
Company Introduction

30 Employees
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您期許自己能在在A+級商業大樓的頂級工作環境、與菁英團隊共事的精彩職涯嗎?如果您期待為自己的職涯發展增添跨國專業形象、成為優質彈性工作空間策略家,那麼您應該加入TEC! 過去27年來,德事商務中心吸引了許多有抱負的全球專業人士。 TEC在亞太地區和中東地區,共44個市場、33個城市,設有超過165個以上的商辦中心,幫助我們三萬八千名以上的企業會員,找到並為其量身打造適合的私有靈活工作空間。 TEC通過頂級服務、流暢營運的工作空間、累積自全球成員網路而無與倫比的見解、以及提升企業文化的經驗,促進了摩拳霍霍的企業和、業務專業人士的成長。 想像一下超越傳統的空間--- 隨著企業的目標而增長的空間、 賦予企業能量的地方、 企業理想中的合作夥伴、 企業想成為的地方,就是:德事商務中心! 目前我們在台北的營運據點有信義區的台北101金融大樓、南山廣場大樓,以及大安區的遠企中心辦公大樓、和內湖新世紀大樓---皆為台北市指標性頂級商辦大樓,並且持續開闢更新更好的彈性工作空間,因此我們期待創意有活力的您加入這個可愛的大家庭! Would you like to work with A Team in Grade A+ commercial buildings and live up to your your professional image to be a premium solution provider? It is TEC that you should join! TEC, The Executive Centre, has attracted ambitious global professionals for over 27 years. With over 165+ Centres in 33 cities and 44 markets across Asia Pacific and the Middle East, TEC helps its 38K+ corporate Members find private and flexible workspaces tailored to their business. The Executive Centre facilitates the growth of ambitious businesses and business professionals through high-end service, seamlessly operated workspaces, unparalleled insights from a global member network and experiences that elevate corporate culture. Imagine a space that goes beyond the traditional. A space that grows with your goals. A place that empowers. A partner in your vision. A place you want to be- The Executive Centre! In Taipei, we are now having presence in Taipei 101 and Nanshan Plaza in Xinyi District, Far Eastern Plaza in Da'an District, as well as New Century in Neihu District; all are Grade A+ commercial buildings that people are fascinated with the amazing environment for professionals! We are also soon expanding to more territories so we welcome all open-minded and energetic talent to join us!

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Main Products

【服務式辦公空間Exclusive Workspaces】世界級辦公室,準備隨時與您一起成長 → 客製化辦公空間 Bespoke Offices → 私人辦公空間 Private Workspace 【聯合辦公空間Shared Workspaces】為您靈活的工作生活中,奠定一貫專業形象的基礎 → 共享辦公空間 Coworking → 行動辦公空間 Remote Workspace 【商務服務Business Services】為您的事業成功,提供支援與工具的全面助力 → 商務行政服務 Business Concierge → 會議 Meetings & Conferences


△月領績效獎金及不定期驚喜獎金/員工福利 Monthly KPI Bonus & Additional Bonus/Benefit △現場手沖咖啡師 Quality Barista drinks △聚餐 Internal Gathering △公司旅遊與團隊建立活動 Incentive Trips & Team Building Activities  △全球線上視訊/現場員工訓練 Global Online Training / On-site Training △企業內訓導師專案 Corporate Mentor program △年假 (優於勞基法) Annual Leave △生日假 Birthday Leave △不扣薪病假 Paid Sick Leave △遵循勞基法規定 Following Labor Standards Act

Company & Workplace


Engagement Associate 會員服務專員(客服行政秘書-信義區) 台灣德事商務服務有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 32,000~40,000
您期許自己能在在A+級商業大樓的頂級工作環境、與菁英團隊共事的精彩職涯嗎?如果您期待為自己的職涯發展增添跨國專業形象、成為優質彈性工作空間策略家,那麼您應該加入TEC! 目前我們在台北的營運據點有信義區的台北101金融大樓、南山廣場大樓,以及大安區的遠企中心辦公大樓、和內湖新世紀大樓---皆為台北市指標性頂級商辦大樓,並且持續開闢更新更好的彈性工作空間,因此我們期待創意有活力的您加入這個可愛的大家庭! 做為會員服務專員,需要您精準的客戶經營直覺和服務熱忱,建立業界最優質的客戶關係,在TEC,我們培養您成為跨國人才最需要的軟實力;而您則是TEC的最佳代言人! 這個職務的目的是提供每位客戶不亞於五星級酒店等級的服務。藉由建立和維持好的客戶關係,您將會成為「德事商務中心」的代表,面對我們的內外部客戶。每位客戶服務專員需具備強烈的客戶服務意識,敏銳的細節觀察能力,並且總是願意為客戶多付出一分努力。 日常運營: - 在前台(接待處)保持高度觀察和專業態度 - 專業且高效地處理所有電話來電 - 安排郵件和文件快遞服務,處理郵件及收發貨品 - 協調會議室預訂及會議所需茶點安排 - 執行所有客戶的入駐與退租流程 - 進行附加銷售和交叉銷售,以最大化收益 - 基本的IT處理與故障排除 - 與第三方供應商保持溝通,負責中心的維護和清潔 服務標準: - 盡最大專業能力滿足客戶的需求和要求,包括處理所有詢問、投訴和反饋 - 與中心負責人合作,提出服務標準的改進建議 - 確保中心的服務標準始終保持高水準 - 定期與中心內的每位客戶會面,為建立穩固且長久的關係奠定基礎 【English Version】 As an Engagement (Client Service) Associate in the local Operations team, the role is to provide a level of quality customer service unsurpassed in the hospitality industry. Through the establishment and maintenance of excellent client relations, you will act as the ‘face’ of The Executive Centre for all of our in-house and external clients. You will have strong customer service instincts, an eye for detail and a tendency to always go the extra mile for our clients. Daily Operations: − Maintains a high level of alertness and professionalism at the front counter(reception) − Handles all telephone calls in a professional and efficient manner − Organizes postage and document courier services, handle mail, incoming & outgoing deliveries − Coordinates conference room bookings, refreshments for meetings − Performs check in & check out process for all clients − Conduct up-selling and cross-selling to maximize revenue − Basic IT handling/troubleshooting − Maintain communication with 3rd party vendors for centre maintenance and cleaning Service Standards: − Ensures that clients’ requests and demands are met to the best of your professional ability. This includes the handling of all inquiries, complaints and feedback − Establishes and offers input on improvement to service standards, in liaison with the Centre-in-charge − Ensures that the Centre’s service standards are maintained at all times − Meet with every client in the centre to build a foundation for a strong and lasting relationship 兩班制,週休二日 早班:08:30 - 17:30 晚班:09:00 - 18:00
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/20 Updated