
Company Introduction

46 Employees
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EMS-CHEMIE (Taiwan) Ltd. is part of EMS Group The EMS Group is active worldwide in the business areas High Performance Polymers and Specialty Chemicals. The companies within the group are consolidated in the EMS-CHEMIE HOLDING AG domiciled in Domat/Ems, Switzerland The EMS-CHEMIE HOLDING AG is a listed company under Swiss Exchange. EMS has 26 production sites in 16 different countries and is represented throughout the world with company owned sales companies or by distributors/traders. As of December 2023, the EMS Group has 2,693 employees worldwide . Our Company We are an independent Swiss corporation with worldwide activities. We are technological leaders and meet the highest quality requirements. Customer-oriented operation ensures that we fulfil the individual requirements of our customers. The prices of our products and services correspond to the high quality standards. Our Employees We value and support our employees and offer them conditions of employment appropriate to the market. Their remuneration is determined according to performance and position. We expect from them top performance, assumption of responsibility, trustworthiness and identification with company goals. From management we expect high quality of leadership and outstanding levels of performance. We will achieve our goals with initiative and co-operation. 本公司為 100% 瑞士商投資之外商公司,天下雜誌調查台灣製造業1000大。產品主要為工程塑膠合成,市場包括台灣、東南亞、日本、韓國、大陸、香港、澳紐及印度。 公司組織分為業務部、生產部、品管部、採購部及財務行政部,公司已成立35年,員工平均年資十年以上。生產自動化,無廢水或廢氣之污染問題,也無危險性化學藥品之慮。公司位於新竹工業區內。

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本公司主要業務為製造及銷售合成工程塑膠,如聚醯胺塑膠粒、尼龍6、尼龍66、尼龍12、透明尼龍及半結晶形尼龍等。 一般進出口貿易業務。(許可業務除外) 國內外相關廠商產品之經銷、代理、報價及投標業務。


1. 外商公司,員工享有勞保、健保及團保(包括眷屬)。 2. 離職金制度:滿 4~6 年每滿一年給予 0.5 個月本薪,滿6~8 年每滿一年給予 0.75 個月本薪,滿 8 年每滿一年給予 1 個月本薪。 3. 四大節日&生日禮金 。 4. 旅遊補助 5. 週休二日 6. 每年固定12個月薪資+2個月年終奬金 7. 服務年資滿五年者,發給0.25個月本薪、 滿十年者,發給0.5個月本薪、 滿十五年者, 發給0.75個月本薪、 滿二十年者,發給1個月本薪。 8. 教育訓練

Company & Workplace


現場輪班技術員 瑞士遠東股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 36,000+
押出機投料、機器操作、線上品質管制及包裝作業 有待過塑膠化學工廠尤佳,可配合加班 錄取後從事中英文電腦押出機及相關設備操作 具堆高機或小汽車駕照尤佳 輪班制:(做五休二, 依經驗能力議薪, 輪班津貼 績效獎金 全勤獎金另計) 早班:08:00~16:00 中班:16:00~00:00 晚班:00:00~08:00 有相關押出機經驗者,起薪不同
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