Flextronics International (Taiwan) Ltd_偉創力股份有限公司

Company Introduction

260 Employees
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Flex is the manufacturing partner of choice that helps a diverse customer base design and build products that improve the world. Through the collective strength of a global workforce of ~140,000 members across 30 countries and responsible, sustainable operations, we deliver technology innovation, supply chain, and manufacturing solutions to various industries and end markets. Our values-driven and high-performing culture is rooted in doing the right thing always, collaboration, and resilient ingenuity. With employee safety, development, and inclusiveness as top priorities, we believe in creating the right work environment that empowers everyone to thrive. We're looking for industry's best makers, problem-solvers, innovators, craftspeople and leaders to join us to help create the extraordinary. 偉創力(Flex) - 是眾多企業首選的製造合作夥伴,致力於為客戶設計和製造讓世界變得更美好的產品。 透過遍布 30 個國家 140,000 名人才團隊,以及我們可靠和永續的經營管理模式,Flex 為各個產業及終端市場提供了創新技術、供應鏈和製造解決方案。 我們以價值為導向的高績效文化植根於始終做正確的事、團結合作和有韌性的獨創能力,同時也將員工安全、發展及包容性視為首要任務。 我們相信建立一個合適的工作環境,使每個人都能在此茁壯成長。 我們正在尋找業界最優秀的製造者、問題解決者、創新者、達人及領導人才加入Flex一同創造非凡成就。 【Our Value】 *We support each other as we strive to find a better ways *We move fast with discipline and purpose *We do the right thing always 【Our Vision】 Be the most trusted global technology, supply chain, and manufacturing solutions partner to improve the world. 【Our Mission】 - Provide a safe environment with growth opportunities for our employees to prosper. Leverage our global supply chain know-how to minimize risk and complexity for our customers. - Use our manufacturing expertise to make products that contribute positively to the world. - Steward sustainable manufacturing and operations practices to minimize environmental impact. - Deliver consistent results and increased value to our shareholders. 【Our Purpose】 Make great products for our customers that create value and improve people's lives.

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偉創力全球佈局策略,依各地點專長設計,台灣著重研發設計工程領域,目前主要有: 一、電腦及電腦週邊設備之設計研發 -- (企業級伺服器及儲存設備) 二、電源供應產品 (儲能相關) 及電動車充電設備之研發設計


**提供 遠距/彈性 工作制 - 依職務需求提供多元和賦能的工作環境** 一、員工團保 。(勞保、健保及勞退均依照法規投保) 二、提供新人假、有薪彈性假及有薪病假。 三、良好工作環境、提倡工作與生活平衡的理念。 四、提供員工汽機車停車場 (不需自費)。 五、員工生日禮金、生日蛋糕、員工旅遊補助、年度健康檢查。 六、年節贈禮(三節)、尾牙聚餐、年終尾牙摸彩。 七、婚、喪、生育、住院、生日等禮金及慰問金。 八、教育訓練制度完善:一般技能、專業技能訓練、管理訓練。 九、提供"志工假",鼓勵同仁做公益回饋社會。

Company & Workplace


身心障礙人才媒合專區 Flextronics International (Taiwan) Ltd_偉創力股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
落實DEI (多元、平等、包容)是偉創力Flex 的一貫理念,為增加身心障礙者的就業機會,本公司設立此職缺專區,歡迎有興趣加入偉創力Flex 的身心障礙者,可以透過此區,使用104系統投遞履歷。 偉創力Flex 將視個人經履歷及意願媒合相關適合之職務。 1. 不限身障類別、程度。 2. 需持有身心障礙手冊 。(應徵履歷內容請註明身障類別暨使用輔具) 3. *研發人員類 - 有電子產品及電源產品軟韌體或硬體研發設計相關工作經驗佳。 4. 只要有興趣,歡迎您主動投遞履歷,我們將根據您個人專長媒合最合適的職缺; 如有合適該職務者,本公司將會主動與您聯繫,不適合者則不另行通知,敬請諒解。 The information we collect: We may collect personal information that you choose to submit to us through the Website or otherwise provide to us. This may include your contact details; information provided in online questionnaires, feedback forms, or applications for employment; and information you provide such as CV/Resume. We will use your information for legitimate business purposes such as responding to comments or queries or answering questions; progressing applications for employment; allowing you to choose to share web content with others or; where you represent one of our customers or suppliers, administering the business relationship with that customer or supplier.
Partially Remote
8/15 Updated