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【關於默克】 總部位於德國達姆施塔特的默克集團,成立於1668年,至今超過350年歷史;在全球,我們有142不同國籍、超過6萬名員工分布於 66 個國家;2022 年,整年度財務表現達 222 億歐元。 科學是我們的核心使命,從推進基因編輯技術發展,到醫治最難對抗的疾病,乃至於加速推動科技進展- 默克無所不在。 【關於台灣默克集團】 台灣默克集團於1989年成立,深耕台灣超過30年,至今有超過1000名員工,並在台北、桃園、新竹、台南、高雄等地設有10個據點以服務客戶。 *持續投資、擴張版圖* 2021年默克宣布未來5-7年將在台灣投資約170億台幣,於高雄設立默克全球首座半導體材料生產暨研發中心,用於電子科技事業體新產線與研發量能的大幅擴張,突顯默克於半導體事業發展之決心。本次投資案為默克在台營運歷年來最大規模的投資,也預計創造約400個全新工作機會,將會讓默克在台半導體科技事業的員工人數加速成長。 *企業責任,永續經營* 對我們而言,科學進展與企業家精神是齊頭並進的;這項使命激勵著默克不斷成長,為每個人創造更永續的未來;希望藉由我們的商業活動,為經濟發展與社會帶來貢獻。 -2022-2023: 響應天下雜誌簽署台灣人才永續行動 -2021-2022: 遠見企業社會責任獎ESG綜合績效類外商組首獎 -2019: 遠見第15屆CSR企業社會責任獎,榮獲幸福企業組傑出方案楷模 -2017-2019: 連續三年獲頒台灣傑出雇主及亞太區傑出雇主認證 *台灣默克集團旗下所屬企業* -台灣默克股份有限公司 -默克先進科技材料股份有限公司 -台灣賽孚思科技股份有限公司 -慧盛材料股份有限公司 -美商慧盛先進科技有限公司台灣分公司

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默克集團業務領域由三大事業體組成: 【電子科技事業體】提供發展下一世代的顯示器及照明科技的高科技材料,以及實現更小更快效能的半導體晶片創新技術,同時還有用於化妝品、塗料及印刷的珠光暨功能性顏料。 探索電子科技事業體: 【醫療保健事業體】帶來創新的腫瘤治療以延長生命、整合性生殖醫學療法以創造更多的生命、並透過神經退化性疾病及內分泌醫學、心血管疾病治療藥物改善生活品質。 探索醫療保健事業體: 【生命科學事業體】為科學領域中的世界級合作夥伴,為客戶提供研究、製藥及生技發展所需的頂尖工具、技術及服務。 探索生命科學事業體: 【企業社會責任】 -2023:天下永續公民獎/天下人才永續獎/親子天下友善家庭職場/ 女人迷DEI多元共融願景獎/台灣同志職場友善指標 -2022~2023: 響應天下雜誌簽署台灣人才永續行動 -2021~2022: 遠見企業社會責任獎ESG綜合績效類外商組首獎 -2019: 遠見第15屆CSR企業社會責任獎,獲幸福企業傑出組方案楷模 -2017~2019: 連續三年獲頒台灣傑出雇主及亞太區傑出雇主認證


台灣默克集團正式員工皆適用享有以下福利與資源: [薪資及福利] 1. 年薪保障13個月 2. 年度績效獎金(AIP) 3. 即時/高影響力獎勵(Spot Award / Impact Award) 4. 久任獎勵(Long Service Award) 5. 三節、生日、五一勞動節金及社團補助 6. 優於勞基法假勤制度,讓同仁有更多彈性及足夠的假期安排: -優於勞基法之特休假、生日假、志工假、浮動假、84天產假、陪產(檢)假、生理假、有薪病假、有薪家庭照顧假及有薪助孕假 7. 團體保險: 定期壽險、意外險、住院醫療(含配偶及子女)、癌症(含配偶及子女) 8. 員工旅遊補助 9. 助孕補助最高可達625,000元 10. 育兒津貼: 每胎提供24,000元補助 11. 年度健檢及流感注射 12. EAP員工協助方案 [彈性工作模式] 默克的全新工作模式為員工提供更大彈性,使主管和員工雙方在經過討論後做出最佳工作安排,提升工作效率並兼顧個人生活;依照不同的工作類別、單位及地點,默克提供彈性工作時間、地點及部分工時之選擇。 [多元職涯發展] (1)多元化的人才發展計畫 人才是默克的最大資產,除了工作中的專業訓練,我們更提供豐富的訓練課程,例如:實體、線上工作技能培訓,或語言能力課程等,從全球總部到當地市場也設有多元的潛力人才或領導技能培養課程。默克亦更投入大量資源與知名顧問公司、機構合作,提供給員工最完整的職涯發展規劃。 (2)多元職能/國際輪調機會 默克非常支持員工在不同職位發展輪調,鼓勵拓展更多職涯可能性,更提供豐富的國際職涯機會,歡迎員工依照自己的生涯規劃與目標申請。 (3)職涯雙軌制 在默克,我們實施職涯雙軌制,讓員工依自己的意願與專長,選擇發展管理職或專業職,無論是想要專精於特定領域,或是有興趣發展管理職能,在默克都可以找到最適合自己的發展機會。

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278782 Global Marketing Manager (Planarization) 台灣默克集團_台灣默克股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Legal entity: Versum Materials Technology, LLC Taiwan Branch This role is to be located in Taiwan. Your Role -Grow the business profitably, and in line with the objectives of Formulated Materials/Planarization -Definition of the Right to Win strategy in key market and customer segments. -Devise and executive an effective IP strategy in collaboration with R&D and IP -Drive development of strategic partnerships with select strategic suppliers. -Lead development of overall assigned segment strategy and market plan development to drive the segment growth. -Lead the identification and prioritization of new opportunities through close collaborations with our global sales, applications and technology teams. -Lead the effective use of NPI tools to monitor and document project performance vs. milestones. Assure all requirements are met throughout the NPI process. -Own and lead preparation and execution of communication, technical, pricing or change strategy and collateral for customers. -Prepare an understanding of the competitive landscape (i.e., new product introductions, strategic alliances, intellectual property, etc.) that helps to further define our product differentiation relative to other products in the market -Develop analytical dimensioning of the product opportunities for value and success probability. -Develop product pricing strategies and maintaining pricing discipline to assure profitable growth for the commercialized and new products -Develop strong analytically derived product plans that are based on customer and competitor intelligence, market trends and forecasts by industry analysts -Develop marketing and communication plans for product offerings. -Develop and execute training and support for the customer applications specialists on new products and their applications -To work closely with the Sales and Applications Engineering teams across Asia, EU and NA. -To foster a close and collaborative relationship with R&D assuring that the appropriate test formulations are screened in a timely manner for incoming application requests -To work closely with Global Product Management on the optimization of all manufacturing assets, and to ensure future investments match the capacity and capability as forecasted Who You Are Bachelor’s Degree or Advanced Degree (MS or Ph.D.) in material science or chemistry/chemical engineering or allied fields, or technical degree with an MBA At least 5 years’ experience in semiconductor industry with direct understanding in semiconductor technologies. Have a passion to win and a deep curiosity for learning and problem solving Hands-on experience in technical marketing, commercial negotiations, business planning, strategy development and execution is a plus. Proven track record of developing new products and driving profitable growth Strong teamwork spirit, interpersonal and communication skills, especially across multi-cultures. Effective verbal and written communication skills in English. Working knowledge of Chinese is a plus Ability to multi-task across a wide variety of issues
Executive Level
English Required
10/14 Updated
278858Sourcing Manager Investment Project Sourcing TW 台灣區投資類項目採購經理 台灣默克集團_台灣默克股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Legal entity: Merck Ltd. Work Location: Kaohsiung This role is part of the investment projects sourcing ASIA organization. You are accountable to achieve Sourcing execution excellence and investment project success for any technical investment larger than 2 m€ for each business sector in Taiwan. The supplier market scope of Investment Projects Sourcing spans across all 3rd party needs in an investment project including sourcing of all architecture & engineering services, construction, and installation as well as all lab, infrastructure, and production equipment needs. As senior sourcing professional, you will identify and drive strategic sourcing projects along the entire procurement process, starting from supply market analysis, identifying new and innovative suppliers until negotiations, contract implementation and supplier performance and relationship management. Your Role Ensure early involvement and close partnering with all local and investment project team stakeholders. Lead sourcing activities for Investment projects including, setting-up procurement execution model and procurement plan, setting up sourcing strategy, leading supplier qualification, bidding organization and negotiation, project follow-up in terms of quality, cost, delivery and timing, supplier base optimization. Implement category sourcing strategies and initiatives, close understanding of business needs & incorporation of global category strategy. Demand Management to bundle demand and even further shape the demand Supplier management including onboarding suppliers, segmenting suppliers, leading supplier relationships, managing supplier performance and creating a more collaborative environment. Contract management covers defining good practice contract terms & conditions, administration and termination of procurement contracts. Who You Are Bachelor’s degree or above, preferrable in business administration or engineering. More than 10 years working experience. Procurement or Engineering working experience in multinational company related to Investment Projects sourcing in chemical or life science industry is preferred. Good communicator with the ability to manage interests across different level. Professional communication skills along with strong intercultural insights. Good project management skills with ability to work effectively in cross-functional and diverse teams. Structured and reliable working attitude, curiosity to learn new things. Fluent in both writing and speaking of English is must Time zone flexibility working within a global environment. Resilience & Pressure resistance​​​​​​​. Good ability to fit into new environment fast and be agile well balance the relationship in terms of organization complexity.
Executive Level
English Required
10/14 Updated