
Company Introduction

1500 Employees
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中良工業股份有限公司-TLC隸屬於南良集團,成立於1979年,為一貫化服務的功能性紡織品材料公司,擁有織造、染整與後處理加工、功能性塗佈、貼合等核心技術;除代理各國際材料品牌之外,也經營自有品牌,提供客戶多功能性的新穎產品與專業服務。面對日益變化的市場需求,中良與時俱進,並以客戶為中心,滿足客戶各式需求。 中良秉持著「結合永續力、整合生產力、聚合創造力」的精神與責任,提供各種功能、永續、結合流行性布料,研發設計符合市場與客戶需求的創新材料,加以數位化的技術,提高差異化、個性化的織物設計流程,縮短布料設計與開發的交期時間;以及結合線上的電子樣冊讓全球設計師與客戶,不因距離、時差而侷限,大幅提升與客戶溝通的即時性與效率。為達到愛護地球、減少環境汙染的悲歌,中良各項產品的研發和製作,都將環保元素列為最主要的考量因素,進而取得 GRS認證,以及導入Higg Index驗證系統;從聚酯回收材料的使用、生質原料和廢棄物的再利用等,以及對環境和人類友善的貼合與加工,都以降低能源消耗以及減少製造汙染物為初衷,期盼為地球永續共盡心力。 中良放眼未來,持續不間斷的挑戰自我,追求創新與進步,願意接受不同的挑戰,提供客戶更優質的服務、多樣性的產品選擇,與客戶攜手前進,共創商機與希望。 Tiong Liong Industrial Co., Ltd. (TLC) established in 1979 and we are subsidiary under Namliong Group. Tiong Liong has been supplying functional textile and materials with constant services to brand customers for over four decades. Our core textile techniques include weaving, dyeing and finishing, functional treatment and coating, and lamination technology. Despite we are licensed distributor for numerous global functional material brand, we operate our own-brand textile and materials to provide brand customers with versatile and novel textile and professional services. Facing the rapid changing of the market demand, we keep focusing on satisfying customers. Tiong Liong complies the spirit "Bond With Sustainability, Bond With Integrity, Bond With Creativity" to innovate and develop textile and materials with functionality yet sustainability to the market. In addition, we apply digital design technique to advance textile development to be more divergence and personality. Furthermore, we adopt e-material showcasing online to make effective communication on fabric development and streamline selection process without comprising time difference and distance. To achieve the goal of loving the earth and reduce the impact on the environment, each innovation and product development of Tiong Liong considers sustainability as the top priority. Meanwhile, we have certified for Global Recycling Standard (GRS) as well as apply Higg Index system in our product lifecycle. It means from the use of recycled polyester, bio-based raw materials, turning waste into reusable resources, and using environmental friendly lamination technique, all of these implement aim to decrease the consumption of natural resource and energy, and therefore to reduce the impact of pollution and waste. Tiong Liong looks forward to the greater future so we continue challenging and advancing ourselves for providing better services and expanding product diversity. Meanwhile, we keep taking responsibility to the environment and creating more business opportunities for brand customers.

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■ 獎金 1. 各職務皆有相對應獎金 1.1.績效獎金 1.2.行銷獎金 1.3.業務獎金 1.4.生產獎金 1.5.研發獎金 2. 年終獎金 3. 端午、中秋、勞動禮卷及生日禮金。 ■ 順暢的升遷管道 ■ 保險類 1. 依法提撥勞保、健保、6%的勞工退休金 2. 免費團體保險 3. 免費定期員工健康檢查 / 資深員工高額健康檢查 4. 職委會住院津貼 ■休閒類 1.每年舉辦年終尾牙,犒賞員工。 2.部門聚餐 3.社團活動 4.旅遊補助:職委會每年旅遊補助以及3年以上的資深員工旅遊補助 ■ 鼓勵員工在職教育,並提供多元化教育訓練 (教育訓練獲得勞動部人才發展品質管理系統銅牌) 1.新進人員:完整的三天新人實體教育訓練+6門E-learning紡織內訓+新人共識營 2.中良數位E-learning線上學習網站課程 3.南良學院中高階課程 4.讀書會 5.語言課程 6.外訓課程全額補助 ■ 請 / 休假制度 1.週休二日 2.優於勞基法的休假制度 3.優於勞動法:兄弟姐妹及子女的結婚假 ■補助類 1.婚喪喜慶補助金 2.生育津貼 3.健康檢查補助 4.員工在職進修補助 5.住院慰問金 6.員工教育獎助學金 7.子女教育獎助學金 8.車輛津貼補助 9.公務電話通話費補助 10.中餐補助,備有自助式員工餐廳,提供營養豐富的餐食。 ■駐外人員福利 1.駐外保險 2.返台假 3.駐地宿舍或房屋津貼補助 4.駐地供餐 5.返台交通費:來回機票、從機場至住家的交通津貼 6.親屬探親機票及住宿 7.攜眷子女學費補助 8.述職津貼 9.績效獎金 年終獎金等 10.員工旅遊 11.其他優於國內人員的福利 ■其他 1.備有汽、機車停車位。 2.多家飯店及餐廳特約商店折扣

Company & Workplace


軟體設計工程師(清泉廠) 中良工業股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,000~50,000
1. 程式撰寫與開發 2. 系統維護及問題處理 3. 主管交辦事項
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/20 Updated