
Company Introduction

Contact Person
身為全球科技領導品牌,華碩致力傳遞無與倫比的體驗,為世人擘劃美好數位生活藍圖。以進化式創新構築明日科技藍圖聞名,並持續以使用者為中心,打造最別出心裁、直覺易用的產品與解決方案。不斷再造進化的華碩深具雄心壯志,開創諸多令人驚艷的電競、創作者、AIoT與雲端計算解決方案,克服用戶痛點並傳遞無所不在的幸福感。 華碩匯聚眾多領先業界的專家,持續以企業家精神與對創新的熱情,耕耘科技領域的未來。擁有近五千名世界級研發菁英,華碩平均每天獲得超過11個獎項,更受美國《財富》雜誌評選為「世界最受推崇企業」之一。 在One ASUS精神引領之下,華碩人齊心追尋無與倫比,落實「再造進化、真實透明、發揮眾智、創意擇優」的企業轉型,我們深知明日的美好歷程始於今天的行動,華碩人致力為產業立定新標竿,具體展現對環境與社會的重要承諾。 在華碩,每個人都可以找到前所未有的機會,突破極限、放膽實現夢想。 瞭解更多關於華碩,歡迎造訪:asus.com/about-asus/.

Industry Sector

Main Products

本公司主要營業項目為3C 資訊產品(含電腦系統產品、主機板及各類板卡、平板電腦及智慧型手機等手持裝置等)之設計、研發及銷售。


〓人才培育〓 重視員工,秉持「因材施教」的理念,一同建立事業夢想版圖 ▮在職成長:提供全方位人才養成培訓 ▮內訓課程:系統化提升員工能力,發揮最佳效能 ▮晉升制度:具備完善雙軌晉升管道 ▮回饋社會:連結綠色科技協助解決數位落差,善盡社會回饋 ──────  〓幸福職場〓 提供公平健全且激勵卓越成就的工作環境,讓員工全心投入工作之餘也能愜意享有樂趣 ▮彈性假勤:彈性上下班工時、優於法令的帶薪事病假、7天幸福假 ▮居家辦公:依據職務性質可享有一年24天 -------- ▮薪資制度:月薪12個月 + 三節獎金 + 2次績效獎金(依據公司、組織及員工績效) ▮持股信託:員工與公司共同提撥相對金額,並交由專業的銀行購買股票,一同共享公司長期營運成果 ▮薪轉優存:每月99次跨行轉帳免手續費、優於牌告存款利率、相關保險優惠、業界獨家配偶 & 子女同享薪轉戶之各項優惠 ▮團體保險:免費壽險、意外險、醫療險、及眷屬自費團保 ▮福利方案:婚喪喜慶補助、同仁生日禮金、子女獎助學金 ▮餐點津貼:享有午晚餐補助及多元餐點選擇 -------- ▮美味員工餐廳:餐點除了經專業營養師調配外,也採購小農產品回饋社會 ▮健身休閒中心:具備健身房、球場、游泳池、SPA池等硬體設備 ▮身體健康照護:每年免費一次體檢、舒活按摩、哺乳室、健康護理服務及每週定期醫師駐診 ▮豐富活動:年終慶典、運動競賽、活力社團、各式藝文饗宴、創意市集 **如欲投遞履歷,請上華碩電腦人才招募網:https://recruit.asus.com/ **

Company & Workplace


SA21578 Country Product Manager (Indonesia) 華碩電腦股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000+
1. Product Strategy and Planning: • Develop and implement product strategies and plans to ensure the product's competitiveness in the market. • Analyze market trends, competitors, and user needs to provide valuable market insights. 2. Business Sales Skills: • Deeply understand the product sales process, develop sales plans, and work closely with the sales team to drive product sales. • Effectively conduct product demonstrations, training, and sales support. 3. Inventory Management: • Manage and optimize the product's inventory process to ensure efficient supply chain operations. • Develop and monitor product sales forecasts and inventory management. 4. Cross-Department Collaboration: • Work closely with R&D, design, marketing, and operations teams to drive product development and launch. • Responsible for writing product requirement documents and developing product roadmaps.
English Required
10/17 Updated
SA20030 Global Product Marketing (Gaming) 華碩電腦股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000+
1.Develops, communicates and implements winning product launch plans 2.Provides or contributes to creative briefs for owned media, advertising, press relations, direct marketing, and web campaigns 3.Responsible for agency RFPs, selection, and the overall management of resources to ensure marketing objectives are met 4.Manages the cross-functional implementation of the plan 5.Working knowledge of the local markets, opportunities in terms of positioning and launch strategies, and the competition 6.Collaborates with the channel marketing team to develop sales tools that support the sales cycle 7.Participates at tradeshows and industry events to assist in lead generation, communicates the value proposition of the products and use cases 8.Develops and maintains knowledge in MDF requirements, compliance and reporting
Mid to Senior Level
10/17 Updated
SA20034 eCommerce & Digital Marketing Expert 華碩電腦股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. Coordinate brand website and ecommerce business requirement, development and operation tasks. 2. Planning, development and execution of worldwide digital and ecommerce programs and campaigns including website exposure, CRM and email marketing. 3. Leading ongoing management of digital touch points, including product page, micro site and brand store. 4. In depth knowledge of SEO, adwords programs and retargeting campaigns. 5. Measure and report performance of all digital marketing campaigns, and assess against goals (ROI and KPIs). 6. Operate and optimize digital campaigns with frequent adjustment during the campaign period. 7. Familiar with digital marketing tools especially GAI, AI and MKT cloud service tools. 8. Stay up to date with latest digital marketing best practices and technologies 9. Provide local training and case sharing for worldwide digital marketing.
Mid to Senior Level
10/17 Updated
SA20028 Social Media Specialist (Gaming) 華碩電腦股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000+
1. Media Buy strategies and execution capabilities across social and google platforms among others 2. Co-manage, plan and schedule post based on Social Media Content Calendar. 3. Plan, create, and execute compelling original content for the Republic of Gamers brand - with a strong focus on Instagram, X, TikTok and YouTube optimization. 4. Develop and implement engaging campaigns across social media channels identifying marketing opportunities and ensure unified messaging. 5. Proactively identify improvements, trends, and Social insights. Establish campaign goals and measure/report on performance of programs using social platform's insights and tools such as Emplifi, Talkwalker, Meltwater, ...
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/17 Updated
AD21598 供應鏈管理師(手機) 華碩電腦股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. Material Management : Manage and allocate materials for production scheduling, including forecasting excess materials and coordinating at-risk material allocation. 2. Order/Forecast and Production Management : Coordinate order and forecast release, align sales demands with material availability and EMS capacity, and manage EMS production schedules 3. F/G & WIP Rework and RMA Management : Coordinate and manage international product returns and rework requirements. 4. Material Risk-Buy and MP Capa. Planning : Strategically prepare materials and plan production capa. before mass production; Track progress of export and transportation certifications. 5. Fulfillment Daily Report : Includes production input/output, inventory/shipment quantity information, weekly/daily production schedules, open issue tracking, material control tables, and more.
Senior Level
English Required
10/17 Updated
RD10024 Web GUI Designer 華碩電腦股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 負責華碩官網及所有相關網站的 GUI 規劃設計與維護。並確保頁面與物件的設計品質,有效率地完成高品質成果。 2. 提供可理解的設計文件與圖面,如線稿圖、流程圖、高保真圖、互動原型等。 3. 協助團隊一起制訂 UI 相關設計規範,並檢查確認設計成果是否符合規範。 4.協助團隊一起完成元件與設計資料庫的建立與維護,如 Atomic Design Methodology、Design system building 等。
Senior Level
English Required
10/17 Updated