
Company Introduction

11 Employees
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ABOUT US The demand for sustainable mobility is growing worldwide. Hence, Vitesco Technologies provides the right drive technologies: clean, smart and electrified. Based in Regensburg, Germany, with almost 40,000 employees at around 50 locations worldwide, we pursue the objective of playing a leading role in the electrification of vehicles. To achieve this, we follow a clear strategy emphasizing sustainability, we live our brand and our values: Passionate, Partnering and Pioneering. FACTS and FIGURES Around 50 locations About 40,000 employees Around € 8 Billion Sales

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Main Products

EMS system for non-automotive. *Direct Injection (DI) System *Port Injection (PI) System *Modules *Components -Fuel injectors -Air injectors -ECUs -Ignition Coils -Sensors -Throttle Bodies -Regulators and dampers -Oil Pumps


◆ 獎金/禮品類 1.年終獎金 2. 三節獎金( 禮卷) ◆ 保險類 1.勞保 2.健保 3.團保 ◆ 制度類 完整的教育訓練 ◆ 請 / 休假制度 1.週休二日 2.優於勞基法的特休制度 3.婚假 4.陪產假 5.育嬰假 ◆ 休閒類 不定期公司聚餐 公司備有零食, 咖啡和茶

Company & Workplace


Engine Management System Application Engineer 引擎系統應用工程師 vitesco_台灣緯湃科技有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 60,000+
JOB DESCRIPTION: 1.Responsible for EMS applications in Taiwan: - Active in application phases of product development and support of serial production. - Work content: System integration and configuration management, verification, validation, trouble shooting, calibration. - Customer interface to manage all technical application topics on a variety of different working models (turn-key, task split, training, support...). - The voice of the customer for requirements, improvements and new functionality. - The technical voice of Vitesco consistent with company/project objectives. 2.Applies existing guidelines and control strategies, leads changes / improvements when needed, and contribute actively to capitalize the know-how. 3.Applies existing control strategies and supports the development of new control strategies to achieve improved engine performance, emissions, drivability, robustness, and efficiency. 4.Demonstrates technical leadership and is a key contributor to the development of the Vitesco team. 5.Leads the customer in the selection of control system components and validates that the selected components meet the system functional requirements. 6.Cooperates with the customer to verify the proper installation of electrical and mechanical components, and confirm that the components are compatible with the customer environment . 1.負責台灣區EMS系統應用程式: - 參與產品開發與支援量產 - 作業內容:系統內容彙整與參數管理、驗證、認證、故障排除及系統調校. - 配合客戶端的工作形式;如客戶培訓、客戶支援、協助客戶開發及TurnKey - 了解並傳達客戶對產品的需求,改善以及新功能 - 根據公司及項目傳達團隊的技術建議 2.使用現有控制策略,並在需要時提出改進,積極使用並了解專業知識 3.使用現有控制策略並支援新策略開發,以提高引擎性能、排汙、駕駛性、穩定性及效率 4.為我們的團隊展現技術領導能力,願意付出並使團隊成長 5.幫助客戶選擇其適合的部件,並驗證所選部件是否符合客戶及系統需求 6.與客戶共同驗證電系與機械零部件…等是否正確安裝,並確認其與環境工況之相容性
9/19 Updated