
Company Introduction

900 Employees
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【集團簡介】 裕利醫藥集團是亞洲最大的醫藥保健服務公司,2022為成立一百周年。成立近百年來,目前集團年經營規模已達130億美金,深耕亞太市場13個據點,並已超過1萬名員工。裕利台灣成立於1988年,不但是集團內營業額最大的國家,亦是台灣最大的醫藥保健服務公司,在台市佔已經過半,相當於台灣每兩顆藥就有一顆來自於裕利的倉儲配送。 【全台最大醫藥物流中心】 我們打造全台最大的醫藥物流中心,設立亞太區最大冷鏈倉儲,隨藥業與政府法規的規範,持續獲得ISO、藥品優良製造規範(PIC/S GMP)等認證,確保整個供應鏈從藥品出廠後到運送至用戶端使用前,均能維持藥品運銷過程最高標準的品質保證與完整性。 【得獎紀錄】 裕利醫藥成功獲得了 - 2018、2021、2022年獲得HR Asia Award「亞洲最佳企業雇主獎」 - 2020年獲得台灣企業永續- 透明誠信獎 - 2021年獲得WeCare最佳關懷員工獎 - 2021 、2022 EcoVadis永續發展白金獎 - 2021年台灣百大最有價值MVP經理人(100MVP經理人) 【來吧!裕利營業中】 我們致力於創造一個追求成長、多元開放、發展最佳人才的環境,裕利不斷與時俱進追求卓越,目前投入數位科技於醫療產業的應用發展,期望善用數位工具將人類健康推向更美好的未來。歡迎您一起加入、一同完成此目標! ! 【服務據點】 - 台北辦公室 105臺北市松山區南京東路4段126號10樓 10F., No. 126, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105 , Taiwan (R.O.C.) - 台中辦公室 台中市西區公益路367號8樓之一 8F.-1, No. 367, Gongyi Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 407, Taiwan (R.O.C.) - 高雄辦公室 804高雄市四維三路6號14樓B室 14F.-B, No. 6, Siwei 3rd Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City 804 , Taiwan (R.O.C.) - 大園物流中心一倉DC1 337桃園市大園區開和路91號 No. 91, Kaihe Rd., Dayuan Dist., Taoyuan City 337 , Taiwan (R.O.C.) - 大園物流中心二倉DC2 337桃園市大園區開和路99巷127號 No. 127, Ln. 99, Kaihe Rd., Dayuan Dist., Taoyuan City 337 , Taiwan (R.O.C.) - 觀音物流中心五倉DC5 328桃園市觀音區工業八路188號 No. 188, Gongye 8th Rd., Guanyin Dist., Taoyuan City 328 , Taiwan (R.O.C.) Zuellig Pharma is Asia Pacific's trusted pharmaceutical and healthcare distribution and logistics specialist covering inventory management, warehousing, distribution and customer order management. We combine local market expertise with modern technology to provide reliable, quality-driven distribution services. Taking advantage of our extensive experience and infrastructure allows each manufacturer to focus on their own core expertise. A scalable infrastructure supports the marketing efforts of our principals, and our debt collection service reduces the country risks of individual principals. We provide the largest direct account coverage in all healthcare channels in Asia Pacific, employing over 1,000 sales representatives to support the activities of our principals in the trade channel. Advanced information technology tools such as Zip-Online, progressive sales and inventory tool, grant principals full transparency for all transactions. Today, Zuellig Pharma Taiwan represents over 30 multi-national pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. With sales exceeding NT$20 billion, we service over 15,000 customers island-wide and employ a team comprising over 400 individuals. We are committed to creating an environment that attracts, motivates and develops the best people in the pharmaceutical industry. We pursue excellence, innovation and professionalism in customer service and provide our principals with a range of value-added services. For more information, please visit: https://www.zuelligpharma.com/ https://www.zuelligpharma.com/careers/meet-our-people

Industry Sector

Main Products

裕利公司(台灣)目前在台灣設有北、中、南三個分公司及大園物流中心;經過30多年來的深耕,裕利公司現有的營業項目版圖已擴展從臨床試驗端至病患照顧的全方位服務,現有的營業項目版圖已擴展如下: 一、倉儲物流的管理及配送 提供客戶專業、高品質的藥品和醫療器材運送及倉儲服務。 二、代理原廠藥品 (處方用藥/非處方用藥/醫療器材/保健食品)之業務銷售 提供30多家知名跨國企業外商藥廠藥品通路行銷及銷售服務。通路遍及各醫院、診所、各大藥房、連鎖藥妝及量販店等。 三、醫療器材事業部 分別在心血管疾病之醫療器材及動物醫療試劑相關用品成立代理服務。 四、Patient Solutions Service 協助藥廠針對長期用藥的病患,提供關懷電話,藥品諮詢,疾病衛教,提高病患用藥之遵囑性,回診提醒等服務。進而提升與改善醫療品質。 五、臨床服務 專業的臨床試驗用藥物流配送及倉儲管理服務 六、資訊系統、財務及人力管理的服務 裕利公司具有高效率之電腦資訊系統及流程,提供客戶即時且正確之資訊與市場情報。 隨著亞太地區業務的持續發展與成長,裕利公司將持續秉持一貫對客戶的承諾、不斷的創新與進步,提供在業界居於領先的服務品質以及獨一無二的產品。


【獎金 / 禮品類】 •年薪14個月:不論您是無經驗之校園新鮮人或各領域專業技術人才,我們提供年薪14個月的優渥薪資條件,歡迎加入裕利醫藥團隊(僅限正職員工)。 •[優於勞基法] 休假制度:新人到職半年享有6.5天休假、到職滿一年享有14天休假,優於勞基法規定。 •[優於勞基法] 團體保險:裕利醫藥不只照顧您,更照顧您的家人。公司全額負擔員工、配偶、子女團體保險。 •人才推薦獎金:鼓勵同仁推薦優秀的人才加入公司,推薦成功將獲得介紹獎金。 •禮金與津貼:裕利醫藥陪伴員工度過每個重要的生命時刻。我們提供三節禮金、勞動節禮金、生日禮金、結婚津貼及喪葬津貼等津貼。 【職涯發展規劃】 •開放透明的職涯發展架構:職務晉升、內部輪調的機會多元且公開,鼓勵同仁都能發揮所長,持續成長。 【多樣、靈活的健康及友善職場】 •多元包容之企業價值:尊重員工之多樣及差異,致力於營造包容的工作環境,支持性別(LGBTQ+)、種族、國籍、世代或身障等之多元及平等。 •年度健康檢查:與各縣市大型醫院合作,照顧員工身心健康。 •健康護理諮詢及講座:配置專業勞工健康服務護理師與特約醫師,提供諮詢服務,舉辦健康安全衛生講座。 •員工協助方案(EAP):提供員工專業諮詢服務,關懷員工的健康、心理或家庭問題。 •研磨咖啡無限暢飲:隨時都可以續杯,讓你一整天活力滿滿。 【與時俱進的員工體驗及社會價值】 •多元的福委會及社團活動:豐富公司與部門活動,及多元的社團,包含桌游社、有氧課等,邀請你在工作中找到志同道合的同事。 •社區關懷:與十個基金會/學協會合作,關心腎臟、心臟病與罕病等相關議題 •捐血:從2017起,每年定期號召員工熱血捲袖 •永續經營的企業社會責任:環境友善與能源效率、責任性廢棄、環境合規性等政策支持永續環境及社會行動,應請您一同來響應。

Company & Workplace


【Oncology】資深醫藥學術專員Sr. Medical Science Liaison 裕利股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
【Role】 Sr. MSL will be the field medical expert responsible for providing scientific and medical support to external and internal stakeholders. The individual will provide scientific information and to support medical/ scientific information needs of Healthcare Professionals in diabetes therapeutic area. This field-based position will proactively build relationship with HCPs through the scientific approach that is aligned with the Brand and Medical Plan. 【Responsibilities】 Need to be a credible and valuable representative of Zuellig Pharma Therapeutic Business Group in a variety of interactions with key stakeholders. Work closely with the local commercial team in developing a strategic direction for the brand, develop an MSL strategic and tactical plan in collaboration with the medical team. Collaborate with regional medical/ brand lead in regional initiatives when necessary. It will interact externally with Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) and other industry stakeholders. 【Expectation】 The candidate will be expected to work independently and to converse on a peer to peer basis with health care professionals. Able to offer Medical support to both external and internal stakeholders In-depth Knowledge of therapeutic category 【Criteria】 Must Have: Proficient in Microsoft Office (Excel) English Proficiency Critical appraisal of evidence Nice to Have: Good Interpersonal skills Ability to work independently and collaboratively within a team internally Ability to synthesize and communicate scientific information effectively with HCPs
10/11 Updated
臨床試驗專案管理專員 CTM Project Coordinator 裕利股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
.Principal and Key Account relationships management & satisfaction .Maintain relationships with key stakeholders within the assigned Principal accounts .Manage service level satisfaction of assigned Principal accounts through regular updates and follow-through of outstanding issues. .Manage and maintain Kay Accounts relationship by scheduled KPI updates, regular business updates. .Process Improvement .Handle internal and external audits. .Process improvement through Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Work Instructions (WI). Risk Assessment and Approved Vendor List (AVL) updates, changes, revisions, etc. .Ensure timely and accurate invoicing and complete billing process for service charges including vendor invoices. .Ensure timely closure and submission of import for Re-Export permits (IRE) to Health Science Authority (HAS). .Draft, review and close-out quality incidents or deviations such as Corrective Action Preventive Action (CAPA), Feedback report (FR), Investigation Report (IR), Internal Investigation (II), etc .Study/project management .Draft and review Depot Project Instructions to ensure Principals’ study requirements’ accuracy and compatibility .Provide training to stakeholders to ensure the implementation and execution of CTM studies are in compliance to agreed Depot Project Instruction at all times. .Manage study setup and implementation timeline as well as study close-out through close liaison with stakeholders including Sponsors, CROs and Principals .Manage project timeline and study budget .Lead study setup and implementation through project meetings and requirements gathering and study specific relabeling scoping .Undertaking any other projects as may be assigned from time to time
Senior Level
English Required
10/11 Updated
業務開發經理 Business Development Manager 裕利股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
• Mainly responsible for business development to deliver sales presentations (RFP & RFQ from clients) to potential and existing clients. • Provide support to the key account planning process and to define effective scope and strategy for target customers and assist with Key Account management and development to the business unit. • Assist with the Key Account Plan (KAP) reviews, pipeline and forecast updates and develop operational action plan to rectify any shortfall. • Assume program management responsibility for existing accounts, including client liaison, program reviews and meetings; provide pro-active support and recommendations to exceed their expectations and consistently demonstrate value of the services; work with sales support team to ensure proper and timely administration of the account. • Assist and work with local and regional teams who are responsible for planning, implementation, co-ordination of marketing related activity, that may include seminars, roadshows etc. whether client or service specific. • Manage and update all pricing/costing templates. • Support all pricing requests. • Administer and manage invoicing/invoicing process to clients – including liaising with local Finance teams to ensure schedule of invoices/value is accurate. • Manage administration of contracts (new, renewal etc.) and proposals. • Collect and maintain an effective electronic file system for each and every engagement which should consist of the final proposal, contract, e-mail correspondences, delivered documents, letter of completion, feedback form – where applicable and available. • Check that all delivered documents to management team and/or clients meet the internal standards and check for document control, report format and layout, spelling, grammar and required reviews. • Collect, verify and administer the consultants time sheets and expense claims and work with Finance to ensure timely and accurate payment to consultants and billing to clients and Inter-co where applicable. • Maintain consultants’ records and information, inclusive of signed NDAs, and Consulting Agreements when needed. • Support due diligence & qualification assessment • Explore & develop new business model/ services • Drive new solutioning
English Required
10/11 Updated
訂單營運專員 Sales Administration Specialist 裕利股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 36,000+
1.客服回覆醫院、診所、藥局、連鎖通路客戶的問題和接單。 2.特殊客戶或原開發廠的特殊需求處理。 3.回應客戶及業務訂單進度狀況及協助相關的客服處理。 4.需要可以多工且細心地處理客戶需求的眾多事項完成任務。
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/11 Updated
客戶關係管理經理 CSM Manager 裕利股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
.As a CSM leader to set up performance goals which is to align company long/short term strategies, to conduct CSM monthly meeting, yearly client satisfaction survey and complete CSM performance appraisal. 作為CSM團隊的領導者,制定績效目標,以使其與公司的長期/短期戰略保持一致,進行每月的CSM會議,年度原廠滿意度調查並完成CSM績效評估。 .As a delegated CSM for key clients and conduct QBR/Ops meeting timely. 作為重要原廠的CSM,定期舉行QBR/Ops會議。 .Follow up client’s concerns received from annual satisfaction survey. 追踨從年度滿意度調查中收到的原廠關切的議題。 .Build a good and trustworthy relationship with client. 與原廠建立良好及信賴的關係。 .Be a leader for new project such as business transfer. 主持新原廠移入的專案計劃。 .Introduce new initiatives to client and ensure their onboard smoothly. 向原廠介紹新的服務技術, 工具及流程,並確保其順利導入。 .Communicate with client timely in case there is any urgent or important event that may interrupt our services or impact to their product. 如有任何可能中斷我們的服務或影響其產品的緊急或重要事件,及時與原廠溝通。 .Share best practice and create win-win solution to client. 分享最佳營運範例,並為原廠創造雙贏解決方案。 Join key clients’ QBR (classifies AAA & AA) meeting with delegated CSM and summarize key concerns and feedback to top management team bi-monthly. 與委派的CSM一起參加重要原廠的QBR會議(分類為AAA和AA),並每兩個月總結關鍵關切和反饋,向高層管理團隊報告。 .Collaborate with function head to Introduce new initiatives to key clients quarterly. 與各部門負責人合作,每季度向重要原廠介紹新的服務技術, 工具及流程。 .Collect market information where may directly or potentially impact to our core business such as new initiatives from competitors or new entry party. 收集市場信息,可能會直接或潛在地影響我們核心業務的信息,如競爭對手的新倡議或新進入方。 .The key POC for TCDC will coordinate key projects related to TCDC services and also build long-term and trusted relationships with TCDC. TCDC 的主要聯絡人將協調與 TCDC 服務相關的關鍵項目,並建立與 TCDC 的長期和信任關係。
English Required
10/09 Updated