
Company Introduction

Contact Person
We are a high-tech electronics company specializing in LED lighting and wireless lighting controls. All our products are designed in the USA and proudly manufactured in Taiwan. We are a US-based company, established in Taiwan since 2008. The company is located in Shengang District of Taichung City. We are always looking for talented individuals who are independent thinkers you who are proactive, organized and responsible, join us and grow together with us! Basic or intermediate English skills are required to facilitate communication with colleagues in the United States. If you are interested in our work, please feel free to call or e-mail. 我們一家美商公司成立於2008年,在台灣設立的高科技LED無線照明設備生產製造工廠,我們的產品皆在美國設計後在台灣製造生產,公司目前設立在台中市神岡區。我們在尋找積極主動、有組織、有責任感的你,加入我們的行列,與我們共同成長茁壯!需要基本的或中等的英文能力,便於與美國同事溝通。若是對我們的工作有興趣,歡迎隨時來電,或e-mail聯絡喔。

Industry Sector

Main Products



勞保、健保、勞退,供午膳、週休二日,不定期聚餐。 工作環境寬鬆,同事好相處。


英文會計行政 利伯特有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,000+
1.辦理銀行美金台幣轉換、匯款、轉帳作業。 2.處理廠商貨款或費用等應付款項帳務。 3.訂單歸檔、報表處理、月支出報表、薪資報表等。 4.處理其他主管交辦事項。 5.基本辦公室應用軟體 WORD, EXCEL, WINDOWS 7 / 10 6.需具英文聽說讀寫基本能力 需頭腦清晰、有條理、有責任感,略懂英文,歡迎投遞履歷! Z-Moto is an international trading company whereby we collaborate with different industries. Our main product is LED light. Our collaborated company countries included USA, Australia, South Africa, Kuwait and others. 利伯特是一間專工LED防爆燈的國際貿易公司,我們合作及代言的產品來自不同產業及不同國家,我們主要外銷的合作公司包含美國、澳洲、南非、科威特等等其他國家。 The company is now actively developing. The best result comes from working as a team with teamwork & unity, hence we are looking for individuals who have the ability to think and possess good analytical skills. If you are looking for a platform to learn fast-growth and progress industry, have the opportunity to advance in your career and be able to be in a leadership role, we welcome you to be part of the team. 我們的公司正積極的整頓發展中,我們相信團隊力量大,在這邊工作得大家都像一家人,因此我們想要尋找的人才是能獨立作業且獨立思考,和具有分析素質的人。如果你正在尋找一個快速成長的產業學習,能有機會拓展職場,我們非常歡迎您的加入。 We are on a lookout for… 1. Outgoing personality (not afraid to listen and speak English) 2. An independent individual and at the same time enjoy working in a team 3. Good communication skill (Chinese and basic English) 我們在找…… 1. 不怕生且善於表達自己(具備英文能力更加分) 2. 具有良好的團隊精神,喜歡團隊合作,擅長與不同類型的人工作 3. 責任感強,值得信任 Company welfare 1. Follow Taiwan Labor Standard Laws, two days off during weekend. 2. Barely overtime. 公司福利 依照台灣勞基法規定,周休六日 幾乎不加班準時下班,除非老闆有事宣布但很少
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
10/16 Updated