Molex Taiwan Ltd._台灣莫仕股份有限公司

Company Introduction

630 Employees
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人力資源處 邱小姐
認識MOLEX公司 Molex於1938年成立於的美國的伊利諾州,並於2013年被美國科氏工業集團(英文名稱Koch Industries)收購,成為私人公司。 目前Molex在全球40個國家分別設有據點及工廠並擁有超過10萬種產品,這些產品皆由超過 40,000 名敬業的員工一起努力完成。 在2014年時,光聯通訊(Oplink Communications Co., Ltd.) 亦被科氏工業集團收購,並由科氏工業集團中的子公司Molex莫仕公司管理,為美國莫仕公司旗下一員。 全球電子解決方案領先企業 Molex是一家先進電子元件全球龍頭供應商,提供各種連接器、電纜元件、介面方案和壓接工具,服務於電信、電腦網路、交通、消費類產品和航空航太等領域。每年,我們提供的解決方案成為這些行業的標準,並推動了這些行業的創新。我們是一家真正的全球性公司,擁有世界一流的製造基地,並且財力雄厚。作為公司的一員,你不僅有很多機會增長個人技能,實現個人目標,也能支援全球的技術領先地位。 我們提供服務的行業,包括:消費類產品、電子設備、移動設備、電腦和汽車行業。30多年來,我們在台灣建設世界一流設施,全面建設員工隊伍,並發掘該地區的業務增長機會。 認識Oplink公司 光聯通訊(Oplink Communications Co., Ltd.)為全球著名企業美國科氏(Koch)工業集團下屬莫仕(Molex)公司之全資企業,致力於為各種應用提供創新型光纖及集成解決方案。莫仕公司除了發展光纖業務外,還服務於移動設備、通信、消費電子、工業和醫療電子領域,是全球領先的互連產品和集成解決方案提供商之一。光聯通訊則是全球最重要的光無源和有源通訊器件、模組及子系統供應商之一,服務于全球通訊領域一流的電信、數據通訊和有線電視設備製造商等,實踐以市場為基礎的管理思想(Market Based Management),為客戶提供創新型系統集成解決方案,打造對社會有真正價值的產品。

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(三重廠的商品及服務項目) 專業軟性電路板製造廠,主要生產單層、雙層和多層軟硬結合電路板組件(多達10層線路) ;阻抗控制和高速軟性電路板產品等產品,提供給汽車、消費產品、數據、工業、醫療、軍事、網路、電信等科技使用。 (淡水廠的商品及服務項目) 專業電子連接器製造廠,生產之產品主要提供給電腦週邊設備、通訊、汽車、一般消費性產品等高科技工業使用。 (新店廠的商品及服務項目) 致力於設計、生產、銷售高性能光纖網路器件及集成光學模組,主導產品包括光開關、耦合器、光纖跳線等被動光通訊元件,客戶包括ASML, OSAKI, CORNING, LEONI, Melbye, ASB等世界知名大廠。 (新竹廠的商品及服務項目) 開發一波長100Gb/s PAM4光收發模組。透過專注於完整的光電元件、封裝及應用之垂直整合設計、開發與創新,創造更高價值之產品與解決方案。結合這些技術,單一波長100Gb/s PAM4光收發模組應用在資料中心內部、資料中心互連系統(DCI)和5G無線領域,為一系列形形色色的應用提供了針對高頻寬的支援。主要客戶包括Cisco, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Nokia, Huawei等。 * 有關莫仕公司及所生產產品之相關介紹,請至網址 或 中參閱詳細內容 *


(1) 薪資福利 具市場競爭力的保障年薪,另依公司營運及個人績效,每年另有額外營運績效獎金。業務人員則依個人及團隊績效,每半年計算一次業績獎金。 (2) 週休二日,享勞健保勞退及團保 (3) 完善的教育訓練制度 (4) 完善的保險項目:除勞、健保之外, 公司亦有規劃員工團保, 項目涵蓋醫療、壽險、意外險及癌症險。 (5) 免費捷運站接駁車: 淡水廠之接駁車路線為淡水及紅樹林站 (6) 生日禮金及年節獎金 (7) 員工旅遊 (8) 員工福利委員會: 婚喪補助及各類社團活動補助….等福利 (9) 人性化的管理制度與多元的溝通管道 (10) 關懷員工與子女健康,設置先進哺乳室,方便女性同仁使用

Company & Workplace


Sr. CAE Engineer, Material Modeling (彈性工作地點:淡水/新店/三重/hybrid) Molex Taiwan Ltd._台灣莫仕股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Your Job - Molex is seeking a world class, self-directed Sr. CAE Engineer to develop advanced FEA modeling techniques for glass fiber reinforced plastic (e.g. LCP) materials used in high-speed datacom interconnect products, and to develop next generation high-speed interconnect product. This role requires in-depth understanding the behavior of glass fiber reinforced plastic materials, as well as relevant simulation experience using commercially available FEA tools. Our Team - At Molex, we not only employ some of the most talented people from all over the world, we work to help cultivate tomorrow's breakthroughs. From our corporate headquarters in Lisle, IL to manufacturing floors around the world, the Molex team is dedicated to helping further the limits of technology. What You Will Do -Characterize the mechanical properties of glass fiber-reinforced plastic materials (e.g., LCP). Develop FEA modeling techniques to accurately simulate these mechanical characteristics and correlate the results with experimental tests. -Model and simulate the prediction of fiber orientation during injection molding process of polymer composite. Map the predicted fiber orientations and calculated material properties to Abaqus for structural finite element analysis. -Lead the development of new products and direct the activities of multifunctional team(s) according to the priorities set by engineering management. -Conduct and coordinate FEA simulations for high-speed interconnect systems. -Recommend changes in designs or technical procedures. -Provide input, ideas, and suggestions to create effective structural design guidance and documentations. -Work in laboratory environment to obtain material property and capture force-displacement curve using Instron machine. -Stay updated on emerging technologies in Mechanical Engineering for Data Center products, drive research in areas including interference fit, thermal aging and anisotropic material modeling. -Publish technical papers and patents. Who You Are (Basic Qualifications) - B.S. Degree in Mechanical or Related Engineering Discipline - 3+ years of Mechanical/Material Engineering Experience. - 3+ years of ABAQUS FEA Simulation Software Experience. - 2+ years of experience in CAD software and product design, such as NX. - Experience in composite glass fiber reinforcement plastic material modeling. - Experience with injection molding tool, such as MoldFlow or Moldex. - Experience with glass fiber mapping tools, such as DigiMat or Converse. What Will Put You Ahead - M.S. or Ph.D. Degree in Mechanical/Material Engineering or Related Engineering Discipline. - Experienced in mechanical testing for validation of simulation purposes. - Established records of invention such as patent ownership or technical paper authorship. At Koch companies, we are entrepreneurs. This means we openly challenge the status quo, find new ways to create value and get rewarded for our individual contributions. Any compensation range provided for a role is an estimate determined by available market data. The actual amount may be higher or lower than the range provided considering each candidate’s knowledge, skills, abilities, and geographic location. If you have questions, please speak to your recruiter about the flexibility and detail of our compensation philosophy.
Partially Remote
10/11 Updated