
Company Introduction

550 Employees
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YFYJupiter is an integrated printing, packaging and global brand management firm developing products and services including: Brand design, photography, printing, display, RFID printing and packaging for domestic and international customers. Headquartered in Hong Kong, with design centers and printing facilities around the world, we help manage brand design and packaging as well as many other creative needs. We operate 26 fully owned (ISO certified) printing plants in the greater China region and an array of paper mills and corrugate plants. We work on a daily basis with many of the world’s largest retailers in North America and Europe. Our services extend to leading product companies, retail vendors, OEMs and many famous multi-national companies. We have a strong passion in helping our customers to solve difficult packaging challenges. With our talented and experienced international staff, we understand your creative service needs and can better execute your brand design and packaging compared to the typical printer or design firm. 本公司係為永豐餘集團關係企業,永豐餘以造紙為核心事業,發展橫跨造紙業上中下游,營業項目眾多,包含紙漿與紙及有關化學原料之生產及買賣、紙類之加工買賣及代理、機械設備之設計製造及買賣、造林林產加工及造紙原料買賣、各種印刷品之設計、印刷裝訂等業務…等等。 為落實紙業上中下游服務一貫化,2009年合併成立YFYJupiter公司,提供品牌包裝設計服務。 Jupiter Group創立於1996年,為經營美國零售通路包裝設計及印刷管理之公司。2009年永豐餘工業用紙負責國際客戶開發之國際行銷部與其合併成立YFYJupiter公司,目前於大中華區擁有26個自有印刷與造紙生產基地。國際級客戶多為全球知名企業:DELL、HP、ASUS、Lenovo、Toshiba、Wal-Mart、Target、Lowes、Home-Depot 、P&G、Nestle、Kraft等。 捷比達(YFYJupiter)自七月一日起合併英國知名繪圖設計公司Prestige Group,整併後之新公司更名為Jupiter Prestige Group(JPG),全球品牌繪圖包裝業重新整合。同時,其未來將完整串聯原包裝繪圖設計作業、印務管理,提供全方位且一站式的專業服務。此次合併案除提升捷比達的品牌包裝設計能力外,更將對客戶的服務範圍從美國、亞太,延伸到歐洲與澳洲。 捷比達為美國第三大包裝管理及行銷公司,專精替品牌量身打造包裝設計;而英商Prestige Group在繪圖設計領域的優異表現且深耕歐洲市場、客戶來源穩定。此次跨國整合,除了統整雙方的技術優勢與客戶群,並藉由Prestige Group擅長的設計流程系統,可使JPG成為全球繪圖設計包裝界的領導者。 整併後的JPG,從上游的繪圖包裝、品牌設計與圖像攝影,到下游的印務及包材管理,一站式的統包服務將大幅縮短客戶的產品上架時間與成本,更有效率的協助各品牌快速貼近市場脈動。未來JPG公司據點將遍及美國、歐洲、亞洲和澳洲,包括芝加哥、舊金山、達拉斯、倫敦、墨爾本與深圳、香港、台北等地。旗下近350位專業技術人才,可服務來自全球各地的品牌客戶。 歡迎具備品牌包裝設計、業務通路開發及銷售長才的您,加入捷比達團隊。

Industry Sector
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Main Products

Packaging design & production Brand management Styleguide creation Graphic design (SKU) execution Photography Complex structural design Rightsizing Display design Offset & litho printing Fulfillment & JIT delivery Master shippers, paper pallets, slip sheets CAPE container utilization reports Testing & certification Global project management


◆ 分紅 1.每年員工紅利 ◆ 獎金/禮金 1.年終獎金 2.三節禮金 3.勞動節禮金 4.生日禮金 ◆ 保險類 1.勞保 2.健保 3.員工團保 4.勞退金提撥 ◆ 休閒類 1.國內旅遊 2.部門聚餐 ◆ 請 / 休假制度 1.週休二日 2.特休/年假 ◆ 其他 1.員工購物優惠 2.健康檢查 ◆ 補助類 1.結婚禮金 2.生育津貼 3.員工及眷屬喪葬補助

Company & Workplace


Finance Manager (Location: Malaysia) 香港商捷比達有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
Job Responsibilities: 1. Ensures business processes, administration, and financial management. 2. Maintains accounting system. 3. Leads planning and forecasting activities with business partners to achieve business and company goals. 4. Reviews financial reports. 5. Prepares financial forecasts. 6. Monitors financial details to ensure legal compliance. 7. Analyzes revenue, expenses, cash flows, and balance sheets. 8. Assists management to make financial decisions. 9. Supervises employees. 10. Investigates means to improve profitability. 11. Reviews and processes payments of the company. 12. Maintains an accurate filing and record keeping system for all financial statements and company documents. 13. Participates in the execution of changes to procedures, policies, and systems to facilitate expansion, compliance, and scaling of the business. 14. Any other ad-hoc assignment as assigned by the Management
English Required
10/14 Updated
Finance & Admin Manager (Location: Vietnam) 香港商捷比達有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
Job Responsibilities: 1. Plan and review the company's accounting operations and review all accounting operations to meet the requirements of national and regional tax and custom regulations. 2. Prepare & Review financial statements monthly / quarterly / yearly, conduct an analysis and review/report of abnormal items. 3. Review daily AR / AP and management monthly /quarter cashflow Responsible for full spectrum of payroll management; and ensure full payroll compliance to statutory regulations and company policies.
10/14 Updated
System Analyst 香港商捷比達有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
Job Descriptions: • As part of the corporate MIS team, you will work closely with BA and IT team members on MIS application projects and support • Provide the 1st tier support to our regional offices (Asia and North America), including use case follow up, resolving system issues from daily operation, and streamlining business process; • Provide user training on system operation procedures and assist user on system configuration; • Customize reports according to business requirements; • Prepare and continuously enhance application support documents and training materials.
Senior Level
English Required
10/14 Updated
Business Operation Excellence Senior Manager/Director (Location: Taipei) 香港商捷比達有限公司台灣分公司
Salary negotiable
1.Organizational Leadership: Serve as the Business Analytics Head, responsible for building the organization in line with the business strategy, including staff recruitment and team building. 2.Strategic Planning and Execution: Lead the team in planning and executing system integration and process improvements to support company growth and meet business needs. 3.Business Application Oversight: Oversee the collection, assessment, design, planning, development, implementation, and management of business application systems (e.g., ERP, BPM, HRM, etc.) from requirements gathering to post-go-live operations. 4.Process Improvement: Drive initiatives focused on long-term cost savings and efficiency improvements with a strong return on investment (ROI). 5.Process and Operations Management: Oversee the design, implementation, and management of business processes and operations. 6.Operational Strategy Development: Develop and implement strategic plans to enhance productivity, quality, and operational efficiency. 7.Cross-Functional Collaboration: Collaborate with all levels of management to ensure processes and operations align with business objectives. 8.Growth Facilitation: Propose and implement forward-looking plans to facilitate smoother business development and drive company growth.
English Required
10/14 Updated