
Company Introduction

2500 Employees
Contact Person
■ 全球滙豐 滙豐是全球最大的銀行及金融服務機構之一。我們透過四大環球業務向超過 4,000 萬名客戶提供服務,業務包括:個人金融暨財富管理(含環球私人銀行)、企業金融業務、環球銀行及資本市場、證券及投資信託業務。我們的業務網絡遍及歐洲、亞洲、中東及非洲、北美與拉丁美洲,覆蓋全球 63個國家和地區。 滙豐在全球設有 3,900 多個辦事處,旨在發揮自身獨有的專業知識、業務能力、廣泛網絡和深入洞察,為客戶開拓新機。我們網羅人才,集思廣益,匯聚資本,不斷推動進步與成長,幫助建構更美好的世界,造福我們的客戶、員工、股東、社區以及共同居住的地球。 滙豐控股有限公司於倫敦、香港、紐約、巴黎與百慕達證劵交易所掛牌上市,股東約 203,000 名,遍布全球 132 個國家和地區。 ■ 滙豐銀行在台灣 滙豐銀行於1984年在台北正式設立分行,在台超過30年歷史,在個人金融財富管理及企業金融業務上均有卓越的表現。2008年3月底正式合併中華商銀後,迄今有26家的分行及2000多名員工。除了提供金融服務之外,滙豐也在台灣持續推行永續發展計畫,長期關懷環境保育與教育等社會議題,長年贊助關渡自然公園濕地保育及環境教育計畫,以及博幼社會福利基金會的弱勢學童課後輔導計畫,每年更號召員工捐贈文具用品給伊甸社會福利基金會所服務的弱勢社區學童,並鼓勵員工從事志工服務,積極參與各項環保與社區服務活動,將回饋社會的承諾落實為具體的服務,善盡企業社會責任。為慶祝滙豐集團成立 150 周年,2015 年更針對兒童與教育、環保及老人福利等三大議題,加碼贊助七大公益團體,共計捐贈總金額約新台幣 6,820 萬元的捐款及愛心文具禮物給相關公益團體。本行的長期付出與努力受到高度肯定,2022年連續十二年榮獲天下雜誌「天下永續公民獎」,蟬聯「外商銀行」第一的寶座、以及2022 TCSA 台灣企業永續獎「台灣十大永續典範外商企業獎」。 ■ 最佳工作場所 滙豐致力於成為最佳工作場所,於2007年起,進行不記名的全球員工意見調查,調查範圍涵蓋所有全球各地員工,目的在蒐集員工對於銀行之真誠意見及改進建議,並提出各項改進的行動方案。過去幾年來,在所有主管持續不斷地與同仁溝通、分享、並努力實踐改善方案下,同仁的回饋意見確實造就了改變,進而顯著地提升了員工認同度。滙豐銀行台灣於2011年,在23個國家、130個金融機構中脫穎而出,獲得專業金融機構顧問公司-Asian Banker 頒發的「最佳員工認同度 Best Employee Engagement」殊榮;2021年勇奪遠見雜誌「企業社會責任獎」幸福企業組首獎;2018-2020年榮獲HR Asia「台灣最佳雇主獎」,並榮獲勞動部「工作生活平衡獎」的肯定!

Industry Sector

Main Products

■ 個人金融暨財富管理業務 滙豐(台灣)遵循集團策略在未來5年將以每年數億台幣的投資規模,用於擴充財富管理團隊與專業人才的培訓、全面升級高資產客群的財富管理客製化服務、持續投資數位化平台與強化全球化服務以滿足客戶的多元理財需求等面向,讓台灣客戶能享受更優質的金融服務。2022年我們於台北旗艦分行和桃園大興旗艦分行設置財富管理中心,引進頂尖的軟硬體設備,由專業理財團隊,提供客戶專屬尊榮禮遇、世界級財富管理服務與優質舒適的體驗。滙豐在台長期深耕財富管理服務,2023年亦囊括多項大獎,包括《財訊》「 外商銀行最佳財富管理獎」、FinanceAsia「2023台灣最佳國際銀行」、台灣建築中心「ESG友善獎」等等。 在個人金融的領域,我們提供包含了存款、信用卡、信用貸款與房貸等服務。透過持續的產品研發與數位化創新,提供給客戶最優質的金融服務。 ■ 企業金融業務 企業金融方面,我們以全球豐富經驗及資源,提供企業各種針對其營運需求而專業設計之金融產品。除了聯貸業務,外匯交易在台灣佔一席之地外,證券保管更連續三年獲得《財資》台灣地區最佳次保管銀行殊榮。迄今,滙豐銀行已是兩岸三地最大金融集團之一,擁有完備的金融網路,提供客戶更省時、更省事、更省錢的金融服務。同時也榮獲「最佳貿易融資案例- ESG」之獎項。


■ 兼具市場競爭性及內部公平性的薪酬制度 滙豐提供具市場競爭性及內部公平性的薪酬,以吸引、激勵及保留優秀的人才。除了固定薪資外,透過績效獎金制度與員工分享公司營運成果;我們根據員工個人的績效表現與價值觀行為展現決定績效獎金發放的金額,反映滙豐銀行以價值觀為導向的高績效文化。 ■ 充滿關懷的福利措施 針對每位同仁及其家庭的身心健康是我們的財富,因此我們以員工需求出發,規劃了一系列的福利措施: - 完善的團體保險計劃,部份險種並涵蓋至配偶、子女及父母 - 每年享有10,000健檢額度及半天的健檢假 - 享一天的生日假 - 優於勞基法的年休假制度 - 領先業界的20週產假/收養假,及28天的陪產(檢)假 - 滿足個人需求的彈性工作方案,提供時間上的彈性與結合「辦公室工作」 與 「遠距工作」的混合式工作型態 - 業界首創的多元同居伴侶無差異化福利制度 - 退休金制度 - 職工福利 - 員工交易優惠 - 員工認股計劃 - 員工舒壓減壓方案 - EAP員工協助方案 - 服務年資表揚 - 托兒協助方案 - 哺乳室 〈激勵成長 滙見新可能 〉 滙豐鼓勵多元共融,我們尊重語言各異、各有所長的每一位同仁,並主動發掘不同觀點。我們擁有完整的學習平台Degreed與課程規劃,協助同仁發展未來所需的技能;同仁也可以透過跨國部門專案平台Talent Marketplace,將個人專業與全球專案匹配,通過參與自身業務領域以外的專案,從而建構新技能,獲取經驗。 誠摯邀請您加入滙豐,與各地的滙豐夥伴們共同合作,拓展人際網絡,探索新可能;並利用滙豐各項內外優勢與策略,一同滙通全球,開創新機!

Company & Workplace


01892024 Foreign Exchange/Money Market (Interbank) Operations Officer 環球資本市場營運部 副理 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Salary negotiable
【加入滙豐 成就職涯】 我們理想遠大,加入滙豐,您將成就更多! 如果您正在尋找能讓你更加突出的事業,加入滙豐,發揮您的潛能,讓您更加耀眼。 If you're looking for a career that will help you to stand out, join HSBC and fulfill your potential. HSBC作為全球最大金融服務機構之一,我們不僅提供多樣化的金融商品服務,也提供跨國多元之職涯發展機會。不論您現在正在尋找工作機會、或者渴望未來轉換職涯跑道,我們誠摯歡迎對金融產業有熱情、有抱負的您加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community,接收HSBC第一手職缺及職涯相關消息! 請立即複製以下連結,註冊加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community! https://mycareer.hsbc.com/en_GB/talentcommunity?pipelineId=2455 滙豐證券服務部: 作為業界先驅的國際級銀行,不論是現在或未來,滙豐證券服務部提供了強大與可靠的解決方案,以提高績效和降低風險。滙豐證券服務部提供包括證券保管、結算、股務、資金匯兌服務及基金會計、基金事務服務給國際及國內專業投資機構 ( 如:銀行、證券商、基金公司、壽險公司等)。 As part of the world’s leading international bank, HSBC Securities Services provides robust and reliable solutions that enhance performance and mitigate risk, today and in the future. Working with institutional investors, banks, insurance companies, governments and multinational corporations, HSBC Securities Services offers a range of fund administration, global custody, sub-custody and clearing, and corporate trust and loan agency services. This position job holder operates within MSS Operations handled all phases of the trade lifecycle and is required to deal with both internal and external stakeholders. This Team not only serves as the primary processing agent for FX/MM, but is also a central control component ensuring compliance of varied regulatory reporting and control. Scope of coverage includes but is not limited to spot, forward, money market trades and cash management. In addition to daily trade processing, the position holder will support project implementation as well. Daily trade processing, confirmation and settlement for corporate client trades Daily cashflow projection to facilitate nostro funding management Investigation and resolving operational issues with both internal and external stakeholders Daily position reconciliations against accounting platform Reporting on regulatory reporting, internal performance and control metrics Assisting with internal and external audits Performing End-of-day trade population checks Ad-hoc queries Support project implementation on innovation around system automation, reporting, process or control.
English Required
10/11 Updated
01612024 VP Wealth Business Services 財富管理作業部 副總裁 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Salary negotiable
Digital Business Services is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. Digital Business Services combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. People responsibility: Y Report to: SVP WPB Operations Job Content: - Plans, directs and manages the operations of Wealth Services. Ensure that the operational support provided to customers, branches and line department is cost effective, efficient, and of high quality, whist complying with Group standards. - By ongoing review of operations and regular discussion with the business on how to achieve or improve customer service. - By delivering agreed SLAs with CGs for trust products and promptly reply Customer Groups query arisen from the services issues. Correct the error with root cause analysis along with effective action plans. - Cost efficiency is achieved through the elimination of non-value added transactions, automation of transactions and insourcing of processes, resulting in reductions in operational headcounts and costs. - Provide supports to new products and resolved issues related to investment services in the confronted timeframe. - Ensure any Assurance review or Internal/External Audit Report is satisfactory. - Minimize the number of customer complaints. - By establishing regular communication with team members and maintaining close relationship with other developments and customer groups in the Bank and Global Custody. - Ensuring the team is working in a good condition and engages in all activities across the Bank and Ops/DBS. The teams can engage any Ops activities and with acceptable Snapshot score. - By managing and maximizing the utilization of resources of the teams to well control operational expenses and by reviewing workflow and seeking STP efficiency to ensure WBS operates within the budget. - Constantly review operational processes and where possible improve them, either via process re-engineering or introduction of automation. - Translate the bank's strategy, vision, and business volume into operational resource plan to make sure the team's cost reflects actual business needs. - Encourage open and 2-way communication channels. Engender staff empowerment, to foster creativity.
Partially Remote
9/30 Updated
01832024 卓越理財客戶服務專員/副理 Premier Relationship Clerk/Officer (國美分行) 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Monthly Salary NT$ 34,000~65,000
【加入滙豐 成就職涯】 我們理想遠大,加入滙豐,您將成就更多! 如果您正在尋找能讓你更加突出的事業,加入滙豐,發揮您的潛能,讓您更加耀眼。 If you're looking for a career that will help you to stand out, join HSBC and fulfill your potential. HSBC作為全球最大金融服務機構之一,我們不僅提供多樣化的金融商品服務,也提供跨國多元之職涯發展機會。不論您現在正在尋找工作機會、或者渴望未來轉換職涯跑道,我們誠摯歡迎對金融產業有熱情、有抱負的您加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community,接收HSBC第一手職缺及職涯相關消息! 請立即複製以下連結,註冊加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community! https://mycareer.hsbc.com/en_GB/talentcommunity?pipelineId=2455 財富管理暨個人金融事業處運用HSBC個人金融專業與財富管理的能力,提供全面性的世界級個人金融解決方案給上百萬的客戶。驅動全世界各主要市場的成長。此事業處包含個人金融、財富管理、保險與資產管理,透過以客戶為中心的定位,創新有效的通路,將我們客戶的經驗差異化,提供領先市場的個人金融暨財富管理解決方案。 工作內容: 在個人金融分行端提供高品質的專業服務,以達到並超越客戶所期望的服務標準: - 密切與CSM配合提供客戶優質服務 - 支援PRM服務Premier客戶,協助其達成各項績效指標 - 發掘並轉介潛在業務機會與客戶服務需求 - 處理分行行政作業(不含櫃員及現金服務),例如Premier客戶之開戶、交易及文件處理,並協助報表產出 To provide high level of professional services in retail banking branches to meet and exceed customer service standards. 1. To contribute by closely working with Sales Floor Manager and BCD to achieve KPIs helping to ensure seamless service to customers visiting branches delivering quality services to customers to ensure customer satisfaction and achievement of service standards 2. To contribute to the successful implementation of wealth management service strategy by acting as back-up to partnered PRM to ensure continuity of customer service managing Premier rooms resources and safety deposit box delivering quality services to Premier customer (transaction, documentation tasks, etc) to ensure customer satisfaction closely partnering with PRM to build and reinforce relationship with Premier customers providing quality service to help retain and acquire Premier customers delivering support to PRM tomaximise customers satisfaction through exceptional customer service 3. To contribute to acquisition of customers and enhancement of customer relationship by identifying service and business potentials and marking referrals to PRM accordingly identifying service and business potentials for making referrals to other business lines, so to deepen customer relationship with the Bank close liaison with colleagues from other lines of business, business segment, products and services 4. To perform branch operational tasks, excluding counter teller services, and ensure efficiency, timeliness, accuracy and professionalism by assisting SFM with admin and MI report consolidating tasks performing operational tasks for Premier customers, e.g. account opening, transaction and documentation performing mortgage loan processing tasks, by providing services to PVA customers performing any operations tasks, and non-cash transactions within the branch 5. To be equipped with multi-service skills and maintain flexibility in service task rotation and assignment by agreeing with supervisor the knowledge and service skill set development plan continuously improving oneself through the implementation of development plan and on the job training
9/30 Updated
01762024 Head of Sustainability, Taiwan 業務規劃部 資深副總裁 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Salary negotiable
At HSBC, the term sustainability means achieving sustained profits for our shareholders, developing long-lasting customer relationships, valuing our highly committed employees and managing the social and environmental impact of our business. Global Sustainability sets global strategy on sustainability and supports on managing the challenges of climate change, managing the social and environmental risks of projects that we finance and identifying business opportunities that have an environmental or social dimension. Global Sustainability oversees HSBC’s global philanthropic programmes - which focus on education and the environment. We are currently seeking a high caliber professional to join our team as Head of Sustainability, Taiwan. -Reporting to: Director, Climate Change Asia Pacific (function) and SVP Business Planning, CEO Office, Taiwan (entity) -People responsibility: Y Role Purpose: -Lead and drive the implementation of HSBC Net Zero Transition Strategy in Taiwan by working closely with Businesses and Functions, as well as with Group and Regional Sustainability teams. -Serve as the go-to subject matter expert on net-zero transition for Businesses and Functions in HSBC Taiwan, in the context of the financial sector and taking into account market policies and regulations. -Support CEO /other EXCO members on key sustainability and climate-related external engagements and communications, for instance with governmental agencies, regulators, industry bodies, academia and local community. -Work closely with the Regional Sustainability senior team, including the Head of Sustainability and Head of Climate Change for Asia Pacific, to plan, manage and execute the Group’s Net Zero Transition Plan in Taiwan -Support the Businesses’ agenda to grow sustainable finance and investments by supporting client engagement, proposition development, GSSS transactions structuring and governance, and capability building initiatives. -Support the Businesses’ agenda to engage clients on their transition to net zero, such as by supporting the client transition plan assessment process. -Manage local donation budget in line with Group and Regional philanthropic strategy. -Activate staff engagement on HSBC Net Zero Transition Strategy.
Partially Remote
9/25 Updated
01822024 Assistant Company Secretary 公司治理處 副總裁 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Salary negotiable
This job category provides advice, guidance and support on corporate governance, statutory, regulatory, governmental, listing and best practice requirements across board, director and corporate structure activities. Manage a small portfolio of supported entities and enable effective operation of their Boards, Committees and line-of-business management committees. This role supports the Company Secretary and Head of Corporate Governance of HSBC Bank (Taiwan) Limited (“HBTW”), in delivering the Corporate Governance & Secretariat (CG&S) function activities across HSBC Taiwan entities. This job category supports the drive to achieve the highest standards of corporate governance globally to support the delivery of Group strategy and to satisfy the expectations of our stakeholders. People responsibility: N Reporting to: Company Secretary and Head of Corporate Governance Principal Accountabilities -Contribute to the organisation and management of the Board and Committee meetings to ensure they function effectively and in accordance with their terms of reference and best practice. This includes: /Support the implementation of the Group and regulatory corporate governance requirements to ensure effective governance /Implement the end-to-end process for Board and Committee meetings in line with expected meeting governance processes, including: Meeting organisation, Paper and report collation and circulation, Minute taking and drafting, Post meeting communication and actions /Provide advice and guidance to ensure effective functioning of the Board and Committee meetings -Manage the corporate and business governance arrangements for subsidiary and other entity boards to ensure they function effectively and in accordance with the applicable corporate governance requirements and best practice. This includes: /Implement the end-to-end process for subsidiary board, committee and LoB meetings /Provide advice, guidance and support to the directors and senior management on corporate governance matters -Manage the discharge of regulatory obligations for supported entities to ensure compliance. This includes: /Manage local filings to ensure that regulatory obligations are met. /Manage changes in legal representatives to ensure that regulatory obligations are met. -Provide advice, guidance and support to the Boards and senior management of supported entities on all corporate governance matters and provide direct support to the Board, Non-Executive Directors, its Committees and senior management. This includes: /Provide advice, support and guidance to facilitate the execution of corporate transactions for HSBC companies and subsidiaries
Partially Remote
9/24 Updated
01802024 Fixed Income Operations Officer 固定收益商品交易部 副理 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Salary negotiable
【加入滙豐 成就職涯】 我們理想遠大,加入滙豐,您將成就更多! 如果您正在尋找能讓你更加突出的事業,加入滙豐,發揮您的潛能,讓您更加耀眼。 If you're looking for a career that will help you to stand out, join HSBC and fulfill your potential. HSBC作為全球最大金融服務機構之一,我們不僅提供多樣化的金融商品服務,也提供跨國多元之職涯發展機會。不論您現在正在尋找工作機會、或者渴望未來轉換職涯跑道,我們誠摯歡迎對金融產業有熱情、有抱負的您加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community,接收HSBC第一手職缺及職涯相關消息! 請立即複製以下連結,註冊加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community! https://mycareer.hsbc.com/en_GB/talentcommunity?pipelineId=2455 滙豐證券服務部: 作為業界先驅的國際級銀行,不論是現在或未來,滙豐證券服務部提供了強大與可靠的解決方案,以提高績效和降低風險。滙豐證券服務部提供包括證券保管、結算、股務、資金匯兌服務及基金會計、基金事務服務給國際及國內專業投資機構 ( 如:銀行、證券商、基金公司、壽險公司等)。 As part of the world’s leading international bank, HSBC Securities Services provides robust and reliable solutions that enhance performance and mitigate risk, today and in the future. Working with institutional investors, banks, insurance companies, governments and multinational corporations, HSBC Securities Services offers a range of fund administration, global custody, sub-custody and clearing, and corporate trust and loan agency services. Job content: 1. Handle day to day BAU operational process on global market products with focus on Fixed Income, including but not limited to trade validation, affirmation, confirmation, settlement, reconciliation and regulatory reports. 2. Cooperate and coordinate an efficient operation for Bonds and Bills Business. 3. To ensure all the transactions undertaken are processed, properly documented, accurately recorded, checked and settled in accordance with local regulations and group guidelines, policies and standards. 4. To ensures adequate Systems /control procedures are well established to cope with business requirement and protect HSBC’s interest 5. To provide immediate and professional response to customer’s query and support business to deliver best client service as one team to enhance clients experience
English Required
9/20 Updated
01782024 Banking Operations Manager 營運部經理 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Salary negotiable
【加入滙豐 成就職涯】 我們理想遠大,加入滙豐,您將成就更多! 如果您正在尋找能讓你更加突出的事業,加入滙豐,發揮您的潛能,讓您更加耀眼。 If you're looking for a career that will help you to stand out, join HSBC and fulfill your potential. HSBC作為全球最大金融服務機構之一,我們不僅提供多樣化的金融商品服務,也提供跨國多元之職涯發展機會。不論您現在正在尋找工作機會、或者渴望未來轉換職涯跑道,我們誠摯歡迎對金融產業有熱情、有抱負的您加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community,接收HSBC第一手職缺及職涯相關消息! 請立即複製以下連結,註冊加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community! https://mycareer.hsbc.com/en_GB/talentcommunity?pipelineId=2455 Digital Business Services is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. Digital Business Services combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. · People responsibility: Y · Report to: VP, Account Services Operation · Job Content: 1. Manage the Banking Operations Business Services undertakes account opening, account servicing, and account closing activities for WPB customers. Account opening scope includes transaction, savings/checking, Term /time deposit accounts. Account Servicing which includes account closing, is undertaken for transaction and savings. 2. To supervise day to day operations, with support to WPB, Contact Center and middle office and vendor, to provide an excellent service to customer by ensuring compliance with Group procedure/policy, local regulatory governance. 3. To release/authorize process within approved credit limit, handle all customer queries, which are beyond the scope of his/her subordinates. 4. This role also includes to manage department service provides and provide necessary for local/ ASP project support. 5. The job holder is responsible for ensuring that processing is performed/in compliance with all internal and external regulation, Global Standard GSD SOP (AML & Sanctions), BICAR, BIMs and FIMs.
English Required
9/18 Updated
01792024 卓越理財客戶服務專員/副理 Premier Relationship Clerk/Officer (台中分行) 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Monthly Salary NT$ 34,000~65,000
【加入滙豐 成就職涯】 我們理想遠大,加入滙豐,您將成就更多! 如果您正在尋找能讓你更加突出的事業,加入滙豐,發揮您的潛能,讓您更加耀眼。 If you're looking for a career that will help you to stand out, join HSBC and fulfill your potential. HSBC作為全球最大金融服務機構之一,我們不僅提供多樣化的金融商品服務,也提供跨國多元之職涯發展機會。不論您現在正在尋找工作機會、或者渴望未來轉換職涯跑道,我們誠摯歡迎對金融產業有熱情、有抱負的您加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community,接收HSBC第一手職缺及職涯相關消息! 請立即複製以下連結,註冊加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community! https://mycareer.hsbc.com/en_GB/talentcommunity?pipelineId=2455 財富管理暨個人金融事業處運用HSBC個人金融專業與財富管理的能力,提供全面性的世界級個人金融解決方案給上百萬的客戶。驅動全世界各主要市場的成長。此事業處包含個人金融、財富管理、保險與資產管理,透過以客戶為中心的定位,創新有效的通路,將我們客戶的經驗差異化,提供領先市場的個人金融暨財富管理解決方案。 工作內容: 在個人金融分行端提供高品質的專業服務,以達到並超越客戶所期望的服務標準: - 密切與CSM配合提供客戶優質服務 - 支援PRM服務Premier客戶,協助其達成各項績效指標 - 發掘並轉介潛在業務機會與客戶服務需求 - 處理分行行政作業(不含櫃員及現金服務),例如Premier客戶之開戶、交易及文件處理,並協助報表產出 To provide high level of professional services in retail banking branches to meet and exceed customer service standards. 1. To contribute by closely working with Sales Floor Manager and BCD to achieve KPIs helping to ensure seamless service to customers visiting branches delivering quality services to customers to ensure customer satisfaction and achievement of service standards 2. To contribute to the successful implementation of wealth management service strategy by acting as back-up to partnered PRM to ensure continuity of customer service managing Premier rooms resources and safety deposit box delivering quality services to Premier customer (transaction, documentation tasks, etc) to ensure customer satisfaction closely partnering with PRM to build and reinforce relationship with Premier customers providing quality service to help retain and acquire Premier customers delivering support to PRM tomaximise customers satisfaction through exceptional customer service 3. To contribute to acquisition of customers and enhancement of customer relationship by identifying service and business potentials and marking referrals to PRM accordingly identifying service and business potentials for making referrals to other business lines, so to deepen customer relationship with the Bank close liaison with colleagues from other lines of business, business segment, products and services 4. To perform branch operational tasks, excluding counter teller services, and ensure efficiency, timeliness, accuracy and professionalism by assisting SFM with admin and MI report consolidating tasks performing operational tasks for Premier customers, e.g. account opening, transaction and documentation performing mortgage loan processing tasks, by providing services to PVA customers performing any operations tasks, and non-cash transactions within the branch 5. To be equipped with multi-service skills and maintain flexibility in service task rotation and assignment by agreeing with supervisor the knowledge and service skill set development plan continuously improving oneself through the implementation of development plan and on the job training
9/18 Updated
016123 VP/AVP Premier Elite Relationship Manager 卓越理財 尊尚客戶關係副總裁/協理 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Salary negotiable
【加入滙豐 成就職涯】 我們理想遠大,加入滙豐,您將成就更多! 如果您正在尋找能讓你更加突出的事業,加入滙豐,發揮您的潛能,讓您更加耀眼。 If you're looking for a career that will help you to stand out, join HSBC and fulfill your potential. HSBC作為全球最大金融服務機構之一,我們不僅提供多樣化的金融商品服務,也提供跨國多元之職涯發展機會。不論您現在正在尋找工作機會、或者渴望未來轉換職涯跑道,我們誠摯歡迎對金融產業有熱情、有抱負的您加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community,接收HSBC第一手職缺及職涯相關消息! 請立即複製以下連結,註冊加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community! https://mycareer.hsbc.com/en_GB/talentcommunity?pipelineId=2455 Wealth and Personal Banking is our new global business combining Retail Banking and Wealth Management; and Global Private Banking, to become one of the world’s largest global wealth managers with USD1.4 trillion in assets. Our dedicated colleagues serve millions of customers worldwide across the entire spectrum of private wealth, ranging from personal banking for individuals and families, through to business owners, investors and ultra-high-net-worth individuals. We provide products and services such as bank accounts, credit cards, personal loans and mortgages, as well as asset management, insurance, wealth management and private banking, that best suit our customers’ needs. Purpose of the Job: - The role is a client facing role managing the HSBC relationship with Premier Elite customers where professionalism, client focus and an expert understanding of financial planning and wealth products are critical to the success of the business. The role holder has a responsibility to acquire, develop and retain relationships with a portfolio of Top Tier Premier clients. - Premier Elite RMs require exceptional ability to build trusting relationships with Premier Elite customers, help customers articulate their needs, and deliver to exceed customer expectations. Success requires getting to know customers on a personal and professional level to understand their short and long term financial goals. They will use deep understanding of the customer’s situation and external market knowledge to educate customers and provide financial advice which leads to highly individualised strategies aimed at wealth creation and capital preservation. - Premier Elite RM is accountable for the performance of their portfolio and needs to ensure it is effectively run within the WPB Target Business Model (TBM) and delivers to Premier Elite segment as defined by HSBC Group. Key responsibility of the Job: - Maximize profit and achievement of the growth of Premier Elite portfolio. - Achieve agreed KPI objectives by development of existing and new relationship. - Build effective relationships with Premier Elite customers to retain and develop sustainable relationships. - Complete regular review with clients to understand their current and long term needs and to educate clients and provide financial advice, which help them achieve their financial goals. - Effective use of tools and information to deliver satisfied clients service and expected performance result. - Maintain a minimum standard of qualifying Premier Elite customers within portfolio.
9/13 Updated
01672024 VP Business Management Support 營運作業部 副總裁 (私人銀行部) / IWS BM 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Salary negotiable
At HSBC, our purpose is opening up a world of opportunity and by joining our team, you can be part of something bigger. We are committed to removing barriers and ensuring careers at HSBC are inclusive and accessible. HSBC Global Private Banking helps high net worth and ultra high net worth clients manage, grow and preserve their wealth for generations to come. Our network of global experts helps clients access investment opportunities around the world, plan for the future with wealth and succession planning, manage their portfolio with tailored solutions, and find the right support for their philanthropy. People responsibility: N Report to: SVP and Head of Business Management Job Purpose: The Investment and Wealth Solution (IWS) BM supports the GPB business and function heads in developing risk & control assessments; executing control monitoring plans; reviewing adequacy of action plans; and reporting and escalating issues. In PBTW, the job holder mainly responsible for below: -Be responsible for delivery of all of outcomes associated with the effective implementation of the client suitability framework/ pricing controls/ product governance etc. -To design/review/validate document/information for Customer Investment Portfolio (CIP) and Professional Investor (PI) -Be the main contact windows for IWS related Audit affairs. -To liaise with back office support teams to ensure all GPB transaction are properly handled. -To prepare reports requested by various entities together with MI reports for senior management evaluation and monitoring. -Ensure all processes are complied with Global FIM guidelines and external regulations. -To assist business manager in responding enquiries regarding various operation issues. Job Context: -Based within BM team in HBTW, Private Banking -Ensure sales quality of business unit and timely implement governance change on investment products as well as provide relevant training -Oversee and the execution of business initiatives and activities in support of business area aims -Facilitate and support senior management decision making by use of management information, performance information, analytics, forums, stakeholder feedback -Participation in devising and monitoring of internal governance activities including risk and controls, regulatory controls, audit and regulatory compliance review remediation -Investigate and remediate ad hoc issues which may be adversely affecting business unit performance -Act as a go to person for all support functions, second and third line of defense on any matters related to Wealth Management. -Maintain Investment and Wealth Solution (IWS) desk procedure manuals and ensure processes are properly updated Major Challenges: -Influencing and co-ordination of risk management activities to ensure a consistent, appropriate, and proportionate approach -Dealing with all the changes that impact Private Banking -Obtaining senior management’s support and resource on various initiatives and projects which are sometimes required to be worked on simultaneously to each other
Partially Remote
9/10 Updated
01662024 Business Management Support Manager 營運作業部 經理 (私人銀行部) / Credit BM 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Salary negotiable
At HSBC, our purpose is opening up a world of opportunity and by joining our team, you can be part of something bigger. We are committed to removing barriers and ensuring careers at HSBC are inclusive and accessible. HSBC Global Private Banking helps high net worth and ultra high net worth clients manage, grow and preserve their wealth for generations to come. Our network of global experts helps clients access investment opportunities around the world, plan for the future with wealth and succession planning, manage their portfolio with tailored solutions, and find the right support for their philanthropy. People responsibility: N Report to: SVP and Head of Business Management Job Purpose: Job holder will be required to manage functional stakeholders and direct report to Business Management Head. Job Context: -Based within BM team in HBTW, Private Banking -Timely implement governance change on credit products as well as provide relevant training. -Oversee and the execution of business initiatives and activities in support of business area aims. -Participate in change implementation projects as required representing the Investment Services and Product Solutions Business Management team -Facilitate and support senior management decision making by use of management information, performance information, analytics, forums, stakeholder feedback -Participation in devising and monitoring of internal governance activities including risk and controls, regulatory controls, audit and regulatory compliance review remediation -Participation in global forums such as risk, project, governance, business committees, as and when required and represent -Investigate and remediate ad hoc issues which may be adversely affecting business unit performance Major Challenges: -To coordinating with the back-office support teams to ensure client transactions are timely and accurately processed without complaints. -To minimize operational risk, including procedure reviewing and improvement. -To ensure audit findings are not repeated. -To ensure Procedure Manuals are up-to-date and the FIM requirement, local regulations are strictly adhered to. -To provide valuable MI reports for management decision making in planning, focusing and redirection. -To assist new products implementation. -To be competence for highly effective communication and presentation skills and an ability to tailor styles to front office, senior management and global peers -To leverage for client-facing, relationship management, sales, servicing or KYC/onboarding experience
Partially Remote
9/10 Updated
009424 Associate, Financial Institutions Group, Global Banking 金融同業業務部副總裁 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Salary negotiable
If you're looking for a career that will help you to stand out, join HSBC and fulfill your potential. 如果您正在尋找能讓你更加突出的事業,加入滙豐,發揮您的潛能,讓您更加耀眼。 HSBC作為全球最大金融服務機構之一,我們不僅提供多樣化的金融商品服務,也提供跨國多元之職涯發展機會。不論您現在正在尋找工作機會、或者渴望未來轉換職涯跑道,我們誠摯歡迎對金融產業有熱情、有抱負的您加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community,接收HSBC第一手職缺及職涯相關消息! 請立即複製以下連結,註冊加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community! https://mycareer.hsbc.com/en_GB/talentcommunity?pipelineId=2455 __________________ The role is responsible for managing key FIG client relationship in leading, acquiring and growing profitable long-term relationships with priority HSBC Global Banking financial institution clients of Taiwan. The holder will need to establish a holistic understanding of the business environment, industry sectors, clients needs, products and solutions and engaging with the top decision makers within the client organisation. The role holder will need to have people management and client-facing responsibilities. People responsibility: N Report to: Report to: Head of GB FIG, ASP / Director and Head of GB, TW Job content: 1. Financial institution coverage banker responsible for managing relationships with domestic and international financial institutions 2. Actively engage with product partners to develop solutions for the managed relationships 3. Support Head of Global Banking with developing Global Banking Taiwan and FIG business management decision / strategy 4. Drive financial performance of the portfolio the individual is responsible for across revenue and profitability metrics 5. Collaborate with HSBC Group and leverage relationship to ensure best outcome for the Group and the clients 6. Collaborate with product partners across Markets and Securities Services and within Global Banking as well as partnering with the Wealth and Personal Bank (including HSBC Asset Management) 7. Act as the first line of defense to protect HSBC against financial crime and to ensure credit risk arising from client relationships is managed appropriately at all times 8. Maintain a robust and efficient control environment ensuring early identification of issues that arise and proactive approach to an appropriate resolution.
Partially Remote
9/09 Updated
01332024 VP Cybersecurity 資訊安全部 副總裁 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Salary negotiable
【加入滙豐 成就職涯】 我們理想遠大,加入滙豐,您將成就更多! 如果您正在尋找能讓你更加突出的事業,加入滙豐,發揮您的潛能,讓您更加耀眼。 If you're looking for a career that will help you to stand out, join HSBC and fulfill your potential. HSBC作為全球最大金融服務機構之一,我們不僅提供多樣化的金融商品服務,也提供跨國多元之職涯發展機會。不論您現在正在尋找工作機會、或者渴望未來轉換職涯跑道,我們誠摯歡迎對金融產業有熱情、有抱負的您加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community,接收HSBC第一手職缺及職涯相關消息! 請立即複製以下連結,註冊加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community! https://mycareer.hsbc.com/en_GB/talentcommunity?pipelineId=2455 Digital Business Services is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. Digital Business Services combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. The Cybersecurity function is responsible for enabling businesses and functions to manage Cybersecurity risks as well as ensuring risk and controls are assessed and implemented appropriately, objectively and independently through professional and specialized subject matter experts People responsibility: N Report to: Chief Information Security Officer Job content 1. Ensure adherence to the three lines of defence organisational model with clear lines of responsibility, accountability and segregation of duties 2. Lead and support peers within the Cybersecurity function to define and implement an industry leading Cybersecurity Service that supersedes our constantly changing information security threats 3. Managing and analysis cyber security threats and incident to safeguard HSBC enviornment. 4. Provide Cyber Secuirty Technical expertise to tackle emerge cyber secuitry threats 5. Skill set to handling Cyber Security technical issue and communicate with business stakeholder and senior management 6. Ensure compliance with internal audit and external regulators that any organisational changes are fit-for-purpose and meet their expectations 7. Analyse and execute activities to ensure compliance with HSBC Cybersecurity policies and standards 8. Contribute to process, procedures and tool identification/development that will strength the bank's response to threats and incidents 9. Assess new technology products and projects utilising security technologies pertinent to the department 10. Engagement with other Global / Regional Cybersecurity teams, senior management and members of the Business when confronted with potential security issues 11. Expand Cyber Security skills, knowledge and experience to enhance the overall capability of the function 12. Maintain and implement cryptographic key management strategies, policies, and controls for safeguarding cryptographic keys to fulfill HSBC and regulatory requirement 13. Governance and support of data loss prevention(DLP) and information protection incident response(IPR) controls
English Required
Partially Remote
9/02 Updated
016023 SVP Premier Elite Sales Head 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Salary negotiable
【加入滙豐 成就職涯】 我們理想遠大,加入滙豐,您將成就更多! 如果您正在尋找能讓你更加突出的事業,加入滙豐,發揮您的潛能,讓您更加耀眼。 If you're looking for a career that will help you to stand out, join HSBC and fulfill your potential. HSBC作為全球最大金融服務機構之一,我們不僅提供多樣化的金融商品服務,也提供跨國多元之職涯發展機會。不論您現在正在尋找工作機會、或者渴望未來轉換職涯跑道,我們誠摯歡迎對金融產業有熱情、有抱負的您加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community,接收HSBC第一手職缺及職涯相關消息! 請立即複製以下連結,註冊加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community! https://mycareer.hsbc.com/en_GB/talentcommunity?pipelineId=2455 Wealth and Personal Banking is our new global business combining Retail Banking and Wealth Management; and Global Private Banking, to become one of the world’s largest global wealth managers with USD1.4 trillion in assets. Our dedicated colleagues serve millions of customers worldwide across the entire spectrum of private wealth, ranging from personal banking for individuals and families, through to business owners, investors and ultra-high-net-worth individuals. We provide products and services such as bank accounts, credit cards, personal loans and mortgages, as well as asset management, insurance, wealth management and private banking, that best suit our customers’ needs. Purpose of the Job: - This is a customer facing role to implement and to drive Premier Elite strategy, including the acquisition of potential Premier Elite customers, relationship maintenance, holistically fulfilment of Premier Elite customers’ multiple needs via various retail and wealth products and services, avocation of HSBC value, and awareness of risk management, and to support Head of Premier Elite and in the delivery of business objective. - With strong leadership, the role would lead and direct Premier Elite RMs to achieve the business objectives and to deliver expected performance measures in line with the business objectives. - Accompanying with the delivery of business objectives, the role would also need to maintain the highest standards of risk management, control, and compliance required by the Group, closely managing and guiding individual and collective control awareness. Key responsibility of the Job: - Lead the team to deliver the expected performance measures. - Ensure sufficient sales activity and effective sales process in place to meet Premier Elite customers’ needs holistically. - Lead the team in line with WPB Target Operating Model and other operational guidelines to achieve consistency of management of our people and delivery of service and sales to Premier Elite customers. - Leverage daily sales activity management information and other internal information tools to ensure the achievement of expected performance measures and business objectives. - Identify and act on factors that would increase local competiveness through the development and execution of sales and/or service strategies and plans.
9/02 Updated
006419 Wealth Product Expert Manager-Insurance 財富顧問協理 (全台各分行) 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Salary negotiable
【加入滙豐 成就職涯】 我們理想遠大,加入滙豐,您將成就更多! 如果您正在尋找能讓你更加突出的事業,加入滙豐,發揮您的潛能,讓您更加耀眼。 If you're looking for a career that will help you to stand out, join HSBC and fulfill your potential. HSBC作為全球最大金融服務機構之一,我們不僅提供多樣化的金融商品服務,也提供跨國多元之職涯發展機會。不論您現在正在尋找工作機會、或者渴望未來轉換職涯跑道,我們誠摯歡迎對金融產業有熱情、有抱負的您加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community,接收HSBC第一手職缺及職涯相關消息! 請立即複製以下連結,註冊加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community! https://mycareer.hsbc.com/en_GB/talentcommunity?pipelineId=2455 Wealth and Personal Banking is our new global business combining Retail Banking and Wealth Management; and Global Private Banking, to become one of the world’s largest global wealth managers with USD1.4 trillion in assets. Our dedicated colleagues serve millions of customers worldwide across the entire spectrum of private wealth, ranging from personal banking for individuals and families, through to business owners, investors and ultra-high-net-worth individuals. We provide products and services such as bank accounts, credit cards, personal loans and mortgages, as well as asset management, insurance, wealth management and private banking, that best suit our customers’ needs. This role is to focusing on the implementation of investment product/sales strategies in assigned area. The main functions include the following: - Working on site to drive investment sales activities for the assigned area to achieve sales targets - Lifting up PRM Insurance professionalism and productivity through various efforts, including training, coaching, joint calls, seminar, and other communication activities - The Premier proposition is strategic priority for HSBC and the role of Insurance Product Expert(IPE) is a key contributor in achieving the proposition objectives. The role is a specialist role and is part of Premier and Wealth sales force. The incumbent is expected to be an expert in insurance/Retirement/Protection etc. - While PRMs are expected to obtain the appropriate licenses and manage all core products, especially crore wealth products, IPEs usually are strategically placed with PRMs who serve higher end clients, namely Premier and Elite. The IPEs will work with the PRMs in preparing and presenting comprehensive solutions that require advanced technical financial and product knowledge, complex data analysis, and recommendations on niche solutions. IPEs join PRMs in sales meeting and work collectively in sales effort, delivering the appropriate product mix suitable to clients’ needs. At times the IPEs may also conduct product training to support and deliver new product launches. The IPEs also need to ensure that the needs-based sales process is adhered to, giving customers a meaningful and consistent wealth experience and ultimately providing an outstanding customer experience. The jobholder is expected to work with PRMs to identify additional opportunities and gain clients’ trust and commitment in broadening and deepening their relationship with HSBC.
English Required
9/02 Updated
005220 卓越理財客戶協理 Premier Sales Manager(建國分行) 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Salary negotiable
If you're looking for a career that will help you to stand out, join HSBC and fulfill your potential. 如果您正在尋找能讓你更加突出的事業,加入滙豐,發揮您的潛能,讓您更加耀眼。 HSBC作為全球最大金融服務機構之一,我們不僅提供多樣化的金融商品服務,也提供跨國多元之職涯發展機會。不論您現在正在尋找工作機會、或者渴望未來轉換職涯跑道,我們誠摯歡迎對金融產業有熱情、有抱負的您加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community,接收HSBC第一手職缺及職涯相關消息! 請立即複製以下連結,註冊加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community! https://mycareer.hsbc.com/en_GB/talentcommunity?pipelineId=2455 Wealth and Personal Banking is our new global business combining Retail Banking and Wealth Management; and Global Private Banking, to become one of the world’s largest global wealth managers with USD1.4 trillion in assets. Our dedicated colleagues serve millions of customers worldwide across the entire spectrum of private wealth, ranging from personal banking for individuals and families, through to business owners, investors and ultra-high-net-worth individuals. We provide products and services such as bank accounts, credit cards, personal loans and mortgages, as well as asset management, insurance, wealth management and private banking, that best suit our customers’ needs. People Responsibility: Y Report to: VP & Branch Manager Job content: To plan, organize, direct, develop, and deliver the Wealth Management services in difference branches in Taiwan. The jobholder is accountable for achieving ROP sales goal of the respective team for Investment, Insurance, TRB, and CIF. Besides achieving AOP, the jobholder is also responsible for growing our market share and establishing HSBC as the most preferred bank for Wealth Management business in the respective area. Effective tactics and a high quality execution are keys to capture the business dynamics and opportunities. - To ensure the growth and profitability of the respective PRM team and to achieve the set ROP - To ensure efficient operations of the respective PRM team and to achieve a high standard of Financial Planning that is in line with the bank's direction - To develop the PRM in the respective team in term of job knowledge and demonstration of the bank's core values - To ensure the effectiveness of cross-team cooperation in the branch - To enhance the image of the bank as a leading player in Wealth Management business in respective area - To foster a positive sales culture that all team members welcome changes and challenges and are highly self-motivated - To safeguard the bank from potential losses
9/02 Updated
01702024 Client Lifecycle Management Quality Check Manager 企業客戶作業管理部 經理 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Salary negotiable
【加入滙豐 成就職涯】 我們理想遠大,加入滙豐,您將成就更多! 如果您正在尋找能讓你更加突出的事業,加入滙豐,發揮您的潛能,讓您更加耀眼。 If you're looking for a career that will help you to stand out, join HSBC and fulfill your potential. HSBC作為全球最大金融服務機構之一,我們不僅提供多樣化的金融商品服務,也提供跨國多元之職涯發展機會。不論您現在正在尋找工作機會、或者渴望未來轉換職涯跑道,我們誠摯歡迎對金融產業有熱情、有抱負的您加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community,接收HSBC第一手職缺及職涯相關消息! 請立即複製以下連結,註冊加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community! https://mycareer.hsbc.com/en_GB/talentcommunity?pipelineId=2455 Digital Business Services is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. Digital Business Services combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. As a Client Lifecycle Management Quality Check Manager the role has to 1. Review CDD profiles for sign off in accordance with the Group Policy, local regulatory requirements and approval authority on CDD/Core Banking System 2.Analyse the risk associated with the client from CDD documents received via public/government website or approval sources and client 3.Recommend/ support CLM Specilist/Case Manager in undertaking further due diligence where required 4.Ensuring customer due diligence reviews are undertaken to the required quality and detail on a timely basis 5.Working effectively with key stakeholders using strong influencing skills to ensure mutually satisfactory resolution of key issues
English Required
8/30 Updated
01322024 Risk and Control Manager/Officer 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Salary negotiable
Digital Business Services is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. Digital Business Services combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. People Responsibility: N The role of CCO Risk & Control is to set up control policy/ framework/ process across HBTW as to ensure full compliance of regulations and internal/Group policies; and to work with key stakeholders to ensure all key risks within HBTW activities and operations are identified, mitigated, and monitored in an appropriate control environment. This role carries the following key responsibilities: 1. Ensuring non-financial risks for WPB are identified, mitigated, and monitored by appropriate control environment 2. Implementing risk and control framework by through control assessment, control monitoring plan, key risk indicators and risk heat map 3. Managing WPB resolution of control issues, audit points, or regulatory gaps, as well as liaison with business team 4. Driving best operational practice through regular testing plan and thematic review. 5. Preparing materials and meeting minutes for managing emerging risks and control effectiveness for risk/control owners 6. Act as the WPB gate keeper on Tax, including US FATCA, OECD CRS and UK regulatory requirements as well as other guidelines cascaded by Group.
Senior Level
English Required
8/26 Updated
VP Tax 稅務部 副總裁 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Salary negotiable
Global Finance aims to provide HSBC with a professional, effective and responsive finance service that operates at optimal cost and employs a common and transparent global model. People responsibility: N Report to: SVP Tax The role holder mainly provides tax advisory support to the business, as well as interpret/enforces tax, to help risk owner manage the impact/risk to the Bank. The job scope o includes, but not limited to: - To provide tax advisory supports as subject matter expert (SME) in the fields of Tax and Transfer Pricing, look after business with respect to their daily operations /product offering, and provide solution-based perspective; - To post tax related accounting entries and work with CPA firm upon preparation and filing of corporate income tax/business tax return; - To conduct the tax risk management and supervise the relevant control procedures so that the tax risks could be mitigated via effective control to an acceptable level; and - To equip open-minded mindset and intelligence to streamline the procedures to enhance job efficiency.
Partially Remote
8/26 Updated
01302024 Senior Client Lifecycle Management Specialist 企業客戶作業管理部 副理 滙豐(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司_HSBC香港上海滙豐
Salary negotiable
【加入滙豐 成就職涯】 我們理想遠大,加入滙豐,您將成就更多! 如果您正在尋找能讓你更加突出的事業,加入滙豐,發揮您的潛能,讓您更加耀眼。 If you're looking for a career that will help you to stand out, join HSBC and fulfill your potential. HSBC作為全球最大金融服務機構之一,我們不僅提供多樣化的金融商品服務,也提供跨國多元之職涯發展機會。不論您現在正在尋找工作機會、或者渴望未來轉換職涯跑道,我們誠摯歡迎對金融產業有熱情、有抱負的您加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community,接收HSBC第一手職缺及職涯相關消息! 請立即複製以下連結,註冊加入HSBC Taiwan Talent Community! https://mycareer.hsbc.com/en_GB/talentcommunity?pipelineId=2455 Digital Business Services is a pivotal part of the Group, providing essential operational and technical support to our global businesses and helping improve customer service and efficiency. Digital Business Services combines global expertise and technology to help keep us ahead of the competition. Job Contents: The role encompasses a number of tasks involving KYC analysis across multiple business lines and ensuring AML Regulations, policies/procedures are maintained and adhered to. This role also involves liaising with the business partners as well as colleagues and senior onshore partners thus ensuring timely resolution of queries. 1.Conduct KYC profile to be in accordance with the Group Policy, local regulatory requirements. 2.Analyze the risk associated with the client from a technical perspective. 3.Ensuring KYC due diligence reviews are undertaken to the required quality and detail on a timely basis. 4.Working effectively with key stakeholders using strong influencing skills to ensure mutually satisfactory resolution of key issues and the respective responsibilities are understood and discharged. 5.Working in close coordination with Client and or respective Relationship Managers (RMs) for deficient KYC information required in order to complete KYC requirements including drafting Risk Support Statements (where required) as per policy applicable and assist RM to complete client’s requests excluded credit documentation/facility. 6.The role holder will be central in contributing to one of the Group’s three strategic imperatives – Global Standards. 7.He / She will be responsible for driving the execution of client due diligence on the relevant client portfolio (existing / new) to the highest standards to help mitigate Financial Crime Risk.
English Required
8/26 Updated