effectively  Capability of communicating with regional and global PS&R resources  Ability to interact in a positive, constructive manner and under a variety of circumstances  A good team player who can work collaboratively with diverse stakeholders. Functional Competency  Basic understanding and knowledge on chemical management policies, regulations and practices in A/P.  Experience of Hazard Communication tasks for MSDS and label generations.  Experience of Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for Chemical Labeling and Classification
Senior Level
English Required
10/14 Updated