
Company Introduction

260 Employees
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MPS為一家名列美國標普500指數 (S&P 500) 成分股的類比IC設計公司,2004年於美國那斯達克股票上市 (NASDAQ: MPWR)。企業總部位於西雅圖灣區,自1997年成立以來,憑藉著紮實的應用知識、類比IC設計經驗及自有的先進製程,持續提供業界高效能、省能源及低成本的解決方案。產品廣泛應用於汽車電子、雲端運算、工業、消費性電子、通訊領域等。 相較於一般無晶圓廠IC設計公司均使用晶圓代工廠所提供之標準製程技術,MPS以自有的高效製程與晶圓廠合作生產自行研發的產品。MPS於2004年在美國那斯達克股票上市 (NASDAQ:MPWR)。2016年及2020年分別獲評《財富》最快速成長企業100強第54名及77名,2017獲評全球半導體聯盟 (Global Semiconductor Alliance)「最受尊敬的新興上市半導體公司 (Most Respected Emerging Public Semiconductor Company)」。 目前在美國、臺灣、韓國、日本、新加坡、印度、中國及歐洲均有分支機構,全球超過3500名員工。台灣據點位於台北汐止與新竹台元。 Monolithic Power Systems (MPS) is a high performance analog semiconductor company headquartered in Kirkland, WA. Formed in 1997, the company has three core strengths; deep system-level and applications knowledge, strong analog design expertise, and an innovative proprietary process technology. These combined advantages enable MPS to deliver highly integrated monolithic products that offer energy efficient, cost-effective solutions. MPS solutions have been widely used in Automotive Electronics, Cloud Computing, Industrial Applications, Consumer Electronics, Telecom Infrastructures, etc. MPS is a fabless semiconductor company, working with third party foundries. However, in contrast to many other fabless companies that use standard process technologies, MPS works with its foundry partners to install its own proprietary process technology in their facilities for use solely by MPS. MPS employs over 3500 employees worldwide, located in the United States, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Singapore, India, China and across Europe. MPS has two main office in Taiwan, one in Taipei Xizhi and the other one in Hsinchu Tai Yuen. Official Website: Official YouTube Channel:

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電源IC 的設計、生產與銷貨,並支援客戶售後的技術服務。


我們提供合理且具競爭力之薪資水準,以留住並吸引更多優秀人才的加入。 1. 員工皆享勞保、健保、團保、教育訓練。 2. 正職員工享有三節禮金、佳節禮品、生日禮金,以及績效獎金。 3. 員工可參加股票認購計劃 (ESPP)。 4. 台北辦公室緊鄰汐科火車站,位於汐止遠雄U-TOWN大樓,底座為iFG購物廣場,周邊生活交通便利。 5. 新竹辦公室位於半導體產業聚落的台元科技園區,坐擁雙鐵、國道交通優勢。 6. 辦公室提供飲水區、咖啡吧、零食與飲料販賣機多種選擇。

Company & Workplace


FA Team_Failure Analysis Engineer_失效分析工程師 (新竹) MPS_芯源系統有限公司
Salary negotiable
Job Summary: This position is set for yield enhancement engineer to support released products shipment, on hold lot disposition, fab transfer qualification, mask change qualification, bump house transfer qualification, yield improvement and product quality improvement. Essential Functions: • Dispose responsible products on hold lots with good efficiency and quality. • Low yield product analysis and yield improvement of responsible products. • Responsible product quality improvement. • Mask change qualification with good efficiency and quality. • Fab transfer qualification with good efficiency and quality. • Responsible for products cost reduction related engineering work. • Provide strong supports for other groups and customers in a timely manner. • Develop solutions to moderately complex problems through application of various techniques and approaches. • Actively participates in working groups, providing ideas and helping to achieve teamwork. • Help training and mentoring new engineers assigned by supervisor. • Perform other jobs assigned by supervisor. Qualifications: • BS or MS in Micro Electronics or related Electrical Engineering • Basic knowledge of analog/digital circuits, device physics, IC manufacture process, Assembly process and related IC testing process • Familiar with bench setup and testing, good statistical data analysis and summary skills • Good logic for problem solving and schedule orgnization • Self motivated, strong ability for team work • Good communications skills for both verbal and writing in English Location: • Hsinchu, Taiwan
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/11 Updated
【2025預聘|校園徵才】TE Team_New Product Test Development Engineer_新產品測試研發工程師 (新竹) MPS_芯源系統有限公司
Salary negotiable
Job Summary: This position's responsibility is new product development that includes ATE test solution development, test program coding and debugging, and production release. Essential Functions: • Designs component-level circuits for precision parametric measurement, dynamic signal analysis and creates automated test system software for analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits. • Involved in all phases of product development: design for testability, IOS, test hardware and software design, hands-on debugging, correlation, characterization and production release. • Possesses knowledge of major concepts of test engineering and has the ability to apply these concepts to a wide range of complex assignments. Qualifications: • MS in Electrical Engineering or similar areas. • Experience in power IC function test and know automatic testing flow. • Experience in Cadence PCB layout. • Power management IC function/application experience is a plus. • Good written and oral communications skills in English and Chinese. • Good teamwork and interpersonal skills to work with IC developers worldwide. • Willing to travel in China and worldwide subcontractor. Location: • Hsinchu, Taiwan
English Required
10/11 Updated
PE Team_Product Engineer Technician/Operator_產品工程技術員/操作員 (竹北) MPS_芯源系統有限公司
Salary negotiable
Job Summary: MPS 正在尋找一位責任感強、實務能力強的產品工程技術人員/操作員。候選人將負責處理重新編程測試/ATE測試/ESD和LU測試和報告總結。. Essential Functions: Acroview reprogram 1. 準備並設定 Acroview 測試環境 2. 重編程操作 3. 設備簡單故障排除與維護 ATE support 1. 支援手動測試請求 2. 支援自動測試機台的測試請求 3. 準備T&R材料並使用Acroview機器進行T&R ESD LU Test 1. 進行 ESD/LU 測試 – 功能設定/設定/測試 2. 完成 ESD/LU 測試後進行 ATE 測試 Packing/Shipment 1. 按照 MPS生產標準正確包裝和打印標籤並進行檢查. 2. 準備裝運文件並安排裝運 Qualifications/Requirements: • 無需工作經驗可 • 需要高中或大專以上(工程背景較好) • 中 or 中英文雙語 (英文 – 讀/寫:可) • 優秀的溝通、人際溝通、管理技能/團隊合作能力 • 願意前往中國大陸進行相關專案的訓練 Location: • 竹北
English Required
10/11 Updated