
Company Introduction

500 Employees
新北市中和區中和路366號12樓 (近捷運永安市場站)
Contact Person
科林創立於1986年,現已發展為集團的規模,涵蓋B2B和B2C的營運模式,我們致力於鑽研與創新,提供跨越眼科、聽力、睡眠及營養保健等多元領域的綜合性醫療解決方案。我們不斷拓展科技知識與技術的邊界,旨在超越當前醫療保健的局限,創造顯著且永續的價值。深入理解病患的真正需求並提供有效的解決方案進而塑造卓越的健康和生活品質。我們的願景為成為亞太地區引領科技研發的醫療照護公司,通過不斷創新、整合和擴展服務範圍,為更多人和地區提供先進且值得信賴的健康照護。 我們的價值觀: • 誠信與尊重 • 創新與持續優化 • 品質承諾與客戶導向 • 合作與人才發展 • 社會責任與永續發展 如果你/妳是富有使命感的人 如果你/妳認同社會道德責任 如果你/妳有滿腔的熱血想一展長才 歡迎加入我們! 一起創造一個不一樣的醫療保健市場 -- 我們的歷史 →亞洲第一家通過ISO 9001認證的醫療儀器代理商 →1999年獲得衛生署生物醫學技術獎----醫療儀器類 →第一家醫療代理商通過ISO 13485醫療器材品質管理系統 →第一家助聽器門市服務通過SGS Qualicert服務驗證 →榮獲:2013年幸福心職場最高榮譽[金心獎] →榮獲:2014年TTQS銀牌認證 →榮獲:衛生福利部國民健康署頒發:健康職場認證 →榮獲:新北市2020年度促進身心障礙者就業績優單位 →榮獲:公益微電影「老爸幫幫忙」榮獲2020年台灣YouTube最成功廣告影片排行榜 →榮獲:2022年新北企業精典獎「多元服務」獎項肯定 →榮獲:2023年獲業界第一家通過「醫療器材優良運銷準則(GDP)」認證 →榮獲:2024年科林助聽器榮獲經濟部第七屆潛力中堅企業獎 Clinico was founded in 1986 and has now developed into a group that encompasses both B2B and B2C operational models. We are dedicated to research and innovation, providing comprehensive medical solutions across various fields, including ophthalmology, otology, polysomnography and nutritional health. We continuously push the boundaries of technological knowledge and expertise, aiming to transcend the limitations of current healthcare and create significant and sustainable value. By deeply understanding the true needs of patients and offering effective solutions, we strive to shape excellent health and quality of life. Our vision is to become a leading healthcare company in the Asia-Pacific region, pioneering technological research and development. Through continuous innovation, integration, and service expansion, we aim to provide advanced and trustworthy healthcare to more people and regions. Our values: • Integrity and Respect • Innovation and Continuous Improvement • Quality Commitment and Customer Orientation • Collaboration and Talent Development • Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Our History →The first medical instrument agency in Asia to obtain ISO 9001 certification. →Awarded the Biomedical Technology Award by the Department of Health in 1999 for Medical Instruments. →The first medical agency to pass the ISO 13485 Medical Device Quality Management System. →The first hearing aid service center to receive SGS Qualicert Service Certification. →Honored with the "Gold Heart Award" for Workplace Happiness in 2013. →Awarded the TTQS Silver Certification in 2014. →Recognized by the Ministry of Health and Welfare for the Workplace Health Certification. →Recognized as an outstanding unit for promoting the employment of disabled individuals by New Taipei City in 2020. →Won the award for the public service microfilm "Dad, Help!" which ranked among Taiwan's most successful YouTube ads in 2020. →Awarded the "Diverse Services" recognition at the 2022 New Taipei City Business Excellence Awards. →Became the first in the industry to be certified under the Good Distribution Practice (GDP) for medical devices in 2023. →In 2024, Clinico Hearing Aids received the Ministry of Economic Affairs' Potential Mid-Sized Enterprise Award.

Industry Sector

Main Products

我們提供優質產品、創新服務、將視聽保健的專業傳達給每一位需要的人。 醫療儀器代理銷售及售後服務, 至今在海內外已建立了超過百餘間助聽輔具直營門市及眼科儀器、技術設備之大宗代理商。 營運範圍 人工電子耳、助聽器、morear3D 防護耳塞、眼科儀器、人工水晶體、正壓呼吸器、近視雷射、保健食品。 We provide high-quality products and innovative services, delivering professional auditory and visual healthcare to everyone in need. Specializing in the agency sales and after-sales service of medical instruments, we have established over a hundred hearing aid retail stores and have become a major distributor of ophthalmic instruments and technical equipment both domestically and internationally. Operating Scope Cochlear implants, hearing aids, morear3D protective earplugs, ophthalmic instruments, intraocular lenses, positive airway pressure devices, laser eye surgery, and health supplements.


我們重視每一位員工的職涯發展與生活品質,並致力於提供完善的福利制度,讓您在工作中安心成長,開創未來: • 員購優惠:以超優惠價格享受集團商品,涵蓋多元保健食品、助聽器、近視雷射、正壓呼吸器及美學課程等,照顧您的健康與生活。 • 福利假制度:享有優於勞基法的休假政策,讓您兼顧工作與生活。 • 全面保障:享有勞保、健保及退休金計畫,並提供多元團體保險,包括醫療險、意外險、壽險、癌症險及出差旅遊平安險等,全方位守護您的健康與未來安全。 • 福利委員會:專門設立的福利委員會,積極推動更多員工福利措施。 • 專業培訓:完善的國內外專業教育訓練,助您在職涯中不斷提升專業技能。 • 節慶獎金:中秋節、端午節及年終獎金,感謝您的努力與貢獻,與您一同分享成功的喜悅。 • 補助關懷:提供婚喪病喜慶的補助金,貼心陪伴您在人生的每一個重要時刻。 • 推薦獎勵:介紹優秀人才加入我們,您將獲得推薦獎金以及保健產品組合和美學課程作為獎勵。 • 知識成長:定期舉辦知識與心靈成長的讀書會,豐富您的學習與個人成長。 • 年資禮:根據您的年資提供獨特的禮物,以表彰您對公司的長期貢獻。 加入我們,與公司共同成長,一起邁向更美好的未來! We value the career development and quality of life of every employee and are committed to providing a comprehensive benefits system to ensure you can grow confidently at work and build a brighter future: • Employee Discounts: Enjoy exclusive discounts on a variety of company products, including health supplements, hearing aids, SMART TransPRK, CPAP machines, and medical aesthetic courses, ensuring both your health and well-being. • Leave Benefits: Benefit from a leave policy that exceeds labor law requirements, allowing you to maintain a healthy work-life balance. • Comprehensive Coverage: Benefit from labor insurance, health insurance, and a pension plan, along with a range of group insurance options, including medical, accident, life, cancer, and business travel insurance. This extensive coverage ensures complete protection for your health and future security. • Welfare Committee: A dedicated welfare committee is actively engaged in promoting more benefits for employees. • Professional Training: Receive comprehensive domestic and international professional education and training to continuously enhance your skills. • Festival Bonuses: Enjoy bonuses during the Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, and year-end, as a token of appreciation for your hard work and contributions. • Supportive Subsidies: We provide financial support during important life events, such as weddings, funerals, hospitalization and injury/illness condolence, and maternity subsidy, offering care when you need it most. • Referral Bonuses: Recommend talented individuals to join our team, and you will receive referral bonuses along with health product packages and medical aesthetic course rewards. • Knowledge Growth: Participate in regular book clubs focused on knowledge and personal growth, enriching both your learning and personal development. • Long Service Awards: Receive good gifts based on your tenure to honor your long-term contributions to the company. Join us and grow alongside the company as we strive toward a brighter future together!

Company & Workplace


【全台】門市人員-聽力顧問(含聽力、呼吸治療、營養_通過試用首年保障薪資43K以上)***服務門市依所在區域分配*** 科林儀器股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 33,000~50,000
<關於職缺> ***服務門市依所在區域分配*** 科林助聽器為業界聽覺輔具的領導品牌,秉持著不斷創新與進步的理念,積極拓展市場 科林榮獲2020國家磐石獎: https://money.udn.com/money/story/5635/4985764 <職位提供服務> 提供全方位的視聽保健服務,促進全球華人的耳聰目明 科林微電影: 2020老爸幫幫忙 https://reurl.cc/Ezbvra 2019需要被聽見 https://reurl.cc/L1281x <獲得成就> 提高顧客對聽覺與睡眠等疾病意識,有更好的生活品質 <成長機會> 致力培育聽力和呼吸治療領域菁英,透過多元學習方式強化其職能 具備提供客戶專業衛教諮詢、選配和保健等能力 具備提供客戶客製化的一對一的顧問式服務 <工作內容> 1.提供聽力輔具專業產品,進行衛教、選配和保健建議 2.提供睡眠呼吸正壓器專業產品,進行衛教、銷售服務和保健建議 3.產品銷售及售後追蹤 4.客戶關係管理,舊客與新客的關係維繫 5.相關行政/主管交辦事務 <期待特質> ★對門市諮詢、內勤業務銷售具熱忱者 ★勇於挑戰:門店銷售業務經驗豐富、樂於追求高績效、具抗壓性 ★服務熱忱:親切樂觀、善於與人互動和溝通傾聽 ★主動積極、學習力高 ★具備投入高成長潛力(醫療保健)產業的熱情 ★助人為本,專業紮根以滿足健康需求 <關於團隊> 提供人才最優渥的薪資,包含業績獎金、年度獎金和年終另計,做越多領越多! 提供人才最充足的資源和舞台,除擁有完整新人知識培育,更舉辦每年專業評鑑,增加職場競爭力 <About the Job> Clinico Group is a leading brand in the hearing aid industry, committed to continuous innovation and progress while actively expanding the market. Clinico Group was honored with the National Rock Award in 2020: https://money.udn.com/money/story/5635/4985764 <Why We Have This Role> ***Service locations are assigned based on their respective regions.*** To provide comprehensive auditory and visual health services, enhancing the hearing and vision of Chinese communities worldwide. Short films: 2020老爸幫幫忙 https://reurl.cc/Ezbvra 2019需要被聽見 https://reurl.cc/L1281x <How You'll Find Success> By raising awareness about hearing and sleep disorders, leading to improved quality of life for our customers. <How You Grow> We are dedicated to developing elite professionals in the fields of hearing and respiratory therapy, strengthening their skills through diverse learning methods. You'll gain expertise in providing professional health education, selection, and care, as well as customized one-on-one advisory services for clients. <Things You Will Do> 1. Provide professional hearing aid products, including health education, selection advice, and care recommendations. 2. Provide professional products for sleep apnea therapy, including health education, sales service, and care recommendations. 3. Handle product sales and after-sales follow-up. 4. Manage customer relationships, maintaining connections with both existing and new clients. 5. Perform related administrative tasks and duties assigned by supervisors. <What We're Looking for on Your Resume> ★ Passionate about in-store consultation and internal sales. ★ Ready for challenges: experienced in store sales, enthusiastic about high performance, and resilient under pressure. ★ Service-oriented: friendly, optimistic, and skilled in interaction and communication. ★ Proactive and eager to learn. ★ Passionate about the high-growth healthcare industry. ★ Dedicated to helping others with a strong professional foundation to meet health needs. <What You Should Know About This Team> 1. We offer competitive salaries with performance bonuses, annual bonuses, and additional rewards—earn more based on your achievements! 2. We provide ample resources and opportunities, including comprehensive training for newcomers and annual professional evaluations to enhance career competitiveness.
English Required
10/10 Updated
【FIN】會計專員 科林儀器股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
為什麼我們有這個職位 隨著公司業務的成長,我們需要一位能夠協助維持會計事務流暢運作的助理,確保各項帳務的準確性與及時性,並支援公司日常財務管理的需求。 如何取得成功 你將透過精確的帳務處理和良好的時間管理來獲得成功,並與公司其他部門保持良好的溝通。此外,能夠有效掌握鼎新系統,並積極解決問題,將使你在這個職位上脫穎而出。 成長機會 此職位提供全面的會計實務操作機會,讓你可以不斷提升專業技能。如果你有學習與成長的意願,將有機會進一步涉獵更高層次的財務管理工作。 你將做的事 • 財務結帳流程 • 收發、記錄及彙整交易的原始憑證。 • 審核費用支付的發票、單據及帳務處理。 • 處理其他一般會計帳務。 • 執行主管交辦的其他事項。 Why we have this role: As the company continues to grow, we need an assistant to help ensure the smooth operation of accounting tasks, maintaining accuracy and timeliness in all financial matters and supporting the company’s day-to-day financial management needs. How you'll find success: You will find success by accurately handling financial transactions, managing your time effectively, and maintaining clear communication with other departments. Mastering the 鼎新 system and being proactive in solving problems will also set you apart in this role. How you grow: This position offers hands-on experience in various accounting tasks, allowing you to continuously improve your professional skills. If you have a desire to learn and grow, you may also have the opportunity to take on more advanced financial management responsibilities. Things you will do: • Financial Closing Processes • Receive, record, and compile transaction-related documents. • Review invoices and handle financial transaction processing. • Handle other general accounting tasks. • Complete additional tasks assigned by your supervisor.
Mid to Senior Level
10/08 Updated
【科立健】保健食品研發專員 科林儀器股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
為什麼我們需要這個職位 隨著健康意識的提升和消費者對保健食品需求的增加,我們致力於提供高品質、創新且有效的保健食品。這個職位的設立是為了確保我們能夠持續推出符合市場趨勢和消費者需求的新產品,從而保持公司的競爭力和市場領導地位。 如何獲得成功  深入研究:透過深入的市場調查和科學研究,開發出具有創新性和競爭力的產品。  團隊合作:與營養師和其他部門密切合作,確保產品開發的每個階段都能順利進行。  持續學習:保持對保健食品行業趨勢和最新研究成果的關注,不斷提升自身專業知識。 成長機會  專業發展:通過參與各種專業培訓和研討會,提升你的專業技能和知識。  實踐經驗:通過實際項目和產品開發積累豐富的實踐經驗。  跨部門合作:通過與不同部門的合作,提高你的溝通能力和項目管理技能。  創新能力:在研發新產品的過程中,不斷挑戰自我,培養你的創新思維和解決問題的能力。 你將通過參與多項研發專案及跨部門合作機會,增強你的專業技能並擴展你的職業發展道路。 您將做的事情  健康食品研發與開發。  產品臨床功效評估及產品推廣資料撰寫。  專業文獻資料搜尋及整合。  產業與市場脈動,競品分析。  舉辦營養品衛教說明會。  相關食品法規查詢與瞭解。  主管交辦事項。 Why We Have This Role With the rising health awareness and increasing consumer demand for health foods, we are committed to providing high-quality, innovative, and effective health products. This role is established to ensure we can continuously launch new products that align with market trends and consumer needs, maintaining the company's competitiveness and market leadership. How You'll Find Success  In-depth Research: Develop innovative and competitive products through thorough market research and scientific studies.  Team Collaboration: Work closely with scientists, nutritionists, and other departments to ensure smooth progress in every stage of product development.  Continuous Learning: Stay updated on industry trends and the latest research findings in the health food sector to constantly improve your professional knowledge. How You Grow  Professional Development: Enhance your skills and knowledge through participation in various professional training and seminars.  Practical Experience: Gain rich practical experience through real projects and product development.  Cross-department Collaboration: Improve your communication skills and project management abilities by working with different departments.  Innovation Capability: Challenge yourself continuously during the development of new products, fostering your innovative thinking and problem-solving skills. You will enhance your professional skills and expand your career path through involvement in multiple R&D projects and cross-departmental collaboration opportunities. Things You Will Do  Research and develop health food products.  Evaluate clinical efficacy of products and write promotional materials.  Search and integrate professional literature.  Analyze industry trends and competitors.  Organize nutritional education seminars.  Research and understand relevant food regulations.  Perform other tasks assigned by supervisors. 歡迎與我們有共同理念的你加入團隊,攜手一起共同創造安心信賴且成就有感的產品! Join us if you share our vision, and together we can create products that are trusted for their safety and effectiveness!
Mid to Senior Level
10/08 Updated
【眼科儀器】北區業務代表 科林儀器股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
關於職缺 公司致力於大中華眼科事業發展,本著專業化的經營理念,以“設備最全、服務至上”享譽國內眼科界,不斷引進國外先進眼科設備,與全體眼科醫師攜手並進,將全華人眼科推向一流水平的目標而努力。 職位提供服務 這個角色對於公司至關重要,因為它直接關聯到市場的業務拓展和客戶關係管理。我們需要一位專業的業務代表來開發新客戶、維護現有客戶,並確保達成業績目標。通過這個角色,我們希望提升市場佔比,增強品牌影響力,並保持與客戶的長期合作關係。 獲得成就 ■積極尋找和接洽新客戶,提供優質的服務以保持現有客戶的滿意度,並確保訂單和帳務的準確處理。 ■了解市場需求,掌握行業趨勢,並迅速響應客戶需求,解決問題,從而提升銷售業績和客戶忠誠度。 成長機會 公司將為您提供專業的培訓和發展機會,幫助您提升業務技能和行業知識。隨著您在工作中的表現和業績提升,您將有機會參與更高層次的業務策略規劃,甚至晉升到更高級別的管理職位。 工作內容 ■從事眼科儀器設備的銷售並達成銷售目標。 ■開發並維護診所、醫院等客戶,建立並鞏固客戶關係。 ■負責國內業務的接洽、訂單處理、帳務管理以及客情維護,確保業務流程順利。 ■處理責任區域內的異常報告,及時解決問題以維護公司形象。 ■掌握市場變化,提供解決方案,協助客戶解決問題並提供專業建議。 期待條件 ■專科以上畢業,英文聽說讀寫順暢 ■具醫療保健相關工作經驗者佳 ■重視團隊合作 ■歡迎社會新鮮人及無經驗者 關於團隊 我們的團隊專注於提供高品質的眼科設備和服務解決方案,致力於滿足客戶多樣化的需求。我們重視創新和技術進步,並以客戶滿意度為中心,不斷追求卓越和行業領先地位。 About the Job We are dedicated to advancing ophthalmology in Greater China with a focus on professionalism, comprehensive equipment, and top-notch service. We continuously introduce advanced international ophthalmic equipment and collaborate with ophthalmologists to elevate Chinese ophthalmology to top-tier standards. Why We Have This Role This role is vital for expanding market presence and managing client relationships. We need a sales representative to attract new clients, maintain existing ones, and meet performance targets, aiming to increase market share, enhance brand influence, and ensure long-term client partnerships. How You'll Find Success ■Proactively acquire new clients and provide excellent service to retain existing ones, ensuring accurate order and account handling. ■Understand market demands and trends, respond quickly to client needs, and solve problems to boost sales and client loyalty. How You Grow The company offers professional training and development to improve your business skills and industry knowledge. With strong performance, you'll have opportunities for higher-level strategy roles and senior management positions. Things You Will Do ■Sell ophthalmic instruments and achieve sales targets. ■Develop and maintain relationships with clinics, hospitals, and other clients. ■Handle domestic business dealings, order processing, account management, and client relations. ■Address issues in your area and provide timely solutions to maintain the company’s image. ■Stay updated on market changes and offer solutions and professional advice to clients. What We're Looking for on Your Resume ■Diploma or higher, fluent in English. ■Healthcare-related experience is a plus. ■Team-oriented. ■Open to fresh graduates and those without prior experience. What You Should Know About This Team Our team provides high-quality ophthalmic equipment and services, focusing on client satisfaction, innovation, and industry leadership.
English Required
10/08 Updated